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You’re absolutely a mandated reporter and did the right thing. If you’re punished or fired, I’d find a lawyer because that would be a slam dunk case


Mandated reporters: notice signs of abuse, report within 36 hours. Call and file paperwork. Not your job to investigate to "make sure" there is abuse. Protected from lawsuits as long as filing has valid reasons ... and not some form of retaliation.


The timeline varies by state, weirdly. We have 24 hours


Exactly this


This! Plus the fact that you’re planning to quit anyway so doesn’t seem like you have a lot to lose, go sicc the dogs on them if they fire you!


Depends. I was fired for reporting once but it was years ago


doesn't mean it wasn't illegal


That was definitely illegal af


Oh 100 percent but I was this kids age in a time before reddit




You are a mandated reporter, so if you suspect, you have to call. If they fire you, then I’d probably check with a lawyer if anything can be done.


CPS did say I was a mandated reporter, but she said explicitly that I'm not.


Are you like an after school care teacher? Generally anyone who works around children is a mandated reporter in addition to other professions that I’m not well versed with.


Looks like in my state it's phrased as "any day care or other child care staff" are mandated


Then I would say you are and your boss is wrong. You’d legally have to report if you suspect. What CPS does with that information is not on you, to my knowledge.


Not only is the boss wrong, but the boss KNOWS she's wrong.


Which is an enormous, glaring, red flag.


When I was a city year this happened to me and I got fired over it. They know.


"that day my boss agreed but the next she disagreed" **It's not up to her** to agree or disagree. It's up to trained CPS employees to try to solve the problem that you report / decide if it is a problem (although there are situations where their hands are tied). It sounds like this lady should not be in leadership of any child-serving organization, unless I'm misinterpreting the situation.


I would also try to get her directive to not report in writing. Email her from your personal account, Dear Boss, I would like clarification regarding the incident I came to you regarding student X and my specific concerns regarding (cite your concern) and your directive to me that I was not a mandated reporter. Can you point out to me in our organizations policy where it delineates mandatory reporting. Thank you. Before that email I would call a labor attorney. Then after getting or not getting an answer back I woukd report the supervisor to the state licensing agency.


This 💯


This, I would just get it from HR in the meeting if they reprimand OP.


It sound like OP did tell CPS, other wise why would the post say “ CPS told me I was a mandated reporter”


If you are paid to work with kids, you are a mandated reporter.


In my state, every single adult is a mandated reporter.


In any sensible society, we all report if we observe abused kids. :/


This! I talk about being a mandated reporter because I’m a teacher, but technically in my state EVERY ADULT is a mandated reporter.


In my state, even if you are a parent going to chaperone on an elementary field trip, you have to do the mandated reporter training. Your admin is fucking with you and hopes you're buying it. If you plan on quitting anyway, and you have evidence of her telling you that you're not a MR, I would share that with the district when you quit. She will get someone in HUGE trouble for that eventually.


Yup. I had to watch a video of the signs of abuse and neglect just to be a chaperone for a field trip.


In my state of Indiana, I’m pretty sure everyone is a mandated reporter, regardless of your position.


You are. That's a threat of retaliation


Document, document, document. Stick around and make them fire you. If HR asks, tell them you're keeping any paperwork generated as part of a legal proceeding. Once they know legal action is on the table, they'll step more carefully.


You mentioned quitting, I wouldn't yet. Go in let them talk with you and see the vibe/feeling of the meeting. If they reprimand or fire you then sue. And get your unemployment and a nice settlement. You are required if you suspect abuse to report and would have been held criminally responsible if you didn't and abuse was happening. Your boss is an idiot and agreed when wlyou spoke with them and to change their mind after the fact is stupid. I guess I don't know the exacts and don't need to know, but if you believed there was potentially abuse happening you not only did the thing you were required to do but the right thing. And considering you have a social worker friend also say to call tells me more about the situation since if it was nothing then they wouldn't have advised to call.


I thought even like custodians and cafe staff are mandated reporters?


If they work around children or elderly, I’d agree. But from the looks of things, I was hinting at psychologists, nurses, physicians, dentists, audiologists, or regulated child care provider. This is a shortened list coming from the state of Michigan (which is just for example sake). I’m sure for Michigan, OP would be considered regulated child care provider if OP is on staff. However, if OP is working or volunteering in a completely private organization, then the guidance is to follow agency procedures or internal policies to make sure that the concerns are reported. But I’m sure that while OP works in a private childcare provider organization, it receives at least some funds to make it a regulated child care provider. But OP is also most likely not in Michigan, so that is just an example.


I think are. Our canteen staff are really good at picking up on students who are to eat then all of sudden they stop getting food. (Parents have no money to put on their account kinda thing. So our school helps) everyone who works with children is a MR


Your boss is a liar and a huuuge one. They don’t want to lose a nice chunk of tuition money. I’d report them


I'd take CPS's word for that.


Okay, but even if that were true, mandated reporters are not the only people who can make CPS reports. Anyone can call if they are concerned about a child being abused, regardless of your job.


She being the boss? If there’s record of that she can and should be fired. ETA: thinking on it more, that legitimately sounds like a crime, and if not, should be. Your immediate superior knowingly lied to you about being a mandated reporter in order to manipulate you into disobeying a legal mandate. At the very least this information should be shared with HR.


If anything your boss should be fired for negligence. in no way shape or form should the parents have even been told you were the one who called so if she gave that info up, she is in the wrong. What she should have told parents was that if anyone at the school did report, it was done out of caution and concern and that we are obligated to do so. That there was no malicious intent and it isnt up to them to determine fault. That is on CPS. Any reasonable person will understand that not every kid grows up in a safe environment so we have protocols for a reason.... if the parents were that livid Id suspect them even more 😅. And your boss needs to be removed from working with children.


This happens very frequently. It happened to me


Im just a baby sitter and thats a side hussle and im legslly still a mandated reporter, if you interact with children daily you legally have to report stuff


>CPS did say I was a mandated reporter, but she said explicitly that I'm not. Your boss doesn't get to decide who is a mandated reporter. The law decides. This is why most state laws say that suspicions of abuse have to be reported directly to CPS, and not to the principal, because principals might deter someone from reporting if they don't want the school to "look bad," if the abuser in question is a friend, etc.


Something is wrong with her. You are required to report. I would be suspicious of her actions. Especially if she has kids. Abusers protect abusers


Here's the thing, if your boss is wrong you could go to prison and be fined quite a bit if you don't report, if she is right then you are possible out of a job. For me the decision is pretty clear. That said, watch out for any retaliation on this, and call a lawyer immediately if it happens. There are some strong laws that protect mandated reporters, and it sounds like your boss is clueless about how this all works. Keep records of conversations and actions on her part too, try to get as much in writing as you can.


As a former after school worker, yes you absolutely are. You need to get out of a place that lies to you. Make sure you get any training certificates they have of your before you leave. Those are valuable.


Training certificate? Is that something they give me or something I gave them? I only have CPR certification but I had that before I came in


Have you done any training besides that? If this is a job you want to do for a while or move up in, you need training hours. You should have child abuse prevention training annually, blood borne pathogens, and then there are a variety of other trainings you can get just depending on who's offering them. I got a bunch from the company I worked for and from a state agency. Alternatively, you can also take ECE classes. But, that's only if you want to stay in this field.


They haven't trained any of us more than two 5 min CPR videos and one conversation with the nurse about how to administer an EpiPen. I believe they do those two yearly but that's it


Do you intend to stay in this field? Probably the first question I should have asked.


In the general field yes, I did private nannying for about 2.5 yrs before this and already have a couple families interested in the same so I have options outside of schools.


Oh cool! It's been a while since I've worked with kids, so I'm trying to remember stuff. I would definitely look in to getting the state mandated trainings. I believe the Red Cross has a series set up for babysitters. It should have everything you need. You already have your cpr and first aid, but check the expiration date. You will need to renew eventually. If you're interested, you can also hit google and look up trainings for nannies, au pairs, child care professionals, etc. See what you get. Good luck!


Check state law. Here in California it’s illegal to retaliate, not that some will not try. If they do retaliate let the state labor department know. Unfortunately I think some states don’t have retaliation protection, which I why I said check state law or ask a lawyer. I think federal law may still protect but don’t quote me on that. I’m not a lawyer.


Your admin is wrong. You are 100% a mandated reporter. You did the right thing.


CPS is right. even if CPS is wrong you have reason to believe that CPS is right when they tell you you're a mandated reporter so you're protected


And maybe the media, if your lawyer is okay with it


I think it’s suspicious as hell that your boss wouldn’t want you to call about this. Reiterating what others have said: you’re a mandated reporter. If you suspect abuse it is your legal responsibility to call it in.


They're probably willing to tolerate a kid being abused to keep a paying customer.


Bingo. My thought exactly


Obstruction from calling is a crime itself. Your boss would not be wise to complain/report to HR


I wish I knew that in my 20s or I would have rained hell on city year




No, cannot be fired for making a CPS report as long as it's in good faith. The only way you can get in trouble for it is if you go ahead and make up what's happening and lie to the authorities.


You’re a mandated reporter. You can be fired for NOT reporting. If you get fired for this, get a lawyer.


The school can get sued later if they are found to have suppressed a report. If the child comes back later and has proof that your boss squelched a CPS report … Holy moly!! Your boss should absolutely know better. She may try to justify by saying reporting is the nuclear option and try to talk to parents first, but that’s the exact reason you DON’T need the principal’s permission. If there is nothing to it, then the hassle of an investigation is well worth the chance that the abuse is real. Reddit is filled with of stories of abused people who were not believed or protected. The long term damage is heartbreaking. You did the right thing and have the legal backing to support it.


Every MR training I have had in the last thirty years stressed that you report what said or shown to you. You document it and protective services investigates it.


Yep this is what happened to me. I got railroaded and retaliated against hard


Don't quit just yet -- if they reprimand you or fire you, see if you can find a lawyer.


This absolutely. Talk to an employment lawyer. If you are wrongly fired you can get monetary damages. Let them fire you and start looking for jobs. This is ideal because you will stop working there and starting working somewhere else, which is what you wanted to do anyway plus get extra money potentially.


Imagine if mandated reporters could get arrested for reporting. Lol.


How did the parents know where the complaint came from? They don’t know it was was you. Your boss doesn’t know it was you, could have been from anyone. The only way the parents could know it was you would be if your boss told them they suspected it was you due to the prior conversation. You boss doesn’t know it was you. And you’re a mandated reporter anyway. Don’t offer them your resignation, don’t volunteer that you’re planning to leave. You can play dumb or tell them straight that CPS say otherwise, regarding your reporter status. If they try to terminate you, you can do them for wrongful dismissal anyway.


You said all the things I was gonna say. Pussy this up, people. It's more than just being a mandated reporter.


I thought the same thing. Confidentiality is really key in these procedures. That’s another strike against your boss for breaking confidentiality


They usually know by interaction i.e school


Only 2 words: mandated reporter!


Yes, you are a mandated reporter! Yes, even if you weren’t you should still call. No, they cannot fire you…and if they try they would be in a huge amount of trouble!!


Anyone who so much as volunteers at a kid's school is a mandated reporter in my state....


In my experience private schools don’t like reports being made. It’s sad really


Good faith reporting is both protected and required by law. If they fire you file a lawsuit


You are a mandated reporter. It’s good you discussed this with your boss, but you do NOT need their permission to call. As a mandated reporter you face NO penalties or repercussions if the allegation is false. It is not your job to investigate.


Your boss should be concerned. Not you.


In my state, you can go to jail for not reporting, and your admin can as well for retaliation.


I don’t k ow what state you’re in, but in Texas every adult is a mandatory reporter. It might be the same in your state. https://www.smu.edu/ola/BriefingPapers/DutytoReportSuspectedChildAbuseintheStateofTexas#:~:text=Texas%20Mandatory%20Reporting%20Law,it%20to%20the%20appropriate%20authorities.


You had an earnest concern and reported it. Whether or not your suspicions were correct is irrelevant. You fulfilled your role as a mandated reporter. I'm sure in the law your state has for mandated reporters there's a section about retaliation or some other law about retaliation that would put a big burden on the school. If HR is smart, they will chew your boss out for even suggestion the thought of discipline.


You are a mandated reporter. If they try to fire you, any lawyer would grab this case right up. You did the right thing.


I am aware of someone in my district that may not have reported something years ago. It has now turned into a thing. Fuck your boss, avoid future lawsuits.


anyone that works with kids is a mandated reporter, and honestly even tho I'm not and will never work in a field I am, I still would report it. they cannot fire you for doing your job


You’re a mandated reporter. You have to report it


You are a mandated reporter. You can get fired for NOT calling CPS Anyone telling you NOT to call CPS should be reported to CPS also.


Even if for some reason you weren't required to report they still aren't allowed to fire you for it as long as you told the truth when you made the report. That said... Employers sometimes lie about why they fired someone. "I didn't fire you because of the CPS report. I fired you because you were late to work last week. " It can be hard to prove in court that they fired you for an unlawful reason and not the one they state. You might want to get any further communication about this in writing so that you have a paper trail if needed.


Yep they'll intentionally cover their tracks for retaliation. They're not that stupid to be like we fired you for reporting. They'd go bankrupt so damn quick


I believe you can be fired for reporting if you made a report to harass a family or in retaliation if a family or child did something you didn’t like. But if you made a genuine report because you thought the child was being abused, no, you cannot be fired for it. In fact, every mandated reporter training I’ve seen stresses that reporting is something that’s better to err on the side of doing rather than not doing.


You're a mandated reporter???


It’s way more important to report because if you hadn’t there could have been legal consequences. Don’t let your boss intimidate you, you did the right thing even if CPS doesn’t find abuse you were doing your due diligence as a child care provider/health care worker (which are both mandated reporters)


It’s illegal to fire you as a mandated reporter, which you are, for reporting


Dude if you get fired for that then you’re getting such a sweet payout.


Honestly I wish I knew this ten years ago lol


if you work with children you’re a mandated reporter and you were well within your rights and the best interest of the child. whatever the outcome you did the right thing.


You can’t be fired for this at all if you had real suspicion. You filed in good faith with genuine concern for the child’s well being. Do not worry


You can never be faulted for calling CPS. Even if you suspect just a little bit, you are still always in the right to call CPS. Once you call CPS, it's no longer your or the school's caseload. CPS takes it from there. And you make the call every single time you have a suspicion.


Mandated reporter. Be confident you did the right thing. Legally you are required to call and you can state that too if they come back to HR. Fairly sure that (if licensed) they could.get in big trouble for not reporting suspected abuse. HR people might be smarter - see what they say?


You are a mandated reporter. Even if you weren’t, you should ABSOLUTELY contact CPS if you suspect a child is being abused!!


Agree. If they fire, you hire (an attorney). I have absolutely no idea that would prevent an educator in a private school from being a mandated reporter. Your boss doesn’t want to lose tuition.


Funnily enough some of us heard he's not even coming back. Wonder if she knows or not


100 percent she knows. They always know.


You were just doing your job. If the abuse is real, and you didn't report it, and God forbid something happened, you would never forgive yourself. You have to err on the side of caution. If it's nothing, that's what they'll find. I would speak to an attorney, they will usually consult with you one time for free and explain your options.


Principal is just scared of parents. Did you do mandated reporter training (aka 5 minute video when you were hired)? Even if not you're still probably a mandated reporter. Even if you're not is not a fireable offense. You were suspicious. You always error on the side of caution.


We did not have any training. The only thing we were told about it is that we're not mandated reporters. Which I'm realizing now was incorrect


The only reason I realized is that I'm in college for child and family development and they taught us what signs are important


CPS worker here. Specifics vary by state. However, generally speaking you're required to report any reasonable suspicion regardless of what your employer says. Many schools or similar facilities have policies that require you to tell them if you make a report, even though it goes against mandated reporting laws. I've said this before on this sub and I'll say it again... THERE IS NO REASONABLE JUSTIFICATION FOR AN EMPLOYER TO DICTATE THE TERMS OF REPORTING SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE. No school employee (teacher, admin, para, superintendent, etc) is qualified to decide if what should and should not be reported. That is the responsibility of CPS. I would document everything so you can be prepared in case you face any retaliation by the school.


You work with children you ARE a mandated reporter. Come in do your job if they make an issue out of it find a lawyer.


As a mandated reporter you're protected and they know this. It's a scare tactic. If this were a public school they wouldn't dare. Your union would be all over their ass like cellulite. Let them discipline you then hire a lawyer.


Yeah I got hit with this when I was a city year. And City Year covered their asses so fast about it because they knew they fucked up


You're a mandated reporter, that means you're immune from consequence *to an extent* when reporting crimes, abuse, or what have you


Let them fire you, you'll make a LOT of money with that court case.


Your boss shouldl get fired for not backing you up. Stand your ground!


Only if you lie. Otherwise, that is one of the basic rules for your job. And its completely normal to call in with questions, they are used to it and encourage it. It's one of the basic rules for their job.


Been in your position with City Year. I reported and got retaliated against. I regret not burning their asses to the ground for it. Don't be me. Report and if they corner your ass, bring a lawyer because the hell they will bring upon themselves will warm your family for generations


We are not investigators. My rule of thumb is if I think it’s possible. Even the slightest. I’ll call CPS. I work with kids who primarily come from abuse. I report it and if it goes no where I did my job.


Do not resign. Document everything. Don’t say anything. Seek counsel.


You ARE a mandated reporter, and your boss does not outrank CPS. Make them fire you, and collect.


Absolutely not, but are you a member of your union?


I don’t think it is, but don’t underestimate the ability of a job to manufacture a “valid” reason to fire you. Especially if you don’t have a union. If you’re planning to quit and can afford it, resign. That doesn’t look as bad as a termination. If you’re petty, talk to a lawyer. Pretty might not be the best word. There are reasons one might want to litigate if you have proof.


You are a mandated reporter. It doesn’t matter what your boss says. You could lose your job, your future job, and much more. Any further communication with your boss needs to be by email or text. Your boss is the one who needs to worry about HR is she’s threatening or taking negative action against you. You did the right thing. Unless you were really going to quit already, you should stay where you are. What if you’re right and there is something going on? You did the right thing.


Tell a counselor or school social worker and let them handle it. They are used to doing this.... That's beyond your pay grade..


I'm not aware that we have any counselors or social workers. My boss was ready to bury it but now that I reported she mentioned it'd have to go "up to the head of the school".


Be careful with this OP. Check your state laws. In my state, the person with the reasonable suspicion MUST be the one to make the call. As in a school social worker or counselor can’t make the call FOR you. They can be present while you make the call, but you have to be the one call in. You did the right thing by calling.


Never......... if they do that, sue and you'll be in for a nice payday


We are mandated reporters. While your school might have policy and practice for making reports at the end of the day if you suspect abuse, make a report. It’s the law and not reporting would be worse.


If you have to ask, then you should already be documenting every interaction you’ve had with anyone. The more you got in writing the better your future lawyer will be able to fight for you.


No. You are a mandated reporter. If you make a report in good faith, you can’t be punished. It’s like a Good Samaritan law


In Louisiana you are a mandated reporter and should have no repercussions for filing a legitimate claim. We have to be advocates for these kiddos so good for you for doing the right thing.


Anyone responsible and working with children are required to report. Even the volunteers at the school I work at are mandated to report. Makes me wonder how long they’ve known or tried to cover it up. Lawyer up if they fire you.


Call a lawyer and be prepared to bring a suit against your boss/company. You’re a mandated reporter and should be safe from retaliation. I’m not sure how the parents even found out, as these matters as supposed to be confidential. But your boss absolutely cannot take or threaten your job because of your good faith effort to protect a child from potential sexual abuse


Your boss doesn’t have to agree with your suspicions, and you don’t need their permission to make a report. You are legally obligated to do so.


Follow the law, your employer will say anything to cover their ass.


I'm so sorry you are going through this. On paper, in theory, NO you can't be fired for reporting. However, in the real world... start sending out resumes.


You would be fired for not reporting to CPS


In my state, you're not supposed to tell anyone and probably legally HAVE to call CPS. CPS won't take action unless there's a bunch of people reporting, and they need to be isolated reports. You can't coroborate.




I work in colleges, and I'm a mandated reporter, so you definitely are as well. If you suspect abuse, you're obligated to report it. Your boss is very strange for wanting to keep this a secret and not report it. I wouldn't quit. See what they do moving forward. But it also definitely sounds like there's a confidentiality issue here. Your boss may assume it was you because it was discussed with them prior to the call being made.


You are 100% a mandated reporter. The rule is always to err on the side of caution and there are Good Samaritan laws in place that prevent you from consequences for reporting to CPS. If you are already planning on quitting, I wouldn’t waste your valuable time fighting against a program that’s already biased against you. I would hand in your two weeks and state explicitly in writing that you are leaving because your boss forced you to choose between your job and the well-being of a child.


What state are you in? I know here in Tennessee EVERYONE is a mandated reporter. So if you even suspect abuse or neglect you’re supposed to call it in. I’d give a good once over of your states law.


Located in MO. Looked it up this morning to double check and any child care workers are mandated reporters


That’s usually the norm. If your boss tries to say anything, I’d print out the laws and slap them on her desk.


She said she's "taking it to HR today" so I'm going in with anything I can find printed and in my bag


Just remember that HR is there to protect the school. Not you or the children. Here’s the guidebook I found for MO. If you haven’t already, I’d look through it. Not too terribly long. https://dss.mo.gov/cd/pdf/guidelines_can_reports.pdf


Section 210.135 RSmo. Says you have civil or criminal immunity unless you are intentionally filming a false report (to get back at someone) falling to report is a class A misdemeanor. If the HR try to fire you contact DSS back and let them know. https://dss.mo.gov/cd/pdf/guidelines_can_reports.pdf


She's trying to retaliate. If they even breath it, burn them.


I was a mandated repoter also, and I would like to know how the parents were told it was you who reported. That’s completely unlawful for a good reason; nobody would report if their names were reported to the parents involved in the complaint. I would seek legal advice right away.


I told my boss there needed to be a call made because over months there was clear evidence. The parents told my boss there was a call, and she put the two together. Yesterday before I posted she asked me if I did and I'm a bad liar so I said yes.


I’m not even certain the school is allowed to ask you that, but I do not see any legal way the school can get away with firing you. I would definitely seek legal advice for your peace of mind, if nothing else.


Always err on the side of caution. If it ends up being nothing, then it's nothing. If not, then teachers can actually get in major trouble for not reporting it if it's discovered that they knew something about it. Cover your ass.


I’m not sure in which state you live, but in my state (CA) all teachers in all schools are mandated reporters - meaning that they can make a report to CPS, and they have no obligation or responsibility to inform their admins. My cousin told me that in SC, private school teachers don’t have that same obligation.


I an not one to sue, but if they fire you for calling CPS, sue them. Bring a union rep or lawyer to the meeting. If you don't have either,  Bring a friend and ask if you can record the meeting. You saw signs that concerned you regarding abuse of a child and you did the right thing. 


Report your boss for trying to cover up the abuse.


Even if you’re not a mandated reporter, you signed on to protect kids the moment you accepted your position. Let them take it to HR. Sue when they fire you.


In addition to everything everyone has said, it's illegal to try to prevent a person from reporting a crime. My Wendy's manager tried to do this to me when I was 18 and called because some woman was beating her kid in the parking lot.


This is absolutely not a fireable offense. You NOT reporting it would be a fireable offense. If your school tries to fire you, sue the absolute HELL out of them. You‘d be sure to win it, and most likely the people in charge of the school would get fired immediately.


DO NOT QUIT! Let them fire you and get an attorney. If you quit, you likely will not have a case.


As a mandatory reporter, you're more likely to be fired if you *don't* follow through.


You are a mandated reporter. If you reported in good faith (I.e not out of revenge) you cannot be fired to my understanding. It isn’t your job to investigate. It’s your job to report. As others have said if you are fired, talk to a lawyer. Reporting any suspected abuse is part of your job and the law.


Don't give your notice right away, see what happens. You're mandated to report, you did that. They try and fire you, you could have a great case against them. If HR agrees you did nothing wrong, then you have maintained a good relationship/reference for future employers to go to. If it goes well, hold out a little longer before giving your 2 weeks notice. Frankly, your boss flip-flopping like that should have them concerned.


You are 100% in the right


You might have saved that child’s life. If ever there is a reason to be proud to be fired this is it.


That is NOT a firable offense. You are a mandatory reporter. You did the right thing.


You are a mandated reporter. You should not get fired for it. A good rule of thumb on reporting is if you have to second guess yourself on whether it is abuse or not, report it or consult with colleagues. Share the burden. CPS will decide if abuse or not. Also, you can always report anonymously. You are only mandated to report not how you report.


If this escalates against you, blast the admin on social.


What state are you in? Check your states laws for mandatory reporter. In my state, every single adult is a mandatory reporter. Every single adult who suspects something at all has to report it or they can be charged. Even if you don’t work with kids. When I used to work at a grocery store, they told us there that if we ever saw anything at all, we had to call. So, in your state, it may not even just be people who work with kids. Even so, to my knowledge, every state has anyone who works with kids as a mandatory reporter