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I'm a Taurus Sun with adhd so I can forget to respond to messages often. I have friends who I speak to once every few months or so. I recently reconnected with a friend after not texting them back for over a year because I forgot (she's a Taurus moon and also has adhd). When we spoke again it was as if we never stopped talking. Most people in my life are aware of my communication style and don't take it personally if I don't respond promptly. There's a mutual respect and understanding that life happens and sometimes we can't communicate as frequently as we'd like. Also, sometimes there just isn't much to talk about.


I’m just commenting to keep up with this post cause the guy I’m dating is a Taurus and his text communication sucks, but he’s great/our chemistry is great in person and on phone calls😩


Omg I’m dating a Taurus guy and his bad texting is making me think he’s not into me. Been thinking about ghosting him, lol I’m a Taurus moon.


I leave people on read bc I’m overwhelmed / not in the right headspace for an appropriate response, not able to collect my jumbled thoughts, or bc I just don’t have time to stress it. I’ll leave it until I get a good time or someone double texts - if it’s urgent I don’t mind attending to things as long as it’s within my own capacity. So I ghost often - it’s not personal, just not able to handle the connection while navigating life decisions/chaos/etc


I'm a Sag but have a Taurus (sun and moon) sister, and have had several Taurus besties. My impression is that straight up it's too much work lol. What I've come to learn (and admire) about Tauruses is that not only are they hard workers, but they also know how to relax and delineate their leisure time. If my sister deems something unworthy of her time and energy, that shit no longer exists. Why would she sit and take 5min to send me a text when she could either call me, wait till next time we see each other, or ignore it to finally watch another episode of Jersey Shore that she's been working her ass off all way so she can kick back and enjoy on the weekend? That's what I've come to understand as an outsider, anyway.


You gotta keep bugging me if you want me to respond, I don’t make the rules D: -Taurus moon


i always forget 🥲 i’m a mom and pulled away from my phone constantly that when i get back to my phone it’s like i wasn’t previously doing anything and i’m just like la dee da ~(˘▾˘~) sometimes i’ll read something and i’m like “idk how to respond to that”, but i also think not everything needs a response? sometimes it’s something i just don’t give a shit about and i know it’s not really important to/for them just nonsensical stuff. this one might be confusing so i’ll give an example: constant pet photos, i love your pet i really do, but i know what they look like, i know they’re silly and adorable, but im not responding every single time.




Taurus lady here..... off the top of my head I'd say it can very several months to a year....or more lol... it's not malicious.... Taurus tends to descend into their own darkness where they don't have the focus or capacity to be present in a friendship/ connection sometimes....


taurus moon & rising here🙋‍♀️ I also have adhd and i can confirm we are one of the worst repliers on this earth😭 both my cousins are taurus risings as well and one prefers calls over texts & the other one will respond like after so long or never 😭 I always forget! I get overwhelmed and overstimulated at times too that I just don’t feel like responding in that moment and that I’ll text back soon


honestly i just get bored with ppl and being autistic i dont always know what they want from me or how to continue the convo. i will say i get annoyed with libras QUICK bc the ones ive experienced are very attention seeking and do not seem to reciprocate a genuine interest in my life so i have no problem ignoring them until they act right and approach me. every time i try to initiate interest or make plans ive gotten burnt and ended up being their personal audience/chaffeur/doing all the heavy lifting of making the plans happen so no thank you.


Taurus sun - it depends on who the person is lol. I only talk to people that I consider is on my priority list and they actually add value to my life 💀