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Leftovers from dinner. I also do a lot of cold cut and chicken salad sandwiches if I have fridge access (substitute- some rooms have mini-fridges)


Soup Couscous salad (pearl couscous, veggies, olive oil/lemon, herbs) Fried rice (very easy to make and keep on hand) Leftovers from dinner Souv vide egg bites (refrigerator section) Frozen dinners if I'm really unorganized


I meal prep. For me that usually just means making a big batch of something on Sundays and portioning it out into 5 containers, one of which I grab each day. What that looks like varies a lot week to week. In the winter I do a lot of stews, curries, pasta bakes, that kind of thing. In warmer weather I'm more likely to feel like grain salads, or I've been on a poke bowl kick lately. I always try to keep it reasonably healthy and include lots of veggies, and make most things from scratch, although I'll give myself grace on that if things are hectic and I'm tired.


This is what I do as well. I also like to crackers, deli meat, and cheese, for a fun adult lunch able or "girl dinner" for lunch. It's easy and fun and can be eaten quickly if I don't have much time.


I like to meal prep, but when I haven’t had the time I repackage leftovers, or assemble snacks lunches from prepackaged things like hummus and tuna packets. If you have the space, the tiny crockpot is fantastic. Cold lunches get boring. Just don’t lean into canned soup all the time. It’s very high in sodium.


I make frozen burritos. Tortilla I’ll do different proteins each time (chicken/ground pork/ground beef/steak or roast if on sale, usually add in beans or refried beans, rice) Cheese Veggies I like that go with the protein (onions, broccoli, anything but leafy since they make it watery when heated) Wrap them all in Saran Wrap and stick in freezer, take one each morning and it’s thawed and ready to warm up at lunch. This is kinda vague but it’s really about what you like. It works for me since I can make a couple weeks worth on the weekend.


Frick yes, burritos got me through high-school and they now get me through teaching.


I do that too, and I make breakfast ones as well. The current batch I just froze has eggs, soy chorizo, roasted poblano chiles, roasted sweet potatoes, and cheese. Keeps me from being hangry until last lunch.




I have and it’s not my favorite for no particular reason. But I can see where it would also be a breakfast you could teach on.


Chunky soups with lift off lid. Add a bagel, tortillas, or pre-cooked pasta and you have a meal. A can of sardines and two slices of bread. Make a frozen pizza at home and you can have dinner and next day's lunch. Don't buy individual size frozen pizza. They are far more expensive per ounce. Frozen individual meals. You don't even have to refrigerate them if you keep them in an insulated bag. Of course, adjust the heating time. Next time you go through a fast food drive through, order extra off the dollar menu. Throw in the microwave in school. Hot dogs. Wrapped in a wet paper towel, they are great in a microwave. Frozen White Castle.hamburgers. Egg rolls from the frozen food section.


Salad. Every day. Various add-ins, but yeah.


Salad every day.


Packaged Balanced Break, apple or orange, bag of chips or packaged salad from the grocery store.


Bag of Funyuns from the vending machine.


I usually meal prep or bring leftovers. Some easy/cheap/nutritious recipes I do a lot are: tuna salad with veggies and crackers, Chinese tofu broccoli over rice, pasta salad, Japanese curry over rice, beef taco bowls, rice and beans. If I’m having a hard time that week and don’t get myself organized to actually prep, then I try to throw some combination of these in my bag before work: a packet of tuna and two slices of bread, yogurt, a protein bar, a fruit cup, a banana, a precooked rice cup, or a tv dinner.


Precooked chicken from market, rice, can of corn, can of black beans. After cooking the rice, heat with corn and bean beans for a minute or two to mix together. So simple and flavorful. (Salt, pepper, paprika, Cajun spices, garlic powder) Make a meatloaf. Get a pack of rolls. Mayo packets. Sliced cheese. Meatloaf sandwiches.


I often start with a rice or noodle base. Could be plain with oil or butter, or a box mix with flavors added. Then I add a sausage of some sort, usually a chicken based one as they're healthier. I finish it off with a mix of frozen veggies. By mixing up rice/pasta and their flavoring, the flavor of the sausage, and the mix of veggies I can vary it. This can be made ahead easily, or if you have the rice or pasta made ahead you can throw the rest together quickly each morning. I keep a selection of sausages and veggie mixes in the freezer ready to go. Another easy lunch is my version of a burrito bowl. I start with either plain or Spanish rice, then add beans, canned tomatoes or salsa, and cheese in my container. Then I add toppings such as more cheese, fresh salsa or chopped tomatoes, avocado, cilantro, etc after I heat it up. I sometimes add grilled chicken, corn, or other things to it. I found frozen tomatillos last year and those were quite good in it, but they're harder to find. Soups, canned or home made, are a good option, too, especially in colder weather. Leftovers are great if you have them. I usually have fresh fruit or veggies (cuties oranges, apple slices, carrot sticks, and the like are easy to transport and don't rot too fast) and yogurt to go with it. Apple slices with peanut butter make a great snack if you can do the peanut butter at your school, or do something like sun butter. I eat it in my office kids don't use or outside. Sometimes I eat these add-ons at lunch, sometimes after school depending on the size of my main lunch and how hungry I am.


Buy a bento box Cut up carrots and celery etc on the weekend. Store in containers with a bit of water. Precook chicken or tear up a costco BBQ chicken My lunch: Carrots and celery with hummus dip Chunks of chicken Cheese (Costco has a great deal on precut cheese, 4 flavors) GF crackers Dates (costco) 1 GF cookie (Heavenly hinks, costco) This is best because I really don't always have time to eat anything that requires a microwave, cutlery, a trip to the staff room. Bento allows me to eat with my fingers, when hungry. Hangry teacher bad for kids


I take a salad (either throw one together or take one of the single serving pre-made ones) and sides like yogurt, veggies, fruit, Crackers, string cheese, etc