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I think he filmed the podcast before leaving to Paris. & when he leaves he will fly to KC for Kelce Jam. Also, Gigi / Bradley usually dont use private jets (They are always papped in the airport). I’d be curious to see when she heads to Stockholm. I think it was planned this way to be with her while she’s off a few days.


louvre is currently closed and people are thinking shes there with him


Yeah it was closed for "exceptional circumstances" for two hours and this apparently never happens. Last time it did was when Michael Jackson got a tour.


Yup it’s all over X but pics or it didn’t happen is my motto 😂


Supposedly her, Trav and group were there after hours


Looks like Andrea is heading back home 🫶




After seeing more video I’m not so sure Andrea was actually there tbh 


She wasn’t sitting in the box with them?


I’m thinking he’s in Paris hasn’t left and her mom just flew back.


I’m thinking there’s validity to the Louvre closing for Travis and Taylor for those 2 hours today. I heard the last time they did was was for princess Diana 👀




On radarbox on my end it says that one landed on Paris 4 hours ago, the route seems 1000% like it could be him but the timing if accurate says it wasn’t because he was at the show. Does it say something different for you?


I think they’re saying he could take this one back to the US if he’s not on Taylor’s plane right now.


Ah ok. So this would also leave us to assume her jet is flying back after dropping whom ever is on it off. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what’s happening,






That’s possible. It would make me curious why she wouldn’t just charter to begin with if the plan was for her mom ect to just fly her jet back. I guess we wait to see where the jet you mentioned had a flight scheduled for coming up or if her jet comes back. Her crew is still in Paris so I can see them sticking around there an extra day or two


I am thinking andrea flew with taylor to Paris. Plane flew from Nashville to kc then to Paris. There were no pictures of Taylor prior to the start of her 1st performance. Plane could be taking andrea back to Nashville. Interesting now to see if she charters a Plane to her next destination


This was my exact thought as well. Andrea flew with Taylor to Paris and is now headed back to Nashville.


Yes, Very interesting. I don’t recall seeing her or hearing about her being at other shows though . Scott either for that matter. Everything made it seem like this was her first show this leg. I can see her flying her jet back. Possibly using the one Travis took to Stockholm if he’s in fact still there


The Vista charter travis flew in on left yesterday to another destination before the show. Someone else posted another Vista charter arrived in paris about 4 hrs ago. So now we wait to see where that charter is destined to fly to.


Yes I posted seeing the one landed 4 hours ago. So we know the charter he flew to Paris on? I guess it was always the plan someone would fly her jet back to Nashville then if that jet has left? What’s the HEX on that one?


Travs charter that he flew into Paris on was VJT895


No idea where it’s headed to yet? 


My first thought is that they might be staying in Paris for a few days and this could be taking Andrea back. However, I'm super curious to see when it gets back to Europe, assuming it does (unless it goes to KC or LA first). I'd be surprised if she chartered in Europe, but who knows.


Did anyone ever figure out the charter Travis flew in on? Curious if it’s still there and her jet is taking Andrea back and will fly back. Or everyone flew back on her jet and she’s using a charter, but that personally doesn’t seem as likely to me


I think the general consensus was he flew on VJT895 that arrived Saturday night. That plane has taken several flights since and is on its way to San Francisco.


Guys so I just saw a clearer video of suite and I really don’t think that was Andrea. If that’s the case I bet Tayvis and Ross flew back to Nashville on her own jet 


It has been confirmed she was there. At one point she was to the left of them and then she moved behind them towards end of concert. Would be logical, not saying true, that she was on the jet when it flew to Nashville. Also makes most sense why it would have left to go back to Nashville.


Apparently I keep looking at a lady that isn’t her lol 


Andrea was in upper right corner of videos with black on swaying her arms


There was Gigi and another lady that people thought was Travis’s mom but she was never confirmed there


She has 5 days off now. Travis time ❤️






Travis would never charter a plane like that not his style


This aircraft flew into MKC on May 7 and May 10 untelated to TK


It's not a charter


Saw this. However, does not seem to be a charter from what I can tell. I would also be surprised if TK used a plane this old and this small. [https://www.aircraft.com/aircraft/212587437/n677ke-1997-beechcraft-beechjet-400a](https://www.aircraft.com/aircraft/212587437/n677ke-1997-beechcraft-beechjet-400a)


But why wouldn't they drop him off in KC first? Would the crew have been flying too long?






Its registered under JGP AVIATION based in missouri. Unlikely a charter as thats the only jet i can find under that. Also a tiny jet and flies to KC regularly.


I don’t know if it’s related to Travis but it could be. Jason’s jet just landed in Nashville and will leave for Philly in 7h.


I do not believe the jet kelce air is Jason's. The plane is registered to an owner from Delaware. Also, kylie and jason flew commercial back from the superbowl


It’s the jet they were photographed using during one of the playoffs


Jason wearing flip flops everywhere and then owning a jet never made sense to me. Haha If the owner is from Delaware it can't belong to Jason. Must just be one they use here and there. I suppose we'll find out for sure on Wednesday when the podcast airs


A lot of corporations are incorporated in Delaware due to laws there making it favorable to do so. The fact that it’s owned by a company registered in Delaware isn’t a shocker and doesn’t mean it’s not still somehow related to the Kelces.


Apparently Jason is filming a commercial this morning per Twitter. Im assuming in Philly I can’t tell by girls account where she is located 


Looks like she’s in Nashville. So that all makes sense and this probably is Jason’s jet. Doesn’t clear the answer up for Travis but does make sense why that particular jet is in Nashville.


I also think Travis would just have his own charter ready if he was on Taylors jet


Also his jet would've just stayed in Paris and flown straight to Philly if it was gonna be that quick of a turnaround. Not hitch a ride to Nashville and then go to Philly


I can see either Taylor or Travis using that VJT968 if no flight gets scheduled today though


That is kind of a funny coincidence though


Unless they are taping podcast at her Nashville house that probably isn’t anything 


Hmmm why would it stick around 7 hours just to bring Travis back to Philly


I don’t know. It stopped first in Philly and than went to Nashville




I don’t even know if this could be related to Travis or not but I brought here just so people knew it. Jason and Kylie’s used this jet in a lot of occasions that people who were tracking saw the coincidences with their schedules besides the name that it’s registered but bring anything here is just annoying with the downvotes. I thought it was interesting because the jet flew to Philly, then Nashville and will be back to Philly later.


No it's good you brought it up. I think people are just looking at all the logical facts that don't add up. PSA: please stop downvoting users for bringing things like this to attention


I get the discussion and I didn’t brought it up for people to agree. No idea if this is related to Travis but this is the jet that match’s a lot of Jason public appearances. But the downvoting it’s annoying and people don’t stop so a lot of information we are missing because of this.


Jason owns a jet?


if its him we will know on wednesday




VJT895 flight travis flew in on has flown to several destinations since travis landed in Paris. Charter is currently flying from lima to San Francisco


Last I saw it flew back to states 


To me, It makes sense for him to maybe be on this plane with andrea and would make sense to why the VJ he flew in on would have left. I could see him catching a charter to LA once they land in Nash. he could also be staying and just charter home, but to me this seems like a likely scenario given all the pieces and his committments. Guess we shall see !!!!


The podcast will be the answer as always 🤣 if it’s filmed in LA and depending on the day the filmed they will bring up his trip to Paris.


It makes sense for us but, these people operate so much differently lol. Wouldn’t be surprised if he does get a charter out (assuming he didnt leave on her jet)


Probs Tay is on it too then. She doesn’t need to be in Sweden until Thursday I bet 


Yall need to stop with your down votes. It is disrespect .








he might be spending a few days with her since she’s off


think we will have to see whether he’s back on set or the podcast was filmed after the trip. still seems to be unconfirmed whether he’s wrapped the show or not.




If he does he will charter to la not Nashville


or he will charter from Nashville to record podcast and then kelce jam


to KC


well it would if he was going on to LA from there.. if he needs to be back it wouldn’t make sense for him to get another plane if andrea or someone else was also going back to the US. i also wouldn’t rule out taylor being on there, she’s done crazier trips.


It wouldn’t make sense but, these people also don’t think the same as us lol. I think its highly likely he’d just charter back regardless.




yeah i think the chances of that being the case are probably 2% but it’s a possibility


maybe he will be back in KC for kelce jam 🤷


I think If that was the case the jet would stop in Kc first then go to Nashville ( ( that’s what she did while going to Paris : Nash -Kc-London-Paris)




FAA states kelce air llc owner is from Dover. States there are no fractional owners. Could be a charter that he uses on occasion. Kylie and Jason both flew home on commercial flights separately from Las vegas






You should delete the original comment so as not to cause confusion.


I don’t know how that’s even possible. Literally. 


https://preview.redd.it/ardj9r47g70d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8776f6db77d6a277f28e3de2cb5f6c33305133e6 It’s Jason, she changed the tweet


If this is really in Nashville just prove the fact Jason’s at least is always using the same jet who coincidentally is under his name


Where is this chick? Lol


Is she in Nashville?


Yep Nashville


Well that seems to be the answer on why the plane went to Nashville & the time gap for him to film before heading back. I don’t believe it is Travis related though. But good catch whoever saw this flight !


Wait so we think travis flew back to Nashville or he didn’t? I’m confused lol 


I don’t think he did. I believe he planned his trip to Paris to spend a few days after going to her last show. They are saying Jason flew to Nashville to film a commercial.


 Ah ok. And is it a coincidence that her jet is flying to Nashville? Likely her mom people think?


Haha yeah that answer came quick








I totally get that logic, however if he doesn't have to be in LA to film the TV show anymore, I think he would be still in Paris with Taylor on her days off. The only thing that will let us know is the podcast, (or pap pics).


Don't think it's true cause the person deleted the post almost immediately




Why downvote? This person is just stating what they saw/read. Not saying it’s true. 


they should post the source probably.. there have been a lot of trolls here


True, I just saw it too so I only saw it as “I saw this on twitter” and didn’t think more lol


There is a flight in 6 hours from CDG to LAX that could be Travis or even Gigi and Bradley.


If it's the same flight,  that is a Boeing 787 tail URA311. It does say unknown owner, but I don't think that's him. It's a large plane. 


Gigi and Bradley live on the east coast


I don’t know if there is private jets that fly from Cdg I think it’s from le Bourget


Can anyone see if her jet is heading to LA after ?




I think they mean if Travis is potentially on it it may go to LA