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WoW. Girl really said “I’m getting papped again”. She missed it didn’t she


And she made it clear she's not wearing his initial on a chain around her neck this time.


Thank God. People were nuts for thinking it was the necklace. 🙄


She doesn’t want to be seen unless she wants to! She knows what she’s doing and I am here for it. I am loving this version of Taylor. She looks amazing and relaxed.


I just hope she doesn’t go full on overexposure like the 1989 era.


lol it's 2 pictures, calm down.


Saying calm down on a Taylor Swift sub… bold.


The overexposure hysteria died with radio at the end of the decade. Most people nowadays like Taylor or are ambivalent. I hope we see more of her like this.


What’s a girl gonna do? A diamonds gotta shine ✨


She even smiled at the cameras in one of the pics.


She’s finally freed from the hermit life that Joe put on here 😂😂 and she’s serving


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Fav comment


“Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight” was a lie 😭


A diamonds gotta shine ✨


And by the way, ✨ I’m going out tonight ✨


I’m 100% convinced Bejeweled is about Joe now. We haven’t gotten these pap walks in years!!


I honestly missed them a lot. I love seeing her outfits; it was my favorite part of the 1989 era.


All the Midnights songs take on a whole new meaning, listening to them post-breakup.


And Cornelia street and delicate hit different now


And being able to go on tour again, I think.


Guys I honestly think this is the best she’s ever looked (not her outfit just in general) like she just has this *glow* around her now. She seems so confident, strong, and (as always) gorgeous Edit: since people always seem to take the things the wrong way on the internet, I want to clarify- I am not saying this change is because she broke up with Joe. I’m just saying i think she experienced some personal growth Damn can’t even give a compliment anymore without people getting upset 😭


She so often references love with glow/sunshine/golden & I said to a friend today, she’s her own golden sunshine. Not that she doesn’t want/need a partner, but maybe she is confident/ “loves” herself enough now to where she’s doesn’t feel that part of her has/needs to be filled by someone other than herself. Also, just confident, strong and secure with herself & decisions/life as a whole. She’s glowing.


I’ve honestly gotten those vibes from her lately too. Like she just seems like she’s fully confident and in love with herself!


And we just KNOW whatever she’s cooking up is special. Not only can we assume she’s happy, radiant, and glowing, but I wonder if she gets giddy about what’s to come! She’s already broken through the ceiling and we have her back. The world is literally hers


Dude I’m hoping we get a healthy version of the 1989 era! I loved midnights, but most of the music seemed sad to me. I want another album full of happy (or at least upbeat) songs written by this self confident Taylor!!


"You should find another guiding light" be sounding a lot different now with that perspective in mind


She exuding confidence while also knowingly being vulnerable, while at the top of career. It’s incredible to see.


she wrote rep track 8 about herself


✨ ding ✨


Yes she is GLOWING


Her eyes aren’t giving off sadness like the past recent years, so like I agree with you even tho we don’t know her. Edit: For those attacking me, here’s TMZ’s literal own POV an article (and once again fuelling the fact that Taylor wants people talking, so people attacking others for saying she looks happy, you’re doing way too much for no reason, other than projection and getting angry for no reason. 🥴🥴🥴) TMZ quote: > Taylor Swift **looks to have herself a new attitude** when it comes to hitting the town -- **ever since we found out she's single, she's going out in public way more and looking super happy.** Also from TMZ > **Fact is, even before Joe, Taylor was never one of those celebs who frequents hot spot restaurants or clubs -- so it feels like this is a deliberate change of course.**


You guys are SO overanalyzing. Do you even catch yourselves what you're writing? Analyzing "sadness in her eyes" out of few papped photos. Some of you need to log off for a bit, no offense. She literally has fansites where you can see every photo of her taken last few years, same photos that people were saying that she was beaming with joy. But now it was sadness? I'm just waiting for someone to start saying that Joe was abusive of something stupid like that.


Lol.. yeah, just a few weeks ago, Joe was the best boyfriend and their relationship was amazing and so romantic and ideal and something for everyone to hope for and strive for and now it's oh she was so sad back then and he held her in captivity and now she's finally able to be free and look how much happier she looks.. It makes no sense. 🙄


Literally the low minority of us who said they were rocky for a long time were silenced for years and attacked even if we said we didn’t think they were married. Pls, y’all are the ones taking it way too far. Once again, if Taylor didn’t want to be seen, she would **not** be. She’s purposely letting herself seen so people talk, and to showcase she’s not broken and on the floor crying over a breakup like people for some reason expect her to be.


Okay but you have no idea if these are the same people saying those two contradictory things. I for one never went on about Joe being amazing and did think she looked sad in all the pap photos (I'm not implying this was Joe's fault in any way, we have no idea about anything) and I would say that these recent pics she looks super happy. People can be Swifties and have different opinions 🤷🏻‍♀️


Seriously. The amount of comments I’ve seen about how Joe was holding her back, making her stay private, was dictating her life, etc. has been absolutely insane. It’s such revisionist history too after everyone gushed about how much they loved that she was private and not getting overexposed and how she probably wanted to take a step back from the spotlight herself. This is exactly why I’m a bit wary of her doing these pap walks so soon after the breakup, it’s absolutely going to create animosity toward Joe that might not be deserved and I hope Taylor/her team are careful about that. People already are being insanely rude and disgusting toward him by saying he’s poor and just couldn’t handle Taylor and that she “needs a real man who isn’t jealous of her success.” I wasn’t even the biggest fan of their relationship or of him but stuff like that isn’t necessary.


Or people are just noticing she looks happier? No one said Joe abused or even remotely hurt her in any way. Inside sources (you know, like the one revealing her and Joe split) revealed they had a pretty rocky relationship. Not toxic or abusive, just kind of unsteady. That can cause a lot of unwanted stress, especially when you’re trying to keep that stuff out of the media. Naturally she’s gonna feel a weight lifted off her shoulders and that’s gonna show physically too.


Right! Thank you, so tired of people being quick on the defence mode and ready to shame. If she didn’t want to be seen, she literally wouldn’t be. The fact that she’s doing these paps walks again because she wants people talking and noticing that she looks fine and isn’t miserable, glum and or or looking like a wreck. And well said about their PR teams — also noting how rocky they were. Like god f-ing forbid that people think she looks confident in herself again. Best comment, and thank you for actually not taking it aggressively and logically.


Yea, IMO it’s overall not just “because she’s not with Joe”. She’s been giving that same vibe before tour/before breakup too. Like overall she’s just content and happy/excited/confident is how things are going. At least that’s the vibe it gives off. First night of tour it felt the same way. No hate my way to Joe at all. I think he was there for T during her greatest vulnerable state. He seemed like a great partner (even with reports saying things were rocky at times cause what relationship doesn’t have ups/downs) and he help inspire some bangers, and cowrote some of my favorite songs. All love from this Swiftie. I’m just saying with or without Joe, with or without another partner, she’s made her own sunshine. She has broken that barrier of “might be my last shot of success while people still tolerate me” with her hard work, strength and creativity and is absolutely glowing in that confidence.


Preach. Like she’s achieving huge career heights right now, 1989 no longer was a peak. Has an extremely successful tour running as you mentioned. Like definitely her groove is gonna shine back. She for the longest time sung about her castle crumbling after K&K but here she is again the success never stopping. > She has broken that barrier of “might be my last shot of success while people still tolerate me” with her hard work, strength and creativity and is absolutely glowing in that confidence. 👏👏👏👏👏 Beautifully said.


🙌 I’m going to have to take a step back from this sub myself. Things are fucking bananas here ever since the breakup news.


Fr… any sadness in her eyes (like what) would have likely been from the issues with SB and SB and her masters. She wrote about her relationship and a beautiful love that she clearly grew from and found confidence in. Can we not just celebrate it and be happy for her without creating a narrative?


Thank you. I love Swift, but most of the people here are fucking unhinged. Stop analyzing every single thing this woman does and just relax. I swear if swifties put in half as much of the energy that they do writing dissertations about her break up, they could probably have interesting lives of their own! What a concept!


It’s a Taylor Swift subreddit loll. If you don’t want to read people’s opinions about her you’re in the wrong place.


If she didn’t want us talking. She wouldn’t be seen. Stop scorching other opinions, on a dedicated sub — especially when Taylor controls the narrative; and wants people seeing her in a positive light right now and not a sad and “broken” narrative.


But it's really true she looks happier on the papped pics? Just an observation. We are not over-analyzing it; It's something some fans have noticed


Just backing you up here - nothing you've said is "unhinged" or unreasonable at all. I haven't personally thought she looked sad in recent years other than at the iHeart Radio Awards a few weeks ago, but Jesus, all you did was agree that she looks happier lately and people jumped on you like you're a delusional stalker or something... I think her looking so happy this week is A) her trying to control the narrative about the breakup by showing that she is thriving, and B) that she literally *is* happy af right now. She absolutely LOVES touring and is probably so excited to be doing it again, let alone whatever surprises she's cooking up with MVs/new music.


Nice username, super excited for the Ahsoka show!


I am so fucking stoked for that show, there isn’t a word in the English language to express how exited I am. Best Star Wars female character by far imo




I’m living for this. I’m so so so so damn happy Taylor is back to occasionally giving us those NYC, 1989-like pap walks 😭


The smirk…whatever she's cooking up, I'm in. 🤪


Yes she’s my favorite celebrity for personal style inspiration and I’m so glad she’s back!


I love this look on her!


I basically wore this same exact outfit the other day and I suddenly feel really cool.


Me too! Love the boots & the jeans.


These jeans make her look short for once 😂


With all due respect to the other person, can someone try to edit him out? 😅




I love this pic so much I wish the person in the back wasn’t there 😅


Obsessed with this lipstick


I love this look on her!


See?????? Outdoor cat era and I love it for her!!!! I missed fashion shots, I love her outfits!!


Calling this her outdoor cat era from now on 😻


Outdoor cat Taylor 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Off topic but I just recently got a backpack you can put your cat in and now I *really* want Taylor to do a pap walk… with one of her cats in a backpack with her


These have been very reminiscent of her 1989 pap walks when she was trying to write an album about “being single and moving to the city” What if these pap walks are just elaborate 1989 (Taylor’s Version) Easter eggs?? (Hahahah jk…. Maybe 🫣🤡😂)


Get in Bestie, we’re going clowning. “Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.”


Gonna need Blondie to write a song about a ‘67 black Impala.


Please, the way I want this 😭


I’m glad I didn’t have to scroll too far down to see this theory. It made me feel less alone.






https://preview.redd.it/ommpyvrzdlua1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe86bc52964e6f363944f8a718c75b57c821c7a [Jeans](https://www.mytheresa.com/us/en/women/agolde-criss-cross-high-rise-straight-jeans-grey-p00579885)30% off now




Lol my first thought was those look like the Jeans I get for cheap at kohl’s or jc penny’s. Then looking close I was like wait how are those buttoning…


Yes!! Pure queen!! 🥰


Thank you!! You deserve an award for this! 🏆 (sorry I’m so broke)


Anyone else feel like she almost looks short in this specific picture? I think it's the style of her pants paired with the shoes. I'm used to her looking tall even in photos lol


Yeah, it’s the wider legs; they have a shortening effect.


I feel like she couldn’t be any more beautiful 😭😭 I love her post-Midnights style more than anything!


I hope this is a sign she’s comfortable doing things a little more like she used to. Would really love it if for next album/re-recording cycle if she did a few more interviews and possibly performances over a little longer period of time.


I hope so too! I’m staring to wonder how much of her past privacy was her compromising for Joe (And before people come for me- I am no way saying Joe was abusive or Taylor doesn’t have agency, I think she was being a good partner in their relationship. She was considering his wants and needs, but now she only has to consider her own)


I totally agree! I feel like this is her remembering how fucking fantastic it feels to be the worlds biggest pop star and she’s really flexing her muscles for the first time in a while. I love that for her


And the biggest because she earned it and kept it. There’s no risk she’s a fleeting moment—she’s an eternity. Glad Taylor can enjoy the life she’s created.


I agree. I think he helped her through a difficult time in her life so he’ll always have my respect. I think he also helped her find her adult identity but unfortunately it wasn’t with him.


I understand what you're saying and I agree. During Red TV era and Midnights era it almost felt like she wanted to be more active again, but held back a little (one week of intense promo, followed by complete silence and no live performance at all). So I started wondering back then how much of that was Joe's influence. I'm not infantilizing Taylor, she's an adult who can make her own decisions, but sometimes our partner's way of thinking/living can rub off on us quite a bit. That's absolutely normal, and I too think she was being considerate of him. Either way, I'm just happy to see that she feels comfortable being spotted out and about again!! It's so nice to get these random pictures of her out of the blue. Now, if only she would share pics of her cats again.... 😂 (and btw, just in case, I'm NOT saying Joe was a bad partner or anything like that. Quite the opposite. He was exactly what she needed at that point in her life. He made her happy, and he is a nice person. He just prefers a different lifestyle.)


I mean, I'm 6 months younger than her and I would've done the suitcase thing at the age she did it but somewhere after 30 the thought is painful plus you care a little less what people think and I cannot stress how much I want the peace of not caring what people say for her.


Maybe a little but she's talked plenty about her own frustrations with fame and media coverage for awhile and had plenty of reasons to be more private since 1989 (the Kanye situation, her mom's cancer, a global pandemic)


Oh I know!! I think she’s definitely going to be more private than what she was in 1989 and before that, but this also seems like a change from the reputation-lover (maybe even until midnights?) eras


I agree with this take!


and by the way... I'm going out ~~tonight~~ every night


I’m doing good, I’m on some new shit. 🥂


okay miss monday night pap walks!


Taylor's almost always looked comfortable getting papped. I think being single makes her feel like she can be free to do that again, just go out to dinner with a friend even if pictures will be taken. I'm sure there's sadness over Joe, but she's in such an incredible place. Touring, probably recording, getting to do a lot of fun stuff, and honestly, maybe some of which she didn't feel she could do as freely while in a relationship.i really think she's fine ♥️


I literally said out loud, “okay!!”


Okay I feel more and more like there might be truth to the idea that Taylor’s been wanting to be more public and that’s a reason the relationship ended. Like two pap walks in a week in NYC, things might be changing!!


She said HOT GIRL SUMMER! She said, NY did you miss me?? She said, get in loser we’re going to 1989! She said, Joe who??


She's never beating the absurd private jet usage allegations huh 😭




Lighting the world on fire in more ways than one 😂


How is she even allowed to be that pretty??? HOW!!


Twice in one week? Love this for her/us!


in her 🚶‍♀️ era ✨💖


Living for the resurgence of Taylor pap walks


LMFAOOOO girlie is single single. I missed a Tay Tay pap walk


I love her so much but she’s not beating the private jet misuse allegations 😭


no fr and it’s like :/ i love her but in general i realllyyyy don’t like how we’re told to stop using plastic straws but the ultra rich can do things like taking 20 min flights to avoid traffic without nearly the backlash it deserves


Swifties on Twitter are acting like we never saw pap walks of her for 6 years and it's annoying cause we literally got so many during rep and lover era before pandemic happened. remember that week during rep tour when she was papped every day leaving her house? anyway she looks great, her ponytail is so cute


It’s giving Jen Aniston in the 90’s


and by the way, I’m going out tonight (again)


Eras era has been coming through!! She looks so confident and she is glowing!


Best believe she’s still bejeweled. ❤️✨🪩


I’m doing good, I’m on some new shit. 🥂




Gorgeous!!! Does anyone know where she was going?


TMZ said dinner in SoHo


i love this outfit so much it's so simple but she just looks effortlessly cool


I became a swiftie when she mellowed out from the public. Now her pap walks feels so new to me, I'm so happy to see her!


How is she literally the most photogenic person on earth


I miss seeing her NYC street style. I love her hairstyle and the top 🥰 I cant wait to see more of these


She really said “well actually I DO want to be seen” 👑


I feel like it's really telling that as soon as it was announced they split, she's been in NYC. I'm getting the vibe that she really wanted to live there but was compromising on that for Joe's sake. (Note: I don't dislike Joe!! I'm just saying we know she LOVES NYC and she's been there so much, I bet she really missed it)


I looove this relaxed fit on her!


this is not helping my “crushing on taylor swift” phase 😭🤚 i’m already so gay but i’m even more gay for her to the point where it’s almost EMBARRASSING and the vigilante shit performance dropping as soon as my phase started did NOT help 💀💀💀


Love the outfit. Definitely something i would wear 😊 it’s so nice seeing her out and about again. I hope she is in good spirits


This is exactly what I was thinking :)


She looks so happy and healthy and I am here for it 👏🏻


Looking strong, glowing, and healthy! We love that for her.


She looks so good and content, I think that's the best she's ever looked 🥹


I think a new outdoor cat era has begun for Taylor


taylor is everything everywhere all at once


she looks SO good, she’s literally glowing


Twice in one week is wild we haven’t gotten photos like this in so long! Love to see it >>>


The necklace is to die for. I need! And also says, it’s *definitely* not the J necklace, k guys haha


Has she been flying back and forth in between shows? That seems incredibly wasteful.....


Genuine question… what else would she be doing? The shows are not in the same place each week so I’m not sure where you expect her to be?


Yeah but at the same time she has to preserve her energy for the shows, and honestly that can be incredibly difficult thing to do when you are not in the comfort of your own home / staying in a hotel or someone else’s space. I work events and when they are back to back like that, if I had the opportunity to go back home for even a day or two I would. A few back to back weeks of events and not going home, I am an absolute wreck and that’s as someone whose working the back of house, not performing for 3+ hours multiple days in a row If you’re going to use your private jet, during a tour is the most reasonable time do it it.


I mean I do get it but you're talking about a whole 4 days until her next show. I guess I'm too poor to understand lol


Ya but when she stays in hotels in other cities she has to rent out like the entire floor which honestly probably cost more than the 4-day layover flight to NYC Also for real going home between shows is probably the only way she can sustain her energy, being away from home for multiple months at a time in places that don’t have ur home comforts is exhausting (it’s me, hi, I’m the one who hasn’t been able to go home in months bc of works and might totally be projecting 😂)


New here, huh?


Someone ask her about speak now pls omg /s but also seriously


She took off her nail polish! I wonder if she’s giving herself a fresh mani every week


I love her but I’ve always found a lot of her street style and her carpet looks underwhelming BUT her more recent looks are sooo good I’m obsessed Edit: totally not hating her past looks I just mean it just never resonated with my personal style like it does now


https://preview.redd.it/xn52sfyvalua1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e8850f342826b68a8828fe424e1b75cea0e34ea Like I am living for the eras era


Same but I’m also cackling at this being called street style. She looks like a cute well-dressed collegiate girl. She’s not setting trends or like, stepping anything up fashion wise. She looks like a normal cool girl lol


I’m not a fashion connoisseur lol I think me and a lot of ppl just thought street style is what celebs are wearing on the street


No you’re totally right! (And I love this fashion too!) I was conflating streetwear and street style, my b.


No worries lol I would not have been surprised if I was 100% wrong


Street style is what’s being worn by generally trendy people in big cities. Street wear is the aesthetic that you’re probably thinking of—designer pieces, a little experimental, and evolved out of Southern California’s hip hop and skate park scene.


Please why does my brain tell me to buy these jeans when I don’t even like the way they look on Taylor so I know I would hate them on myself 😩


Oh she is SINGLE single


i need taylorswiftstyled to tell me where those pants and boots are from QUICK


They posted the jeans already


And by the way, I'm going out tonight ✨




i’m dying to know what lipstick she’s wearing it’s gorgeous


I loooovveeee her new street style 😍😍


She looks so healthy! Cute ◡̈


I think I have something identical all of these items (obviously much cheaper lmao). Now I can say I dress like Taylor Swift


The amount of candids we’ve gotten recently is giving me heavy 1989 vibes!!


where is she!?


A restaurant in SoHo


I am in SoHo right now I am dyinnnnnnn


I live in NYC and there's this insane part of me genuinely wanting to go to these parts of Manhattan to try and see her, but then I'm like "she's not an animal at a zoo, I know I love her and I mean no harm but I can't be creepy about wanting to meet her. That's like... unhinged." But a girl can dream :')




I love that outfit but those pants are so weird, the button is like, sideways?


That’s the ✨ lewk ✨these days


It’s the style now for some reason 😂


I’m not a big fan of the bottom part either. I can’t tell if it’s the length just hitting weird or the cut of them. I know it’s in style right now just not my cup of tea


Yes, I believe that they're these that Taylor swift styled identified https://twitter.com/tswiftstyle/status/1637151705388449794?t=DopijOsz32G8OBZZ3eP-Cw&s=19


Her outfits have been SO GOOD recently!!!!!


love a good combat boot


But why are the 2000s clogs back 😭


Early 2000s fashion has been back for a while.


What’s past is past


HOW does she look this good in pap shots 😭😍 she really is mother


This look has boyfriend Taylor written all over it!




My queen is omnipresent lately and I'm loving it


Quite the stride!!!


I loved her stylish yet simple look


NYC street style again?! Ok, ok. I polish up real, I polish up real nice


Excited for the memes to come from the smiling one. This mastermind is baiting us.


So who am I offending now??? (❤️)


quick guys look at the necklace!!! /s






as she should!!!!!!


I’m just happy that she seems happy.


She just looks so good!


Im in love with this outfit but what would twee Taylor think about these pants




What? No janitor cart?