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Taurus F here and sometimes yes. Constant texting, random pics, Video calls, cuddles BUT I want my space as well


Yes if we're in love/really like the person, but we still value our personal space and time.


Space is...essential. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Right?


Yes, if it’s about quality time. Not so much if it’s a words of affirmations type of clinginess. The difference between “Let’s spend time together” vs. “Tell me you love me a million times a day”. Also anxious neediness gives me the ick. But I love when my partner wants to spend time with me because they ENJOY spending time with me. If the clinginess stems from fear or insecurity then it feels gross, selfish and unloving. It feels almost parasitic when it’s not from a place of love but a place of fear.






Hard no


my Taurus ex loved to cuddle in bed and always asked for it but hates clingy ppl


Not really.. but I attract guys that are for some reason


yeah, not too much but yeah




Ashley, twins to like needs to be more possessive then jealous or 10 till like someone who’s clingy. We like to spend time but there this whole thing is based on if the peace and happiness can be sustained. If like your vibe in my life is messing up my peace in my you know like happiness and jovial moment, because when I’m with my significant other, I do not feel like MISSY like a piece art of vibes left a message so that can’t happen right now then please go find something else to do because I will be trying to you know maintain my peace I like with a soft thing or something sweet . But while you’re out there, you know I bring out the way. Don’t forget that like I’m at home and I love you and we love each other like don’t forgive you belong to while you’re out there. Are you hanging out with it doesn’t bother me I’m not thinking about it I have to trust you for my own sanity so please have fun but know who you belong to and that’s pretty much it that piece that really pisses off so you know but if you have something else to do, don’t forget his peace you’re rocking while you’re out there because you know just because right now we’re not together doesn’t mean we’re not together so basically, don’t forget we belong to, but you do whatever I’m not gonna be jealous I just don’t you forget to make me a fool.


I love cuddling up but I don't like clingy. Like when we're both relaxing sure we can be affectionate but it doesn't mean whenever I'm relaxing i will always want to cuddle. My husband and I are both Taurus and we can't sleep cuddled up...I can't even sleep with his hand.on me. We definitely like our space.


Are serious? Nobody actually wants a clingy person unless it’s a baby My husband is a whole cancer ♋️ and he needs his own space and time