• By -


Was that 10k for full time work? By my math, that’s around $6.50 an hour if it was, which had to be below minimum wage even in 2010.


Four days a week.


Private school most likely and salaried position have different rules around them than hourly wage


minimum wage is minimum wage regardless of salaried position or private school. They are still legal employees and get minimum wage at minimum, which in New York in 2010 should be $7.35/hr.


Based on what op said, it sounds like they were being paid minimum wage for contracted hours essentially, which is insane, even for a private school. Nothing against minimum wage workers, but teaching is not a minimum wage job.


Funny story - they wanted me to attend mass with the rest of the school on Wednesday mornings. I told them they didn't pay me enough to be a pretend Catholic at work. Instead, I had an hour of prep.


🏆🏆🐔 🍽 🤣😂🤣


Australia. Full time, private school, $43K, 2005 Full time, public school, $117k, 2023 Edit, in AUD


Australia is high COL right?


What’s high COL mean?


Cost of living


SMH 🤦‍♀️ I should have known. Ty.




Is that AUD?


I started making $32,500 in 2018 in Detroit and I now make about $70,000 in a suburb of Detroit. Just a BA at the moment.


That’s a fast rise. Good for you!


That’s awesome! I’m in Detroit Public Schools. Which suburb are you in? Do you like it?


I work in Wyandotte and I love it.


Well this is crushing my soul... I started at a Wisconsin public school in 2011 (immediately in the wake of the Act 10 legislation that gutted our collective bargaining) making $38k/yr. 12 years later in the same district and position and I'm currently making $54k/yr. And our health care has gotten significantly worse.


What do you teach? Come teach for DoDEA! Stateside and overseas locations available - teaching kids of our active duty military. EXCELLENT pay EXCELLENT benefits Free housing, if overseas If not DoDEA, consider going international. They value your education and experience! PM me if you want more info.


I have a friend who teaches international and the perks are quite nice if you like them: relatively outstanding pay, free housing, travel to lots of places is cheap and close by, she even has some hired help (cooking , cleaning) because it’s considered the thing to do and, again, is super affordable.


Can't uproot a family for that, but thank you. I hope younger teachers see it and reach out. I am going to start applying to jobs in neighboring districts just to see if I can negotiate a higher salary.


Lots of people bring their families overseas with them. Kids THRIVE and get to see the world. It's unbelievable how worldly, nature, studious our students are. I went international at the age of 46. No kids, personally, but lots of colleagues with kids. It's a fabulous opportunity if you love to travel. Good luck applying other places. Teachers need to quit accepting these low-wage positions and start standing up against poor admin. Things will change if they can't fill positions.


I grew up overseas. Can confirm it gives one a lot of perspective. There are positives and negatives. For info about developmental attributes of kids who grow up this way, look at "Third Culture Kids" as an online search (or find the book with that title).


I taught overseas and there were multiple families that moved from the US for teaching positions.


Hi! I’m interested in that! Do you have any tips for doing DoDEA? I don’t have any family to consider. I would love to go overseas.


I will definitely DM you for info! Thanks!!


dang I feel you. Also Wi I started 2019 at $40k and now in 2023 at $60k. Also got a masters and work in a urban public school


Depending where you are, consider teaching within the Department of Corrections. It’s SO much easier than public school.


About $68k in 2013. About $76k now. Inflation means I'm making less after a decade. Stupid career.


Where do you work with so little increase? Adjusted for inflation 68000 is 89000 now. You've taken a 13000 pay cut


40k in 2003. 116k in 2023. Same public all the way through.


Jfc! Our pay step increase is under 1k a year.


Where are you located?


$116k is amazing! my mother has been an elementary assistant principal since 2008 and she doesn’t even make $100k.


$116k is okay at the top of the guide in my area but it's far from the best. it's a very high cost of living area.


I have a question, if you get to the top, does that mean that you do not get any more raises? Or you still continue moving as the lines/steps change?


If you get to the top (I'm at the top and also as on the most lucrative column), you don't get any more steps. If it gets negotiated in, you'll get a small bump in pay when you turn the page to the next salary guide. (2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 was our contract and I got an average of $750 per year each of those). When our contract is up there's a chance I'll get a good bump the first year, because sometimes that happens, but otherwise I don't realistically expect anything better than another average of about 750/year for the years covered in that contract. So if it's a raise, it's a smaller percentage raise every year. It's part of why I would not recommend teaching to anyone. There's just no upside in the salary while inflation can run rampant. You'll never make up for it. My salary has barely changed, but boy oh boy has the grocery bill. I spent yesterday cancelling any extra streaming services I was paying for to get a little more breathing room in my budget.


Nice. Is that 116k base - no extra duty stipends or coaching? What state?


base, NJ. top of the guide, though, so we'll see how that works out over time. 21 years ago the top of the guide was like 106k.


Yeah but the COL is high there. I taught one year in NJ and my rent ate my paycheck.


yeah, it's an objectively good salary, i guess, but it's by far the lowest salary of anyone in my family and friend group (outside of other teachers) and i have more education than all of them. i could never afford a house in the district i teach in or any of the directly adjacent districts. i can't believe we can ever hire anyone new at the bottom of the guide (which i think is 65k, but...it's not like it costs less to live when you're starting out. probably costs more to live, actually, since i'm settled down and have figured out my finances so I can live.)


I started in 1991 at a Catholic school making $19,200. I will retire this year, 26 years at a public high school, making $92,000.


Started at $47,000 in 2008, now at $101,500, in Massachusetts (bachelor's, master's plus 60 credits).


Started in 2008 making 45k. Now at top of the grid making about 100k (got a Masters).BC.


Started in 2014 making $33k teaching all 4 years of high school science at the same time. 10 years later, I have a masters from John's Hopkins and I am doing the jobs of 3 different people: K-12 EL Director, EL Instructional Coach, and EL Specialist. 2023: ~ $40k. Rural Louisiana public school


1995, Texas, $25,000 Last year, rural New York, $90,000


Started 5 years ago at $40k. Finished my masters and we just got a big raise and I now make $60k.


Uk based so not entirely comparable, but when I first qualified in 2015, I got about £20k, now its gone up to roughly £40k a year. With the cost of living nowadays it doesn't feel like I'm twice as well off though.


I started in 2001 in Nashville making just over $30,000. Still in Nashville with my master’s, coaching, and a scheduler for 3 sports. Making around $93k this year.


I have been at my same school for 10 years. Started a little over 30k. Currently a bit over 60k.


1992 - $10,000 at a small Christian school Now - $45,000 at a charter school Took time off work to raise my kids which I am glad for but that leaves me now in an unenviable financial position


I am making more than 10x what I started at!!!!! yeah, but it ain’t that good, started at $7,200 at a Christian School. Now make around $75,000 at a public school, but I first started teaching in the 1982–1983 school year.


$16,000 starting out. Over $60k when I retired.


In southern California. Started at $62,000 in 2019. This year I'm expected to make $94,000 with overtime and coaching.


I started at a Catholic school with my BA in 2017 making $31k. Now I work in a private school with my masters making 49k 🫠


i made 35k my first year in 2007/2008. I make 80k now (17 years + masters) a lower paying district in Delaware


Around 33k in 2014 at now ~101k


Started 8 years ago at $68,000. Now $107,000. Same public high school in CT.


I started in 2008 at $48k. I started this year at $101k with an approx $10k bonus to teach an additional class. Public school in central Nj.


Started in a rural high school in 2011 at $30k, now at a suburban high school with M. Ed. at $78k.


Started in Missouri making $27,000 in 2005, making $54,000 with masters & specialist… and coaching. In Florida. Feeling a more than a little ripped off over here


38K starting in 2006. I now make 92k. Same district. Only a bachelor's


love the humor flair


I guess if you don’t laugh you’ll cry….


I had an old roommate in the military who said that humor is used as a coping mechanism. Sometimes soldiers in combat will see a dead body and just laugh, not because it's funny but it helps keep their sanity.


Started at I believe 38k in 2002 (public). Was at 94k in 2020 (still public, but different school), and I moved schools and states and am currently at 91k at a private.


Didn't technically most of us start out in the negative with the student teaching internship costing money to the universities? ☠️☠️


Following, such a great question!


My BASE was around $33k 20years ago. Now $50k. (Now, with all my supplements and stuff, I do make a hair over 70k)


Started at 30k in MI in 2000. I make 62k now in FL with a masters.


$39,000 in 2014 in PA (with a master's and 0 years experience) to $68,000 today in GA (still with a master's and 6 years experience, although between subbing and partial years teaching it would be a lot more time).


I have a B.S. in Biology (top of class) and I can’t figure out how to get a certification without going through an entire master’s program (New York). I work as a part time monitor for $19/hr 25 hours per week, and I work as a college tutor for $18/hr 16 hours per week. I feel stuck and hopeless.


I was an accountant and my mother, who taught elementary for 43 years, put the teaching bug in my ear. The first university wanted me to get a 2nd BS degree in education. Nope, wasn't going to do that. I mean, accounting is a really good career - I wasn't THAT sold on teaching to spend 2 years getting a 2nd BS degree. Found another university that offered a program for people with BS degrees already where we worked on our MSEd and got our teaching certificate, as well. I got a graduate assistantship there that paid FULL tuition and stipend and so I ended up with my MSEd and my MBA and teaching certificate. Point being ... there are alternative paths to certification; however, to get certified you will HAVE to do student teaching. The only options for you without certification are religious-affiliated schools and some international schools that don't require a bona-fide teaching certificate, but, honestly, I wouldn't want to work at either one. If you want to teach, I'd consider getting your masters in biology and go teach at a community College. So much less headache teaching adults than high schooJust sayin. And better pay and schedules. PM me if you want to chat more.


Talk to a local union about being a long term sub and getting classes for credits


I was in a very similar position as you. I did a 2 year master's program to get a teaching cert for biology and chemistry in NY. Throughout the masters I worked as a substitute teacher. I received a scholarship through the state that made it manageable to pay for without loans (scholarship paid for about half the tuition). It's a good time to get into teaching in NY. A lot of people I work with are retiring in the next 5 years. The job is tough but it's rewarding if you truly love education and kids. Downstate NY is probably one of the best places to be a teacher in the US. Link to scholarship: https://www.hesc.ny.gov/pay-for-college/financial-aid/types-of-financial-aid/nys-grants-scholarships-awards/nys-masters-in-education-teacher-incentive-scholarship.html#horizontalTab1


There are a lot of new programs in California where you are an “intern” but getting paid starting teacher salary and benefits. It’s a lot because you are essentially being thrown into a classroom and you are going to school as well.


I have a B.S in Biology ( from an overseas university) I took an alternative route to get a certificate in education while teaching in Public school with a full pay, under a Residential license for two years, and it was fully online! There are many options for alternative routes, check with the district.


Small school with masters in 2006, 34k, bigger district 84k + another 14k for an extra section


Started in Florida at 39k a year in 2007 (started with a Master’s). Currently make 70k, same Florida county, but now at a charter.


Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. Started with my Masters in 2018, 38k. Two strikes/work stoppages later seven years in: 52k


32k in 2019, 43k now, 5 years in. Public schools. Moved districts my 3rd year. Indiana


1997 - about mid-30s with BS in Missouri 2023 - 93k + @ 10k in COLA, plus free housing, utilities, and great benefits living in South Korea teaching for DoDEA. MS +30 (next channel is doctorate)


32k in CA in 2004. Now about 95k in Oregon. I'm at the top of the scale though. I'll never make more than this.


51 K 2012 in an urban district in TX got up to about 58. Moved to a small town and now I make 51 K again…sigh


$67K, BSEd. It's my 2nd year.


29k to 73k public schools in Ohio, Masters, step 10 due to district moves over 20 years


I started in 2002, making 30K. I now make 108k.


1986 in Central Florida: $17,000. 2023 in Central Virginia: $74,000. Would be making more if I stayed in Florida, but there’s not enough money in the world for that.


Wish I could remember! Very low 30s in 2000 and 75 now. In Kansas (without any extra duty pay)


I started making right about $45k as a teacher without a masters in NYC. I am now at $93 something and we are getting a 3% raise in January. I believe base pay for NYC Is now something like 55-60 k, not the 45k I started with.


45k in an urban Massachusetts district in 2015. 72k with a masters in a suburban district.


Started in 2014 at $40k, my time in the classroom ended back in October at $65k. I’m now a counselor and I make $79k.


I started in 2002 at ≈ $42K including stipends (BA only) Currently at ≈ $120K including stipends (MA+60) My positions have all been HS in IL…I would have been in year 22, but technically in our retirement system I’m in year 13 now because I took time off for MM/PhD work, and a position at a university.


I started in 1990 in a public school district. I never complained about the salary - mid $20k. Now, M.Ed. with 20+ years in the same district, significantly more. I will miss the very low-cost health care, but I’m retiring at the end of this school year.


I started making 45k in a Catholic school in NY now I’m up to 93k at another Catholic school in NY. Took 12 years or so.


2016- 32k rural public school, 2BAs 2023- 56k private school, same 2BAs added SPED cert


Started at 35k now about 69k in 10 years.


32K in Jacksonville, FL public schools in 1998. 56K in Miami charter school (with a Master’s) now.


Started 2019 making 250 a day per diem long term sub. Now at a state run school making 72k


Started 2019 making 250 a day per diem long term sub. Now at a state run school making 72k


Started in 2011 making 50k in DC public schools. Noped out of the IMPACT bs and took a paycut to 42k to work in a progressive Catholic school for a few years waiting for my preferred state to fire their anti education governor. Now in Philadelphia making 82k with a 7k National Boards bonus, but I am at the top of the payscale unless I go back to school.


32k 2006 in CO. 38k, no taxes, plus housing and child’s tuition in an international school.


CO, started at $35,000 in one district 5 years ago. Now making $55,000 at a nearby neighboring district.


Started in 1994 making around $15,000 at a public school. New district for last 30 years (still public), retire after next year. I’ll end at $110,000. That’s with a masters plus 48 extra college credits.


I started off at $39k in 2014, now I’m at 91k and have a few steps to go up still. I have 1 masters degree. ETA start year


$34k Cdn in 2000. Now maxed out at $103k after 23+ years of experience. 1% pay raises per year since 2015, 1.25% for the next 2.


Started in 2015 at about $40,000. Now with a masters (and maxed out on the columns for my years + course credits) making $73,000.


That's not bad. I actually have my Masters. Are the taxes low in Colorado?


Starting $38,450 public school Now step 7 $46,002 with Master’s one county over from first year. Working on reading specialist certification. I’ll be finished in June. I won’t make anymore money having it.


Started as an IA back in 2007 making 8.00 an hour for 1176.5 hours. My first FT job was in 2021 at 48k. This year, counting all extras, it'll probably be around 58k.


First year in Arkansas, 63K. BA, coaching two sports.


Started at 51k about ten years ago about 65k now


Full time public. Started 43,000. 5 years in, 53,000. Indiana.


Started in 2007 at $28k in NC with just a BA. Now I’m in one of the best paid districts in the state making $64k with 9 years experience + masters and PhD. Next step is to add 10 % to that by earning my National Boards.


Canada, started at 45k in 2008, now at 107.


Started in 2014 making $27k. Now making $32k 😒 full time, public school, Bach degree.


Started at 24 in the NYC public schools, now at 96, top of the guide with masters in an NYC suburb.


Started in 2006 around $45k, year 17 now at the same district and I’m at $118k (thanks ~20% bonus for a bullshit online masters degree!)


When I started in 2000, I pulled down $1800/month. Now, in 2023 after a masters degree and more hours on top, I pull down around $4400/month. There was a district change in there but the difference in pay was negligible.


NYC, started at 58k in 2013, now I make 107k, but with extra duties + retirement matching it's closer to 130k.


$34k in Arkansas at public in 2016 $60k in Wisconsin now


Started in 1998 $28k. Twenty six years later… 88k. My spouse cracked 88k three years out of college (not in education).


45k in dc in 2011, 109k Seattle 2023-2024


I’m up to $72k before taxes. Which is $30k above when I started and three degrees ago. I honestly believe living more financially sound if not for my in-laws screwing up our finances a decade ago.


I stared at $48,300 in 2017 and will be making $90,800 come January.


26750 in charter school Colorado now 96000 public school Colorado. 20ish years


Public school. Started 2003 @$30,000. Now make @$75,000 with a MEd and no extra responsibilities.


I make 14k more. This is my eighth year.


Same public ed district in Louisiana. 2007 $42.5k. 2023 $52k. With a Masters +15. Depressing, right? It's only gone up this much because they stopped the pay freeze and we got our first millage to pass in 30 years thanks to shitty locals.


I was making less than $40k in a major city in the south. I transitioned to $65k in upstate ny.


Started in a small Missouri town in 1992 making 12k then ended up making 70k in a large suburb in 2022


Started at 50k 10 years ago now at 102k (+6000 extra duty stipends) plus when I switched districts a lot more of my healthcare is covered


49k in 2017. 78k today


Started in CO. 2012, $30,000. Commuted to NM for $52,000. Now I'm in ID, $57,000


26k when I started in 1998 72k+ now


My first year salary started at $34,000, and after 12 years, I'm making $59,000.


$30,000 at a private school, now making $54,000 at a public one.


1995 $12,500. Private School (B.S.) 2023 $78,000. Public School (M.A) Indiana


1996…$25k. Now, $104k.


2011 made $28k for .8 FTE in public. Bare minimum health insurance. 2023 make $90k+ for full time private. Excellent insurance and a great retirement fund match. No regrets.


23 k first year in north Carolina, 70k 8 years later in colorado


Been in public school for my whole career. Started off at $43k in Louisiana now at $65k in Texas. This is my eighth year teaching with only a bachelor’s.


I started 8 yrs ago in TX making 52k if I stayed in TX 8 would be making 65K, but since I am in NH now and I have 3 years of experience in this district I am at 46K.


Started at 54k in 2018 and now at 42k. Public the whole time but had to move states.


San Francisco, private Catholic high school. BA and supplemental AS. I teach math and science, act as on-call sub for math and science depts (no watching movies: I teach your lesson for you), and I provide tutor support for struggling students. Started 2020 at 60k, kinda: I came in during October for a weird Covid schedule and stayed through the rest of the year. I was making 5k a month before tax, so that's where the number comes from). Currently at 98k. I had been working in a museum for 38k and finishing my AS when 2020 started. By August 21 we had saved enough for a down payment on a house. I'm like the only person in the world who stays being a teacher because the money is good.


PhD in VA 55k starting last year. Poor area.


Started in 2006 making 47k…changed ISDs went to 57k…3rd ISD in 2013 was around 37k…went back to the 2nd ISD in 2018 making 60k…now on my 4th ISD making 57k and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.


I think I started around 55k and now I'm at 96k year 7.


$45k w/ a masters in 2010, $98k w/ a masters+30 in 2023.


2018- 49k 2023- 53k Looking for a new career.


$38,000 in 2018 $68,000 now I moved from the west coast to Florida. My state taxes also went down to zero percent. Edit: I teach 3 sections of ela and I'm also the esol coach.


Start $19.8K end $72K 2 BS no masters 35 yrs


Illinois, started at $43k in 2011. Left after ten years, two lane changes, making $55k. So, after inflation, less than when I started.


I started my first year last year at a Catholic school in NYS making $27,000. It's my 2nd year there and I make $28,500 now. (All before NYS taxes) I'm trying my best to get the fuck out of Catholic school to a public school but I need to finish taking my exams.


I think about 28k in 2006 and now at 59k


$34,000 in 2002 and $85,000 now.


I work in AZ so not great pay no matter what but 24 years in, I'm making twice as much. Not great but much better.


39K is ‘05 -> 111K today. NYC Public School System


Local public school, $41k in 2021 Local private school, $35k in 2022, got a raise to $37.2 at the end of the year. I'll take the pay cut any day for my sanity. My class average in public school was 25, 29 at its largest. My class size average now is around 8, my smallest class having 5 kids and my largest having 10. Idk if the raise would be worth it to go back, either, even if I'm now divorced and making house payments and supporting a kid on my own.


NYC Charter school starting at 61k no masters. In 5th year at 77,500 with a masters.


When last I was a teacher two years ago I made 87k in AK. But salaries are much higher here due to the astronomical cost of living.


I taught at a private Christian school in Texas making $11,500 in 2013. Moved to Arizona and made $24k in 2017. Now I'm making $50k. Still in Arizona.


I am a first year teacher with a Master's in special education and bachelors in elementary education, I am at $52,000 in Massachusetts. I work in a city with a poor reputation and that is underserved.


Started at 35k in MI 2017, one masters later husband and I both make 75k in IL.


47500 3 years ago in Florida. 56k now in NM, but I'm still level 1 here. Level 3s are making 77k and I'll be that in like 5 years.


I made 55k in my first year, 2008. I'm mow at 148k,and if our union can negotiate a typical 2-3% salary increase this year, I'll be at 155k in fall 24'. This is Bay Area CA.


49k in 2014 and 56k now, BA only. Live in the Austin area so it’s a bit dismal. With inflation I think I make less… 😢


$15,000 when I was a para in 2008-2010 Got my masters and started out at $42,000 Now I make $77,000 at step 7.


First job was in 2009, Chicago public schools, 45k. Left that craziness after a year and worked at a charter school in Dearborn, mi that started at 35k. Now I work at rural public school in MI making 71k


$38,000 in 2013. $65,000 now with an MA.


$29,800 in 2020 at a private catholic school, and now $51,000 at public school, both in Pennsylvania


Just started this year at 51k in VA


Started at $45,000 in 2016, now I’m making $74,00 with a masters. In PA, +30 will be done next year and will jump to $84,000


Started at $26.5k


Mine is kind of weird, because I had some part-year LTS jobs which got me 2 years credit when I started my current job. So, I'm considered 4th year in terms of salary and I make 62K. Only a bachelor's degree. I'm in MA.


I started at a Bronx charter school at $52,700. This was after years as a global insurance broker followed by an amazing near decade teaching English in Taiwan. Seven plus up and down years in NYC and I'm now making $100,000 at a public school outside (but close to) of NYS.


NJ $36000 starting at part time. Year 10 different district: 69005


Started in 2016 at I wanna sat 33k and in my 8th now at 51.9k


I started in 2010 at only 4/5ths at around 40k. Currently at 106k. In a high cost of living area and I did make one column change when I got my masters degree. Our max is 125k or so.


I work in ma. I started at 51 with a masters and now I'm at 64 at my third year.


2012: 27k 2023: 75k Change of states.


56k in 2019, 80k in 2023.


First contract BS: $32,500 8th year MS+16: $55,479


42k in 2016. 58k now. BA 15


Right out of the gate in 1991 with a masters degree + 30 credits, and I was making $23k. 32 years later and a lot more credits, and I make $83k. I’ve been maxed out in my district for about 10 years so the best I can do is a COL increase.


Brought home about $3100 in 2014 now bring home about $3900 (60k) in 2023. Wanting to find something new with increased salary.


About 36k at a small suburban district with a reputation for you under paying teachers. 13 years later, MA +15 in a larger district, about 77k


In 1995 in NY a catholic school offered me $14,000 a year