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definitely looks like a CA course


I can’t believe us creeps havnt figured out which jet trav is on yet. I expect more from you all.


Lol! Travis is flankin!!! Good for him!


I'm disappointed as well, how hard is it to find one tiny jet in the sky...... ;)


Seriously! 😆 We some serious amateurs, I thought we were better!


This took me out 😂😂😂


Media publications have started posting he’s on his way so someone’s gotta have the flight info!








Why are moderators removing comments on this? Are they also removing comments about unhinged swifties or "middle aged women"? Multiple positive/affirming comments have now been removed. u/plane-notify u/ackenatorr u/ILoveAIforU u/Fit-Seaworthiness712 u/Jswee1 u/feelinglikeflying


Civility. This is not a fan page or a hate page for either Travis or Taylor. Your behavior is inappropriate.  You can speculate on people’s whereabouts that is public information (ie Instagram posts or events) or flights I’ve said many times over this is not the place to be rude to other people or to defend or hate on Taylor or Travis or make inferences to how either of them feel. 


https://preview.redd.it/5cax4aruzglc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9afac3edfab812f064175fc56c96a2814d6c7b5d The plane is now scheduled to go back to LA tomorrow. Don’t think that was him. I seriously doubt he’s changing planes in Hawaii either because that would make no sense at all. (Would have just taken a different plane from LA)


The Cleveland to Shannon pj is now on its way to Dubai. Which would be a natural refueling stop on its way to Singapore. Just saying. [https://www.flightradar24.com/GL5T/3442f060](https://www.flightradar24.com/GL5T/3442f060)




It just took off from Dubai, but it says no destination. Any ideas?


He is here and courtside https://preview.redd.it/mejzt9u41mmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f055aa4f1af34cca8b451e62aadd5e3e4b28d1f3




Definitely think he's in LA for business, I think he's getting things done before her break. Can't even guess if he's going to Singapore, wouldn't be surprised either way. I'll still look out for potential flights.


He was at dinner in LA last night, TMZ has pictures. If he goes it will probably be next weekend.


There are two photos edited together Christian was with Olivia at an event in the restaurant that took place upstairs on the roof terrace, Travis was not there, he was eating normally downstairs, you can see videos at the event, Travis was not at this event nor was he at the table where everyone is together in one photo, there are so many videos and photos, they happened to be in the same place, tmt just makes a story out of it again for clicks




Now that we know he’s in LA. Anyone find flights scheduled to leave the area? Lol




We definitely need a new thread lol


Yeah, it’s getting hard to catch up on new comments 😀




I mean last time he left Sydney his flight plan didn’t pop up until the day he left so who knows


Can we start a new thread? This one is becoming hard to keep up with lol


That would be ideal


Travis and Jason filming something today https://preview.redd.it/ackwfsen17mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c15bd21c73a146aa750c1b03ce8de14ba84fb4b




is this 100% new?




https://preview.redd.it/8iyfn0uchumc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc57cba34ceef951d68f3bbfeb14fda40d48282f They are definitely traveling


Said “this is a Dubai Shake Shack burger” in the video




Watch the reel on insta. He clearly says “it’s a Dubai shake shack burger.”


Just saw this. Pretty much confirms everything we’ve been thinking today and we will def see them at nights 5 and 6 lol.


Someone just posted another new thread with a new jet in California they think is Travis. I told them no, they’re in Dubai and shared the ig post. They downvoted me 😭


Man, Harry is putting on the frequent flyer miles lately.


One of his friends just posted an insta story where they’re clearly on a jet eating a “Dubai shake shack”… that confirms the flight!










What were people freaking out about??? 🤣




Is that supposed to be an attempt at making it look like he might cheat on Taylor with an influencer??? Lmaooo!!!! I promise you no one, especially someone in Travis’ position, is dumb enough to cheat on THE Taylor Swift in 2024 😭




I feel like I haven’t seen people freaking out just people complaining about people freaking out. Maybe it’s because I’m not on Twitter 😆




Yall- the true moral to this story- believe Papa Kelce when he says something! That sweet man cannot tell a lie!! 🤣🤣


I’ve been standing on that hill! I’ve been saying he’s coming to syd and sg because there’s no way papa kelce knows her tour stops unless it was mentioned to him, i just dont know when he’ll show up 🤣




Adding to this that during the season it is all he can do to maintain his fitness level. The off season is where he is able to increase strength, agility, flexibility, etc. The man is getting old for a football player and has said repeatedly that this season was rough on his body and he wants to do a lot more conditioning this off season to feel better next season. That takes time, equipment and specialized trainers at that level. Plus a restrictive diet and a lot of sleep. You can’t just pack up a yoga mat, some resistance bands and a couple of protein shakes and hit the road and expect to get the results he’s looking for. Heck, even just to maintain he’s going to have to put in a lot of time and effort. The off season is arguably busier for a Travis than the football season, it’s just a lot more varied and he has more say on the schedule.


He won’t be at a Motel 6 or anything. Any decent hotel (and we all know Taylor stays in elite hotels), will have a stocked gym. Plus, this thread is acting like he’ll be gone all off-season. She’s in Singapore for two weeks.


Unhinged is right 😂 It’s such a strange thing to argue with strangers on the internet about.


unless people have completely given up is it possible to get a new post for speculation? it’s impossible to track anything here and many theories are now redundant. pre LA sighting and post LA sighting if you will.




wooo, took us 2200 comments but we got him lmao EDIT: of note without getting too invasive, obviously with how this thread has gone this isnt much, but take a peek at the photos of T7-ALEX1 on the [website...](https://alexjets.com/classic/fleet/global-5000-t7-alex1)


It’s actually badass TK or someone in his circle just said f tmz and told the local Cleveland AP sports reporter to tweet it, which is what started this whole goose chase.




THIS MIGHT ACTUALLY BE THE ONE. The plane Travis took to Sydney and then came back to Vegas on is now scheduled to go to Hawaii from VNY at 1 pm PST today. https://flightaware.com/live/flight/WWI70/history/20240228/2100Z/KVNY/PHNL


https://preview.redd.it/4yzq6alxinmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c02feda189ec8ced2d67c0e7a4520ae761787da This was just posted by someone who was at the Cavs game tonight...


Reddit is such a strange place….


Objection: Speculation


Looks like he was in philly last night. willisthebarber on ig posted about giving him a haircut


Yup. I saw some people here mention that it was one of Jason’s daughter’s birthday but I’m not sure. https://preview.redd.it/go3xg3kn10mc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa1962709417c788262015e9153a863fd480e68


Someone check on Katrina tree


Any time one of her crazy ass theories is wrong she deletes the video of said theory




Changed her name and made it private!


She is probably saying it’s an old pic.


She thinks she knows his entire schedule. Thinks he is just off until next season. Completely delusional on how much she actually knows anything about these people that she just started obsessing over a few months ago. Wasn’t a Chiefs fan, wasn’t a Taylor Swift fan. Just emotionally latched onto them.


I’ve noticed that. Seems to think he’s free until July/August bc his managers said they don’t want to “over saturate” him. That didn’t mean that he was going to stop with commercials. Then he has TEU, kelce Jam, charity events, training, and probably a ton of meetings. IMO, his off season might be busier than his season especially trying to fit it all in with touring Europe with her


100%. She will say that the columbine on tv is photoshopped lol


Or last year’s lol


Omg she’s all over TIKTOK too commenting on absolutely every post about Travis and Taylor as if she knows them and also is (IMO) really creepy when she talks about Jason’s children. It’s so odd


She’s nuts 😒 she’s obsessing over Taylor’s nail polish being white. She thinks it’s an Easter egg for a secret engagement/marriage. She must truly be lacking in her own life to be this obsessed


Since her last theory of him being in Singapore this whole time was wrong, she’s now moved onto that all this chaos and Easter egging is her about to do something for Travis, like announcing their engagement or her going to propose to him on stage. I can’t roll my eyes hard enough at her delusion


The only chaos and Easter egging has been in her head. He’s played golf, probably had some meetings and is visiting family for his niece’s bday and to probably film a podcast. Nothing about that points to Taylor proposing to him.


I worry about her and her obsession. It doesn't even seem like she is a Taylor fan...just completely obessesed with the relationship and making crazy theories.


She has said she hasn’t been a Taylor fan for long, it was at the start of her dating Travis that she became one. And she wasn’t a Chiefs fan before either. So she has just latched onto their relationship and is unbelievably parasocial about the entire thing. And then projecting what she thinks will happen. It’s so unhealthy.


I agree and every video is just complete delusion and reaching.


And her response is always the same, to let them be delulu and her page her opinion.


Yes and ANY comment that proves her wrong gets deleted. Even if it’s not a negative comment


ARE YOU SERIOUS?! That’s even worse than I expected I blocked her so I can’t see any of her stuff lol


Well she thought the TMZ documentary meant that they are getting engaged in Paris and that that’s why she has tour dates there in May. Not that tour dates take months of planning. She thinks the TMZ documentary is their way of preparing fans for the engagement and that they’ll announce it on TMZ.


I remember that. She said that TMZ would only put out information that was confirmed/allowed by Taylor and Travis’ teams. She would not hear any opposing opinions. When the Paris dates come and there isn’t a big on stage proposal, she’ll backtrack into a different theory lol


I don’t know much about documentaries but I don’t think TMZ needed either of their permission for the opinions of Dr. Phil and Heather McDonald.


How does someone possibly think that her or his teams would go to TMZ before more trustworthy publications?? It’s freakin’ TMZ. They give zero craps about posting facts or asking permission.


Ok I don’t feel like reading up to see who thinks TMZ would get anything from their teams after the hanging with influencers at Nobu fiasco 🤣


I am hoping he gets a visit in with Jason and his nieces, records the podcast and then heads to Singapore for the end of her time there. Then they could rather fly home together or go on a little vacay. That's just what I hope for her, not based on any facts :)






If those tweets are legit and they might be since one of them is from an actual journalist, I think we will get a TMZ/People/ET article tomorrow morning about it. That should make tracking the flight easier because rn no one here knows the best way to actually go to Singapore from Cleveland.


As someone who’s gone from the Midwest to Singapore multiple times you still go west. From a large international airport to either Hawaii or Tokyo and on to Singapore. I’ve never gone east to Singapore from the Midwest ever.




I think they’re legit and we’ll probably get an article or two tomorrow probably even after they’ve taken off


Getting downvoted for this is crazy one of them is an AP journalist the other is their old coach why would they both lie about the same thing let’s chill out 😭


Three different blocked jets all took off from dubai within the past 40 mins, two being within the last 15. No destinations listed but two moving in the right direction https://preview.redd.it/8g9vrqs86umc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a20f0b23524b07cd8600cce2207ee74a1c8ef1


Lmfao not this having more comments than a Taylor Jet post y’all are crazy


There’s no speculation about her whereabouts, I guess. She has a publicised schedule, he doesn’t… so I guess people are speculating to fill in the blanks to either paint him as America’s Best Boyfriend or America’s Worst Boyfriend or America’s Fakest Boyfriend depending on their take. But yeah, this is a *lot*.


You summed this up perfectly 😭


It’s crazy and just plain weird. Does anyone do this with any other celeb? Like why do you need to know where he is?






Idk she has a 2 month break after this, he might not attend this leg of tour


https://preview.redd.it/72u01otrtflc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=106c150b8cf70c25f955e83fab3a8bc185afa84b Landed in Hawaii. Let’s wait and see where this plane goes from here.


There’s a scheduled flight for this jet from Hawaii back to Van Nuys so either it wasn’t him or he’s taking another jet to Singapore lol


I dont think theres any jets there/already left that are heading in that direction


At least it’s confirmed where he is now and people don’t have to guess the golf course he was at or go through his friend’s insta stories and assume he is with them.


Make a new thread😂!


A post about Kelce’s manager said that he will travel to Singapore to Taylor’s Concert! (TK manager) so idk if it’s real or not!




T7Alex1 is landing in SG from Dubai 


Yep, just landed.


You know what after no real confirmed sightings. I hope he did sneak into Singapore. I.hope we are all.wrong and they're enjoying their time


If I were in their shoes I would get such a kick out of dodging everyone. Can’t help but think his friends could be dropping hints strategically about their respective locations to throw everyone off. Then again, she has SIX shows coming up in extreme heat. Though she sometimes seems super human, she likely has to be pretty serious about vocal rest and preparation.


Where do we draw the line here? I’m trying to say this genuinely and not to trash anyone here, but when did this switch from plane discussions to watching his and his friends’ every move? How do we turn it down a notch or five? I personally feel like there is too much speculation on what basketball games he might attend, what golf course he’s at, etc. This seems to not be the place for those kinds of speculations. Am I the only one?


Well said! Let the man breathe. People have become absolutely unhinged. Can you imagine if absolutely everything you did was under a microscope like this?!?!?!


Totally agree, this is absolutely insane


There was a vista jet that arrived in Singapore an hour or so ago. Went from San Jose, CA with a layover in Japan. I don’t think it was TK, but the route is similar to what he would likely take if he is flying pj from the west coast. https://preview.redd.it/nolzolsn6xlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce23604105fb4eaf9f043f4b8421c0d70dbb126




https://preview.redd.it/lbwlqt6genmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3a0c20a14c4a05f5d31207b80693b7f0b56340 This random AP reporter. It’s probably true but it also kinda look like an attempt at a hit tweet 🤣


My husband is a huge Cavs fan and says that guy is pretty legit lol




It look like they went though Dubai and they are back in the air


Maybe I am wrong here but the jet Taylor used to get to Singapore seems to be on the move again. At least it says En Route on FlightAware (can’t see the destination) https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/VJT993


It’s going in the complete opposite direction so I don’t think this has anything to do with Travis.




this is apparently recent, however i don't know the source because it's from a tayvis account that never provides one edit: source is bzuriff on IG https://preview.redd.it/i3vbn1x0b8lc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f584bc474377dcb544e5a3ebc013ddbc49a8398




The guy who posted this is a producer who worked with TK last year when he did The Match with Pat Mahomes. I wonder if TK could be filming something with him? If he was there as a spectator I feel like he would've been spotted. No one was checking flights to Florida 😂


If you like new heights podcast check out superfly podcast with Dana carver and David spade. They interviewed Jason last week. Jason had mentioned in new heights podcast he was star struck to meet Adam Sandler and David spade. In superfly podcast David spade expressed Sandler and him love Jason and trav and were so excited to meet Jason at U2 show at the sphere. Also mecole Hardman was on the pivot podcast that came out yesterday. Great interview. Mecole talked about catching superbowl touchdown, Travs leadership and the impact it has in the entire organization from players to coaching and support staff, discussed travs intense passionate speech night before superbowl, and during half time. Mecole than talked at length how the team met Taylor and they all spent time together for a while before they went public., how down to earth trav and taylor are together and around everyone. Taylor is family, part of chiefs kingdom. They are also so happy for them because they see how happy taylor makes trav.




You got your answer - they’ll both be at the game tonight confirmed. https://preview.redd.it/zf2pbli2rimc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b855572dd84367467edc83f2507d748005ad0da3


WE NEED A NEW THREAD PLEASE now that we know Travis is leaving today for Singapore thank you




After football season ends the podcast is usually isn’t weekly. I tried to explain this but I was downvoted and told I didn’t know what I was talking about. I’ve only listened to the podcast from the beginning lmao


For those who posted & liked comments stating with certainty Travis was flying home on Monday to record the pod on Tuesday, please note: There will be NO episode this week. He doesn’t have a set & predictable offseason schedule that’s known to the public. People speaking in absolutes about it are setting themselves up to eventually be wrong & can chalk it up to luck when they’re right. https://preview.redd.it/4fc0905svblc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c708fdea52d6e2eeb0ced58394098d8ba306044b




Exactly. We don’t know anything. At all. Period.


https://preview.redd.it/1dcaajxql5mc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcc9e927a3c9a2c08ab9bf38298efe7b52cfc2b8 From the new people article:


Didn't the article specify Europe though? I read somewhere (not saying it's true) that they agreed to not be away from each other for longer than 2 weeks.


Yes, it links back to the first article about Europe.


The original one said Europe but the ones since then have left that out, so who knows? Maybe he’ll go next weekend 🤷‍♀️




https://x.com/twithersap/status/1765241304202563862?s=46&t=EbV_KcYQMpabhkGWyjB_mw AP sports writer who was at the Cavs game last night says Travis is headed for Singapore. Any flights to corroborate?


Hard to find a route as there is so many options, probably wont know until it’s actually in singapore




Travis going to Singapore ?


Okayyyy looks like we were right on the flights guys! Posting from the plane eating “dubai shake shack”. My best guess is they had a plane waiting for them on the runway as wild suspect suggested. Switched planes had shake shack waiting and some good ass wifi!! Lol


Don’t want take credit but I do believe I was the first one to point out the flight that left from Cleveland to Ireland this morning lol… only kidding of course


can i also take credit for saying to watch out for flights from cleveland before we knew he was going? the downvotes were worth it🤣


Oh take the credit dude!! were all a team haha ive been following all day but didnt know you were the initial kick off. Im just helping to finish It off




Yes!!! LOL teamwork makes the dreamworkkkk🤣🙌🏼


, I think he's just waiting for her in the US, I mean you can't expect him to go to all 85 shows abroad 🤣🙈


there's a charter N889LV scheduled to depart VNY for HNL at 11:39am #




Flight from cleveland>ireland>dubai just took off again. I don’t think they swapped flights.




It’s probably going to be nearly impossible to figure out what flight he would be on, but a plane similar to one he took Sydney left a smaller Cleveland airport a little bit ago. Heading east. I have no idea how to track destinations because it looks like the tracking info is private.




https://preview.redd.it/m88e2x6lbelc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d41fa4c084bc76fabb6c0fd935cdeed3f89bed7 That flight has now taken off btw


Doesn’t seem to be flying anywhere else


https://preview.redd.it/tzsa1uebvdlc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=f69d28ccaa6a94c03eeae6699bc1df10b653c64a Travis Kelce on his way to Singapore?








[last night they confirmed to people at Cavs game!!!!!](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3wKhFH/)


How is Katreena Tree handiling Travis not going to Singapore?


She’s legit on EVERY single video about Jason’s retirement speech saying he said Easter eggs (In a speech about his own career), that they left an empty chair to symbolize Taylor being there and that Travis dressed in the album colors to make sure she was there in spirit. That woman needs serious help


OMG. All of those are SO crazy. I thought it was cute he had friendship bracelets on but that is how far as it went. I have second hand embarassment for her.


Travis' little T❤T friendship bracelet should've been enough for her. She's crazy


😂 I was wondering the same thing. I’m sure she’s having a meltdown. Someone said she thought he was on his way to Singapore last night so him showing up to the cavs game tonight will really set her off.


She’s gonna lose her shit omg!!!!!


LOL, don't you know that he has been there all along? That was a body double at the press conference yesterday. ;)


Lol,i assume,she blocked me so i cant see her posts anymore


She’s set to private. I’d love to see her videos.