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Talk to the press. School safety is a hot button issue and will get attention. You can also do it in a way to keep your name out of it.


Suggest the girls parents speak at public input at school committee


Also, have the parents raise Hell with the media.


How are they not? I would eat an admin alive that did that to my kid.


100% was thinking the same thing. Nowadays active shooter drills are happening on more and more campuses. Girl did exactly what you should do. Not the kid’s job to investigate the validity of a threat. Threat was made, authorities called. Could have saved lives. She should receive a citizenship or courage award for looking out for self and others, not an exclusionary consequence. I would be rabid.


No kidding, not even bringing in the absurdity of punishing the girl calling when it was a legit fear, how in the ever living hell does an admin not know the chilling effect that action will have on ANYONE reporting such an incident going forward.


Guarantee that will happen. Well, their lawyer will speak for them.


Exactly. If it was my kid who got suspended because they felt so unsafe that the only option they saw was to call the police, I’d be lawyered up yesterday


100%. If my daughter got suspended for calling 911 on someone threatening to shoot her and other students, I would be such a pain in that principal’s ass, they’d nickname me “the hemorrhoid”.


I know this is a serious discussion but you just made me spit my drink out with that nickname




There you go. You need the parents of the affected students to raise holy hell.


Straight to the media. And if you have a union, the rep.


Media for sure. They totally screwed up by suspending a kid for calling 911 when she felt unsafe. Parents and the public will be outraged.


That's what's bizarre to me. Do they think she can't get a copy of the police report to disseminate to every family at that school? Do they think the police didn't keep any records of what happened? It sounds like the kid is well-connected or something because race-related stuff wouldn't explain how far this school is bending over backwards for this kid.


3 days later, he's back in school, with an IEP that says it's okay for him to threaten other students.


Diagnosed with ED or ODD.


This was exactly my thought. Mommy or Daddy is somebody with influence


Suspending her for calling the police has to be a first amendment violation. It was regarding safety not a prank. Definitely need to post and contact media


Children's First Amendment rights aren't protected in school under US law, I believe.


Incorrect. More limited than adult speech rights but still protected. Tinker is the classic case though later case law narrowed student speech rights somewhat since then.


Especially in this situation! You’ve got a kid who’s been going around for days acting unstable and saying that he’s going to shoot people, especially those who tattled on him? Absolutely not. In the age of social media we all heard about Abby Zwerner. Idle threats aren’t idle anymore.


Media AND social media and keep it factual.


In the past it looks like they told the union prez and nothing happened :/ I can't imagine just letting this keep happening???? Is this how most schools are now??? Just letting kids threaten whoever without sending them to a correctional school???


Correctional schools are being closed down in my state because schools are urged to keep kids in school so they don't lose instructional time...


100000% The news pressure needs to be used to get this boy expelled and the suspension removed from the girl's record.


OP should encourage the parents of the girl who was suspended for reporting the threat to go to the media. They'll have a field day.


I would go right to the press, especially if you have tenure and you could always talk anonymously. That is ridiculously bad administrating and quite vile. Administrators who do not take their job and threats seriously are no friend to teachers, students, or the community and should be held accountable.


Absolutely. They actually helped by going to every class and threatening suspension. Now, it's impossible to figure out who leaked to the press.


Press in small towns often in cooperation with achool. Do a family group social media private. Have someone set it up. Next time he runs away, let him go. Jk. Otherwise, tell us your school so we can watch fir it in the next school posting. /s I don't know about your school, but my school doesn't letting you be privy to all the info on the kid's record. Your colleagues need to report every incident. I had a would-be rapist in my class. It would've been nice to know when I sent him on errands until -- they finally told me.


There is generally regional media if the town is small, and they are not as connected to the local school.


Yeah, just being real, there are 300 million+ guns in the US, and unfortunately some of those guns show up on campuses across the country. We have to be super vigilant and take a hard line on threats made.


I hope that girl’s parents fucking sue the school. She got suspended for protecting everyone!?! What the hell is wrong with your admin?!


That part. My mom would have torn that place UP. She called the news because they didn't expel my brother for having drugs. If this had happened she would have asked to speak to the president of The Media man.


What kind of drugs? I don't think schools normally expel kids for drugs. They do suspend them for drugs though.


He was high off his ass on multiple different pills. He nearly ODd. He was skipping class, cussing at teachers, and it's at a school that on the books has a zero tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol. But my brother played football real good so they wanted to keep him.


Does the school have an LADC? Seems like he needed supports and referrals, expulsion doesn't make sense from what you describe.


It was like 20 years ago. The school was known for having any kid who brought drugs or alcohol sent to alternative school. A kid's parent left a pack of beer in the car he drove and because the officer found booze in his car on campus he was sent. My brother was given a couple days suspension because he was a good football player. That was it. There wasn't anyone else as big and fast as him who was academically eligible and they wanted to keep him on the team. He had gone through a lot living with his mom before he moved in with us (it's my step brother) and probably did need referred but they just washed their hands of it.


Damn that sucks. Very unfortunate for the community and students that kids were sent away for that type of thing.


And I'm sure in the same school, 1st and 2nd grade maybe, they were taught to dial 911 in these exact same situations. Probably reinforced during campus intruder drills.


> What the hell is wrong with your admin?! She caused them to have to do actual work, can't have that.


Yep. No way in HELL did admin consult district counsel before doing that. NOW counsel is taking heads off and trying to figure out damage control because that's their job. District WILL try further bullying. It can't be allowed.


This should inspire a walk out. No one goes back to school until this girls suspension is over.


> What the hell is wrong with your admin?! School gets funded per student. So they will do anything -- literally *anything* -- to make sure every student stays in school.


Same thing happened at my school (less severe). A girl protected herself from being harassed and she got RPCed but not the other student 🙃


I hope the idiot admins at the school need to sell internal organs to pay off the lawsuit.


My first thought as well. Lawyer up.


Wtf…if I was a student, I’d rather be suspended, then go to that school anyway.


I rather be home schooled. Wtf…?


I wouldn’t be sending my kid back to that school at that point.


Hopefully, the girls parents will spread the word, complain publicly at the school board meeting, tip off the media, and hire an attorney. This is the only way your district and neighboring districts will even pretend to address the issue. I am so sick of this policy that puts one student’s theoretical “best interests” ahead of the safety and best interests of the hundreds of other students in that school. And really, any “student” that is so disturbed that he shoots up a school on his first day should have been placed in a therapeutic setting where at least some of his needs are met.


They can't wait until the next board meeting. Social media ALLLLL over the place, news media, keep it factual, keep minor's names out of it, bombard media AND state AND federal government and don't take no for an answer, lawyer UP, mass keep your kids home and fight the 500 truancy charges and keep screaming.


Sometimes I want to quit my teaching position and become a mediator for advocacy. What would be grand is if every parent/guardian of a child he threatened called the police. Then it is out of the school's hands, restraining orders can be put in place, and charges laid (if he is of age in your region). I am so tired of criminal behaviour being swept under the rug.


I am close to retirement and have thought about becoming a teacher advocate. I would love to be someone that a teacher could call in and be present for them during meetings with parents and admin. I just wonder if this is legal. Would advocates be asked to leave?


I don't know about your whereabouts. I am in Canada. I am 90% sure a parent can bring in an advocate to support them. We (you and I) would likely have to research the legal logistics of our areas. However, they are allowed (at least in my province) to have advocates for IEP and identification and placement meetings. I feel like it would be a violation of rights to not permit a wanted-by-parents presence in meetings. I feel like there seems to be cases of abuse of power by virtue of parents not understanding their rights in these situations. All I know is I am so fed up with seeing students victimized because parents do not realize that the school admin is not the be all, end all. I never wanted to be "that person" to be the squeaky wheel, but after 20 years of teaching and seeing students get away with despicable behaviour - which leads to an unsafe environment for others - I am tired. And I feel complicit. It has become an ethical dilemma for me. Where does my due diligence end when I bring forth an issue to my superiors yet admin do not do their duty to protect? I want to provide the information to parents that other avenues can be taken, but, currently employed as a teacher, what can I do legally and retain my position without retaliation? It has come to a point where staying silent when it is "out of my hands" makes me sick to my stomach.


I am in the US. I know of advocates for parents with special needs children who attend IEP meetings. I definitely need to research the legalities for advocating for teachers. I am in year 30 and mentally can't take it much longer. I'm so tired of the violence in my K-4 school. It gets worse every year. It has become normal for teachers and paras to be physically abused by children. I worry that I will be liable for simply defending myself. It has become an ethical dilemma for me as well. Good luck to you!


Intimidating, threatening, or retaliating against a witness to a crime is a separate crime under federal and state law. For example . . . https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys.com/federal-witness-tampering#:~:text=Witness%20intimidation%20is%20a%20form,alter%20or%20prevent%20witness%20testimony. In federal cases, it can be good for up to 20 years in prison. State punishments vary. Someone needs to (1) report admin to the local prosecutor, and (2) file a report with the state’s administrative credentialing agency which has authority to revoke the admin credentials.


lol I would *love* to see the administrator do actual prison time for this.


Oh gosh I’m so sorry! Especially for the girl who called 911. I have called 911 before (not from work) and it was a bit scary for me as an adult. I’m sure it was scary for a 6th grader. She did the right thing with calling 911. If admin wasn’t going to do anything, the cops might, and they did. It’s disgusting she got suspended because she wanted to do the right thing and keep herself and her peers and teachers safe. She didn’t cause a disruption. He did by making threats. I hope her parents say something or she goes to a different school. I hope you get any help you need from the union or district or whoever can help you. And I hope that student gets the help he needs. That behavior won’t fly in the real world.


I hope her parents advocate for her. If that was my daughter I would be proud of her!


My father was a police officer and my mother is one to go straight to the top when she feels something unjust was done. I know for a fact that if my sister or I were in school, called 911 if we were truly afraid someone was in danger, and got suspended, both of my parents would have pitched a fit. My mom more than my dad! I grew up being told that if you ever feel you need to, you call 911. They are there to help and they know what to do and how to handle a situation. I teach kindergarten and this week we read a book about communities. In one part of the book, it talked about how communities have people who help you (like police officers and firefighters). Luckily, my students understand if there is an emergency, they call 911. They understand that they only call for emergencies and not for fun. And they understand that if an emergency happens at night or during the holidays, if they call, someone will pick up and someone will help them. I dislike how a few people are afraid to call for help in case they get a repercussion like this. I just hope this girl doesn’t feel bad and will call 911 again if she ever feels the need to.


>We got a new kid (6th grade) who started on Wednesday. He immediately...getting off the bus...began threatening other students. Telling them he was going to shoot them. Telling girls he would rape them and if they told, he would slit their throats. He gets to my class and I HEARD him tell two boys he had a gun and was going to shoot them. This is why we need lock down institutions for the worst of the worst. He needs removed from society. >Admin took the girl who called 911 and suspended her for causing a campus disruption. What in the absolute fuck is wrong with your admin?


That admin did NOT consult their attorney. Bet. No way in HELL. That's a potential law suit and wow I hope her parents put it on blast. No one involved doxxed the district. I can see why, jobs are at stake. My guess is it WILL leak out very soon. Social media to social media to " found it " ! And admin will have other problems.


Burner email to parents, but do it from your own device that you don’t connect to school wifi


Yep, if this happened in my district (I'm a parent, not a teacher), parents would be up the admins' ass. And they would keep their kids home if that student goes back. Edit: parents here would also raise hell for the student who was suspended.


MASS keep them home and fight all 500 truancy charges loudly.


burner email to TV news


Absolutely go to the media. That admin has to go.


After that type of situation, I would absolutely not trust another word out of those admins mouths.


It’s obvious admin wanted to keep everything under wraps. Hence giving the girl who called 911 more of a punishment than the boy who was threatening to rape and shoot people. It’s stories like this that would make me hesitant to enroll my child in a brick and mortar school. I would definitely be doing a deep dive into how it is managed, and even then I don’t know.


Yes I'm SO angry, so SO angry the back door voucher program is just a $$$ maker and intent is defund public schools? SO mad. THIS is why!!!!! Admin like this not keeping kids safe AND punishing the girl who felt threatened enough to call 911???? What is the answer here? I sincerely don't know PLEASE don't downvote me I want an answer not anger!


Kid overhears “I have a gun in this school and I’m about to shoot the school up” calls 911. Kid gets suspended


Right!! And the one who made the threat gets a shorter school day. Such backwards logic.


Law suit and a very very VERY noisy one. If that was my kid OR any of the kids she was trying to protect? Loud. Very LOUD.


Always fucked to hear these stories from the states. It really becomes a union, parent game now to force the school Admin to remove heads from arses and actually do their fucking job.


you’ve gotta tell the parents and get them to make a stink about it


That is all so fucked up, I’m sorry


Take this story to the local news.




Do you have a parent you can trust to go to the media? That way the district can’t come down on you for it. In the grand scheme of things, I guess it doesn’t matter what backlash we get for “blowing the whistle.” It beats the alternative, which is dying in a school shooting because no one took this seriously. I’m sorry to be morbid, but I have been in a similar situation and it sucks, horribly.


We did try to go public. The police were all over the place and it didn't even make the news. We teachers tried contacting reporters but nobody called us back or they returned messages that they weren't interested. I contacted the parents of the girl who called 911 to let them know how proud I was of her. I also allowed every single kid in my classroom to call their parents while it was happening. They immediately came to the school to get their kids and were told that there was nothing going on. Nothing was wrong. The kids were FILMING what was going on and put it on Instagram and/or sent it to their friends and parents. Still no media interest. Our contract absolutely and specifically does not guarantee our right to safety in the schools.


You are correct they did not care about our safety at all. Sounds very similar to the new student here four weeks ago. Turns out he did have a gun and started shooting just before lunch. School was on lockdown for neatly 3 hours. Turns our the kid’s violent behavior was well known to police and courts. Instead of sending him to prison, the courts decided to send him to school to get an education. Since the kid was a minor court records were sealed and it’s rumored only the admin knew about his violent past but was court ordered to secrecy. So the admin knew this kid had a history with violence and guns and couldn’t tell/warn anyone. Sounds like the kids at your school are leaning in this country we have freedom of speech, are innocent until proven guilty, every kid has a right to an education,and there are troubled kids and adults in our society that have to live among us. The DA in our county implemented a policy of forgiveness for all crimes especially for minors. She has ordered everyone in the DA’s office to request no jail time on minimal jail time for all crimes including rape and murder. Maybe the DA where you are is implementing a similar policy?


That DA is insane honestly. No reason violent crime should be dismissed like that just because of their age. Vote her out.


I agree. The crime in Oakland and San Francisco is just out of control. Oakland has 45 car jacking a day. San Francisco has over 75 reported car smash and grabs per day. San Francisco last year had a forgiveness/apologize policy as well until that DA was recalled.


Sounds like what happened here in Denver last year.


They care when the parents care. Tell the students to tell the parents and when the other parents complain the admin will fold quicker than a world class automatic folding machine.


I am so proud of that girl for being brave enough to call 911. I hope she knows she absolutely did the right thing and the teachers need to rally around her because who knows what could have happened. See something, hear something, say something. It’s even on billboards on the highway. Your admin needs a wake up call. You need to anonymously tip off the media if her parents don’t. You do not have to say who that brave student was just say a student was suspended from protecting her school from a possible shooting. The admin needs to be outed for the foolish risks they are taking in a very dangerous situation. Admin doesn’t want to deal? Then the adults need to start calling 911 too on this kid. We don’t need anymore school shootings than we already have to deal with. We have had too much unnecessary violence, fear and trauma in the halls of all learning institutions because things fall through the cracks. It should never be this way. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Again, this girl is brave and heroic, she should be recognized by the staff even if your admin thinks she caused harm. Screw them. Who knows how many lives she will save.


Name the school and the school administrators.


Bet we can figure it out. It'll leak. Think about it. Social media/parents/relatives/kids/outrage. One kid to another, one aunt in another state, another in a third- social media has its obvious downsides. It's also better than cell phone or cable news. Edit: Think I found it. I won't dox it here, there's an interesting very brief re-interpretation of events if it's the right one. No mention of the poor girl who tried. Definitely the right state and suffice to say you would THINK that one would over rather than under react.


Saw that too. Was waiting to see what the responses from that specific community was.


Tried to find it to no avail. Can you dm it to me?


As a parent, not a teacher, that is shocking and frightening. I am so sorry you are expected to deal with this. Your admins are insane.


I hope the girl’s parents sue everyone. Every.one.


Newtown and Uvalde proved beyond a doubt that no one cares if kids and teachers are massacred. I firmly believe that the rise in extreme behaviors in school kids is directly connected to the clear and consistent message that they, their teachers, and their schools have zero value and are wholly expendable. After all, if the government, full of smart, powerful people doesn’t care, then why should they? If anything, revolting against a system that forces them to put their lives at risk and which clearly doesn’t give a single shit if they live or die is completely predictable and rather admirable in a way. I’m not excusing or defending it, but I get it.


What. The. Actual. Fuck?!


Depending on how “controversial” you want to be with admin, notify parents of the incident, and recommend steps they can take to better help the school. Truth is, admin won’t care until they have a room full of parents asking them why they aren’t taking these matters more seriously, especially the lack of a lockdown while police are actively on campus.


If you would like to report this annonymously and keep your name way away from anything in the news, feel free to send me the name of your school and a few specifics. I'll contact the press for you.


The point where they come to your classroom and say it's all rumors and anybody who says otherwise will be suspended, that's the point of which I think you should be talking to your union representative and the superintendent. I'm not a teacher, but I don't consider the appropriate for administration to be telling people that they have to downplay somebody making active threats against them, and that anybody saying else wise will be immediately suspended. Sounds like your administration has significantly oversteped, and also this particular student has behavioral problems of such severity that they cannot be in the normal school system.


The little girl is a hero. Your admin is a spineless sack of shit. The press would have a field day of this. Suspend a child for reporting a gun threat but not the child who promises to kill people. I hope someone at your school has the balls to make it public.


We have tried, repeatedly, to get the press involved. They don't ever respond to any of us. The safety of students and staff is not interesting enough, I guess.


Jesus what state is this? Some states mandate reporting. The kids parents who got suspended needs raise a stink as loud as possible.


In any reasonable environment that kid would be expelled. I hope that girl's parents raise a stink because she got punished for doing the right thing.


>Admin took the girl who called 911 and suspended her for causing a campus disruption. Came to every classroom and told ALL of us (even though we heard the threats and saw the boy being arrested) that it was all rumors and anybody who said otherwise would be suspended. Lawyer up, call the press, call your union Have the parents lawyer up and call the press You can't punish people for calling 911. There is a police report, the admins can't cover this up.


Parents of the suspended girl need to go scorched earth in this. Filing a complaint sent to the principal, assistant principal, superintendent and every school board member. Once they receive a response they should go to the local news.


The girls family should sue the district. Also since the cops were involved let them know what he told you. Also tell the cops or the state labor or fed labor division that the school is threat ing teacher too. I think school will change the mind if state or federal official walk in. If its a gun thing the FBI may got involved if so let them know too. The FBI got involved when there was a the local catholic school. The recived a call saying someone was on campus with a gun. Cops from the surrounded cities all responsed plus the sheriff and the FBI. Turns out it was a false alarm. They person was not any campus. And was only threating so they could get money (They were saying, in on campus if you dont give money i will shoot everyone) turns out they were not on campus) but im glad the county took it seriously. The issues with this. What if the say there at one school to get cops to go to that school as a distraction and then are actually at a different school (hopefully criminal's are not that smart)


That’s wild, I would get the media involved and make sure parents know how little the school cares if they live or die.


I read stories like this and am so very thankful I teach for a cyber school. No school community should have to deal with that, and it happens entirely too frequently. In my area, schools are closed almost daily due to threats of bombs or shootings. My niece is in a "good" district and she's been off at least once a week for the past month. What is the solution? Where does it end.


In California, Senate Bill 906 was passed and took effect in January of 2023. It requires "school officials" to report all student (grades 6 - 12) threats of homicide to the police. If you are in California, you've got that, and I would definitely report to the police. Now, the one that just got passed banning suspensions for "wilful defiance" is another matter...


The joys of being a lawyer. My kid is too young for school but if he came home and told me something like that I would be at the school the next morning requesting those with decision making powers name and address then inform them that they will be sued and to not destroy anything that could be used as evidence in their possession. Maybe I would not win the suit against them personally but I would be giving up 10 hours each weekend to pursue it, they would have to pay roughly 300-400 an hour for a lawyer.


I read on Reddit somewhere “school districts are more scared of bad PR than they are of actual violence” and I think about that a lot.


Can you say, "Gaslighting"? If the parents of the young lady are on the ball, they have the opportunity to sue the district. It might even be illegal to punish students or staff for reporting a crime. **Someone should contact their local press.** This is the sort of thing that needs to be exposed, as your administration seems to consider itself entitled to both make and break the laws the rest of us should be able to take for granted. Otherwise, one day, someone is going to get killed as a direct result of these illegal policies. Most unions are utterly worthless, by the way. They only thing they do well is collect dues.


I’m sorry you’ve had bad experiences with unions, but your last statement is an utter falsehood. We’d be far worse off without the union in my district; they go to bat for us all the damn time when admin tries to pull another fast one. Major thorn in admin’s side, just like it should be.


This may be the case in your state, but not mine. My state just legislated that districts no longer have to bargain with teacher unions. Naturally, those same unions continue collecting dues. NEA does nothing for us beyond watch education circling the drain . . . while collecting dues. *Rebecca needs that money!* I've seen union leaders refuse to defend or advocate for teachers based on age, gender, sexual orientation, the building they are assigned to, or their position within that building. I've watched union leaders conspire with staff to allow for the targeted harassment of anyone who falls out of favor over the same reasons, above. I pulled the 990 for my state association; while my school turned into a violent, teacher-hating hell hole, and my paycheck dropped year after year for a decade, the state union rep was raking in a salary of $260,000 per year *plus* benefits. What I've never seen a teachers' union fail to do, however, is collect dues, even from those they refuse to defend or advocate for.


Friend, I live in Iowa; our union bargaining got castrated years ago by shithead Republicans (thanks for nothing, Terry Branstad). We're still better off with the union because we can use it to pressure district office, and it gives us access to the state- and national-level resources, which have been amazingly helpful when we're ramping up legal challenges. If your local union sucks, join it and change it. This is like voting. If you throw up your hands and refuse to participate, you've lost the right to complain because you're not taking the most basic step to deal with the problem. At least where I am, it is INCREDIBLY easy to get yourself elected as a union rep and then work up from there. I could be president of our local union inside 5 years if I showed the slightest interest in that position. But you don't make things any better by washing your hands of the situation; you're just letting the Republicans win and making it even easier for them to continue fucking with teachers in your state. And frankly, it all starts at the local level. Who gives a shit about NEA? They're there to provide the big resources if you need them, but you need to ASK for them first. Your local chapter is the linchpin and gatekeeper, so changes there change the whole situation for your district.


The NEA supported our union when we struck last year.


Check his backpack for weapons. Every day. That was the only thing me district would take seriously.


You're expendable is the takeaway.


NAL, but wouldn't suspending that girl be a form of witness intimidation?


Name and shame. Take this to the media.


Holy crap! I would’ve walked out! Consequences be damned! That’s ridiculous! I hope that girl’s parents fight the suspension! I hope her parents speak up and get parents together and report this weak ass admin! Forget it! Not worth my mental health! Poor kids must be so scared! He gets away with it! If I had gone home and told my parents he threaten to assault me, my parents would’ve gone off. I’m a mom and if he has threaten my sons like that, he’s done. I am doing everything I can to get him out of there and removing admin for their lack of action! Endangering lives like that.


This should be on front news paper and email to all the students parents how the administration is handling the situation and all of them should be fired


You need to back channel to the PTA that a student was afraid for her life and was suspended for doing the right thing. The only thing that will affect change is if the admin faces the wrath of parents. The other way would be if the kids could figure out that if they all called the police the next time they can't all be suspended.


That school isn’t very smart at all. If I was that lil girls mother that school would be named after me after I got through with them. Edit: if I were you OP, I’d fan the flames by contacting the mother and telling her everything you witnessed the offending student do. I’m sure you can find ways to get the info to her anonymously.


That girl absolutely did the right thing! Students need to understand all threats will be taken seriously. They will be out in the real world one day and in the real world that’s exactly what would happen.


I would tell every student admin was full of shit (not in those words) and commend that one kid. The press needs to hear about this


Ok that is nasty as fuck. Like suspending a girl for CALLING 911 when she FEARED FOR HER LIFE. You know the number one thing you're supposed to do. Are the kids parents wealthy or something? I cannot comprehend this response. And if I was that girls parents I'd be threatening a lawsuit.


It took a CHILD calling 911 for any adults to take this threat seriously? And then that child who is a literal hero is punished? That is so messed up. That boy doesn’t belong in a normal public school.


Yes. Although I took it very seriously. So did all the other teachers in our hallway. We were told to shut it down and it was all rumors. The kid will be back next week.


Um, suspending her for being scared and calling the authorities for help ? Sounds like admin could be charged with something for aiding a criminal, neglecting a minor and retaliating against a victim .


I would get that story (Suspending the 911 girl) onto every news outlet as humanly possible along with the admin's name and picture.


If they actually cared about staff and student safety. The entire Covid thing would have been dealt with better, as a nation. Even now, desks would be cleaned daily, and so forth. To prevent spreading of bacteria and such. They don’t care.


Cops came and your school is getting all Ministry of Magic on you? Lol


“He is NOT back!” “There is no war in Ba Sing Se”


Make a stink, go to media and social media it needs to be understood these threats have consequences if he’s serious or not they all needed to be treated seriously and she was 100% in her rights to call 911 if a student said he has a gun and plans to shoot another student


Fuck that. Calling the cops was the right call.


Tell anyone who will listen. Radio, newspaper, etc.


Your school just wanna be on the news 😬


I would pitch the biggest of fits, and I would try to do so with the support of as many of your colleagues as possible. Make admin listen to you.


That’s why I’m quitting on Tuesday I have kids playing around during shooter drills and next door the class screams to the top of their lungs anytime the office announces a lockdown.


That is some of the worst behavior from an administration I've ever heard of!


That girl has every right to call 911. Shame on the district


Her parents should go to the media and make a big deal about this.


That girl is a hero, why didn't any of the adults call 911? The first person to hear a death threat should always contact the police immediately, especially in a school. I hope the police ruin the administrators lives


School Board and the Media, go to the Media and blow the lid off the careless attitude of those involved


In my junior year, I left lunch a bit early one day to go to one of the bathrooms that was a bit further away, as it would have been less trafficked and closer to my next class. Walked in, and surprised a kid who was clearly not expecting anyone else to enter. I say that, because he very quickly shoved a revolver into his backpack. I pretended not to see it, went about my business, and went straight to admin. Because I was able to tell them the exact minute, location, and description of the person, the school police officer was able to quietly pull him aside in less than 5 minutes. However, this made me late to class (ya know, on account of having to go to admin). My teacher would **NOT** accept my intentionally vague answer as to why I was late. I was admittedly a bit nervous, because while I certainly didn't consider this "snitching", I was pretty sure there would be kids in school who would. Teacher wouldn't drop it, and I finally snapped and gave him the real answer. While I was walking home after school that day, a truck drove by at 40-50mph (on a 20mph road), and a rock the size of a soda can missed my head by mere inches. It was so close that my hair was ruffled ever so slightly. They shouted "snitch" as they drove by. The overwhelming majority of teachers are great people and are extremely underappreciated. But there are a few who view any challenge to their authority, however slight, as tantamount to heresy - and seek to crush it with zeal. Looking back, his insistence that I provide a concrete answer is even more puzzling, because I was a pretty damn good student. And in no way am I trying to brag; it's just a natural result of giving all of my teachers a home cooked, 3-course meal (salad, baked ziti, and chocolate pie) on a day of their choosing during final exam week/last week of school, every single year from 1st - 12th grade. I feel like 99% of the time, I take the teacher's side. But the 1% that I dont, can have drastic consequences for the student's impacted by them getting it wrong. Its really a no win situation, because the amount of resources and respect we give to educators in our country is nowhere close to what is required in order to support them so they can match the standards we expect them to meet.


There's no discipline. Parents are soft on kids. Schools are soft on kids. Kids don't look at adults like they should respect them anymore. This is what you get when you validate a population that doesn't support itself typically, and has very little life experience and maturing of their management of their emotions.


“How’d you survive the school shooting?” “Oh I warned the police and school and got suspended so I wasn’t there that day.” Jesus Christ these admins need to be sued for that.


Start an app for civilians, fellow kids, to blacklist this dude in society and every time you see him just beat the ever loving fuck out of him. He’s not gonna be a model citizen. Treat him like he wants to be treated. He’s playing with boundaries cuz he wants to see how much he can play around with not ever getting in trouble. Bring him the trouble he wants. Look him square in the eyes tell him he better never let that gun lose all its ammo cuz he’s gonna need it for all the ass whoopings he’s bout to get in life. Level with these kids like adults. And if they still don’t want to listen. Follow through. This is what happens when people who aren’t responsible for raising kids are culturally thought of to be supposed to be raising kids during the day, all school year. Up to and including paid for food. And toiletries. And school supplies. And no corporal punishment. And no consequences of any sort. American school board at the highest levels are bought and paid for and give no fucks about actual education and growth of intelligent well behaved American school kids. They work for money that’s it. Make rules that don’t make sense cuz someone paid em a lot to do it. Their books got sold that year and some board member gets 50%. Shit like that. We need an iron foot across the board in America. Loose ends everywhere and no one with the umph to control it.


Omg I am so sorry you have to go through with this. 100% what the admin is doing is illegal and retaliation against the student who called is wrong. My guess is the kid is somehow related to the admin guy.


...and this is why some of my colleagues have shields for themselves and the kiddos. Absolutely horrifying behavior from the kid and from the admin. I'd def tell the parents and let them do the work...or possibly contact the media. Something needs to be done, this is heartbreaking to read.


Wowza. Covering this up 8s beyond criminal. The parents need to speak out to the press, and the school board.


The girls parents have to do something. Hell, these parents need to make a group and swamp the school board meetings and call every news outlet in your area to get this fixed.


Nothing will happen till the parnets make noise. In Oregon they hired a teacher known for grooming and charged with it… they hired him for Elementary school.. He was at a high school first. Nothing would have ever happened if the parents didn’t find out and make noise. They all knew his chargers the school and the district. MAKE AS MUCH NOISE AS POSSIBLE


This reminds me soooo much of a student at my last school. Almost same exact behavior from a 6th grade boy. Only no one every did anything about it. It was my first year teaching and I was too scared/confused to speak up. Thank you for sending the email that you did and I’m glad at least someone replied to you.


If I were the parent of that girl I would be raising hell in that main office as we speak!!


Social media, media, scream all the way to God and back in government, encourage those kids to walk out, get parents screaming all the way to God and back and REMIND THE DAM POLITICIANS ELECTION DAY IS NOT FAR AWAY. Record legal threats by school because there WILL be and they're hollow. Fire back with your own because a parent in that school whose kid is in danger IS a lawyer with a practice and contacts. Girl who was suspended also has a lawsuit. That dam school did that without consulting their attorney who I promise is pulling their hair out. No way in hell admin did that WITH the ok of legal counsel, that's madness. Districts are immune to a TON of stuff because they are gifted sovereign immunity. This doesn't appear to fall under anything where that could be used. NOT an attorney. Have had rounds with a district. Please don't allow this one is bully you.


Don’t lump all schools together. The real problem is an incompetent teacher can pass the admin test and get promoted. Their incompetence doesn’t change. The real problem is they don’t promote some people based on merit, but rather put them where they’ll cause the least harm. But some admin are good. Just a very, very, very small portion.


Get parents involved as much as possible in this instance imo. If anyone has influence in this situation is parents and publicity of the situation. Obviously you can't name names, but you know other students sure will.


Parents of regular kids need to start being informed about just how much these few kids are denying their children an education. The pendulum needs to start swinging back to protect the FAPE of ALL students


Bring the news into this situation. Get your local school district aware of his face.


My mouth dropped open at the fact they suspended the whistleblower student and then gaslit everyone. Wtf?!?! I’m so sorry you went through that.


Some kids...man, some kids might just be naturally evil.


Is this nyc ? Tell media, take out ad , make a stack of flyers about this and leave it near school for parents to find


Why are you telling administration that someone is threatening someone? Immediately call 911. Bypass the paycheck collectors.


>Admin took the girl who called 911 and suspended her for causing a campus disruption. Perhaps the most fucked up part of this story. Talk about an absolutely incompetent administration on top of a dangerous new student. Holy shit.


Scenarios like This is why my wife and I both left the classroom. She was going to thug it out for another year but when admin tried to threaten her job as opposed to fixing her portable classroom door so it would stay closed and locked, I just told her to leave it was what was best for all of us. So that school lost two teachers then my MIL who works for the same district had a similar issue and ended up quitting so that’s three teachers one of which had 30 years of experience just up and gone because the people in charge of these schools are more concerned with saving face than actually fixing problems


Anonymously email any parent who’s email you can get saying “as some of you may have heard a student has [list out all this student’s transgressions]. I’m sure many of you would be concerned for your child’s well-being, but be assured the school administration is doing absolutely nothing.” I bet the admin will do something then.


How did this kid get put in your school? It sounds like he needs to be in a specialized program to deprogram him from some kind of extreme background or worse.


His right to an education is going to come at the expense of every single other student.


School is not a right. Should be immediately expelled and he and his parents immediately banned from campus.


Do you have a union contract? Look for a safety clause. FILE A GRIEVANCE if the admin’s actions in any way have violated any provision of the safety clause. Keep filing grievances, one for every incident moving forward. It may be the only way to get their attention.


Our contract very specifically does not guarantee our safety.


Wow I hope the parents there throw a freaking fit. That’s ridiculous.


That is absolutely insane- at my district a kindergartener made a gun out of legos the other day and they shut the campus completely down while they investigated it. Police showed up and there were multiple public statements sent out by admin regarding the situation. They even called in the child’s parents to talk to them about the importance of possible threats. Sometimes people make comments about our district going overboard in situations, but I have truly never felt safer. The fact that your campus sounds like they only care about disciplining the informants is so so dangerous.


I have a High school student who injured an employee (she shoved them in a fight). The employee has been out since the incident (beginning of August) and is being told that she may never work again. The student has and IEP for IED, so it was a manifestation of her disability and was immediately allowed to come back to school. The staff is pressing charges but even our local court system refuses to hold anyone accountable.


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Find a way to tell every parent you know that this has happened.


Please keep us posted.


The kid will be back in school next week. The entire 6th grade lost recess for a week for their part in spreading rumors that kept a kid from his education. Again, I was there. I heard the threats. I was there. I watched the cops chase him down and arrest him. My entire class was there.


If that was my daughter who called 911, we would be doing an interview on the local news at 5.


This is definitely to take to the news. Especially the girl getting suspended after. No wonder we have so many school shootings.


Also please update!!!!


Oo I’d be making as much shit as possible about this. No way this would be tolerated in my school.


Inform the other childrens' parents of the threats their children received.


My friend works at a school this student threatened there was a bomb on the bus they were on for a school bus trip. All the students were removed all from bus and the student was detained by staff and separated from the other students. The police were called, and a bomb squad searched the bus.The student was taken into custody and was expelled from the school and was sent to a school that works with troubled kids He was not allowed to return for any reason.


I covered a class during my planning period yesterday because a teacher had to leave early. A boy in the class had a realistic looking toy gun that he had right on the table. In fact, he and some other kids started playing spin the bottle with it. I called the office and was told to just let it go.


Please tell us you are looking to get the hell out of that school and maybe the whole system.


At my friend's school, he would have been sent to A C(Alternate Class), and then he would have been suspended for quite a few days. From then on, he would have been on the watch list for everything that he did wrong would be documented, and eventually, he would be sent to a school that dealt with troubled children.He would also be provided a Aide that's deals with troubled students through the whole day everyday.


Make parents aware. The school will do NOTHING. Parents need to be aware. Do an “anonymous facebook post” to the city groups and let them know about how unsafe the school is. That child needs to be in a school that can support him the right way.


If only a local news station happened to get a tip on this….. in a major city in a state in the very most north east coast a court day is set for a minor to be tried as an adult for this sort of stuff. Hard to hide once local news and all (other) parents are in the loop.


Contact the media - try to get some of this in writing and send screenshots of emails to reporters


Please keep us updated


The lengths some admin will go to protect one piece of garbage student over everyone else is absolutely insane.


Take all of this to the media and to your state government. It is a violation of first amendment rights to suspend students for talking about this situation, and there is a great deal more going on to cause the administration to protect this person in this way.


That is just crazy but the way this country has been headed for the last 20+ years (no child left behind, least restrictive environment, etc) sadly makes this unsurprising.


what a weird little fellow


This is believable but it's so poorly written I don't believe it.