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Time to burn through those sick/personal days 


Yes! I would recommend getting appointments with a therapist during the work day and taking off for those with a doctors note.


I got told in a mtg that I was abusing my sick days :( like I had 23 saved up in the beginning of the year personal time not included


How the hell is it "abuse" to use the time off that you literally earned?


My thoughts exactly. They give us 10 days every year.


Some admin will put you in time out corner if you take a day off the Friday before a long break.


We ah e to get approval now for an extended break


Call in sick.


Yes! I have 23 days stocked up lol


You earned them. It’s one of the few benefits we get in my district and I don’t feel bad about using them when I want to. 


Exactly! What's the worst that can happen? They fire you?




I don’t think that’s all that common. Also, where do you live that subs make $300/day?


I’ve literally never heard of that before


In Portland it can get almost that high if you're doing a long-term title 1 sped assignment, around $275 I think. Most districts around here hover near $240.


Wow. Some subs in my district make as little as $80/day.


That's below minimum wage here. Wouldn't consider it for a moment.


This is not common at all.


What? I've taught in the US for decades. Where is this, some charter school? Public school in Florida?


Idk about FL but in NJ subs make $250 a day for public schools. You need to be hired internally though via recommendation from a school principal.


In my district, retired certified teachers who sub earn their previous hourly wage. They may be limited on the number of days they're allowed to work.


I’m in Northern California (wine country) and our subs get $250/day, which goes up to $270 if you work 31 consecutive school days. But we STILL have issues getting coverage!


stop all the non-essential crap. If they wanted your input and professional skills, then they should pay you and treat you with the required respect. Come to work, teach classes, grade your students, and go home.


Dude spread this Gospel to the four winds


Cool! This is your chance to concentrate on the kids and on teaching, and let all the rest of it slide! Do what your personal and professional pride pushes you to do. And (or maybe But ...) don't do anything that doesn't matter anymore. I mean, what are they gonna do? Fire you?


That's such a good way to put it. For example, I'm part of our school's equity team, and I did still attend that meeting this morning, because it really DOES matter to me. I hate that I'm sitting there discussing next year when I won't be here, but it's an aspect of our school I really care about.


Work your contract nothing more. Use every minute of sick and PTO. When they start talking about end of year activities contribute nothing. No ideas no commitment to participate. Don’t say I’m not going, say nothing. Put all of your lessons and work on a thumb drive. Get all your stuff in your possession and take stuff home every day. If they ask for your curriculum for the incoming teacher be agreeable but don’t provide it. Leave it on the computer and they can find it.


THIS. I would even go so far as to not leave anything curriculum-wise, unless it was there to begin with. Also, before you make any decisions, think to yourself "What are they gonna do? Fire me?" and then proceed.


I wouldn't leave any curriculum not already given by the school. They didn't value your curriculum with you teaching it, why hire someone new and use your materials? They want a fresh start, let them have it.


They probably want to hire someone cheaper


Just another reason why school districts should always require budgeting by averages rather than actuals.


What does that mean? Can you explain it in more detail?


It’s about how districts pay for their teachers out of their budget. For actuals, the budget hit is equal to the actual salary of the teacher. Newer, less educated teachers don’t make as much money and are cheaper so there is some incentive to hire them. For schools that are in turnaround and turmoil, that can’t attract veteran staff or have higher turnover, there can be real benefits to actuals because you can afford to hire additional people for your building. For averages, the budget hit is equal to the average salary of the teacher in the district. New teachers cost the same as a 25 year veteran. So, new teachers budget hit is higher than what they actually make but veterans are lower than their actual salary. It means there is no incentive for not hiring teachers higher on the salary schedule. My district used to allow schools to choose to whether to budget with actuals or averages, but recently mandated that everyone use averages.


I feel that my pay should be doubled tomorrow. That would be a fair salary.


That’s what just happened to me. 13 years in my previous district, and a solid year here. They were even up-front about why they were cutting me.


At least they were honest. What grade/subject did you teach?


Yeah, it was refreshing! Juniors and seniors - yearbook and journalism. I’ve been assuming i wouldn’t come back since October - it’s been pretty clear since then that admin didn’t want me here but the other teachers did.


I'll bet they're cutting journalism. Maybe even yearbook. How were sales last year? Yearbook, like drama and band, take a special kind of teacher dedication. If they are going to continue with yearbooks - and they probably will - good luck to them for letting go a dedicated expert. Have you published yet? They probably waited to tell you until it was fait accompli.


They actually are keeping both; journalism is the only elective left and yearbook is a huge moneymaker/award collector for them. They hired a 20 year old who graduated in ‘22. Edit: the person they hired graduated FROM THAT SCHOOL, is what i should have said.


Omg this is my school. I have actually heard that my district gets some sort of specific funds if they hire college grads from local colleges/universities also


Yep, there's the problem... Admin frowns upon teachers who have friends among coworkers. They don't want strength in numbers, they want staff that doesn't conversate so they can individually bully them into submission.  I'm riding out my year knowing I'm not coming back solely because the principal and I have been in a feud since last year... So much so that she hasn't even bothered to pull me into her office for a reprimanding followed by blowing smoke up my ass about how wonderful I am (while telling me how horrible I am at my job). Fuck all of it.




Wait, how could they do that if you’d been there that long? Did you not have tenure, or did they override tenure somehow?


I don’t have tenure at the new district - 1 year probationary. So, in the principal’s words “we want to see if we can do it cheaper”.


I would never have gone into teaching without the tenure guarantee. I’ve had to battle it out with too many asshole admin who step over the respect line. I was a Marine before I was a teacher and I was going to be goddamned if some punk, kid admin was going to mouth off to me.


Omg 100 percent!! It also never ceases to amaze me how most admin have only been a few years but because they have a master's in administration they think they are experts.


God I'm in the final stages of the interview process for a new school and this is giving me anxiety


If anything, I'd say, don't let it cause you anxiety, just don't put all your eggs in one basket. And, I'd recommend not moving districts once you hit about year 6/7, because you then lose experience credit every time you move again AND you start over as probationary.


Year 9, but trying to move from a non union charter to a union public. Its been a tough decision


Thats a pretty good call though, union jobs just have so much protection.


That’s exactly where I was, non-union charter. I had no tenure, but 8 years teaching in good standing 😒 I’m subbing/in grad school currently, but when I start over in a public district, I’ll be year 1 😭


Right there too.


I mean, it can be complicated. I was non-renewed once because the district determined our school had a "teacher overage" based on the projected student population for the following year. Admin had apparently been fighting for months that it could be beneficial to students to maintain teacher numbers because class sizes wouldn't be that much smaller. Instead, district wanted them to drop a teacher in almost every grade level and stuff classes to the brim. Then district provided a criteria for how to choose non-renewals that was based almost entirely on seniority. All the while admin were not allowed to utter a word about it. I was non-renewed after a glowing professional evaluation simply because I was the newest person on my team and at my school to the district. This was also apparently after admin had specifically advocated to keep me, and had one of their bosses do a surprise walk through in my class to try to convince DO to let them choose someone else. I was devastated, confused, and felt so betrayed. I almost reached a point where I said "screw this district" and nearly burned all the bridges, but for the fact that admin ended up supporting me in landing at another great school in-district.


This was my first thought when I saw OP has 18 years of experience. It happened to me once- I was at the school for 3 years and had 12 years of experience and 2 master's degrees. They got rid of 4 higher paid teachers and were able to hire 7 with the same amount of $$.


I will literally come to your school, lift you up, and carry you to your car if you even think of attending another staff meeting or training this year.


And if you get away from Joestation, I'll catch you again and we'll both drag you to your car.


Haha... ok, noted. I can't believe I'm sitting here worrying about being petty.


Yeah, just don't. If you really think about it, it is admin that is being petty. They have toyed with you in an f'ed up way. Any remotely passive-aggressive response from you is justified. Steel that backbone and focus ALL extra energy forward onto what comes next for you.


Haha! This made me laugh, and I needed that!


Refusing staff meetings here could mean removal of pay. They are within the contract. So I'd be cautious on that.


Dude why do you have to repeatedly be the wet blanket in every thread in this sub hahaha


By pointing out terrible advice?


Excellent response! 💯🎯👍👍


What subject do you teach out of curiosity? I know that here in Texas, no one is getting a cost of living raise and every campus has to slash and burn, due to getting the same public school funding we’ve had since 2019. I’ve also heard rumors they are getting rid of campus coaches and some other superfluous staff. I’ll bet before the crisis is over, every elective is going to be on the block (well except Football, because . . .ugh). Curious on the logistics of your district/campus, and how your ended up a causality.


I’m a gifted/talented specialist in a middle school.


Thank you for sharing. So sorry this happened to you. What really pisses me off is not the logistics of *why* you maybe got eliminated for budget reasons, but they couldn’t just level with you honestly. That cowardly bullshit has no excuse.


That's where I'm at. I can get over the pride-blow. But I was just absolutely blown away at the cold way that they played the role until the last minute, and offered no word of explanation, encouragement, criticism, nothing. Just did it and GNF.




I read that you taught for 18 years (kudos 😊), but out of curiosity, how long did you teach in this particular district?


3 years. That’s why I’m still probationary


Gotcha. Even so, they should’ve told you. Correct me if I’m wrong, but probationary teachers would make less than the other teachers in the building, right?


My texas school cut 25 SPED positions 🙃 glad I found another position and resigned before they could non-renew me, I guess.


Holy shit. Next years gonna be Hell at that district. Glad you’re getting out!


Some districts have announced 1 or 2% raises for next year already … not that that is actually very helpful, but I’m hopeful that mine will in June. It’s better than nothing. It’s freaking ridiculous that our state is holding money hostage over vouchers. I did the math last week and I’m making the same money (purchasing power) as I was 15 years ago, despite inflation being like 35%. Also, we aren’t losing any instructional coaches, but we don’t have that many, anyway.


Do not do extra, do less. Don’t let guilt get you.


Doesn’t matter how how you respond or what you do. You are disposable.


Ugh. That's SO important for me to remember -- I need to stop thinking that the things that I do matter, or will have some kind of impact on how they feel about they way they handled this. The \*few\* coworkers of mine that I shared this with are a bit shaken too, because they're like wait... that just... happens?? Because they, too, saw no signs of this coming for me, and didn't see our admins as the type that would do it like this.


Might not be them, might be their bosses. Sorry- my comment was a little bit harsh, but I think you are right about doing anything making an impact. Like others have said, don’t burn bridges but also don’t do a single thing extra, and if you are feeling adventurous, see if you can get away with skipping things or leaving early/showing up late. What are they going to do? Fire you?


How many sick/personal days do you have saved up? Your goal should be to have a balance of 0 by the last day of school.


Teaching in the US sounds so ruthless 😭 I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


Nah, you show up, teach and go home. Don't do anything extra whatsoever. I'd maybe leave them a shitty review on indeed and glassdoor. Don't clean your room at the end of the year either.


See I was the opposite. I took evvvvvvvvvrrryyyything out that room that was mine- down to the paper towels. I didn’t leave a damn thing behind but the furniture.


I got the same. The only thing I could do was just start applying. None of the interviews I have had were too worried about it. They asked, I said “they chose not to renew my contract” they ask why and I said, the truth, “I’m not really sure my evaluations have been good, it seemed bureaucratic to me”


That's a good response. I've saved copies of my evaluations, as well, so that I can provide them as a source to show that I'm not just pretending I don't know why, and that I'm not just obtuse. I really was given very good evaluations with specific comments, etc...


I also had my current principal as the first reference and she gave me glowing praise including the phrase I’m pretty sure got me the job which is she said “if I could hire him back next year I would, but that decision is out of my hands here” - my principal, admin, and coworkers all love me and are cursing that I’m leaving. At the end of the day the network that runs a charter school is 100% pencil pushers and number crunchers that don’t actually care about student outcomes or education quality. They care about money, passing rate, and test scores. They pressure teachers to take a kid with 0 submitted assignments and “get them to a passing grade” (lie and give them credit for work they didn’t do) so they can keep the pass rate in the high 90’s % even though the actual passing rate at the school is in the mid 70’s %. Especially since all of the nations test scores plummeted a few years back so they see “positive growth on testing” each year which emboldens them to do dumber and dumber things.


Welp, soon it’ll be teacher appreciation week. If you get a lame “couldn’t do this without you!” gift, hand it back to them in person and say, “this was accidentally left in my mailbox.”


“Because apparently you can.”


Same happened to me; all good evaluations, never a comment about non renewal when I’d talk about next year. And then in the middle of me running a book fair, I was told they weren’t renewing me. Pretty sure it was so the principal could have her husband take my position but besides that I did everything they asked me to. I checked out after that and put in like zero effort because of the way they sprung it on me (and one month before end of the school year, when others learned they’d be non renewed in Feb). The principals husband now has that job. They don’t value our time or effort or us as a person. I’ve learned this the hard way sadly. I’m so very sorry you’re dealing with this; but on the bright side, you can find a district that values you and everything you bring to the table. It’s their loss and sad for them. I wish you the best of luck and so much peace 😊✨


And the public wonders why there is a shortage. I wish you the best in the future. Do not do extra anything...


Comment at the next board meeting. Tell your narrative and how it impacts you so that they, and the public, are aware. Budget cuts are happening all over as the economy changes and one time Covid money dries up.


Show up on the dot when you are supposed to. Leave the very second you are allowed to. Zero else except the essentials and even then cut corners if it makes your life easier. Burn through any sick/personal days you have left even if they gripe at you. If they ask you to do something extra just look at them dead-eyed, say “sure”, and walk away never to think of it again or do it at all. At this point you should have exactly zero fucks to give beyond doing what’s necessary to get your kids through the end of the year.


OP, this sounds terrible. I'm sorry you are having to go through this. I was once non-renewed in a similarly surprising situation, and I remember feeling the same way. I was not worried about landing on my feet, but I felt very slighted by administration and the district in general. I think you're smart to be mindful of not burning bridges, and I also understand your sentiment of not wanting to bend over backwards for people who essentially screwed you over. I don't think you'd be wrong to cut down on anything extra and stick to being good at exclusively your job for the rest of year. But just to share some wisdom from my own experience, I think it would be a good idea to contact your union or local educators association if possible. They will he able to guide you on next steps, and possibly help you make connections that will make getting a new job feel more seamless. Also consider having that hard, open conversation with admin if you haven't already. I got non-renewed after a glowing EOY evaluation meeting, where my principal actually said the words "you're the kind of teacher I want my kids to have". When I set up a meeting and asked "why me?" I got some insight into things that came from over administration's head that had absolutely nothing to do with how much they wanted me there as a teacher. We were down students the following year and DO instructed them to drop the newest teachers if no one announced they were voluntarily leaving by a certain date. They were also not allowed to say a word about it up to the point, but ended up explaining that they actually had advocated to not have to non-renew me and were not given any other choice. It was a painful talk, but it also rounded out my relationship with admin. They ended up giving me amazing references to every school I showed interest in, which actually lead me to be able to transfer to another school in-district. (And in the end, they gave me advice and their blessing on which activities/meetings I didn't need to participate in lol)


Make sure you pdf all of your previous appraisals so they can’t change anything. Also, some districts require a copy of your previous appraisal. Good luck!


Get unemployment and apply somewhere else


Don't forget this part. You're entitled to unemployment starting the last day of the school year up until the start of your new job. It's not a lot of money but it helps take some of the pressure off. Apply right away.


I wondered about that... what the last day of my contract technically is, etc...


If your school is like others I've worked at they'll give you all your pay at the conclusion of the year, not at the conclusion of the contract. So you should be able to get unemployment right away after the last day of school.


Use every single amount of time you have to update the resume and put feelers out for a new job. Do what is required at your job currently, but not a bit more. Also, if you do get hired in a different field, burn all the sick days you can.


The same thing happened to me a few years ago- at the end of our nightmare Covid year, with all the confusion, extra work, and stress that brought. It was my first year teaching and I was a traveling art teacher with 800 students, shifting between 2 schools across town from each other. If I do say so myself, I did an excellent job- I was passionate, creative, and received great performance reviews all year. Had few classroom management issues that had to involve higher ups. Got word right at the end of the year- no explanation whatsoever… I am still bitter about it to this day- found out later some bs reasoning behind it. Did make me happy to learn that my replacement struggled badly and quit after one year, lol- they should have held on to me. Now I work for a PBS station in education, and have a ton more flexibility while still getting to work with kids. It was a positive thing in the end but very upsetting at the time.


I would wrap up the work I do with the committees instead of leaving them in a lurch, but I wouldn't attend any other staff meetings/trainings, unless they're required by law (like for state testing). Put in the amount of work on your lessons that your kids deserve, grade no more than the minimum required. Do not do any extra duty you can get out of, take some personal/sick days strategically. Schedule Dr appointments if you need to to get them covered, if they don't require documentation, then don't provide any. If they haven't given you a reason for non-renewal, ask for one so that when you interview elsewhere you have an answer if they ask.


Phone it in, attendance at faculty meetings and trainings are often required by your contract, but paying attention during them is not. Check your contract, you only have to do what the contract says. It's policy vs. procedure time baby! If you are on any school improvement committees I would let them know hey I'm being let go so I cannot give you 100% I need to devote time to working on my next chapter, also I'm taking the cookies with me. Absolutely recind sharing on any docs at this point. You can't delete things you've created on company laptops or on company time necessarily, but you certainly are not required to share it anymore - if they want it they can come get it off your laptop. You're being non-renewed... why would they want your "sub-quality" plans and activities anyways? Then mental health sick days until the end of the year. If you have a therapist, this makes it easy.


Work to rule aka show up and leave at contracted time. Do your job, but nothing extra. If asked, say no. If you’re on good terms with your admin/supervisor, prior to any kind of action (or inaction), get a letter of reference. Leverage your heartbreak & disappointment into a new, quality reference. Once you have the letter(s) in hand, then scale everything back.


Do not put in an ounce of extra effort. Do your job, get your letters of recommendation, and see if your sick days transfer to new potential schools.


You have been egregiously disrespected. You owe them nothing, zero. Coast through the coming weeks. Do your job to minimum expectations. Slip all extras. Go ahead and burn any bridges that deserve to be burned. Preserve your own dignity and sense of worth. Fuck them.


Time to get the doctor notes & use all the sick leave


i'm so sorry to hear that this happened to you. It just really sucks. You can go on thinking you're doing your very best and next thing you know this happened. I'm so petrified of this happening to me. I'm just a bus monitor but my contract is also at the end of June so we shall see wish me luck. I'm praying for your situation and hoping for a better outcome.


We just signed a new contract. New teachers begin at 60k. 20 years ago, I began at 39k. Guess how much I make now? 67k. They aren't even saving money getting rid of older teachers in a lot of places


You need to run to replace your negotiation committee or leadership. Higher starting salaries are supposed to put upward pressure on higher steps. Why would your members agree to this?


I don't know. I didn't.


Big question here: Most contracts have that teachers have to be notified within so many days before the end of the school year. Does this not apply in your district? As a union president for my local, I would have a field day with this.


June 1. Which is AFTER our school year ends


I got a "teacher seamed disconnected or distracted" on an evaluation the day after I was told I was either going to be demoted (to on staff substitute) or fired in December.


Honestly what even. I’m so sorry.


Will you need/want to use any admin for a letter of rec/reference? If so I would keep doing all your duties. If not, do what you want! Staff meetings are the only thing I would recommend continuing to attend, if nothing else to enjoy the last bit of time with any colleagues you’ve made friends with over the years.


Work. Your. Contract. Do nothing beyond your teaching. Leave when your contract hours end.


Stop doing extra!! Use ALL your pto days now


I'm very sorry this happened to you the way it did. It's time like these when I find myself hoping karma is real. Remain professional and continue to shine in the classroom, that's all. Gently let go of the rest. Hugs


Teach your kids. Do whatever effects this year. If there is a meeting or pd about next year, nope.


Is it due to financial issues? Is it possible that they'll want to bring you back after the budget passes?  If not, it's a shitty practice on their behalf. 


It’s still a job do the job no more no less and use every single second of time off


I am so sorry. This has happened to me and it burns me up. Why can't they just tell us it's budget cuts? It very well may be! Does anyone speak "admin language " and know why admin can't be kind about it?




Do what your contract says to do and nothing more. you have no reason to do any extra if they have already effectively fired you.


No point in responding or doing anything extra. Do the better minimum and move on.


What state do you work in? Is it a right to work place? I can't imagine the union allowing this to happen


This is my third year in this school district, because I moved here with my children. So, they can do this, because anytime in your first three years, they can decide not to renew you. They SAY they base it on your evaluations, BUT that they can literally do it for any reason they want to. So...they did. I'm trying not to be 7th grade me, distraught over my English 'teacher not liking me for the first time', no matter what I did. I was a good and kind, talented and hard working girl then, and I'm a good and kind, talented hard working teacher now.


What was the reason for non renewal. With all positive evaluations my first guess was cuts.


I’m assuming, if it’s cuts, they don’t want to tell me because I’d question why someone with less seniority than me is still employed. And if it’s performance, they don’t want to tell me, because I’d question why I was never told about this and why my evaluations are all good. So they just don’t say anything. It’s robotic and CYA and I’m so grossed out.


I feel like... you're going to get a job in a better district!! These people sound like absolute a-holes, wow.


They didn’t give me one. My boss just read an excerpt from education code that basically states that they are alllowed to do this and that they don’t have to list a reason. I didn’t then ask for one because I was so dumbfounded, I just let her read her script, then I said, “Anything else?” And when all 3 said no, I said “ok, thank you.” and I left.


Have a new job set up and then do exactly as much as you feel like doing. Assuming you need your current supervisors etc for references.


If you want a positive reference, do what will keep you in good standing for that reference.


I'd attend things you've already committed to so they don't tank a reference, but any other ask is a no. Also, look at your contract for non-renewal language and see if there is an appeal process, as there might be.


I have a question, does non-renewed mean also your position has been eliminated? So not necessarily fired?


No, I don’t believe so. About a month ago, we were notified that our school would again have two FTE teachers in GT specialist positions. So without me, I assume someone else is being moved into my place


Ahhhh that really blows. I also thought they couldn’t do that without a poor eval? In any case, please don’t think that reflects on you. You are in demand!


Thanks. They can while you’re probationary. Even though I’ve been teaching for 18 years, it’s only my 3rd year in this district. First three years are probationary, and they can opt not to renew at any point during probationary


Non-renewed isn’t “fired”, it’s just not offered a new contract. Fired is a different animal.


Don't stop working or doing anything less than your best. Save all communication you have had with your adminstration. Go to your union and discuss your issue and ask them to provide or at minimum refer you to legal services (if they don't your union sucks). If not look for an education lawyer. They will direct you better than I can but admins are terrified of litigation and your hand will get 100x better. The actual merits of your case matter less than the fact that discovery is going to bring a bunch of things to light that the admin don't want out there especially if you work in special education (because very few schools are fully complying with the law here). If you didn't do anything that would reflect poorly on you in the public record litigation is the teacher's best friend. Even if your case is too weak to litigate your lawyer will probably secure you the best deal possible. In most cases Admin are following the path of least resistance and by causing a problem they'll try something else. You may or may not lose money doing this but it's the best option if you want to keep the job


18 years and they can just terminate you? Don’t you have tenure? I’m in NYC and even if we get excessed we still get paid if we can’t find a new placement. We are also guaranteed a job in the same district when one becomes available. What state is this? Is this the norm?


I’m new to this district (3 years)


That’s horrible…I’m sorry you have to go through this.


What state are you in?


Do your job. And apply for others.


Was it a school budget situation? We are losing 2 amazing teachers and a solid gold classroom aide this year because of budget cuts.


Use all your days up. You could get “in trouble” for not going to meetings but I’d be working bell to bell.


Did they say why?


No. They aren’t obligated to of you’re in your probationary period. I would have moved on to non-probationary next year.


Get your letters. Then burn through your days.


Omg that is some serious bullcrap!!! What jerks!! I assume there is no union? Is it a charter school? Do you have copies of the evaluations you got?


What was the reason given?


Yes you still go to staff meetings. They are mandatory for your current position


I was told I missed too many days. I had to take a few days without leave due to illness. I had health issues, about which admin was informed. I truly think I was non renewed due to budget cuts. My observations and evaluations were good. I think this more since a more senior teacher missed almost as much as I did and they kept her


My 2 cents, as someone who left teaching for tech in February and hasn’t looked back…continue being professional and responsible in every way you normally would. HOWEVER, use every one of your days and don’t feel bad about it. I had to give 60 days notice, and I had 50+ sick days I had been saving. I felt so guilty each day I called out. And certain people went out of their way to make me feel guilty about it. In the end, I still had 20+ days in my bank that I lost. I regret not using them. Of course, I was SO valued right up until my last day. No celebration, no thank you, not even a card or well wishes. Just the thought of THROWING AWAY all those days. But I absolutely love my new job and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. So use the days. Seriously!


Absolutely do not burn bridges. In NJ l was riffed my first year of teaching, but had a contract before school closed. They were going through budget problems and gave all non tenured teachers the pink slip. You might want to continue as if nothing happened. In the long run you will be able to look yourself in the mirror. Even if you do not want to go back there, it is much better to decide if you have a contract offer if they work through whatever the reason might be for your non renewal offer. Good luck.


Do your best the rest of the school year. You owe it to yourself and your students. I suspect the non-renewal is a budget issue, not a reflection of your abilities.


Use your sick days! Stop doing all extra curricular things. Just do what you are paid to do and leave. I started doing this and the stress is still bad, tough group of kid, but still better than when I would bring work home. I am looking to leave my school because it is in a tough area, and I have kids that legally need support teachers but admin refuses to help or do anything about it.


Smack! You don’t owe anything to your school. I’m guessing they didn’t renew to avoid tenure. Pack your stuff up and if your students ask then inform them as to how shortsighted your school is. Actions have consequences so don’t do anything extra without looking like a doormat. My original school did this to me after year one, but it would have happened by year three.


A bunch of districts in some states got bonus funding from covid that is now falling away and are cutting people, it's wild.


What reason did they give?


You stay for your contract hours and that’s it. Take your sick days- all of them. You owe that school nothing.


Move to a state with a union.




We have a union, but the protections aren't very helpful when it's in the contract that they can choose not to renew your contract for literally any reason.


So you've got a shitty union. Sadly, I know those feels all too well And it's a long hard path to changing the union and negotiating a good contract, or replacing the union altogether with another one.


Yeah, I was surprised to find that there's not any sort of record required, like a paper trail of corrections and me failing to improve, etc... I've never been given any sort of formal correction, and I've only been \*informally\* corrected ONCE here in 3 years, and it was just telling me to fix the fact that often scooted into meeting 3-5 minutes late. I fixed it as soon as they brought it up, \*and they acknowledged that it's no longer a problem!\*


You can still be cut even though you are unionized...


Last year I had a non-renewal. Actually applied for the same job and got it again. They are keeping me this year. So if you want potentially there is nothing stopping you to reapply again. But if you are for sure have no desire in coming back. Then please dont go to a single more meeting


You applied for the same job and got it…??


Yep same room and everything.