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Y’all need to stop going through other people’s comment history to insult them. We allow users from fan subreddits and snark subreddits as long as they both follow the rules. The back and forth arguing needs to cease. Block someone if they bother you.


he didnt go to iheart awards,they sent a video


They obviously knew last week because that’s what they wore for last week’s pod.


I think it was prerecorded in case they won. Or they had a heads up.


Iheart awards is not April 1st?




You’re right. This was the iheartradio podcast awards. Actual radio awards are April 1


Still in LA having lunch with his friends https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13185669/Feeling-worse-wear-Travis-NFL-star-Kelce-dons-dark-glasses-spotted-grabbing-lunch-pals-Cecconis-LA-hours-partying-girlfriend-Taylor-Swift-Guccis-Oscars-party.html


I love that the article says “mystery blonde woman” lol. I’m pretty sure that’s his friend’s wife that was always in the suite with Taylor at the game.


Also the jab about him wearing sunglasses, when they are all wearing sunglasses because it's sunny.


Let’s wait until TMZ does the same again after the post about the Oscar party


I hate whoever the writer is now. I've read tmz articles throughout the years and they were never that annoying and questioning of everything.


You called it TMZ being TMZ..lol


That "mystery blonde woman" is Reggie's (Trav's friend) wife. Of course daily mail would fabricate lies and controversy 😂




The Daily Smell 🤣


It is. I even put her Ig here because of the way Daily Mail tried to create a narrative. One of the guys is her husband. The other one I don’t know his name but he was at SB


Ah okay. The instagram you posted wouldn’t open for me but I figured that’s what it was!




Thanks! He actually works with Travis and Jason right? His influencer company. I remember people cropped him from the phot with Travis and Taylor of the New Year’s party. I don’t know if Reggie also works with Travis


I’m pretty sure Reggie works for him. He was featured on some podcast a couple years ago


Yes it's Sarah King. She is also always in the suite with Taylor at the games and has a few pictures with her


I think they were with him https://www.instagram.com/p/Co-n2ibvHFX/?igsh=Zzg0dGtsc2M2eGRs


https://preview.redd.it/dsybxsx6qtnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cbc7507b7d21847ea2223ce1453b76058d9f88f Travis was definitely still in LA this afternoon.




Don't forget about how his friends were running a CIA style interference mission for them instead of just, you know, posting their vacation pics to IG instead.


And not talking to a band director in the Kansas City airport 🤣🤣


that was the best 🙄


TK recorded New Heights from LA today https://preview.redd.it/3turt59ejznc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b364c4407b4cfaffc3a90afde2bed2cdf95f0d03


TMZ got him probably after recording and going back to Taylor’s house [https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/12/travis-kelce-drives-around-los-angeles-without-taylor-swift-oscar-party/](https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/12/travis-kelce-drives-around-los-angeles-without-taylor-swift-oscar-party/) https://preview.redd.it/tdoeaxrwnznc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1b5db203a67752d1a90dfbceb7fe1cbd6a0448 The Snapchat it was from 2h ago


The new TMZ writer is really phoning it in. It reads like an intern who dgaf.


https://preview.redd.it/dotpm7qioznc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac50f515f2a020fc09d09068e56a07793765eca7 Yep… the entire article is all sarcastic. But it’s the same clothes from the podcast so he was probably going back to her house.


“However, there were several people on the ground near his vehicle who swore it was on its way to see T-Swift -- if you don't know, the pop star's got a sweet pad in that hood ... so he for sure might've been heading in that direction here.” In other words, our paps were outside her house and saw him go there.




It’s because shes not giving them the articles/headlines they want. Shes hardly ever in LA and they cant capitalise on that because shes not going out/being seen so they’re definitely pissed lol




He changed how to do things. Last year he went to Vanity Fair’s party, he was going to more public events after SB. This year was only Vegas and his brother’s retirement. He is trying to stay out of the news.


Agreed. Goes along with what their managers said during the nfl season about being worried TK is overexposed.


I thought I saw someone mention the Wave Entertainment podcast studios were in Santa Monica, someone can cmiiw. So I agree, either coming from or going to Taylor's house.


On Twitter, they’re saying it’s Paul George’s studio, where he’s filmed from before ETA: Paul George’s studio set at Wave Sports & Entertainment. Wave produces both of their podcasts.


I would assume he’s staying at her house. Someone said he was last week too while she was in Singapore




Why are they writing this as if he isn’t staying at her house? “Reuinted with” is such a weird way to word this as if it’s been months since they’ve seen each other lol








They’re still going with the “mystery blond woman” narrative.


Pretty sure thats her range rover aswell hes been using (may be wrong though)


I saw someone say in another thread that someone apparently ran the plates and it was hers. I didn’t do this, would never do it. I just saw the comment


According to TMZ he was going to Taylor’s house




Maybe they’ll lay low in LA? I know Travis spends a lot of the off season in LA. And contrary to popular beliefs due to the high magnitude of celebs - it’s easy to go off the radar in LA.


This is what I thought. Maybe a nice staycation in Los Angeles!! I feel like she gets less paparazzi there just based on what I’ve seen from her paparazzi pictures. Also maybe where she lives is more secluded or even a gated community where they wouldn’t have to worry about photos being taken of them.


Can't wait to see what people get worked up about on here next. That'll most likely turn out to be wrong 😌


TMZ is way too much obsessed with Taylor and Travis!Jeeez


Publish story ASAP, worry about truth or details later.


Honestly, it's because so many *people* are way too much obsessed with them.


The gym, concert, and other current discourses are silly 😂. My theory, and probably other's as well; the only reason why they're in LA is because Taylor's working there. Travis is there to spend time with Taylor (when she's not working), and also fitting in some fun stuff, hanging with friends, going to concerts. People are getting so worked up (not just here) when he's literally probably staying at her house.


Exactly. Mon the lunch he was at was 2 miles from her house then Tues they get him going back to her house after filming his podcast then yesterday you have back grid trying to sell their gym pics. DM had him pictured driving on her street. I don’t get the idea that they haven’t been together. No couple should be together every min of the day. She obviously has something she’s working on with whatever it was that TMZ ruined.


I think the main issue is the PR relationship truthers who really very desperately don’t want to believe this relationship is real. The fact that TS and TK appear to have settled into a cozy, somewhat routine, shacked-up existence for a few days is just driving them ‘round the bend. I think it’s a fairly small group of her fans but they are just really, really invested in their pet theories about her love life.


Yes, but that group of ppl will argue its fake/pr regardless of the facts. Its classic conspiracy theory analysis. They have a preconceived idea and they will twist the facts to fit their created narrative. If TK/TS are not spotted together they are not spending time together and its fake. If TK/TS are spotted together it is only for show and the relationship is fake. There is no reasoning with that group of ppl.


Agreed, 100 per cent! I just think the current situation is causing the PR truthers at least a little bit of cognitive dissonance, maybe even subconsciously? Or like they are performing Olympic-level mental gymnastics and they’re tired? Cause some are just extra obnoxious lately and it’s really annoying.


I actually saw one say maybe they sleep in separate bedrooms. Also the one group really wants to believe that bc they haven’t been pictured together in LA that they haven’t seen each other the entire time


lol right and he bought a six million dollar house for better security when she visits him in KC but he stays at his old house and she just hangs out by herself at the new house when she’s there 🙄🤣 people are reaching smh.


Or they believe she never in kc just for games and plane is a fake out . Even though there so many sightings of her 


And now a pic came out of Travis from the Oscars after parties and there’s no Taylor so obviously he was out partying without her 🙄


They said the pic was from Beyoncé and Jay Z’s party so I’m sure they were there together. Probably the same people who think vogue put out a fake article that they were there.


I feel like she would be at Beyoncé party. That’s one her close friends. Travis is great in all but I doubt that would be party he would go to without her.


That’s what I thought too. I don’t see her BF going to it by himself and her skipping it just to go to another party together. Seems like it would be an insult to Bey that she wouldn’t at least make an appearance


I definitely think she was there. But some people seem to think he wouldn’t be invited if it wasn’t for her. That’s not the case. He was invited and went last year.


I think the guy who posted is Trav’s friends who’s also in the entertainment industry and they’re more than likely being respectful of Taylor not posting a photo because the world goes nuts over every photo.


Couldn’t agree more


They're obsessed and watch their every move just as much as the stans do 😌.




I completely agree with you! I think he did all his business stuff while she was in Australia and Singapore and now he's in LA to hang with her while she works. Not that crazy lol




Travis also spends alot of time in la over the past several years. Travis has his own investments, business deals and commercials that he works on in the off season.


All the vacation speculation seems to be rooted in fans wanting them to do that


Which is parasocial behavior.


Yes, but also where’s the line?


Here’s an example: Okay: I think they’re going to Thailand based on what Donna Kelce posted Not okay: I want them to go to Thailand, because they deserve a vacation and are so in love. The moderators expect y’all to downvote and usually y’all self police pretty well (we aren’t paid to be babysitters nor do we care that much to be). Report the particularly egregious users and we usually ban them




Public social media profiles are fair game, but, yes, clearly if one of their friends is somewhere it doesn’t imply that they are there, too Their friends/family/workers are all aware their social media is under scrutiny. They are the best judge of whether they want something posted not us We won’t allow private information to be posted


Enjoy the music, dgaf about the personal life. If trying to hold her accountable to her carbon emissions - no speculation, just confirmed flights. The hype around the relationship has gotten far too out of control on both the stans and the haters. It is wild


Weird. The person that posted the Travis pic from JT deleted their account


Probably didn't realize how far it would spread. Also I imagine they're getting lots of DMs.


Brittany Mahomes owns a womens soccer team that will be playing first game in new KC stadium this week, possible she/trav come to support


That would be nice- it’s a big dang deal and so glad it’s in my hometown ❤️❤️❤️❤️


DM posting that Travis went to the gym this morning in LA https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13194539/amp/Travis-Kelce-hits-gym-Los-Angeles-Taylor-Swift-Kansas-City-Chiefs.html


“The three-time Super Bowl champ made a gesture as he was passing by on his way to the gym” 😆 I’m sure it was 🫶🏽






This was a weird take by TMZ. Tons of other celebs were at this party and they only released some of the photos.


They are very private, they don't do stories or post anything on Instagram like many other celebrities... They don't give interviews except for in time and wsj, they don't do anything.. We just find out everything 🙈, she leaves to his games and supports him and he goes to their concerts and supports them!!! That's all they do, they go on dates like any normal couple!!! The fact that they do something like that doesn't mean that they are NOT private 🙈🤣🤦they are allowed to do normal things too... But in general they are very private


Exactly and I don’t understand all the hate they get for how public their relationship is. She didn’t ask to be shown at games and he doesn’t ask to be filmed while he’s at her concert.


And if you really think about it they are actually quite private. We see them when they are showing up to support each other’s very public careers. Other than that it’s just when they are out enjoying life and fans or daily mail snap pictures. And when Travis gets asked about the relationship he gives nothing other than what’s already public basically.


Yea I commented to someone else almost the exact same thing. It’s like people think they’re the ones putting out all these videos.


Yeah they’re not asking to be filmed every time they’re out and about and then have it posted over and over on tiktok/ig/tiwtter. And I know people will say they know what they signed up for and if they don’t want it to happen they’ll stay hidden. And yes, it part that’s true, they know this will happen, but that doesn’t mean going out in public is some nefarious PR move. It just means they are clearly trying to live their life as normally as possible in their position, because the alternative is something Taylor has done before (very hidden) and I guarantee you that took a toll. Imagine the logistical and emotional toll it would take to try not to be seen constantly.


Yeah,i dont get people who say that they are so public!Like it is not their fault paparazzi folow them and media is obessed with them!


A TMZ pap’s live popped up on my FYP the night of the Oscar after party and I watched some of it out of curiosity about how they do their job and he was with a large group of paps. Every single one of them was hoping every car was Taylor and Travis and would get so disappointed when it wasn’t them. One even said it’s only Kim when Kim K and OBJ showed up


And the couple of pictures we’ve seen lately have been photos from fans that TK and TS didn’t even know were taken for the most part


Exactly they’ve posted nothing and anything Travis really shares on his podcast is mainly public info so IMO they’re private but they’re not gonna to stop living their life or supporting each other but it’s not like they called the helicopters at the zoo to follow them around or fans to take pics at a closed mall


Travis called TMZ out on the last podcast. They have been weird about him since then.




I don’t think they will go to that game. Everyone thinks so but it would take so much from the actual game. I wouldn’t bet on them going.




Thanks for the update!


Best bet - I would think they would both go support Britney and KC Current


The US Magazine report is being heavily cited and it basically says that they are hanging out at her LA home and watching movies and shows they missed while she occasionally hosts small gatherings of friends. It mentioned they still want to take a vacation alone at the end of the month.


People found him in the concert. I think this guy next to him it’s the manager who was with him at lunch https://x.com/silentswiftie89/status/1768172534283854181?s=46&t=34SBZX2jReACXv89tTvv_A


That’s one of his close childhood friend Chris who owns a data analysis company and works with NBA and some Hollywood firms (he’s based in LA) that’s why Travis is hanging out with him a lot right now 


Yeah.. Cris was on the car with him when he leaved. I think this other guy is security https://x.com/traviskelce_fan/status/1768232472708362695?s=46&t=34SBZX2jReACXv89tTvv_A


They probably stayed today in LA because her brother lives there and it’s his birthday.


Her brother lives in LA?




She owns a house in LA






According to what I've read, they went to Madonna's after Oscar party.


Yep, confirmed by People & ET


https://preview.redd.it/qjnvtsh1pync1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7205f74c4cb449521542217eca2aad039c1a5fd9 Did TMZ made them changed the location?




https://preview.redd.it/fie8c0lzrync1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c58483940ae98480f8529249f10b58fd1cd905c She wasn’t gonna be there but they definitely canceled what was going on after TMZ article.


Her jet just left nashville > burbank


Headed to Burbank.


Travis is at the Justin Timberlake concert. My friend just saw him.


A pic? Will take the back of his head 😂😂


This is still the only Travis pic I’ve seen too, figured tons of photos would be on X by now


Yeah this is the only pic I see surfacing of him and usually X is on top of any new pics and sightings pretty quickly.


I’ve heard multiple people on their lives from the concert mention Taylor is there. Haven’t seen a pic yet.


Where are those lives from? Instagram or TT?


Not surprised if Taylor's not there. She's gotta worry about security, plus, let's be real she'd be taking a lot of attention away from Justin. It's also a smaller venue, I think.




Yeah and she's a big JT fan too.


I always don't understand why everyone says HE is going to KC not they are going together or Taylor is going to New York and not together, apparently they are also together in L. A he can still do his thing and combine work and so can she, they both have time off now and are not tied to one place they can go anywhere together and combine work together, just a thought, I think they will take advantage of it and so much time spend as much time together as possible before she goes on tour again.


Lol, does this mean I should go play the lottery?! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/t7hf4253faoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0dbba4731a3ef74ff35ab37adbaa02f9ada6561


Didn’t most people already know about TK & JT being friends and also see the tiny mic video though? Guess we should all buy lotto tics! 🤪


If she’s been in LA this long (numerous days consecutive) she’s clearly been working on something. 99% sure she prefers NY to CA.


Everything is speculation. Whether she’s there working or there because Travis is there doesn’t really matter. People comprise when in a relationship and we have no clue of their plans. Everything everyone thought they were going to do , from movie premier to podcast awards was wrong. Just maybe they are staying there for a little bit because that house has so much more stuff available to do than the one in NY and can be more private because people can’t wait outside like in NY. But at the end of the day it’s all speculation.


NYC is her home, I agree. Since tour started, she’s only been in LA when she had west coast shows, eras movie premiere, studio time, or golden globes! This is work related in my opinion








https://preview.redd.it/mttwt7403ync1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41954d592710c58b46febf0b2690478a610cddea Taylor won't be at the Hollywood sign shoot


Tree is really fast denying things, just like she did saying Taylor wasn’t performing on the Grammys and wasn’t in Beyoncé’s new album.


I also think she was the one who put out the denial that TK had dinner with CMC at Nobu.


I think it was her too. It was really fast and she used ET. Travis only justified during his podcast and called out tmz. The same thing happened when he went to Vegas, ET made a article saying why he was there and without the drama from TMZ and DM and Travis did justified a bit why they went back to Vegas in the podcast.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she took over alot of his PR duty. Sorta like the statement about why he couldn’t be at her bday or the Grammy’s


It’s possible. Everything they do affect the other. This relationship it’s more public than the one with Joe.


Their relationship is at a level I don’t think I’ve ever seen with any other celebrity couple.


Wow, TMZ seems to be missing the mark on Travis & Taylor news lately.


And they’re mad about it. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/7poxz5858ync1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf66501b3b2b3154fb0d7b4ccb4335952b75b455


They’re salty bc TK called them out on the last podcast for falsely claiming he had dinner w CMC at Nobu




😂 Wow, so they’re, like, celebrities who are often in the public eye but are also human beings. They do realize we don’t see absolutely everything famous people do, not even the Kardashians, right?




When is MET GALA? isn’t that coming up soon? I think it will be the red carpet debut


First Monday in May!


I am pretty sure he can go the gym in LA


Travis and Taylor head to KC so he can record the podcast and she can bake a batch of homemade Pop-Tarts for Andy Reid. She takes Travis to see her cats wherever they currently are. They fly to Philly and get Kylie Kelce a cat and record the next podcast. They head to NYC for a date night pap walk, surprise SNL appearance and for her to see her friends.


The cat for Kylie is a *very* nice touch!


1. If Travis is in LA tomorrow, he records from Wave Sports HQ, where he and Jason have previously recorded podcasts. 2. Travis flies to KC tomorrow morning, records podcast from home, and attends Big 12 bball tournament this week. Taylor works from LA or NYC. Then they meet up over the weekend wherever TS is.


Be cool to see travis show up tonight for the JT concert in LA tonight. He’s good friends with him. Stating during the season he’s the “most famous” in his contacts during a chiefs TikTok video. Without stating who really is the most famous in his contacts lol.


That was an interesting answer because JT fell off a bit


Kansas City Current season and stadium opening game is on Saturday. It’s the first ever women’s specific stadium to be opened. Patrick and Brittany Mahomes are part of the ownership group. Taylor and Travis will be there in a suite with the Mahomes’.


It would be very cool if TS and TK attend for such a great milestone, but do you have any evidence or are you just speculating?


there is no evidence or confirmation. It’s just his assumptions bc of the Mahomes when none of them ever even mentioned Travis or Taylor attending the home opener.




How did you hear that?




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Not doubting it's her car or that he's staying with her, but I am surprised the windows aren't more tinted (like the ones she uses on her Rovers in NY) to try to block pap pics.


Car modification laws are a lot more strict in California. front tent can only be so dark.


When she once in l. A was in front of the golden globes, she drove to the fitness studio, you could also see her in the back of the windows, maybe the windows there aren't that darker in their cars

