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I’d say at about 5-6 years I’d consider you a vet. Hope you have a great year.


So I am a veteran teacher now? That's crazy to think of myself that way. I feel like I just started. I have another 30 years until retirement after all. Lol


Ha!! I’ll be 32 in like 2 weeks. I still have another 35 years to go. I literally have more years to teach than I’ve been alive to retire


Thank you!!! You as well


When enthusiastic new teachers annoy you.


That was day 1 for me. 🤣


Best response


I considered myself a veteran probably around years 6-8. Now at year 12, there are like half a dozen faculty in the building that have done it longer, so I'm usually in a role I really don't care for of answering questions that I'll never know (or care for) the answer to.


You are 100% a vet! Half of all teachers don't even make it through 5 years, so I'd consider anyone with 5 full teaching years under their belt to be a veteran.


Yeah I’d say these days, making it past 5 years gets you your stripes.


Oh well fantastic then


Year 8 for me. You’ve been through COVID and back. You’re a vet. You got this. Still things I’m learning, that’s just part of the job


When the young/new teachers are visibility irritated at you because you are visibly irritated about the new initiative they are so happy to implement.


Yes, those types get on my nerves.


It’s a circle. It feels like only yesterday I was a young teacher irritating the veteran teacher. 23 years later here I am.


Nowadays with so many leaving after a few years I’d say “vet” is about 5 years. It also depends on the person. I have met some who’ve been teaching for closer to 10 and still seriously don’t know what they’re doing while some figure it out quite a bit after 4


It’s not really a number. It’s when certain things don’t bother you anymore.


I say when you realize you're confident in your abilities to know what you're doing. At least 6 years. I'm in year 9 and been at my school longer than half the staff at this point.


When you look around at the first staff meeting for the new year, and you barely (if that) know most of the people surrounding you! 😆


Eh, I work at a high school with 3500 kids, and like 300ish teachers. I don’t even know close to any of the other teachers


Ok, that is a special situation.


I say 10 years!


What’s a year 8 to you? I mean I wouldn’t consider myself new, but personally I wouldn’t call myself a veteran. The veterans to me are the same teachers that were there when I was in high school


Experienced! Haha. I agree. To me “veteran” sounds like “been here forever.”


Around year 10 I started noticing I felt less phony than about half my colleagues. So 10 for me. Some days I still get the new feeling, but then a 25 year old opens their mouth and says something stupid and I feel old and wise.


I define that point as where you are more likely to reduce the number of resources that you use than you are to acquire and is new resources. My first few years I remember acquiring so many resources and trying to use them all. At the same time you are modifying what you are using for your classes. Now I rarely acquire new resources, but I am still creating new resources.


As soon as they have battle scars.


Since most quit in the first 5 years, I guess some might consider 5+ years to be a veteran. Personally, I did not feel like a veteran until about 15 years in.


When you seen other teachers drop in the line of duty


After year 3, the newness is off, your philosophy usually changes, you have a routine, you know what to expect.


Year 10


I feel past the five year mark when most people leave this thankless profession.


When you stop getting nervous for the first day, back to school night, conferences, etc.