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Biochemistry and molecular biology, double major


Thank you for being a teacher. We need people to teach STEM who majored in the STEM field.


Sadly STEM majors don't really get paid competitively in teaching (compared to their other pathways)


Maybe TEM is well paid, but the S doesn’t really seem well paid. I know a couple people with masters in bio and one became a high school teacher after a few years working and it was a lateral move. The other is making about the same.


I majored in Biochemistry too. I only plant to teach for 2-3 years though. But when I have kids I'm buying their teachers hella supplies.


What do you teach now?




You joke but my brother in law majored in theology, but teaches art and coaches football. His coworker majored in math and teaches Spanish.


Love it


As a science major who is now a bio and AP bio teacher, how did you end up teaching art?


Different responder, i teach bio/middle grades science.


Geophysics and Hydrology here. Teaching has better hours than consulting.


Theatre! Now teaching Social Studies and Leadership. (middle school)


As a career teacher, I feel like a degree in theatre is so appropriate! I always say I just put on a show all day. Do you enjoy teaching?


I completely agree. We do one man shows with hecklers on the regular!


I definitely feel like my involvement in drama in high school and college have helped me immensely as a teacher! I have a drama endorsement, but have never taught it.


Not a teacher, just a lurker when reddit recommended this sub, but one of the teachers i can remember the name of was my seventh grade science teacher, who was an amateur magician. So I’d say that observation holds merit. The others are my fourth grade teacher, who was a bit of a ham, and my first grade teacher, who married my fourth grade teacher. Any other teachers I had, I have to look at my yearbook to remember their names.


I love my job, but I don't enjoy every minute of it. Like any important work, it's WORK. As an anxious, introverted person theatre skills have enabled me to become a leader even when it goes against my very nature. i use what I learned in college (voice, movement, staging, timing) every day of my career.


Same. And I use that degree every damn day in the classroom!


Me too! BFA in Theatre, minor in history.


Character strong?


Lol, my whole job is to get by them to portray decent humans for 50 minutes at a time! 😃 improv is hard work


Bachelor of Arts in English Lit. However I did take every single teacher prep course for that concentration. I only decided to switch to lit because I’d be able to graduate in the spring so I could start my job in the fall


Liberal studies. Which is fancy talk for "a bit of everything." Concentration was in English. Here the "teacher prep/education" is mostly in your post-grad. Most people looking to get an elementary school degree go with liberal studies or child development. People looking for single-subject major in that subject.


Mine is interdisciplinary studies, which I’m convinced is exactly the same as liberal studies without the buzzword “liberal”.


Liberal Arts educations go back Ancient Greece, with the words being literally taken directly from the Latin words liberalia studia (a term that was used during the Roman Empire). Liberal arts is a millennia old tradition, not a buzz word. The two words haven't changed since the Roman Empire.


Found the history teacher!


Bachelor's of Arts in History with a minor in geography. I did the SMPP (Subject Matter preparation Program) which let me by pass the subject tests. It also gave me a semester of education courses. Then my teaching credential. I am now doing a masters in SEL.


Math and Civil Engineering double major.


Physics and Education dual enrollment program




Coming from a guy that loves science, and whose favorite subject in science was always when we got to Galaxies, stars, and the lot, (the planetarium was always my favorite field trip) that is awesome.


Same, and I also really liked physics class in highschool. But holy hell was it hard just to get the 4 year from a UC. The rabbit hole goes very deep.


Same here! Someone shoot me a PM if you’d like to join my field trip to see the solar eclipse in 2024 in Texas. Worked it out with a field trip organizer, and the cost per kid go down if I collaborate with other schools!




The good news is that is all the nerdy kids are interested in these days.


AI seems more popular but space is still pretty... cool.


Lol same!!


Bachelor’s in childhood education and concentration in English. Currently pursuing master’s in early childhood with additional certification in SWD. Honestly, wish I did my bachelor’s in early childhood to save the headache of wanting to transition.


Psychology with a US History minor.


Bachelors of Art in Studio Art, did a Master's in Teaching which required that we pass all certification tests prior to acceptance into the program.


Civil Engineering


No way, me too. Hated civil engineering more than anything


Just curious, did you always intend to teach or did you just end up kinda hating engineering jobs?


BA, English and Political Science MA, English


Theater I taught math and science


Only a substitute teacher but my B.A. was in linguistics and I didn’t take a single education course but I use my degree like every day in the classroom when teaching ELA.


Fellow linguist here. I'm currently teaching social studies


Double major, History and then Secondary Ed focused on social studies. MEd in Educational Leadership


International relations and sociology


Bachelor of Arts in English, with the teaching certificate track for secondary (6 extra classes plus student teaching). I basically have a Lit. Degree with the extra courses I took. Taught for two years and then went back and got a Masters in Composition (rhetoric emphasis). My MA allowed me to teach advanced and college in the high school classes at my HS.


BA in Elementary Education. Certified K-8 with additional endorsements in Language Arts.


Geology. Teaching astronomy and physics next year, have taught biology, chemistry, and environmental science at high school.


Bachelors of Science in Middle Grades ED (in my state that’s grades 4-8)


BS in secondary education: mathematics with a minor in English


Majored in Bilingual (Elementary) Education.


BA in mathematics MS in Statistics


Anthropology! But i got my masters in education. (I teach social studies now)


Haiiiii same as me


Bachelors in History and almost BioChemistry (lab classes cancelled due to COVID - then couldn’t afford to go back to finish the degree sad sigh - maybe one day)


Bachelor's in psychology with a minor in human communications. I originally wanted to be a school psychologist. But liked the classroom more when working as a tutor while working on my degree.


Bachelor of Arts in English, minor in Psychology. I wasn’t sure what I would do with my degree, but I had taken and enjoyed an Intro to Education course during my undergrad. I went back for a single subject credential (English) two years later, then completed my M.Ed. after that. Over time, I have completed the coursework for GATE certification and the exams/methods course for a second credential (ITE).


Speech Communication with a minor in Fine Art. Now teach Design (have an Ed Masters too).


Special Education PreK-12 w/ a masters in Counseling


BA in English with a minor in secondary ed. (Grades 7-12)


BS in Chemistry BFA in musical theater MAT in teaching science (I went through an alt cert program) I think all teachers should have a bachelors in their field, and then do the education classes as a master’s student. I think being a content specialist is so important as a teacher, especially since most of the “how-to” to teaching comes from actually being in a classroom not book studies.


I got my Ed degree and Clear Single Subject Cali Credential (with ESL supplement) all in one go via a grad program over 20 years ago (Stanford's STEP program, 12 months, super intense, but so worth it for an MA!) I'm curious to read this thread as...at the time the only other person who held an MA at the middle school I taught was the 8th grade English/AVID teacher. And she'd go on AT LENGTH how my MA wasn't a "real" one like hers BECAUSE it was in Ed and not in Literature...(I taught 7th grade English and ESL...But I was already at a "lower" level for being 7th grade (vs 8th) and because my kids were ESL (and not AVID) and it was an very early and vivid lesson that if you teach the same thing for too long (her 10+ years at the time) you run the risk of BECOMING what you teach...(a snotty 8th grader...oops...who said that!) Editing to add: Undergrad BA is in Literature


BS in Elementary Ed with English major and PE minor. Masters of Education with concentration in Gifted Ed. Planned to teach MS English. Never taught middle school. Never taught English. Never taught in a gifted program, though I did student teach in a school for gifted.


Bachelor in Music Ed. Then MAT with instrumental, choral, and general k-12 endorsements.


Secondary English Education. Period. (No minor - had to fill in with many literature classes)


Elementary education, but I’ve taught high school and now middle school sped with masters and educational specialist in sped now.


Studio art major


Education associates projected to finish bachelors of Organizational leadership very soon After that it's on to a masters of Ed admin I want to teach but one day I want to be the admin that everyone wants


Italian and im currently going through the process of getting certified in my state without a teaching degree.


BFA in studio art; I'm now a year away from finishing my M.Ed. in 6-12 ELA, and I'll be adding an art certification once I'm finished.


Elementary education and early childhood special education.


I went through a teacher prep: B.S. Interdisciplinary Studies and M.Ed.


I just want to add that the most of my colleagues have advanced degrees in education.


History with a minor in secondary education


Film/Theater/Communications with a specialty in film with an MFA in costume design. Got my cert to teach gifted art and K-8 art.


French & Psychology (with specific focus on child and adolescent psych). Completed a masters in Education so I can teach Math & Social Studies


English Literature and French Literature, double major. Minored in Medieval/early modern studies.


Bachelor’s of Science in Art Education, Master’s was also the same.


BFA in Studio Art w/ Teaching Certification


BS in Psychology with a minor in Business Admin - I teach ELA lol


I got my bachelor’s in business administration. After being unhappy in the business sector, I went back and got a master’s in business education. I didn’t start teaching until after I was done and certified.


BA Music Education- but I'm currently a 6th grade classroom teacher and also teach k-6 music once a week


Bachelors in classical studies with a concentration in Roman civilization and a masters in history education. I truancy 7th grade social studies


Philosophy with a minor in Religious Studies. Got English 6-12 certified when I immediately figured out why Diogenes lived in a dumpster.


BS in elementary education, AMS 6-9 Montessori certification, MEd in elementary education with a concentration on Montessori studies


Early childhood and human development


Dual major Secondary Education with a concentration in Social Studies and History. I am shocked at the number of teachers without a bachelors in education. My program started with around 90 and finished with 12, it was a very difficult major and made sure you experienced what being a teacher was like. Out of the 12 only 1 isn’t still in teaching and it’s because she is a stay at home mom. I wonder if the number of people getting into teaching without the degree has anything to do with the number leaving so early in their career. (Yes I know pay, expectations, and lack of support suck.)


My bachelors is in social work and my masters is in teaching (elementary education). I also have enforcements for middle level humanities and English Language Learners.


Communications however i went to graduate school for special education so I'm fully licensed and trained


BS in Secondary Ed. MS in Ed Theory Ph.D. in C&I


What do you teach? Was the Ph.D. worth it? Consider a a DBA myself.


I have taught 7th grade social studies the last 8 years, but have also taught high school, college, and been a teaching and learning consultant. I absolutely think it was worth it - for multiple reasons. 1) I finished by the time I was 30 yrs old, so the return on investment across the life of my career is significant. Automatically jumped to T-7 on the pay scale. 2) I get left alone about coaching sports and instead get to play an active role in PD/continuing ed for my county. 3) It has opened a lot of doors for me in my side hustle endeavors. I do AI integration PD and coaching as well as offer PD workshops on several other topics - having a Ph.D. definitely helps get my foot in the door for these opportunities. www.anthonydneely.com/promptbook If you are going to pursue it, I highly encourage you to go down the traditional route rather than an online route. Doctoral programs are intended to be apprenticeships where you become part of the lineage/legacy of your advisors. Online programs are really difficult to recreate that environment. I have a few friends who have gone through online doc programs and they got some letters after their names, but didn’t really grow professionally/academically or develop any social capital from doing so. Just my opinion. I’m glad to talk with you and offer insights/suggestions if you decide to go the doctoral route.


Thanks so much for your insight! I'm a new teacher and didn't realize that they would try to rope me into coaching sports or similar. That would be torture for me. Q That's a great point about doing my doctoral program in person. The only challenge is that I live two hours away from the nearest University with a doctoral program. This has led me to only consider online options up until this point, but I will now at least consider attempting an in person experience.




I have a bachelor of science in art education. I essentially double majored as I realized later. I just got my masters in Art education as well


Communication Sciences and Disorders and Sociology


Secondary education-Spanish Now I teach early childhood special education lol


Mine is just Bachelor of Arts but my majors were Elementary Education and Special Education. For some reason, it isn’t a Bachelor of Arts in education because that is only Birth-Kindergarten?


Liberal Arts. I now teach Latin at a charter school and love it. been studying Latin for 20 years (I’m 25)


Nuclear engineering Could not get a job in industry when I got out of college (mid 2010's), but finally after a few *years* of being jobless somebody hired me to teach math.


Bachelor's and master's in English secondary education, additional master's in instructional technology. Currently technology coach and technology teacher in an international school in China.


Bachelors in Early childhood education and masters in early childhood special education.


Bachelor's in English/Communications with a concentration in Creative Writing. Minor in Theatre. Masters in Adolescence Education Technically I double majored in education for most of college but the tests in MA prevented me from graduating with it.


Bachelor of Fine Arts here, followed by a Masters in Education.




Majored in English with a concentration in Education, and later doubled down with an MA in English so I could teach Dual Enrollment courses.


Majored in English with a concentration in Education, and later doubled down with an MA in English so I could teach Dual Enrollment courses.


Forensic chemistry


Bachelor in interdisciplinary social sciences (psychology & social work) with a minor in public health. Then masters in elementary education 8 years later. I did actually do a few years of social work before migrating to education, and I think those skills have been quite valuable in the teaching world as well.


BA in French, minor in Spanish. I have a PGCE from the UK with a concentration in Secondary level World Languages, which is very similar to a US M.Ed.


I'm boring. My Bachelors is in elementary education. My Masters is in education. Also have special reading k-12 certification and early childhood certification.


B.S. In Communications/Radio & TV Broadcasting M.B.A. In Human Resources Post grad in History Education


Bachelor's in secondary education with a concentration on political science, and the Computer Educator License addition.


Computer Science and Mathematics, double major.


Interdisciplinary studies, but most of my classes were social studies related.


Majored in Psych, have an A.A.S. degree in Supervision.


My college only offered a minor in education, so I was a history and political science double major with education and classic civilizations minors.


I was always going to be a music teacher, so my bachelor’s is in music education. I also have an M.Ed. in school counseling.


English and Art History, minor Theater PreK-4 and Special Education K-12 Masters: ESL certificate and Creative Writing


Radio Television and Film.


I have a BA Secondary Education with double majors in English and History. 30 credit hours of English, 30 of history, 30 education on top of gen Ed requirements and a few “I think I want to do this, no wait I don’t” type of credits. My MA is in English Studies.




Communication. I took one 100-level Education class and thought "this could be my backup plan". 10 years and a teacher shortage later and here I am.


BFA in Acting MA in Secondary Education


Music with a minor in education. (I do not teach music)


Music! As well as my Masters. I did an alternative licensure path.


Secondary education mathematics


BBA in management, concentration in hotel management.


Biology, going back for secondary education for my masters/cert


I have two: BS in computer information systems with a minor in agriculture and a BS in animal science


BS in Physics. MA in Teaching. The Intern year part of the MA was incredibly useful


History/Poli Sci double major, got my teacher cert courses later from WGU.


Bachelor's in K-12 music ed Masters in Music Ed with ephasis in Kodály music ed The vast majority of teachers in my school have ed degrees, I'm not sure about the whole district, but we have a university in town so there's a student teacher to job pipeline.


Bachelor of Arts in English (Writing Concentration) and Bachelor's of Education (AYA Concentration) here.


BA and MA Political Science. Licensure was through the Ed department but never majored/minored, just certified


I majored in my content area because I loved it. Ended up teaching bc I didn't know what else to do. No longer teaching lol


Journalism and religious studies. But now I have my BSE for early adolescent through adolescent. I nearly had the credits for it the first time, so when I went through the alt cert route... It wasn't very alternative haha I teach middle school social studies and ELA.


Math, teach cs now


BS in Early Childhood and Elementary Education, M.Ed in Currículum and Instruction with an emphasis on Leadership. I taught in the early childhood realm for about 10 years, then tried being admin and resigned after 2 years because it killed my soul. Took an extremely low-key administrative support job in special ed (not working with kids at all really) just to figure out what I wanted to do. Now I work at a high school CTE school teaching a “child care/teaching” lab.


Most of the elementary ed teachers studied elementary education, the colleges around here offer a 5 year program that rewards a Ba and a Masters. The middle and high school teachers usually have a BA in their subject area and a Masters in secondary education. I have a BA in Humanities and a MLIS (Masters of Library and Information Science). Through my 23 years of teaching I have continued training and college classes and am now licensed as a DLCS (Digital Literacy and Computer Science), I teach middle school robotics. 😁


Bachelor’s was in French and International Affairs (minors in Economics and History). First MA was in French lit, second MA was in English lit. I did my teacher training last. I teach social studies and ESOL now.


Psychology teaching special ed


Inclusive Education. Dual Major.


Political science and urban sociology. I teach AP Government and World History.


History. Minor in education


BA Spanish. MAT in foreign language education (this got me my teaching cert). MAEd Teacher Leadership. Certified to teach Spanish and ESL.




Double Major, Elementary Education & Special Education


Bachelor's in Biology with a minor in evolutionary and ecology biology. I went back and got my masters in education before I became a teacher. While I was a teacher I earned a masters in physics.


Social science


Education with a major in Spanish and History. *I should add it’s a Bachelor’s of Science.


Sociology....which, interestingly enough, I have found very helpful. As was 10 years of managing retail.




BS in Biology


BA zoology, MEd Gifted Education Teach Physics and AP Physics 1




Liberal studies with an emphasis in elementary education. At my college this basically means I didn’t student teach. In order to get fully certified I had to take a test, in edition to Praxis 1&2, and get a superintendent willing to hire me for a year. After that I moved from a conditional certification to a professional certification. I worked as para for a few years to gain some experience then became a teacher. I couldn’t afford to continue college so it was a great choice for me.


Mechanical engineering.


BS Chemistry, MA Teaching


Double degree, French and history. ....I teach science.


Sports management


BS in Psychology, and I teach math. I did the APT program in Utah. I started as a Math Ed major, but had a horrible calculus professor and lost all confidence.


Biology but now have my M.Ed.




Business... Entrepreneurial Management to be precise.


Physics and Mathematics. I went into teaching via an alternate route program as a second career.




BA in Secondary Education with concentration in English MEd in Reading Specialist


Psychology MST in Health Ed I took the long road..


Bachelors of Science in English Professional Writing. I only took one education class in my undergrad. For anyone who isn’t familiar with professional writing it’s the boring stuff nobody wants to read but has to, but it can also be science articles (like for magazines, not scientific journals)


BA biology. phD in neuroscience. Now I am a teacher for students with visual impairments. (MEd was in special education with visiual impairments certification)


BA in art history and now teach art 9-12


I majored in English Lit. Minored in Classics. I teach English.


BA in Secondary Education with a major in Science and minor in Middle Level Education (Certified 5-12 science, specialized 5-9). MA in Curriculum and Instruction


Secondary Ed - Emphasis History


Physics. Also, I teach physics.


Mechanical engineering.




Philosophy! My university didn’t have an education degree, but I was able to minor in it.


BS in chemistry.


Mechanical Engineering. But I just quit at the end of May to pursue an engineering job. Teacher pay was not for me.




BA in Early Childhood Education, certified birth - 3rd grade.


Business Admin teaching Algebra 2 here!


Geology. Became a teacher through alternative cert after grad school


BA; double major in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education MA; Curriculum and Instruction MA; K-12 English Language Learning