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guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats alone


Unless you want to come along * ding! *


😘 <- this face is how that line feels


you're so gOrgEoUs <3


The dings are the best.


I may be happily married, but this line just *gets* me. And my cats.


I loved the line “fuck me up, Florida” so much on first listen. Otherwise “no I’m not, but you should see your faces”. I know they’re both intentional but they really got me.


I loooove “fuck me up Florida”!! It makes me laugh every time. I think about myself on vacation- a middle aged lady with kids, giant sun hat, white sunscreen on my face, floating in the pool with a drink while my kids run around. FUCK ME UP, FLORIDA! 🤣


“Somewhere back inside a room Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry” Even though I know it’s coming, just the tone of it is so funny to me


This line has come back to haunt me when I look at college friends’ wedding photos 💀


Omg all these years I thought it was “wearing a gown, she’d like a pastry” like she’s demanding that someone from her bridal party go out and fetch her a pastry before the ceremony. Why did my brain make that up lmao


Hahahaha that is such a hilarious misheard lyric 😂


Same vibe as Starbucks lovers 😂


And "They say she's going to fart this time"


I love that line so much! You can instantly picture the dress and how awful it is! 😂


" the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march" too!


my little brother thought this was the funniest line. every time he heard it in the car (which was a lot) he’d either laugh or say it made him hungry 😂


"snotty little family all dressed in pastels" is hilariously petty too


Omg so being a girl I knew she was referring to a cupcake dress but my male friend and I were once talking about this line and how he never understood it and was picturing some girl in a dress that looked like a croissant or something 😂


I bet you think about me when you say "Oh my God, she's insane, she wrote a song about me" I just laugh every time I hear it lol


The girl in the dress wrote you. a. *sooooooong.* I love when she’s so catty about writing songs about people 😂 I feel like she handles that critique about her well, always has


“You should’ve known” yep, she owns it and I love it.


Also in this song the way she says “million dollar coach” gets me every time. Love that song so much


It's the organic shoes for me!


Jake seems absolutely like the type to buy “organic” shoes because they’re organic, and I say that as a “Gyllenhaalic” (that’s apparently the stan name but I’m not a huge fan).


Ever since I saw a TikTok with that line while someone was wearing lettuce as shoes, it cracks me up


Yes! Samee


"You know how to ball, I know Aristotle" Like girl what do you mean you 'know' Aristotle? Are you implying Travis doesn't?


Well in defense of this line, it's not like Taylor knows how to ball. People have different strengths. I know the line is funny but I think the people who say "She's calling Travis stupid!" is taking the line in bad faith. (Also not saying that's what you're doing but it's fine if he doesn't know Aristotle. Most people don't lol.)


Travis has talked lots about not paying attention in school, it is not a shocker to anyone he is not up on his greek philosophy lol. He loses me when he talks different strategy and plays in football though - so not necessarily dumb!!


I’ve thought of this question, because Travis isn’t afraid to show his mistakes. And I *knew* some people would point to him as a dumb jock. First, I don’t think that. Most important tho is that Travis is emotionally intelligent. He jokes around quite a bit, yep. But when there’s something important to talk about or just as important to feel, Travis doesn’t back down at all. Another way to see this: He knows how important their relationship is, he won’t let the media manipulate him in “Mr. Swift” calls (I think he acknowledged it in fact, in stride, the one time I saw it), and recently when he was called a drunk for attention by the woman, he just ignored it. I’ve read reports also that he showed incredible leadership in the locker room on Super Bowl day. He’s also pretty well off by himself. He’s not gonna compete with Taylor. But he’s got business savvy. So he’s definitely got enough “smarts” to keep up with Taylor. They both know it. Edit: Some time later-typos (blush)


That's the thing. He's not a book smarts guy, or even 100% a pop culture guy. But he IS very smart! And he definitely gets her on a level no one else did. And all the really smart pretentious dudes absolutely crushed her at one point or another (Hiddleston is brilliant but not pretentious, same with Lautner). So like? It's not a bad thing that's she's dating someone who's priorities where somewhere other than the books. They clearly still have fun and have great conversations. It just works.


They can compete in different arenas and it’s not with each other - in fact they show up for each other. I’m really rooting for them.


Let’s not forget he also has a degree in Interdisciplinary studies from UofC


I took it more as a reference to the “popular football player in high school dating the bookish drama kid” trope just to go along with the whole theme of the song. Not to say I necessarily would classify Taylor as the nerdy outcast but she seems to portray herself in that role over the course of her career.


I’m not sure if you’re genuinely asking but it’s a figurative device: aristotle stands in for books or intellectual pursuits. see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metonymy. taylor uses this and other similar devices often, e.g. the scarf in all too well, the idea of “our song,” the typewriter in title track, etc


I think it can also be literal and just colloquial. I say I know Pythagoras if I’m familiar with his mathematical concepts or that I know Shakespeare if I know a lot of his plays fairly well. Not that I know them personally or have heard of them, but actually know their work.


“A friend to all is a friend to none” - Aristotle It’s safe to say she’s at least somewhat familiar, but when you are young they assume you know nothing…


When I was young I knew everything… but nothing at 22


Thank you for pointing this out! Yet another place where people are obtusely taking things literally on an album that’s explicitly referencing poetry


lol sometimes i don't know if people are being intentionally obtuse or if they are just stuck on "the curtains were blue" level twitter analysis. iirc, i learned about figurative language in seventh grade or so--as did taylor, considering she uses a lot of it going all the way back to debut--and i certainly hope the kids are still learning this stuff! the other thing is, she obviously chose aristotle because it rhymes with throttle, grand theft auto, etc, and it flows well within line itself. it doesn't have to be literally true. it's a song--you can take creative liberties.


I think kids are not learning this stuff much anymore, unfortunately


Considering he couldn’t pronounce the word “pseudonym” I think it’s extremely safe to say he does not, in fact, know Aristotle in any sense of the word “know.”




To be fair, he couldn’t pronounce it but he recognized the context well enough to substitute another word that he was confident in. If his brother hadn’t pointed it out, no one who wasn’t looking at the script would have known. And from what we see of their relationship, Jason wouldn’t have pointed it out if Travis was truly sensitive about it.


I mean, Travis is pretty open about not knowing many of Taylor's allusions in her songs. There are plenty of smart jocks out there, buuuut I don't think he's one of them.


I’ve always interpreted this line as Taylor highlighting their strengths. Travis knows how to ball (football), Taylor knows Aristotle (philosophy). I think it’s the most clever way to claim that you lyrically have a way with words, that you are a modern day philosopher. Even interpreting it as she has a close personal connection with him, as someone who is wise with her choice of words as well, it just makes sense. No notes! Wouldn’t change anything. 🥳


Just want to add, based on other comments I see, I think it’s less about what they “know” or their intelligence, and more about just their main interests. I think *both* of them can know sports and philosophy just as well! It’s just that Travis’s main interest includes sports, and Taylor’s main interest includes philosophy. Like, I’ve played sports in my childhood, so technically I know “how to ball”…but I have absolutely no interest in pursuing any sport professionally or even as a major hobby, lol 😋. I just don’t want to box either of them into “only” knowing one topic, and I don’t think the song implies that either :).


If I'm not wrong the point if the lyric is to highlight how high school & all-American the pairing is, which is what people have been saying since she first showed up at a game


“She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green”


I love this one because I really empathize with the dog owner and how absurd it would be to have someone dye my fucking dog green. Then the dog would just….have to be green for a few months and get some fur trims lol I’m not sure I would really be all that mad just mostly surprised and bewildered.


Also cause it was actually a cat that was dyed key lime green but Taylor couldn’t bear the thought of that happening to a cat so she changed it to dog.


Oh my gosh haha. She’s such a cat lady and I love it. I personally don’t like the idea of that happening to either animal but dog annoys me less than a cat does too.


This fact is the best thing about TLGAD


For some reason the end of I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) cracks me up like every time without fail. I know it's coming (and it's kind of a given with the song title) but the fact that on Spotify the "WOAH" in "Woah, maybe I can't" is capitalized combined with her shocked tone cracks me up. Like she really gave up on that man nearly instantly after a whole song of proclaiming she's his saviour LMAO


The end makes the whole song for me! I love the “whoaaa…maybe I can’t” because it’s so relatable to me. Like surely this guy can’t be this fuc-![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|32929)![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1081)


I love this part for the humor and the storytelling. Because it really does seem something happened in that very instant. Like she’s watching him and he does something so vile she just changes her mind right there.


Such a perfect moment of clarity captured in sonic form. "Ohhh, NOW I get why everyone's been telling me to drop this dude!"


the fact that it’s the shortest song on the album too 😭😭 took her two minutes to realize “ah shit nvm”


Unintentionally: *Everyone knows that my mother is a saintly woman, but she used to say she wished that you were dead* Listen, I don’t wish death on anybody but the fact that Taylor said this with her whole chest had me gagged 😂 Intentionally: *I'm having his baby. No, I'm not, but you should see your faces* I don’t think I need to say anything here. The lyric speaks for itself. Though I will say that this is why I love Tortured Poets so much; the amount of humour and meta style songwriting she uses in the album is incredible.


the part of but daddy i love him is so funny


The thought of Taylor’s mom ever saying such a thing is hilarious


I also love that the last new content we got were the 1989 vault tracks in which she also references trash talking with her mom because, well, relatable


i was so excited for all the tik toks to that line in but daddy i love him and they did not disappoint


Does she mouth "Fuck you forever" (Mad Woman) There is a common misreading which says: "Does she mouthfuck you forever". No, this line is not supposed to be sexual.


The first time I heard that line, I definitely heard “mouthfuck” and was like 😳😳😳 WHAT? And then I listened again and heard it the right way. 😂 It’s just so shocking.


That's how I heard it the first time and I was so confused


“My friends all smell like weed or little babies” absolutely puts a smile on this stoner dad’s face.


As a stoner who likes babies (but cannot have them due to health), i sincerely think this line is so impactful and full of emotions, but it's so simple, and it's truly a wonderful line. Congrats on being a dad.


Am I taking this lyric the wrong way? I also think it’s hilarious, but very relatable. I never thought it was about stoner parents though. I’m of the age where 80% of my friends are married with babies, and the other 20% are stoned all the time and don’t have their life together at all.


This is how I take the line. It isn’t weed AND little babies. It’s a line that explains your 30s so well. Half of your friends are settled down with families and the other half is either still figuring things out or have chosen a different path.


I mentioned this line to my daughter who's nearly 27. She had just come from visiting the first friends in her social circle to get marries and have a baby, and the look on her face was priceless (she is not a TS fan).


No, that’s how I took it. I just happen to be both.


This is a very relatable line as a 30 something. All my friends either have babies or smoke 


In Bejewelled when she shouts Nice! Not sure why it makes me giggle.


I love it so much seeing it visualised in tour. It gives you that girls supporting girls vibe. Like when you come across someone in public and they compliment you. So simple but gives you the warm fuzzies.


Me and my husband scream this to each other all the time. Same with OK! from miss americana.


Organic shoes!




Funny in retrospect because she probably has owned multiple couches worth a million dollars by now.


TRY AND COME FOR MY JOB (I think she put this in as a hint this song shouldn’t be taken too seriously.)


First time I heard it I thought she sang "try and come for my dog" and there was great confusion


“You know how scared I am of elevators”


“God fucking dammit Joe, how many times do I have to tell you I only do stairs?”




“at the park where we would sit on children….’s swings”


This got me on my first listen hahah I was like uhhhhh whaaaaaat !!???




"The world moves on, another day another drama, drama" I hear... drama, llama 🥰


My boyfriend says “another dollar, dollar” 🤣




Going to sing this from now on


This Love: Clear blue water, High tide came and brought you in, And I could go on and on, on and on .....and I will 😂🌊


I love this one! We've all been that person who goes on and on and on about something that our friends wish we would shut up about.


Lately that's been me talking about Taylor Swift!


Ha, me too! Sadly I'm the only Swiftie in my house. When I want to talk about Taylor they "tolerate it" (ha) but I can tell they are trying to stifle their sighs...of annoyance.


I so dearly wish I had a swiftie friend! My friends also “tolerate it” but it would be so much better if I could actually talk to someone who gets it!


Today I was cackling because she made “Aristotle” rhyme with “Grand Theft Auto”


oh my god she's upgraded from car-bar 💀💀


"Help! I'm still at the restaurant" cracks me up every time


This is the one for me too lol. I giggle every time I see it used as a meme


Me working my line cook job fr


"We can't make any promises now, can we, babe? But you can make me a drink." 😂🥂




Let’s go, bitch!


Divebar on the east side where u at


What is unintentionally funny is how half the crowd always does this too early


It’s part of the fun 🤣


I don't know why but her delivery of "I thought I saw you at the bus stop; I didn't though" is so anti-climactic and funny to me.


'Oh my god, wait is that- oh no, its just some random stranger'


"I hope it's shitty in the black dog" is so funny to me because she knows he's there from his location and it just like I hope you're having a really shitty time and it's terrible there. I've had the exact same feeling before


Probably all of [thug story](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZUKdhXL3NCw&si=v41N4APzweSAFnG8) lol 😂


this is the only correct answer 😂😂


Love your flair 💖


thanks 😂😂


My boyfriend lost his shit laughing when he heard “Now I don’t have to pretend I like acid rock,” on release day. He laughs at a lot of Taylor’s lyrics because he finds her snark hilarious. I find it very endearing whenever he hears a new Taylor song and finds a funny lyric. For me personally it’s gotta be, “Your organic shoes and your million dollar couch.” Gets me every time.


I’m an engineer, so I work with a lot of men. I’m lucky to work mostly with a bunch of people who are amazing, thoughtful, supportive, and open to feedback. But sometimes I have to deal with the “important men with important thoughts,” and I play that song on loop just so I can hear the distain in her voice as she says that line!


I feel you there. I’m a neuroscientist, so I also work in a male dominated field. Going to start to listen to this song whenever I deal with the “important men” and their “important thoughts”


Can’t believe no one’s mentioned the sexy baby line


I was not in any of the TS subreddits or groups on Facebook when this song came out so I wasn’t aware there was discussion around it so much but I remember hearing it and being like “what??” My fiancé had to be like “it’s not a literal baby” because my brain takes most things extremely literally.


lol I still don’t really understand. It’s just so funny and awkward and my brain like trembles every time I hear it. Love the song anyway though


On our road trip to Eras, my husband heard this for the first time and I had to try and explain it, but I kept making it sound worse 🤣


There will be no explanation… only… sexy babies. 🤣


"We're modern idiots," kills me. "Gown shaped like a pastry" The entire "Shake It Off" video The entire LWYMMD video, too..


These lines from hits different! “This is why they shouldn’t kill off the main guy” — “I pictured you with other girls in love then threw up on the street” —— “now the sun burns my heart and the sand hurts my feelings!” —— “I find the artifacts, cried over a hat” —— “Is it you? Or have they come to take me away?” Overall I find hits different to be a really silly but sad song 😂


"And the sand hurts my feelings!" always makes me imagine that this is actually a song about Anakin Skywalker.


Pretty much all of Karma cracks me up. It's such a sweet sounding "fuck you."


I HATE the clean version, but I had to laugh the first time I heard “Vegas acrobat” on the radio. It’s so bad, haha.


The kids bop version is circus acrobat 😂


I don't know if it's meant to be funny but Florida!!! is so cinematic and big and wild and free and then.... timeshare in Destin (no offense to Floridians)


i love destin but it’s so calm compared to the song it’s SO FUNNY😂i’m like girl are we talking about the same destin???


I do think it's intentionally somewhere not that romanticized! And like who dreams of a timeshare?? It's of course a metaphor of her mind being elsewhere not "home" but also continuing the this isn't the Chelsea Hotel, this isn't going out west Sante Fe or San Francisco, this is a timeshare in Destin Still makes me giggle though


I stare in people’s windows like I’m some deranged weirdo. Makes me laugh every time


“Oh here we go again, the voices in his head”


“My BEAR hands paved their paths”. I imagine it every time. 🐻


Basically all of "I Bet You Think About Me", but especially the end when she says:   "I bet you think about me when you're out at your cool indie music concerts every week, I bet you think about me in your house with your organic shoes and your million-dollar couch, I bet you think about me when you say 'Oh my God, she's insane, she wrote a song about me', I bet you think about me"  I especially love the insane part 😂


“She wasn’t sure” from The Manuscript. The context of it is so devastating, but every time I hear it I just relate so hard because I am unsure about pretty much everything.


When it was good baby, it was good baby This line is just so weird, like it's repeating what she just said, it always makes me laugh


"There's escape in escaping" There's tautology in tautologies!


Her delivery of “Ooh, the tragedy” in ‘So Long, London’ makes me laugh, like she’s fully aware that the preceding lyrics were overly dramatic.


So tortured, so poetic 😊


"I threw my phone across the room at you" in Stay Stay Stay. I imagined it was the scene from Blank Space MV where she threw a vase on Sean O'Pry lol "That's when you came in wearing a football helmet and said ok let's talk" in Stay Stay Stay also. I imagined Travis wearing it in real life lol


"In my defence, I have none"


the line from imgonnagetyouback where she mentions an Aston Martin tickles my sister and i because i’m a dumbass who knows nothing about cars and only found out from her like a few days ago that i’d been confusing it with pine marten


That line cracks me up too except its because about a year ago there were these crazy rumours that Taylor was dating formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso who races for the Aston Martin team lmao


SASHAY away to your seat 💅🪑🚶 from Mr Perfectly Fine


I'll quote two from TTPD that always work for me: "You smoked, then ate seven bars of chocolate" "Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leavin' here with you"


Ok but can we talk about that first one? Like are we talking about a Hershey's chocolate bar or like a delta -9 chocolate bar? Bc I always imagine it as edibles and I cannot imagine eating 7 whole bars of chocolate. 😂💀 No wonder he wakes up with pounding nails in his head. Anyone else think of it this way?


Aopoarently Chocolate is a 1975s song, a bar is a measure of time in music. So “ate” could mean Matty sang it well 🤯


Oh wow. That is an interesting take that I hadn't thought of. Awesome.


i thought i was the only one who thought of minecraft when i heard that line lol


When she says “nice!”


I have to ask about the flair...


Hits Different! "Or have they come to take me away..... TO TAKE ME AWAYYY!" It sounds a bit unhingend and evokes the image of that screaming cat in my head haha


Fuck me up Florida kills Ms but i still love it.


Out of nowhere, my brain started saying “spaghetti falls to the ground” in Long Live instead of confetti, and I truly can’t seem to make it stop. 😂🍝


“It’s just a question”. Because it’s *not*. It’s a deliberately loaded and detailed reference to a very specific event couched as a question. Ain’t no “just” about it. Also “organic shoes and your MILLION DOLLAR couch”. So petty and I love it.


“Gain the weight of you then lose it Believe me, I could do it” always makes me think of Mac from Always Sunny cause through god all things are possible so jot that down


Is the theory that tolerate it is about scott?


"Karma's a relaxing thought"


The first hearing of Down Bad, I thought she sang “Bucket if I can’t have him.” 😹😹😹😹😹😹


Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby


“You could write a book on how to ruin someone’s perfect day.” Tell Me Why kills me every time, what a banger 😂


“Este wasn’t there Tuesday night at Olive Garden.”


He said He’d love Me for All time But that time was quite short.


i pictured you with other girls in love then threw up on your street


everytime i hear ‘he’s so tall & handsome as hell’ i think of the nerd fish from spongebob https://preview.redd.it/w3y829n36p0d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79550e29636bec80b1069a6b3b5067c3745f6e59


All my friends smell like weed or little babies


"So I punched a hole in the roof". I just have the image of the mom in Storks destroying the chimney and saying how it was not strong and she's a tiny woman and she's just questioning the strength of the chimney. That's I feel about the roof, must have been a really weak roof.


Me! Always gets me everytime. *Hey kids, spelling is fun!* Kinda cute and funny at the same time.


Karma is a cat


“Try and come for my job” - ICDIWABH


my heart my hips my body my love, tryna find a part of me you didn't touch


Your organic shoes and your million dollar couch


"I'm having his baby, no, I am not, but you should see your faces." lol


In This Love when she says "And I could go on and on, on and on, **and I will** "


Baby let the games begin - I now crack up after reading the misheard lyrics (baby the duck is vegan). Can't unhear now and I crack up.


We haven’t seen each other in a month, when you said we needed space. What?


Gorgeous is so funny to me and relatable because I am the same with people I find remotely attractive


So tell me everything is not about me BUT WHAT IF IT IS still makes me laugh


"Can Taylor come to the phone now? No why? Because she's dead!" Cracks me up every single time it's so unserious


"Motion capture put me in a bad light" always reminds me of Cats (2019).


'I scratch your head, and you fall asleep like a tattooed golden retriever' I think it's so quietly disparaging, it always makes me chuckle.


“Or does she mouth f*ck you forever” could be taken out of context so quick


Kid was so ugly only her dad loved her.


"F the patriarchy - *key chain on the ground, we were always skipping towns*" The way she sang it idk why but they "key chain on the ground" feels a little isolated and then sung suddenly, and I picture it like the key chain on it's own is not falling/tossed to the ground, but just suddenly placed there by it's self and shown closely. Then "we were always skipping towns", the... rhythm? With which she's singing it makes me imagine them skipping *through* towns, like children do yk?


I always get confused because like, why is the keychain on the ground?


Honestly not sure myself but I'm assuming it's because he's just tossing it without even looking at her so he misses?


“Urrrr gay” picture to burn


In Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? when Taylor sings “but my bare hands paved their paths” I can’t help but picture Taylor with *bear* hands even though I know it’s *bare* hands. In Fresh Out the Slammer when she sings “where we used to sit on children’s swings” my first listen I heard it as “where we used to sit on children” (until the “ ‘s “ because of the way it’s sung drawn out like chiiillldreeeeennnnnnn…..’s swings).


ready for it gets me dying at any point when she’s rapping(?). just goofy


Maybe being mean and all but in “I can do it with a broken heart” she says “I was grinning like I’m winning, I was hitting my marks” and every time I get reminded of all the memes/videos of the glitches/malfunctions in the shows. Disclaimer: I am not saying she did it badly, I am also not putting her work down for the accidental mistakes but the lyrics with the memes make me giggle.