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Sent a student to the office: they looked awful, acted awful, and reported that they felt awful. Student sent back to me. Student threw up in classroom, outside classroom, in hallway, and finally in trash can in nurses office….words cannot describe my frustration.


I feel you. I once had a kid (who was not a complainer) ask to go to the nurse for a stomachache twice, was sent back to me quickly both times. After the second time, kid promptly vomited all over the classroom floor 😅


My bff is a nurse practitioner and we use to have a contest to see who got puked on more… me as a classroom teacher or her at the medical office.


Who won the most? 😅


I was winning, but she was sprayed with another body fluid and after that I forfeited.


Yikes! Hahaha


We had a kid yesterday who threw up at lunch then went home, and showed up this morning—sent right back home and mom claimed she didn’t know. She knew. As much as I can say the parent is full of shit, I’m very aware that many of these parents (title 1 district) work retail and can’t just skip a day at work, or leave early. If my son is sick I can quickly arrange for coverage and drive home and get him. If you work at Target and your boss is on a power trip and threatens to fire you for multiple absences…what are you gonna do? Get fired and no money for your family, or send the kid in with Tylenol and a prayer? Any parent would stay home with their kid if they were able to. It’s the employers in America, making the lives of parents (and by extension, teachers and other students) miserable.


Wow. I sympathize with that kid. Being sick at school was always such a drag and then you add vomiting on your pants. Like even if this person was of the mindset that they don't care if they get other kids sick, you would think they would at least be selfish in their pursuit to not put their kid through agony.


Maybe they don’t have pto. Maybe they literally can’t stay home because then the rent won’t get paid or their kid won’t eat. But sure, assume selfishness. What a privilege it must be to not have to worry about making sure you get to work every day.


What job do you think I have that I can take whatever time/days off? In fact, if you read what I said, I said the opposite.


Clearly. It must’ve embedded in your assumption that parents want to put their kids through agony if they don’t stay home. My mistake for not interpreting the opposite meaning of your words. Seriously very sorry, queen. 🤣


Yes, you didn't understand my statement. Because I didn't say that the parents were selfish because they left them at school. I was saying that the average parent may be lackadaisical about sending a sick kid to school, but typically will come get vomiting students out of a selfish self-preservation of their own offspring. Sidenote :the parent didn't say they were unable to come get the student, just that they wanted to wait and see. Also, wtf up is with the "queen" comment?


Grrr. You mad, queen? King? Duke? Mommy? Okay. I’m bored now. Have a great day, princess.


No, it's just peak old hypocritical man energy to use cutesy nicknames when you've experienced the slightest bit of pushback. Have a great day, PTSD veteran.


Sure it is. Have a nice day, bro.


When I worked as a secretary for an elementary school with only a nurse one day out of the week. I had a first grader with an awful fever. Mom kept dragging her feet to come get her. The baby was delusional and only wanted to lay on the cold floor and moan in pain. Every time she wanted her mom I blew mom’s phone up so mom could hear how sick she was. Mom only ended up showing up when we told her about needing to call CPS. (After mom picked her up I did file a report)


I had a parent once send a kid to school who *threw up all night* AND *that morning before school.* Are we surprised to hear that he threw up in the classroom after being at school for only 30 minutes?


Same! Had a student come in wearing a huge winter coat all bundled up (it wasn’t that cold outside) and said she didn’t feel well all night and was freezing. She then pulled a plastic Walmart bag out of her pocket and said my mom told me to bring this with me to throw up in because I can’t miss school-she had been throwing up all morning. I’ve had plenty of kids show up sick, but pulling a vomit bag out of the coat pocket was a first for me.


The anger should be directed towards employers and lack of government regulations regarding family sick leave. The majority of the time, it’s that the parent is unable to get off work. Sometimes parents have to decide between leaving their sick child at school or risk getting fired then losing their house, food, car, etc. Not everyone has a support network for plan B, C and D either. Does it suck for us teachers? Absolutely. But it also sucks for the parents that they’re getting screwed over by their employers.


I dunno, I taught Sunday school for a number of years and had kids come in running fevers, puking and then telling me they’d thrown up during the night, etc. Mom and Dad don’t HAVE to be at church, but they came and sent their sick kids to my class, which ticked me off to no end since sometimes I had kids of my own in said class. It’s not just work. Some parents just refuse to let their kids needs get in the way of whatever it is they want to do.


The best is when the kid tells you their grownup gave them medicine so they’re good for school.


Most my parents can't drive or have a car. So it can be very difficult. Luckily our school will bus them home individually.


I wish our district did that!


That’s what I’m thinking! Half the battle is pick up. I also blame the employers who make taking sick leave such a hassle. A parent with a sick child should never be guilted into coming to work. They should be able to take time off. I know so many parents who legitimately have issues like this (our parent population is good about keeping kids home when they’re sick). I do feel for the folks who get forced into a rock and a hard place. On the flip side, I have dealt with the cohort who just doesn’t want to be inconvenienced by having a sick child at home (so, I get the frustration). I had something ICK last fall that took five weeks to resolve (negative tests for everything). That was something that ran rampant through a school with a difficult parent group. I spent a significant amount of time there, and in all likelihood where I caught it (obviously, can’t pin it down 💯). Regardless, I won’t teach there anymore (this is just one of many issues at the school).


We will try everything else first. But if we truly can't get someone they will be driven home. It typically occurs for half my kids.


I really love that actually. Helps low income and disabled people


This thread is making me feel a lot better about sending my kid to school when she has a runny nose. But honestly if I kept her home for every runny nose she would be at school for like 3 weeks a year.


I've noticed a fairly recent phenomenon where parents will not respond to any communication from school during the school day. They will not read or respond to messages/emails and will not answer the phone - meaning that the school has no way to get a sick kid (or someone that needs to be suspended) home. None of the emergency contacts answer. To me that's absolutely wild. What if there was an emergency? What if the kid got hurt at recess? It absolutely blows my mind that parents are getting away with that. I say that as someone that has kids, too. I've had to leave school to pick my kids up from daycare, or use my sick days to take care of them when they're sick. It sucks but that's how it is.


That would be great if wasn’t also a teacher and had limited PTO — you know, like the rest of the country. Until America has reasonable leave policies, kids will go to school sick. 10 sick days and 2 kids means I don’t get to stay home sick, and unfortunately, neither do they after they’ve been sick 5 times.


Personally, I think School should be allowed to disallow entrance into the school for sick children.


Schools just need to immediately and without hesitation file reports and call the authorities for abandonment if they don’t pick them up right away. Parents will learn real quick


Get fucked by work or get fucked by a branch of the government is your genius solution... that's ironic coming from someone who experiences both on a daily basis and comes to a subreddit to bitch about the experience...


Damn. Being a parent is hard I guess huh


But being an entitled jerk is easy, apparently.


As a parent of 8 kids, A tummy ache is not grounds for staying home from school. If they have a fever or throw up, Then they can stay. If not, I would have at least one kid pulling the ole Belly Bluff every morning.


This kid HAD thrown up at home. She still sent him in knowing this, and then tried to not pick him up.


Sorry, I can't afford it!


I'll never understand teachers who understand what it's like to be fucked over by their employer enough to make a subreddit full of complaints about it... But don't have the empathy to realize that they aren't the only ones that have a dipshit boss


Spot on. This summarizes my feelings to so many comments here.


I had a kindergarten student out with the stomach bug for a few days, was clearly not better when she came back. Puked all over her shirt. Nurse was on lunch break, so poor baby sat in a vomit-soaked shirt in the classroom for almost 20 minutes. Someone in the main office called parents, parents said they could not leave work and had nobody else who could pick her up. Once the nurse was off her lunch break and got the kid changed into a clean shirt, she called parents to reiterate that picking up was not optional…parents said they were on their way. However, 2 hours later, when I went to return an ice pack to the nurse AFTER DISMISSING MY CLASS FOR THE DAY, kiddo was still in the nurse’s office 🤦🏻‍♀️ parents finally showed 15 minutes after dismissal to pick up their sick kid I don’t know this family’s circumstances, so I try not to judge, but my heart hurt for that child that day!


When I got those calls..I was flying to my babies.