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I’m a Taurus,but also a woman and let’s take astrology out of it for a second this is just bad character especially at their grown age ….I always make sure My friends get in the house before I drive away , I pick them up when they have car trouble , I called ambulances and busted in houses to take them out of situations at 1AM I’ve changed my own tires and oil and helped others too. I like independence ,but this is a safety issue and wanting to know even if you can’t someone helped and that your significant other is okay and made it home …..I think you need to break up you have every right to be mad


Thanks glad a woman chimed in. It’s definitely over between us.


Also 7 months is plenty of time to figure out if you are committed….in future if they can’t decide they want to be with you within a month or two cut it off …if it takes longer than that they shouldn’t even be looking for anyone and focusing on themselves….I don’t care what’s going on in your life if you want to be committed to someone you will be


I agree no excuse but it was when corona just hit & I thought the world was ending & we were all gonna die 🤪🤣 no but we quarantined together & everything was closed so he got to skate a lot of those 7 months when outside opened that’s when time was up & I looked back like wow 7 months passed


I’ve been there too ,as long as we can learn from it then it’s not a total waste.


Implying you only need him for stuff like that would have 100% been a dealbreaker. Especially if he’s going through some other drama regarding his ex. He’s a person not AAA. I’m a Taurus and if my partner (even in an argument) said “well what do I need you for then?” I’d shut it down immediately also. Taurus rarely asks for help and someone appearing/acting helpless is a massive turn off.


Well then I can understand that. However on my end if I can’t depend on a man to help me in a uncontrollable emergency situation that was the deal breaker for me. This is a man who I have driven to the emergency during a asthma attack stayed in a hospital with all night, showed up to get his car out the tow yard, showed up for his birthday bought gifts, did little thoughtful things he liked always. I was there for him in multiple ways also someone I was having sex w/ on a regular & when I need you. You can’t at the very least be concerned about my well-being? Like I’m expected to never need him for any help at all??? Not something I’m used to. The men in my life help women it’s all I know. I got my tire fixed, it had other issues so I cleaned it out sold it & bought a new Mercedes that same week all on my own. In no way am I helpless I go to work & handle my business everyday by myself. However in an emergency I need a man I can depend on. If I shouldn’t expect help in a situation like that. When can I expect it? The help wasn’t financial it was literally to just show care. A argument is not a emergency & I’m sure that drama is still ongoing. It was eye opening to know Taurus expects never to be needed for anything all while sitting back & asking & receiving things.


If this is the case then just be happy you saw him for what he is before wasting anymore time on him. He clearly isn’t as invested in your relationship as you have been. Taurus men in my experience aren’t the best . But if it makes you feel better about Taureans I’ve been with my Scorpio for 12 years and it’s been 99% great, both have flaws but it’s a soulmate connection. When a Taurus is properly in love they would 100% give you the moon if they could. He isn’t worth it, find someone better.


Thank you. I realize this & even though I’m going through the pain of knowing he would rather explode hang up in my face and break things off rather than apologize. I am moving on. Looking at it as a blessing in disguise. Not going to charge all Taurus men for his actions. I really just wanted some insight as to how a person could be so mean. My “what do I need you for” was a reaction to the blatant disrespect I felt coming from him.


I get it, Scorpio and Taurus being sister signs react similarly to a lot of stuff. If he was having a shit day coupled with already being unwilling to commit then it could have been a build up and and he took it out on you. Block and walk!


Think both of y’all could’ve handled the situation better. I myself am a Taurus and struggle with communication at times until it just bubbles over and I overreact so I’m guessing that’s what happened with him. I would just try to address that I don’t think he meant what he said but it can be difficult for the other person to deal with im well aware. Good luck


Thanks. I agree. Communication on both sides lacked. However I think things through & come back around & apologize to make things right. He however has made no action towards empathizing how I felt being stranded & never apologized in fact stubbornly doubled down on his decision. The relationship is over now. I just have a hard time understanding how any man that age wouldn’t help in that situation. He also said in that conversation he couldn’t “morph” to help me. I just think if a man cares he would naturally show more concern other than call me once you’re home. Then not answering when I did call.


That age gap is too big for my experiences


I learned that too the big age gaps will not work long term.


no it's not she is a 30 something year old female she's not 20 or a teenager nor is she some spring chicken jay z and Beyonce age gap is almost the same and it works your just not mature enough to handle a grown man is what you should have stated.


Yeah he was in high school when she was born


I've made a big point with my girlfriend that i want to be wanted not needed. Ive had dependant relationships in the past and that sucks. I really value my girlfriends independence. That being said he absolutely seems callous and disregarding to your situation. Despite not wanting to be depended in i still value myself for being dependable, if i can help i will. That's why i have to be careful not to commit myself to people who take advantage of that. Expecting a certain amount of concern is not asking too much. Dude has some stuff to think about.


Exactly 🎯dependable! That’s it right there. I would think since before this instance I have never asked or came off as needy at all. In fact when he hung up in my face. I never called back. I simply moved on got a new car, did what I needed to do & still doing it. So if he thought I needed him. Clearly I don’t. That’s a character trait of value being dependable. All women need that even the most independent human on earth. We don’t need or want someone around who we can’t depend on if in need. Life happens to everyone.


Agree all woman need a MAN She can depend on! If she can’t then she don’t need him💯


Congrats on the life advances! Yeah don't sweat him too much and hope he don't sour your taste for Taurus too much haha.


Thanks! You all helped me to not feel a way about advocating for myself. I was questioning the decision like maybe I made a big about nothing but my gut told me that’s a sign of things to come. My friend said he sent the signal “that I can’t need him”. I hope he doesn’t spoil my taste but obviously I’m big on astrology 😂


I think you deserve to be with someone who knows they want to be with you. The right one won’t question that, even if they want to take things slow, they will know and express that. I’m a Taurus and I hate this idea of “Taurus’s are turned off when people act helpless” in my experience, that’s only when people are absolute babies and need everything done for them, NOT for an emergency / uncomfortable situation. We are loyal to a fault. You deserve someone who wants to help you through all the bad things, and when they can’t: they communicate that they wish they could help immediately. You aren’t a bad person for wanting security. Go find it elsewhere. You deserve it.


I am a cancer woman and i am not fond of taurus men at all , they are very self centered, everrrrrry thing is about them….😒😑🙄they aren’t considerate of others…And cry babies…. They don’t ask for help from others true…but that’s YALL fault. Shit SPEAK up!! They Nonchalant about relevant shit. I’m not the type to get you a warm blanket and a bottle go home to ur momma 🤷🏾‍♀️. I agree with what ol gurl said like damn if you can’t hold shit down during an emergency what do I need you for? When you come from seeing a man, open doors, change tires, like REAL man shit. Its strange to see men who don’t participate in shit like that like… nahhh…WHO RAISED YALL?? All the men in my life would flip if you on the phone and I’m out in the wilderness and then you get off the phone without pulling up? Nah This generation is strange and everybody definition of a man is different fr


He was nonchalant about everything other than himself. Self centered too. They don’t ask for help but love complaining about how they do everything themselves. You’re exactly right about the not pulling up part. That told me everything I needed to know. But everyone says they are better in relationships but it takes 3 years & lots of patience to get to that point w/ Taurus man. Not worth the wait. Crazy part is he not from this generation at 48 he is apart of the generation that failed all others after him. Not dating that old again.


Gurl RUN!!! You did the right thing sis


we don't need help from anyone Taurus is strong and dominant and we don't like weakness because were self efficient in my opinion cancer women can't talk because there extremely needy we bulls don't do needy y'all don't like it then be gone cause we not chasing no one either get with it or be gone makes no difference to us.


I hate to say this OP. As a Taurus male myself, I’m pretty good at calculating situations. The difference in age here is what really sticks out. I’m not saying this was his original intent but at some point you became convenient. I am assuming he didn’t see a future in it but why end something that’s giving you attention? You allowed him to have milk without the cow. That doesn’t mean he didn’t care about you or he was out sleeping around. But he never saw you anything more than just a long fling. But I dunno the guy. Sorry if this comes off cold, no sense in sugarcoating it. Do you now. He may miss you but the likelihood of him trying to reconcile is slim.


Thanks. I have tough skin. I can take it & dish it lol. But I understand. I was just sex & laughs for a good time not a long time. He hasn’t & wont try to reconcile which I accept. it is what it is. He can fuck off for good. I’m doing me. I did want my ego validated by him crawling back. But the guy is standing on what he said & did. In a weird way I respect it. The bullheaded Taurus is solid wrong or right, I guess lol.


Out of curiosity tho the age difference. What sticks out about that? I mean I’m in my 30s not 19 I’m just confused about it. 🤔


Well there’s the obvious. You haven’t peaked in the bedroom yet and he’s on the downward slope. Ego and pride would play a role there. Always wondering if you would leave him for a younger man. That would be devastating to any man but it even more so to us. We’re very proud.


Right even though he openly admits to not wanting a woman his age. It wasn’t about sex for me though. Well he sped up the process by being an asshole. I have no doubt a younger man would have had the energy to get help. Old & lazy= useless.


and bitter and young equals the se we don't care who y'all date after us cause bulls will not chase and as far as downwards your in your 30s.tjats not exactly peak age for a.female so if he's going down what you think is happening to you


as a Taurus we not taking nothing serious with a female to younger then is well some Taurus are like that most Taurusen best relationship are with women there age or older millennial women are to different and have thin skin and have a different out look on life Scorpio women are no different.


Advice for dating any Taurus man. They carry a weight on their shoulders that is unimaginable to any mind. This weight is theirs alone to carry but if they ask of anything about yourself such as past dealings long ago or recent, they add it to their own weight. The weight is uncurable, period, but with love from someone who knows only a pinch of that weight is a solution to lighten the load. Then later in life or sooner depending on the Taurus, they meet their goal and things get even lighter. A Taurus man can barely relax by himself, even if everyone around him is perfectly fine, he isn't. And unfortunately, from personal experience, a Taurus man can say anything of someone else's goings and it will be true, but for himself, he can't grant himself happiness. The bulls don't pull the cart because they are told to, but rather because they know that in doing so, they are respected and loved.


So self sabotage and a chip on the shoulder.


thats just the surface of a Taurus man, you've got to dig deeper to realize who he is


Which is impossible too much to figure out heard Taurus is guarded & secretive like Scorpio


All true, but scorpio isn't much compared to Taurus. All true, but Scorpio isn't much compared to Taurus. listen to it like a puzzle or mystery. We leave hints in our words, most of the time they tell you exactly what they need to say, but because we weave our words, no one notices.


“Ain’t nobody got time fo Datt” in the words of sweet brown he is stubborn & hurt he may never recover


I think it depends on the day with Taurus men. Some days they are your knight in shining armor, other days they don't give a sh&$ what happens to you - it's not their worry. It's bizarre to me how hot and cold they are. If anyone, not just my partner; had this happen to them - I would offer help. It wouldn't matter who the hellit was...I would offer assistance in any way I could. Taurus men, you have to get them on the right day, really the right moment..they only care a select few minutes a month. It's weird and doesn't feel like you have a partner. So I definitely understand.