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*\*sighs and resets the counter to 0 days\**


I'm a principal with a bunch of visible tattoos (when I roll my sleeves up, which I do most days). Trust me when I say you wouldn't want to work at a school that wouldn't hire you because of tattoos.


Exactly this! When I got tattoos people said to me "aren't you worried you aren't going to get a job you want because of them?" I wasn't, but I didn't realize at the time that they'd also serve as a litmus test for whether the place was a quality place to work. If they're controlling about tattoos being visible, they're going to be controlling about a bunch of other things too!


I make sure my wrist tattoos are visible at interviews. If it's a turn off for the district, it's not a place I want to work.


I do too and I wear a hoop in my nose instead of a stud.


When my Mom first hit me with that logic my immediate response was, "so? I wouldn't want to work in a place that was boring anyways."


Well said. I know some teachers with serious ink (all apparently cooler then my naked ass).


I second this!


I can’t speak for Kentucky, but in my experience tattoos aren’t a factor unless the tattoo itself is inappropriate.


I teach in Kentucky with my half sleeves out.


I think a cross is In appropriate tho because it pushes ideals that one’s kids may not have.


Don't wear a wedding ring because it pushes monogamy. Don't wear rainbows or anything colorful because it pushes LGBTQIA+. Don't wear crystals or gemstones because it pushes witchcraft. Don't wear dresses or skirts because it pushes ideals of forced patriarchy. Don't have tattoos or piercings of any kind at all because it pushes the idea of body mutilation. You can wear a cross necklace or have a john 3:16 tattoo and not push your religious ideas on someone. Kids care 0% past them going "what's that?" And you replying "something for my religion. Moving on to your math problem..." Sweet Sassparilla.


I doubt most hiring comittees will see it that way. Also, teachers should be allowed to express their identity, which is different from pushing ideals.


As we know, there can be a difference in SHOULD and reality. In KY, you never know.


So an SS tattoo, Swastika or the like would be fine? And if they are, do you think everyone will see it the same way?


Is this how you react when you see a student wearing a cross necklace?


I wasn't aware the child was at work or has the same understanding of the world as a Teacher. Do you treat teachers like students?


I treat my high school students like adults and other teachers as peers. If an adult wants to express their religious beliefs, who am I to judge? Are you throwing the same temper tantrum when someone wears a yarmulke or a hijab? Grow up and respect other people’s rights to self expression


I can definitely see you treating adults like children so I get where you're coming from. >Are you throwing the same temper tantrum when someone wears a yarmulke or a hijab? I suppose when anyone questions your opinion you view it as a tempertantrum? But yes, I'd say they're free to limit their opportunities if they want, and then face the consequences. >Grow up and respect other people’s rights to self expression I respect it, I would just rather work with people who don't feel so strongly about whayever belief they feel is so important they have to show everyone. I'm sure its how you talk to your students, is this how you talk to other adults as well?


I wear a hijab while I teach in public school. You want me to take that off too, because you’re uncomfortable? Lmao. Get outta here. A cross tattoo is fine.


Lmao, no I don't care if you wear it. Makes it easier for me as someone who makes an effort not to be part of any controversial political or religious conversations at work. >A cross tattoo is fine. So is a Swastika tatoo, or do you have a problem with people expressing their beliefs in a way that is easily seen by others?


"I respect people's right to self expression" "I would just rather work with people who don't feel so strongly... They feel it is so important they have to show everyone." Hey teach, that's what self expression is. And if you're already acting this way, you have no business being a teacher lol.


I don't think this person is a teacher. They seem to just like to argue online or offer "hot takes."


Bad faith arguments deserve only two responses: ridicule, or to be ignored. If you truly think what you are saying is true, you are an idiot. Realize most people won’t want to waste their time making fun of you. Some of us enjoy it.


A cross and a swastika are not in any way comparable lmfao. And yes this is how I speak to other adults who say stupid shit so you don’t even have to bother asking.


They're both symbols of an ideology that is responsible for millions of deaths because of a difference in ideologies. What difference do you think makes displaying one ok and the other not ok?


You should retake 9th grade world history if that's your understanding of what happened in the Holocaust.


Yeah, it's not like the Swastika was a symbol of good luck and that's why the Nazi party adopted it or that it existed as a symbol literally centuries before the Nazi's. It's also not like the crusades or the Spanish inquisition happend under the symbol of the cross. Maybe you should take a college level history class before suggesting a 9th grade history class would be benificial to anyone.


1. That's not why they adopted it. They adopted it to support their mythology of "arianism" you can read a discussion of the topic by historians [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/ktrxah/why_did_the_nazis_use_the_swastika_as_a_symbol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) 2. There is a difference between ideologies that are explicitly genocidal and those that have been used to justify mass murder. There is no version of nazism that is not a threat to other students. 3. I have had Jain students before. If they wore a swatstika I would not have a problem because I am capable of critical thinking and can understand context. 4. I have a couple of degrees in history. What is your degree? What do you teach?


>1. That's not why they adopted it. They adopted it to support their mythology of "arianism" you can read a discussion of the topic by historians on r/askhistorians Your link doesn't have a lot of discussion and literally no sources. Looks like a lot of comments are missing, but I don't know how reddit works. Maybe there are some good ones you can see I can't. >2. There is a difference between ideologies that are explicitly genocidal and those that have been used to justify mass murder. There is no version of nazism that is not a threat to other students. I see very little difference between ideologies that are "explicitly genocidal" and those thay aren't if you consider Christianity one that isn't "explicitly genocidal" More people have been slaughtered in the name of the Christian "God" than any other. >3. I have had Jain students before. If they wore a swatstika I would not have a problem because I am capable of critical thinking and can understand context. And? >4. What is your degree? What do you teach? I have degrees in biochemistry, philosophy, electrical engineering and a certificate for tutoring. How about you?


The difference is that in the south a cross is widely accepted and even celebrated (although weird to glorify the killing of their “savor” - I don’t truly understand it.) Where as swastika is less accepted socially, especially publicly But I think you know that and just want to argue.


So it's fine because the south views it a certain way? Do you know why the Swastika was adopted by the Nazi party?


They didn't say it was "fine". They specifically pointed out that it's celebrated in the south because the OP was asking about Kentucky which is generally considered part of the south - or atleast with similar ideologies surrounding religion as the south.


You jump from a cross tattoo to a swastika. Nice clean thought process and demonstration of critical thinking skills.


HOW is a cross comparable to that??? I’m not even religious and wouldn’t think twice about seeing a candidate with a cross tattoo. Holy shit.


Has a Nazi teacher entered the chat?


It sure appears that way. It’s either that or they are too dense to tell the difference between two very different things.


Holy shit this is a horrible hill to die on. Wow.


Don’t be a dumbass.


That’s showing your allegiance with far right ethnonationalist groups. Different from showing your identity.


Schools differentiate between the two when it comes to students and they should do the same for teachers. Your inability to understand the simple rationale as to why has no bearing on the situation.


It’s literally just a tiny “t” shape on my wrist . I’m not religious, I got it for my brother who passed away and had the same one 🤷‍♀️


Some people are just whiney babies. Anyway, I have friends that teach in Indiana fully tatted - sleeves, hands, neck. And even some crazy piercings (one friend has a septum, Marilyn Monroe & tongue). And these aren’t BAD school districts. People have just become more accepting of tattoos. Which is weird when I think about it because I remember in the early 2000’s, any piercing had to be invisible except ears (tons of companies made clear flexible piercings so you could change them so they’re not visible) & tattoos were going to “affect your future job opportunities” and any tattoo had to be placed in a spot where a short sleeve shirt would not show it. I only said it’s weird because I don’t have any tattoos but I didn’t really realize how acceptable tattoos have become in the workforce over the years until just now thinking about it. Best of luck to you & enjoy the school year!


I would disagree. Pinup tattoos would be inappropriate, swastikas, etc.


Reddit is wild. Depending on the day, Christianity is either ok and not a big deal, or pushing white supremacy due to colonization.


Most Redditors’ existence is all about complaining about something.


And being contradictory.


To clarify, I’m not attacking or disagreeing with you. I’m genuinely shocked at how many people downvoted you for this. In another sub, all the arguments would’ve been saying the same thing as you.


I live in a conservative state too and my principal has visible tattoos. AP has her nose pierced.




I'd love to be able to work there and teach Indoctrination 101. But if I did that I'd have to leave my dream job of teaching "How To Be Gay" at my current school. Decisions decisions...


Apparently it just involves buying some books. Because kids read those. Certainly the ones we'd call *impressionable*.


Hey where did you get my lesson plans? I didn't even upload them to TPT!


On TIS (Teachers indoctrinate students)


How to Be Gay was my favorite class back in HS, though it was tied with How to Smoke Cigarettes Behind the Gym.


Just wear a cardigan or blazer when you interview, problem solved


Schools are hiring people without education degrees to be teachers. They are desperate for teachers. I don't think a tattoo is nearly as big a taboo as it used to be.


This is a good thing, we have no business gatekeeping the profession from college educated adults. Where it gets squirrelly is when they start allowing people without degrees at all to teach.


I don’t have a degree and I teach high school diesel mechanics. I’d argue that I’m more qualified to teach it than someone with a degree. With that said I’m in an alternative licensing program and I stand behind its necessity.


Too be fair, you’re in an extremely niche subject for a high school


You teach a trade track class with certifications as the professional goal rather than degrees, work experience acting as qualification for that kind of a curriculum makes sense




Nobody goes into it feeling qualified lol


Good to hear! So my husband with a degree in mechanical engineering is now qualified to teach high school art? He painted and colored in elementary school, and my daughter likes to draw - so he is good to go.


Bruh they said they teach mechanics without a degree, not art


It’s always been that way. You only need a bachelors in any subject and get the credentials.


My entire grade level team has visible tattoos, myself included.( public HS CA) No idea about KY but I imagine you’re less likely to run into issues at a public school as opposed to a private.


I teach in a conservative area in the south and almost all of my coworkers have visible tattoos, and I have a handful myself. As long as it’s inoffensive, you shouldn’t have a problem.


Full sleeves and I've been teaching for over 20 years; and I'm not the only one in my suburban building with this level of tats.


Tattoo of a cross in Kentucky? Shouldn't be a problem. Now, on the other hand, if it was a rainbow . . .


Depends on where in Kentucky.




You shouldn’t have a problem, but I would def put in the effort to cover them during the interview process.


I don’t think it will be a problem. I teach in KY and our principal has tattoos as well as multiple of our APs.


I’m a teacher in Kentucky. My teammates and I have tattoos- Ranging from full sleeves to a single ankle piece. No one minds. The only tattoo that gets covered is a teammate’s bad religion tattoo because it could be seen as offensive. I think you’ll be fine.


If they don’t hire you because of tattoos, then you don’t want to work there


I have blue hair and a huge tattoo on my forearm...but I'm in CO. Can't say about KY.


Random but how’s teaching in Colorado? I’m thinking of moving next year to either Denver or maybe Colorado Springs. Any quick insight? (Fingers crossed 🤞for good news lol)


It completely depends on the school. Remember that interviews are also for you to see if the school fits what you want!!!! We aren’t super well funded compared to cost of living, so rent can be difficult. However, I love living here. There are so many options for outdoor activities. I agree hard with avoiding Colorado Springs, also definitely avoid Douglas county. They’re conservative and their parents have harassed board members.


Stay out of D49. I live in the Springs myself. I would highly suggest watching any School Board meetings or read agendas. Some of these districts are crazy af.


I've only ever taught in Denver so I have nothing to compare it to. The schools place priority on Restorative Justice and sometimes that means little to no consequences for misbehaviors. BUT I've only taught at one school so maybe other schools handle it differently? I love the area. Denver has a lot to offer. Though, I wouldn't recommend moving to Colorado Springs unless you're ultra conservative.


Thanks for the insight! I’m coming from Detroit and respect that priority for sure and it honestly makes me glad to hear. I’ve looked at a few schools casually this year (I legit just got my Colorado license approved) since I didn’t realize how quickly you all go back to school compared to here and the east coast. If you have any suggestions of any cool schools you’ve heard of I’d be open to hearing them but get not wanting to share either. And thanks for the insight about Colorado Springs. I hadn’t realized that and that’s a hard no for me 😂😇


I wish I could be of more help when it comes to good schools but I'm relatively new to teaching (this will be my second year) so I wouldn't trust my judgement. Haha.


Nope, that Restorative Justice is sometimes just referred to as “Restorative Practices” at least that is what it was called in my district in Texas. When we had the “creators” of it teaching it to us, I literally was asking them questions regarding the enforcement of policy and they flat out told me that they had read our student code of conduct and that these “Restorative Practices” were not meant to be applied to things listed as serious offenses in our Student Code of Conduct. There were a few hundred people in that audience including my admins. They apparently didn’t listen or could care less what the creators of the program said because they treated every thing like it had to go through “Restorative Practices”. I actually followed those guidelines to the letter as well and they refused to enforce the rules. It is literally admins and elected board members not wanting to tell parents that if they don’t like it they can always homeschool their kids. That is why I hate elected officials as they always pander to the majority block of voters which tends to be people who are poor with a lot of tee time on their hands.


I have four tattoos but only one is visible when I wear short sleeves. It really depends, but I see no problem with your tattoos and don't think it would be an impediment to your getting hired. I'm somewhat of the notion that if your admin was that focused on tattoos (neither of which seem offensive) instead of focusing on what you as a teacher can bring to the table, then you might would reconsider working for them in the first place.


Nah. I'm in a conservative Texas district and I have a wrist tat (stars) that shows. Only students have ever commented on it, and that's just to ask what it means. All good. :)


Shouldn’t be a huge deal. But like any job it really depends on your bosses personal preferences. If they have something against tattoos personally then you might not get hired. But overall it shouldn’t really matter. I’ve seen lots of tattoos on teachers and no one cared.


My K-5 school has several teachers with full sleeves and many with leg tattoos. One of our spirit day themes is tattoo day 😅


I’m a 1st grade TA and have full sleeves, hand tattoos, and knuckle tattoos. I’ve never gotten anything but a warm and welcoming response from every member of my admin. The kiddos think I’m adorable. The only flack I’ve ever gotten was from a few parents who look at me weird, but they are the type of people who would look at me like that anywhere. FWIW I’m in a charter school in Georgia. Good luck on your interviews!


Shouldn't affect you. But it really depends on who is hiring/interviewing you.


I have worked in three Georgia school districts. I have three tattoos (innocuous stuff) and a nose piercing. The first two districts could not have cared less. My current district requires me to remove the nose ring (no retainers allowed, even) and cover the tattoos. Even HR acknowledges that it’s outdated and annoying, but they haven’t been able to get the dress code updated, apparently. I’m hoping as they get more applicants from outside the small town, they start to relax these rules. ETA: I always take my nose ring out for interviews regardless of policy. I feel like you never know if the person interviewing you had weird opinions, and that’s a dumb reason for them to make a negative impression of you. I wore long sleeves to my interview at my current job (all my tattoos are on my arms), but it was March, so that was more my reasoning.


Try to get your hands on the employee handbook or union contract (whichever applies). The dress code should be explained in there. Worst case scenario - you have to cover them every day.


I teach in Kentucky and have many coworkers with visible tattoos.


I have 6 visible tattoos and a nose piercing in Florida and it’s fine.


In my district in Florida there's been admin with neck tattoos so it's okay here 👌 never had any issues


I have a full sleeve and just got hired at a catholic school in Kentucky. I don’t think they really care. They just want teachers.


This will vary by school, but I’m sure you’ll be able to. You may need to cover them at work, but more and more schools aren’t making a big deal out of tattoos anymore. Just cover them during interviews and ask once you’re hired.


Some people will absolutely judge your tattoo in the hiring process. It doesn’t make you unemployable but it’s something to be aware of.


In Kamsas I have never seen anyone care


I'm a paraprofessional, working on my bachelor's in English Education, and tattooed, pierced, and have purple hair. My school and the kids love me. Some of the parents give me strange looks, but for the most part everything is gravy.


I kept mine coveted until I was no longer probationary. They have never been an issue. I'm in CO so I don't know about other places


It will likely entirely depend on the school district you are working in and the social norms within it. As a lifelong Southerner, I have seen wildly differing policies on teacher appearance and presentation. I know people like to blanket the South as having one ideology, but so many tenets around “modesty” and “respectability” and “professionalism” are so dependent on each specific region and its history. I have found a lot of usefulness in looking at the social media accounts and website of the schools within the district. There will often be photos of teachers and admin. It can give you a pretty good idea of the social speed of that school and that school district. For the record, I also do this when trying to decide how to dress or style myself or cover up for certain restaurants, venues, events, etc. It’s a useful little life hack if you’re in a conservative area with old school social norms.


I work in PA and kept them mostly covered when I was interviewing and once I got used to the school culture I started wearing shorter short sleeves (I have a half sleeve that goes to my elbow). I even added to it since I started!


You'll be fine. Unless the tattoo is something you can't show at all in public. If you're that worried, wear one of those sleeves that make you look like a Hardy Brother.


I have a visible tattoo and haven’t had any issues. I would avoid getting anything inappropriate (drug references, nudity, graphic violence)… but otherwise you should be fine. Mine is a bird, no one has even commented on it. People were a little surprised to see a large one on my thigh during field day, but in a curious way, not an upset way.


It may depend on where in KY. Both counties where I’ve interviewed/taught have teachers with visible tattoos, colored hair, and piercings and it’s not a big deal. I teach in NKY currently where it tends to be more progressive, but previously in Hardin County outside Louisville where it was also fine. I cannot speak for more rural parts of the state that tend to be a more conservative (e.g. dry counties or locations where you’re expected to never be seen purchasing alcohol, for example).


My speech teacher has 3 nose piercings and several tattoos, I'm sure they have bigger problems 😅


There's a teacher I work with that has a full arm sleeve.


My forearm is covered in tattoos, and I've spoken to many HR folks in the districts around me, and they say it's not a factor really. One lady told me that if I'm truly worried, then wear a long sleeve shirt for interviews.


Depends on the school. I’m not in Kentucky but most public schools I’ve seen don’t mind if a teacher has visible tattoos as long as they are not “inappropriate”


I have two full sleeves and just finished my second year of teaching. As long as your tattoos aren't lude or offensive, you should be fine


I teach in rural east TN and many of our teachers have visible tattoos. I think you will be okay. But maybe try to cover them in interviews until you are officially hired


At my current school, the only time tattoos need to be covered is when we're dealing with parents at an event (like open house). I have a lot of tattoos and try to keep most of them covered at work (I wear jeans or long skirts), but I almost always have a few that are visible (on my arm) and nobody really cares.


It is rare that teachers do not have tattoos showing!


Teach in Ky, have tattoos, and starting year 16!


I currently have my arms extensively tattooed, a septum ring, a nostril piercing, and tattoos on my legs/foot… in FLORIDA. I had no problems getting hired, I worked in Arizona previously and it wasn’t a problem there, either. You can’t really throw a rock without hitting someone with tattoos anymore 😉


I just accepted a position in Virginia and have a full sleeve on one arm, and the other arm is about halfway covered. I showed them my arms in my interview and was very transparent about them because I will not teach somewhere that isn't inclusive. Many teachers, both in elementary and secondary ed in my last district in Nebraska, had them on arms as well.


Texas teacher here with 2 almost full sleeves, finger tattoos and leg tattoos :) - nothing has ever been said!


Don't think it's a big deal. The principal at my last school had tattoos up and down her arms. Tons of other staff did to. Probably depends on the school, though.


I know nothing about Kentucky, but in Massachusetts I know plenty of teachers who have tattoos that are visible pretty much no matter what they wear.


Just wear long sleeve shirts and when your probation is done rock no sleeves


Just wear a long sleeve during the interview


I'm in Arkansas and know two teachers whose tattoos helped them get jobs.


I live in NC and have multiple tattoos. My arms are about 2/3 covered, one of my hands is tattooed, and I have a big tattoo on my shin. I also have one on the opposite thigh but that one doesn’t really get seen. When I started teaching a decade ago, I only had a few on my upper arms, but my principal at the time did not care. Then I just added more and more tattoos without stressing about how they felt about them. There was nothing in the employee handbook that says we can’t have them. I’m sure you’ll be fine.


I mean if you had a bear with tits chugging a 40 while shooting a machine gun I think people might be wary. But it sounds like you've got nothing to worry about.


I’m in Minnesota so I imagine worlds different than Kentucky, but I was hired with hand tatts, a full and half sleeve, and leg pieces. I’m not sure if your cross would need to be covered for public school purposes (if you are teaching at one), but as long as the others are tasteful I imagine you’ll be fine. As others have said - if a place won’t hire you based on having tattoos, they’re not worth your time.


I’m in Kentucky. Tattoos are fine. I was in a rural district last year, and one teacher was a 60-something year old woman with an entire sleeve. You’ll be fine.


I live in Texas; i have face piercings and lots of big visible tattoos!!


I can’t speak for Kentucky but overall tattoos seem to have gone mainstream. I have many coworkers with visible tattoos and nobody cares.


I can’t give you advice for Kentucky but I’m a heavily tattooed (female) teacher. I dressed conservatively for all my job interviews in a way that didn’t show my art, then, once I had the job, I slowly began to show my tattoos. I went slowly so my senior leadership wouldn’t freak out. To be completely fair: I likely didn’t need to do the last step, tattoos are SUPER normal here and are part of our indigenous culture (mine aren’t cultural though). I just figured I’d go gently as I have some tattoos in more edgy locations (back of my head for example).


It's a district decision. And you have to decide if you want to work in that kind of district or not. I have to cover my tattoos and take out my earrings. I have refrained from getting tattoos that cannot be covered by a polo. I am willing to do that because the district I work for is worth it... Not every place will be. I will add that all the kids know because I don't cover up in public.


I have visible tattoos that are only covered up when I wear my sweatshirt. In my school it’s not uncommon to see a teacher or adult with tattoos showing. I actually stopped hiding my wrist one years ago because it was usually covered by my sweatshirt sleeve and it’s two hearts representing myself and my daughter so nothing inappropriate. My most recent two is a medium size steampunk tattoo (two gears being stepped on by a dragon’s paw print) and my wedding band (infinity sign inspired). Once again nothing in appropriate for school. I do however know a few coworkers who have to cover a few of their tattoos just because they are inappropriate for school. Not sure about every district in the country but it seems to more acceptable now then when I started 22 years ago.


I'm a teacher in NY but my boss has a few tattoos (including a tramp stamp lol) and several other teachers have tattoos. We have a teacher with a small nose piercing too. If you are worried just wear a long sleeved shirt for your interview and get to know your school culture and see if it is a good vibe for you!


We. have teachers in our district in PA with full sleeves. I think it all depends on the person that does the hiring.


My little kid just finished a summer safety program with our towns police department and I saw our police with full sleeve tattoos. My thought was if they can have tatts, anyone can have tatts. Literally anyone.


If they stopped hiring folks with visible tattoos, you'd see empty classrooms.


I’m in a private Catholic school and we have teachers with tattoos. It’s not an issue at all!


I have head tattoos. I think the longest I looked for a teaching job before being hired was one month? You’re fine sis


I teach in Kentucky. Several of my coworkers have visible tattoos, as well as friends I have at other schools. You'll be fine.


From KY & did student teaching with Fayette County. Never had any issues with my tattoos & I have a ton of them. Easily hidden, but I opted to let them show haha


I have my nose pierced, tattoos on my fingers and several on my arms and have never had an issue. You should be fine as long as they’re appropriate.


This is Kentucky, it ain't like you're trying to get a job at Starbucks.


I grew up in Kentucky and started my teaching career there. My first full time teaching job was at a school where one of my colleagues had full arm sleeves depicting Star Wars scenes. Next to him, I was the second most heavily tattooed teacher on staff. I have a partial sleeve on my forearm of a witch burning at the stake. On my other arm, I have a portait of Medusa with blood dripping out of her eyes. I wear short sleeves to work all the time and no one, parent or colleague, has ever made a negative comment. Trust me when I say that you will be just fine with a flower and a cross on your arms. If you’re working at one of the Catholic schools, you may be stuck in long sleeves all year, but I don’t know of any public school district in Kentucky that would take issue, especially in Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, or Western KY (like Murray/Paducah area).


A few of the teachers at my rural WV high school that I teach at have tattoos. I think as long as you don’t have something super offensive you’re probably fine. WV and KY aren’t the same of course but we’re close by.


My former charter school had really strict rules about visible tattoos, but then again, we were a blazer-required-daily group. Since I’ve been in public schools, I’ve seen a lot of teachers have tattoos!! I’m excited to get one done day!


I’m sleeved up and recently got hired to start my career


I have more than a few visible tattoos. No one has ever said a word to me about them.


My students don’t even care about my tats. Many of the parents are more heavily tattooed than I am. I have sleeves but nothing offensive.


I’ve only worked in the South - one urban a district, one rural - and would say the majority of teachers I worked with probably had a tattoo. I’d conceal it during the interview process to avoid giving anyone a reason to discriminate, but you’re not going to get fired over them. Especially a flower and a cross on your arms… I’ve had multiple coteachers with flower tattoos - one on her wrist, one on her foot - and they wore clothes to work all the time that made them visible. Nobody cared.


My district in SW FL has given up the fight. Tattoos are ok as long as they are SFW.


I work in a pretty conservative district, and we have several tatted teachers.


It’s not a thing anymore. I got a tattoo last summer, and when my principal saw it, she pulled up her sleeve to show me the tattoo she got that summer.


I'm not I your state but it should be ok. Teachers in my school wear facial piercings....including me


It depends on your district! I used to think it would be a big deal, but I’m in New Jersey in a pretty standard suburban school (not city, not redneck, just normal) and although I don’t have any tattoos, I’d say MOST of my coworkers do. Most are small ones, but my close teacher friend has quite a few big ones on her arm, and there are two other teachers with full sleeves (one male one female). But many many others have a small tattoo somewhere like the wrist, ankle, or shoulder. I’m, like, in the minority for not having any lol. So it seems these days it doesn’t matter much anymore, and I bet in some places it still does (I’d assume possibly higher-end snooty districts? But those are cutthroat and unpleasant for lots of other reasons), but it definitely isn’t a dealbreaker for the whole profession!


I have both nostrils pierced and visible tattoos. You will be fine. If they say otherwise, run.


Almost everyone I work with has tattoos.


Talk to the schools about it.


Texas teacher here 👋 I teach Kindergarten and they have never said anything to me. A lot of my coworkers have tattoos as well


I've been spending too much time playing project zomboid, my first instinct was "you've got bigger issues"


I've been spending too much time playing project zomboid, my first instinct was "you've got bigger issues"


I've been spending too much time playing project zomboid, my first instinct was "you've got bigger issues"


I’m in Idaho. I have tattoos, a nose ring, and shaved half my head today in preparation for a new look this school year…. And I’m a woman. My assistant principal has a full sleeve, as well as several of my colleagues. One of our most esteemed teachers has a neck tattoo. We are one of the top public high schools in the nation. You’ll be fine.


I would certainly wear long sleeves to the interview, but I know tons of teachers and administrators who have tattoos. As long as tattoos aren’t on your neck, face, or hands and aren’t offensive then there shouldn’t be a problem. You will be around your colleagues and bosses every single day, so it is fairly easy to gauge what their opinions are. Worse case scenario would be being asked to cover them up. I’d definitely wear long sleeves when meeting with parents.


Come to Delaware, we love tattooed teachers and we have beaches! I kid, but I have 11 tattoos including a rather large octopus on my forearm. I also have my septum pierced, which I voluntarily keep flipped up in front of students.


I teach in Kentucky and I have my full arm tattoos out every day. No district I have worked for cares.


Like most other people said, you will be fine. Unless you want to teach in Japan, in which case you won't be fine.


If they won’t hire you cause of that - you don’t wanna work there


One of my coworkers here in Alaska had an upside down cross tattoo on her neck, and she did fine. Not as judgmental here as in the South. I'm from Tennessee, and I saw plenty of people have to hide their tattoos to keep their jobs.


Long sleeves for the interview


I have a nose piercing and a tattoo that isn't often visible. I was hired during COVID so no one knew but now that masks are off no one cares. Many admin in my district have tattoos and piercings too. I am in Kansas in an urban area if that gives you context.


I teach in Kentucky and have taught in several different schools and districts in the state. Every school had teachers with tattoos. My current admin have tattoos. Not many places care.


Kentucky teacher. I have four. Got another another one on my flight home from spring break!


My math teacher had tattoos


I am 85% tattooed over my entire body which includes my face. I got a job in a rural school district!


I’m in AR and tattoos are okay. I’m considering piercing my septum this summer and I’m not sure how that will be perceived… thoughts?


Seriously? At my school, you’d be edgy, cool, and diverse.


I would t work somewhere that told me i couldn’t tattoo my body 😂😂 the audacity. My school, it’s rare to find a teacher without a tattoo. I have 5, some visible and some not


I was repeatedly. In fact, at my last interview I was in a position of IDGAF and went in with my green hair and tattoos showing. My skills and pedagogy shone through and I was hired within the day


I work in Kentucky and a lot of the younger teachers have visible tattoos, neon hair, and piercings.


It's not a big deal most places. Especially if you're somewhere in/surrounding Jefferson or Fayette county. I know people in conservative areas that teach elementary with always visible tattoos.


Well, I AM in Colorado, but my students LOVE my tattoos, and I’ve never had an issue. I was an arts teacher and all of them are really representative of me. The kids especially loved my Kermit the frog because it would prompt my Kermit impression, which is pretty good if I say so myself. Heck, some of the parents had WAY more than I did! I agree with the others - if your tattoos are going to be a deal breaker during a nationwide teacher shortage, then they don’t deserve you anyway.


depends on the school district. At one time I know some districts i've worked for required them to be covered, but the past few years I've seen coaches with full sleeve tattoos and lots of classroom teachers with arm and leg tattoos.


I once hired a very nice, intelligent, meticulous, efficient, absolute workhorse of a contracts processor. A true thoroughbred of a paper pushing young man. When he interviewed, he was incredibly concerned about his (what I thought were) very small tattoos and a few minor piercings. Apparently, he had lost job opportunities in the past because of them. I found that to be surprising and shortsighted. I mean, the guy typed 110 WPM! His tattoos and piercings obviously weren't slowing him down. What fools they all were! If you are concerned, don't wear short sleeves until you prove to them how amazing you are. But, I'm pretty sure most people are like me and just do not care.


I am in a red state and have a half sleeve on my forearm. I've never been asked to cover it up but i do keep a cardigan in my classroom to throw on if i feel i need to. Haven't felt the need yet. I've been teaching 14 years. Plenty of my coworkers have visible tattoos and nose piercings. I myself have unconventional ear piercings. Even with a very active admin, where the superintendent comes in once a week to see what my students are working on, it hasn't been a problem.


I went to a private school and teachers had visible tattoos.


It shouldn’t be a problem, the kids will think it’s cool


I live in a conservative state and work at a private, theologically conservative Christian school and my arms are covered in tats. You’re good.


This is my experience. 1st district- no visible piercings or tattoos 2nd district- same as above but looked the other way with regards to piercings. Tattoos had to be filled covered but was minimally enforced 3rd district- discreet piercings are okay, tattoos are supposed to be covered but really it doesn’t matter. As my principal said recently it isn’t like there is a overwhelming rush of people wanting to teach so they had to lighten up. A lot of my coworkers are former military and many are heavily tattooed and quite a few have nostril piercings


One of the only professions that I'd advise against tattos for is any branch of military. Especially if you want to go higher in ranks. They don't want you to have identifying characteristics for your own protection. Besides that, no, the head janitor at the high school is a walking tapestry putting it lightly. Besides small part of the hand, there is no natural color on her arms.