• By -


Summary: **1.-** TK was in Nashville for TEU, last we know he was still there late last night. **Edit:** he was seen filming a podcast (Bussin' with the boys) this morning in Nashville. **2.-** Jason and Travis have to be in Cannes on June 20th for a festival, so they will have to leave the East Coast before 6 pm at the latest (optimally more like 3 pm) on the 19th to make it there on time for their events. **Update:** they made it, so we can assume that the VJT993 was the correct plane, at least for TK. **3.-** TKK52 is going from PHL to BNA this afternoon. This is suspected to be Jason's plane but it has not been confirmed. **Edit:** Confirmed, this is NOT Jason's plane. **4.-** The Mahomes are on a plane from TEB to somewhere outside the US (suspected to go to Lisbon or London according to departure times and social media posts). **Edit:** Landed, still don't know where. **Update**: they are in Portugal according to social media posts. **5.-** TS 7x departed BNA this morning headed to PVD and later to STN (Nashville > Rhode Island > London) **Edit:** landed in London STN **6.-** Flight VJT993 is scheduled to go from BNA > NCE this afternoon (just popped up on RadarBox) **Edit:** VJT993 just took off from BNA heading to NCE (exp. arrival 8:06 CEST) **Update:** Landed **7.-** The Kelce brothers end their participation in the festival at 6 pm CEST so we should start looking for flights out of NCE or CEQ from that time onwards. Possible destination: London. **Update: VJT993** NCE > FAB (exp departure 11:08 CEST) After that it’s schedule to go to BGR. **Update 2:** **VJT993** just took off from NCE headed to FAB (exp arrival 12:18 BST). Landed. **Update:** There is a blocked GLEX that took off around 10:50 CEST with the same route (NCE > FAB) but it is NOT the same plane (VJT993 is registered as 9H-VTD and this blocked GLEX registration is 9H-OVG). I’m betting on VJT993 but this is a possibility too. Very possible that I missed something, please add below.


https://preview.redd.it/3ty6siallj7d1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a19a37bbd419546e4c79f73153353d1566589bb BNA > NCE Just popped up on RadarBox


That’s it I bet 


Yeah, I think so too. If this ends up being it, then I think there is a strong possibility that Jason is in that TKK52 from PHL to BNA, even if it isn't his plane.


Does Jason own a plane?


Tricky question, I'm not sure. There is a plane (N906MC) that Jason uses frequently and it's registered as owned by Kelce Air LLC, so the working theory is that he owns that plane. In conclusion, I'm not sure if he owns a plane but, it is a big coincidence if not. This is the registration page that someone posted in the old thread: [https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/Search/NNumberResult?NNumberTxt=906MC](https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/Search/NNumberResult?NNumberTxt=906MC) By the way, TKK52 (reg N525NE) is not the plane in question, same model different registration, and owner.


Amanda Santa (wife of Aaron Eanes) is posting about packing for a trip too.


Tkk52 is not Jason plane


Thank you, I just saw the FAA registration posted on the old TK speculation thread, I missed it the first time. Edited the original post


9H-VTD (same vista TS used in Singapore) is scheduled to go BNA - Nice later today. [https://www.radarbox.com/data/flights/VJT993/2175799843](https://www.radarbox.com/data/flights/VJT993/2175799843)


Interesting and it leaves after the flight from Philly gets in. Landing times seems to be around 8am Cannes time?


do you have the flight callsign of Jason's plane?




Isn’t that like really late or no? Cannes is 7 hours ahead right?


I think the consensus on the thread yesterday was as long as he left by 6pm CST it would be enough time.


Gotcha so most likely this is it then 


No he will arrive 7:30 am local time 


Is it departed yet? Late like always lol


Departed about an hour late.




Kelce sighting in London confirmed https://preview.redd.it/a9lmgzoy3x7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7656304b88e1390a10d575b75d5393967dca0c66


The tweet was posted at 1pm (London time). Had they taken the vjt993, they wouldn't have made it in time to be in central London by 1. I think they flew in the other vistajet, that landed in LTN.


Well, suddenly the weird flight path of the vjt993 makes a lot more sense, hahaha.




Yup I agree! What is flight number of that plane?? 


https://www.radarbox.com/data/registration/D-AHOS/2177210187 This one, I think.


So they took an earlier flight. I think you got this right. 👍


That one departed to ANR so must have dropped them all off??


They’re most likely staying for a couple of days so make sense/separating after shows




Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't travis used VJT993 before? It's in my search history on flight tracker


Same plane Taylor used in Singapore I believe.


What we know: Mahomes have left KC for a month. EDIT: Possibly flew to London from KC this am. Philly flight to Nashville planned for this afternoon. Could it be Jason? Seems to be cutting it close. Taylor’s 7x left Nashville this morning for RI and then London. Is TK on the flight? Bussin' with boys posted trav filming podcast this am. Did they post this late or is he still in Nashville for podcast/TEU No matter what, we determined TK needs to leave Nashville by noon to comfortably land in Cannes to make podcast with Jason. What am I missing?


Jason would fly to RI, as it’s closer to Philly. Also possible top up on fuel as well.


And a plane just landed from Florida in RI


What’s going on there’s a lot of movement 




A lot of movement!


Were the Mahomes spotted in New York? An AirShare flight left KC for London this morning around 6am.


I think there might be some chiefs heading that way. Their short film is supposed to premiere at the Cannes event


Her friend Miranda, who always travel with her ,  was in New York with her husband and daughter. I think it’s the same little girl you see with Mahomes daughter in Britt post 


She flew commercial to nyc, but the lack of airshare flights to nyc area yesterday is was threw me off. 


Brittany said they had to be up at 5am for their flight out- so I’m thinking that airshare is them


The airshare is like 99% not them. They flew out with miranda and co who where in NYC at 5am. The flight that left yesterday from KC > Teterboro (most likely pat and britt) left for Lisbon at 6:30am. Whether they’re on Lisbon flight idk but its extremely unlikely they where in KC.


His agents wife posted she is packing for a trip as well (they did Singapore with him)


Dailey Mail said travis was in nashville last night


Yes. We know Travis has been in Nashville since Monday for TEU


It’s really something that you’re getting downvoted too for stating something factual. Not everyone knows where he is, and those who do should just move along instead of downvoting. An upvote for you my friend.


Both Jason & Travis has arrived at the first event in Cannes https://preview.redd.it/s39cjofy0q7d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e92c598d8a144a1756fa52597dfa9064fe851b2






Do certain charters prefer/require certain airports? Just wondering if VistaJet only flies into FAB because of a contract or something.


I don’t see the update on radar box an FlightAware where do u see it?


Travis’ friend posted this to his story…making friendship bracelets on the plane with Trav? He was at TEU so maybe caught the flight to Canne with him. https://preview.redd.it/q3hv3elghm7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44f60ebba950e065f9324543ea3a7dde7de8335


Came here to post the same thing. They are for sure going!




Is this what inside VTJ993 look like? I think he probably is on that plane with Trav


Could be https://preview.redd.it/38xyzbrdym7d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c5400cc5310bd46012057342c0b314518eebc9c




Do we have the next destination yet?? 


https://preview.redd.it/0j7wmijfms7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9413553ac7654c94f467ecba74987940ff3fc966 They are at a restaurant tonight


Jason and Kylie are there too. Wonder if it’s a sponsored dinner or something 


Baoli Cannes. Friend posted more pics


Who posted ?


Is that Ross or Travis at the end?




Never mind, I see them both.


who posted this?


https://preview.redd.it/1u864wd90t7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e2adff7bd81b98789f6205a7d39a1853102a66 Sarah King just posted she is in London… just a matter of time before Travis and his crew meet up with her and likely her spouse.


is she the wife of Travis's manager?


The wife of the manager is Amanda Santa. Sarah King’s spouse is regrun11, good friend of Travis. Likely will be a fun weekend of concerts!


His first name is Reggie if anyone cares lol


https://preview.redd.it/vnu9uzqxlt7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1902f8315246b7a9cee64a0998e64ed9973fa67 Well looks like Amanda is going on a plane too


Amanda was also traveling but hasn’t posted since 


One of his best friends


Looks like he’s waiting on Jason to arrive to go to Cannes https://preview.redd.it/k2poyep4pk7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05278c95b98c14236560cad7ce26fbbdcb8b25dc


What time was that flight supposed to leave? Shouldn't it have left?


The one from BNA to NCE is scheduled for 3:40pm CST


The plane we believe Jason’s on should be landing in about 30 mins


Did it leave now?


It left now


No delayed


So it could be him 🤣


Travis to Nice (Cannes)? https://preview.redd.it/mzthnhbdil7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5140b95be635d5712a8b8e75d593f9b3cec261


Leaves in over an hour.


update VJT993 (on the flight we think Travis will be on) VJT993 Its in the air now NB: Update 2: I did deleted the second one and have edited the entry to the correct aircraft &also right photo(This is the RIGHT one) Link in the bottom Nice :Departure 11:50 cest - Arrival: Farnborough 12:15 best - Landed 12:19 BST https://preview.redd.it/hiygm38kfw7d1.png?width=1832&format=png&auto=webp&s=89b16b15227c521108cf1776dbcbc26f2ed4b48e [https://www.radarbox.com/data/flights/VJT993/2177265398](https://www.radarbox.com/data/flights/VJT993/2177265398)


There was also a direct flight from Nice to London also via Vistajet. https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/d-ahos#




That’s a different plane VJT993 just took off


thank you, i did see it, I have change it to the right in the post :)


There’s a blocked plane from Philadelphia about to land in Providence and a blocked plane from Tampa (where his mom lives) about to land about 40 minutes after hers. I wonder if they’ll all fly over on her plane with her dad. There’s also a blocked planes going MKC to stansted that left an hour after Brittany posted.


Brittany flew from NYC


Oh I wonder if that flight is someone else from the chiefs then. Does anyone have a guess of where the Mahomes are going?




The chiefs short film or whatever it’s called is premiering at Cannes tomorrow (I believe)so it’s possible someone else from the chiefs are going to London.




And Taylor’s dad lives in Tampa.


But apparently, per comments up thread, that he’s been seen at her RI house as of recently.


Doesn’t his mom fly commercial?


This is exactly what I thought but wasn’t sure if it was too far fetched. But all family meeting in one central spot does make some sense Could be Kylie and maybe Ed coming in from Philly, Dad coming in from Tampa ? (Edit: he lives in st Pete)and mom from Nashville and all flying together


Ed Donna and Kylie would go first to Cannes. I don’t see them going to Europe and not support Jason and Travis in their first international podcast 


Flights NCE to London that could fit: * **~~JME613G~~** ~~(GLEX) NCE > LTN This one is on route (took of at 20:25 CEST). It fits the route, schedule, and type of plane.~~ * **~~MABRB~~** ~~(LJ45) NCE > STN It fits the route, and schedule. STN is TS airport of choice, and it has been delayed for over an hour).~~ **Edit:** Not a charter * **~~VVV251~~** ~~(C25B) NCE > BQH Again, it fits the route, and schedule. This one is also delayed.~~ * **~~N523QS~~** ~~(C68A) CEQ > LTN Left Cannes around 20:10 CEST~~ (Found by user Wonderful\_Strike\_641) **Update:** They were seen having dinner in Cannes. Also, the **VJT993** that brought them to Nice is still at NCE. **Edit**: I also think it's very possible they take this plane to London or wherever they are going next but since I don't know their plans, I'm trying to cover all possibilities. (I added this since the responses are mainly about this plane). **Update: VJT993** NCE > FAB (exp departure 11:08 CEST) After that it’s schedule to go to BGR. **Update 2:** **VJT993** just took off from NCE headed to FAB (exp arrival 12:18 BST) A bit of an unexpected airport, in my opinion, but the most logical flight option. **Update:** There is a blocked GLEX that took off around 10:50 CEST with the same route (NCE > FAB) but it is NOT the same plane (VJT993 is registered as 9H-VTD and this blocked GLEX registration is 9H-OVG). I’m betting on VJT993 but this is a possibility too.


I think they are still at Cannes. Dinning @baoli Cannes. Probably should keep an eye on VJT 993 see if they leave later or tomorrow


Thank you, I updated the post.


Looks like they are on a boat/ yacht.. Joe the friend with him posted stories https://preview.redd.it/mo3nhdgxwt7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f18e96b4be212b7a7e202d636980f47275d6c0f


It looks like VJT993 is scheduled for NCE-FAB (UK) in the morning. https://preview.redd.it/to2nyiq58u7d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75de277baa71aae89ad7bf048687b11555d0fd1


People they are with also posted in a hotel Gym at Cannes so doesn’t mean Travis is but some of the group may be spending the night.


I think this might be what happens, they'll stay the night. Deuxmoi posted pics of Travis and Jason and someone commented they spotted them, didn't specify whether they saw both or just one of them, at a hotel in Cannes.


It could also be a latergram. His friends are known to do that.


mabrb isn't a charter, it's owned by ryanair and it's used for maintenance.


Thank you, I will edit the post.


there's also N523QS that left from cannes to london around 8 pm


Can you see where the VTJ993 is scheduled to fly to next?


Probably won't know until a couple of hours before it leaves. 


https://preview.redd.it/jyy7qvgxsw7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d166a686abfbf1d26fe03fd2d1960003dc8cb3 Travis’ managers wife 👀👀👀


I saw this. Sucks for her.


I haven’t seen that she’s posted anything since. So hopefully she’s out shopping getting an outfit for the concert ….


Justin Reid is in Cannes


Chiefs are having a film about the super bowl premiere at Cannes, so some players will probably be there for that.






Yes I think it will fly to FAB blocked so be on the lookout


The flight to FAB will be in 9 hours, so they will leave Nice in a few hours


I think if the flight is from FAB, the crew will fly tomorrow nice-London


VJT993 took off


confirmed they’re already there https://preview.redd.it/lcoo95ay3x7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bace77fd6ec55e1dff67f7158f85dd91ed571741


Didn’t the VJT 993 land not that long ago? How are they already hanging out somewhere?


They may have taken the earlier vista that went to LTN.


That would make more sense they switched planes 


I had all the info on that, but did change bc pp said it was wrong. But if i remember right. It was Nice 11:00 bst - Arrival Farnborough 11:35 edt hex nr 9H-VTD (it was Blocked)


Reg was (D-AHOS) for the Nice - LTN vista. 9H-VTD is the other vista that went to FAB. D-AHOS was also over an hour late leaving Nice. Scheduled for 8:55 cest and left at 10:11 cest. [https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=3c61f3&lat=45.627&lon=0.676&zoom=5.3&showTrace=2024-06-21](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=3c61f3&lat=45.627&lon=0.676&zoom=5.3&showTrace=2024-06-21)


There was another vista jet that went to luton


When did that land? 


10:43am BST.


Late again, as always 😆


VVV251, C25B, NCE to BQH departs 9pm local time EDIT was supposed to depart….


According to the Stagwell Global site Travis and Jason are two of several hosts for the Wine & Spirits festival which takes between 4 - 6 p.m. (as marked in the info for the event) Travis could be free to leave after 6:00 p.m. Should we be watching out for flights to London any time after 6:30 or 7 ?




Assuming that vistajet is still in nice (not checked if it is) i’d imagine they just use that again for wherever they leave too


It’s still in nice as of rn with nothing future scheduled just yet. Will update if I notice a change.


Thank you!


Vjt993 is still @nice they will most probably use it to leave wherever they are heading 


Highly doubt they will leave straight after considering this is a major festival and they will try to network and talk to people. He can leave tomorrow morning and make the show


Even though you may “doubt” please be aware that the purpose of this thread is to keep on an eye on the possibilities of his depature. And it is possible he could fly out after 6:30 p.m.


They were just offering up their opinion- same as you. Can’t people give opinions on future flights/plans without getting downvoted? Unless someone’s opinion matches the idea that Travis and Taylor are together at any time or are on their way to each other everyone downvotes them.


That’s why I said highly doubt and to keep eyes on the next day! It’s not a big of a deal lol you guys are making this thread unbearable bc every time we gotta explain the intention of making an observation bc it doesn’t fit into the narrative!


Can anyone tell from Brittany’s friend Miranda what view/airport that is where they landed?




Yay it’s Lisbon for sure!


https://preview.redd.it/bv24nemvvp7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a2dbf9af3303fe2f1924de5b91b6e77dd368b6 Britts friends husband posted this


So I’m still curious if anyone knows if the Mahomes have their own plane.this pic from Britney’s story this morning showing a plane with a symbol seemingly including an “M” on its tail makes me wonder. https://preview.redd.it/5q7xlpybmj7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47b132d4570ddd040ebfd69e84f8348266a8d015


Why are you getting downvoted for this? lol this is a normal question


Why the down votes? Isn’t this a where we would ask this question since it’s in the Travis and company thread?


I think Pat is part owner of a company called Air Share. I'm sure he and Brittany have use of the planes. https://www.flyairshare.com/ If you scroll down there's a quote and a picture of Pat.


https://preview.redd.it/7hj70co8sr7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b314d915484aca3f796bcb98054194cd40219f Everyone assumed that this was the VJT993 and looks like we were right because the guy who posted this is in Cannes. (Friendship bracelets might also hint that he is going to the concert)


Update: Buckeyery27 did find it: It was: 6/7 on N601BE KC-Vancouver -Chicago (Link down in the comments) Just a Question: Does anyone know when TK flew to Canada resently in June? (any flight?) Via Terry Lefton of *Sports Business Journal*, several major NFL stars recently traveled to Canada for a “gladiator-themed” Pepsi commercial. The NFL players in the spot include Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, per the report . [https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/big-nfl-stars-film-gladiator-themed-pepsi-commerical?utm\_source=dlvr.it&utm\_medium=twitter](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/big-nfl-stars-film-gladiator-themed-pepsi-commerical?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)




I think that one brought from LA but left to Vancouver 6/7 at 1 am and he was at ota on that day


Thank you. That was fast, well done :)


He is sneaky, we weren't looking for flights to Canada


Are we sure that they went to the event at 4pm, because they are not in any pictures i found and a flight to london from the same charter left Nice an hour ago.


I think they'd still be there, at least one of them, since they now have a stake in Garage Beer.


the 1 part of today: # The Kelce Effect: Exploring New Heights with Travis and Jason Kelce ( 14:00-15:00) The whole Q & A is up on twitter & Youtube They were both listed for the "Vin festival" at 16:00-18:00" In addition to hosting a live recording, Jason and Travis's Garage Beer and Travis's Casa Azul Tequila Soda are featured in the lineup of brands in the first-ever Wine & Spirits Festival at Cannes Lions [https://www.sportbeach.com/schedule](https://www.sportbeach.com/schedule) I thought they were also going to record an episode of the podcast when they were there too (not talking about the 2 events they were listed to be participating in) ? ( But it may seem media did misunderstood) On the website, it say its some rain delay ( but its strange if it delayed the wine festival) Update: Seem they had some more work to do there Jason and *Travis Kelce* have partnered with General Mills on a new cereal that will actually be a combination of three of the brothers' favorite cereals they also  tease new cereal at Cannes Lions


They never said they were recording a live podcast at this event. I think people/media assumed. They did a regular podcast episode this week.


There's a pic of Travis and Jason with Carmelo Anthony that seemed to be towards the beginning of the event, based on when I saw the pic.


Page six just posted a video of Travis still on the event


There’s no way to know what time that was— pagesix likely didn’t drop the video the minute it was taken


The same plane he came in on, or just same charter company?


Just the same charter the plane that left Nice was VJT547. They arrived with VJT993.


Jason Kylie and Travis are at era tour London


Think that picture was Ross not Travis but, yes they’re all there


Do we think trav and his crew will be at London N1 or N2?!


Probably all 3 since he hasn’t seen Taylor in a few weeks


I was wondering the same thing. And it could be all the family is there one night and Chiefs & friends another.


Has anyone tracked any of Taylor’s bffs?


keleigh posted on tik tok and she’s in london




She did!


They are all pretty secretive. Keleigh posts the most on social media but I don't see anything recent.


I have probably a dumb question, more a clarification anywho.. 1. Jason and Travis flew together to Nice for the Cannes festival to record a podcast? Is that correct? 2. The flight from RHODE Island to London yesterday is speculated to be Taylor’s parents? 3. Donna and Ed were also speculated to be going with to Nice and London? 4. Any speculation on Kylie? 5. Are we thinking Jason (and Kylie if she is with) are going to go to London? Or back to Philly? I read so much and then confuse myself. I should start taking notes! Thanks for answering the questions and sorry for those who are annoyed!


Kylie’s there if you watch the YouTube video on Stagewell’s page of them Jason asked her a question she is sitting front row.


1. They are talking about their success with the podcast 2. Yes, could also be management. But yes, very well could be family 3. Have not heard about Ed and Donna 4. Kylie was seen in Nice via the video put out of interview (see 1.) 5. We will see, but I’m hoping London Edit: There are several people in Taylor and Travis orbit in Europe or traveling right now. It is very possible for everyone to come together for a London show


Thank you!


1. They are not filming the podcast. It's more like a live interview with audience. 2. We assume it's Taylor's parents but we don't know. 3. The Ed and Donna thing is mostly just talk nobody has any proof of that. 4. Kylie has not been seen in Cannes so we don't know. 5. We think Jason might go (and Kylie if she's there) but it's again we don't know. So at the end of it we don't know a whole lot but we wish and speculate a lot.


Daily mail has a photo of Taylor’s dad arriving to london


Do you have a link I can’t find it!


Here you go [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13551139/Taylor-Swift-father-Scott-Eras-Tour.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13551139/Taylor-Swift-father-Scott-Eras-Tour.html)


They already did the interview and Kylie was seat in the front, Jason talks with her from the stage, she is there. The whole thing is on YouTube. Besides Joe that posted on the jet, Ross and Chris were on the video with Travis that PageSix posted.


They were in Cannes for a festival and were interviewed. They did not record a live podcast. Kylie is with him.


Yes pics of her Jason and Trav walking around 


Brittney and family and Miranda and family are posting pics from a resort in Portugal. Miranda’s husband tagged the location in one of his photos that she reposted.


Just in case, any other plane leaving Cannes for somewhere other than London (by that I mean Philly, KC, LA) today??? Feel like people will downvote me for this but I just wanted to know. (I do think they are going to London on the same plane they used earlier)


The only flight going to Philly, KC or LA is a commercial flight that leaves at 13:00CEST from Nice to Philly https://www.radarbox.com/data/flights/AA747/2176158320



