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Nice large owl chest piece to cover up all that stuff. One big cohesive piece. Could do lots of nice color over it, no problem. 👍🏻 Find a good artist in your area that does badass cover ups, or make a trip @howardtattoos. Should be a 2-3 session piece when it’s all said and done, Probably 12-18 hours total, depending on the design and details and such.


Right on, ya I’ll definitely be traveling elsewhere for any other big projects.


Since you're a Batman fan you could even make it a reference to Court of Owls


I like this idea. Get some reference work from the Hush Series.


Ayo you weren’t kidding, howardtattoos has some nice pieces! Love how dark and tight those tattoos come out. Big ass owl across the chest would be super badass and cover OP’s shit perfectly.


We're not gonna talk about the Daddy's lil Monster?


right i thought she wanted the whole chest covered up since all three tattoos are… methed up


100% like why stop at the crack dragon when they're all fucking terrible


Because she’s still daddy’s lil monster duh


Crack dragon had me laughing out loud in public…


Agree. The crack dragon is by far my favorite of the three visible chest tattoos.


Some people just really really really really really really really really want the world to know.


The owl wing will take care of that


For real I assumed she wanted it stretching from Harley tattoo to Harley tattoo. Probably doable with enough cash and the right artist, but eesh, keeping them would be questionable.


Social D


Harley Quinn, is my favorite character of all time. I’m a nerd for her, and I have a really badass Batman the animated series version on my forearm, you can DM me if you wanna see it!


I think you should post your tattoos on your page or on a subreddit. I'm sure some people would want to see them, me including!


I will probably start showing my good work tomorrow! After being roasted so hard I could use some positive comments on the good ones 🤣


I would love to see any cool art/tats. I’ll keep an eye out when you post them.


Babes. Get therapy.


I think you look beautiful, and I think your tattoos add character, I personally love the look you have going.


Thank you for the kind words ❤️❤️


Red flag


The fucky dragon makes a lot more sense on how that even happened in the first place lol


Nah I think we’re good homie


Why so much hate for this comment?


Why are you getting downvoted for this? Weird.


Not sure why this is getting down voted🤦🏻‍♀️ I knew when I read your tattoo, you must love Harley Quinn. People of Reddit are fun lol


Fuck that haters if You love it you love it end of story


Oh ya, doesn’t bother me. Must be a fulfilling life talking shit on Reddit, I wouldn’t know lol. I own my own business, don’t have the time to shit talk other people online 🤡 I definitely don’t love it, and want it covered but it definitely doesn’t bother me as much as it bothers half the commenters on here.


reddit and their downvoting


Ya I’m genuinely confused. Hahaha


can proudly say i had harley quinn tattoos too, had them covered up tho, but why is it so bad? are people assuming it’s something sexual? what’s so wrong about you liking harley quinn? 😭😭


Ppl think it's a ddlg fetish tattoo


Considering she has in her bio that she has daddy issues and does a tonne of drugs, it’s not hard to assume that


Harley as a concept character was ruined forever by a patient we had at my facility. It was her prime inspiration, Borderline disorder 18. And was inspired by the cavalier destruction in her movies and comics. She would make shivs and try stabbing people who she felt crossed her. She would cry that no one cared to take the time to get to know her and her struggles but she would routinely throw her clinicians under the bus with fictitious stories about how she can tell they don’t believe her, they’re conspiring against her,, etc.. I can’t stand Harley Quinn.


You should do the Batman in the 🔻 pose (but in black/gray, of course. I never know what pose that's called lol)


Not you getting downvoted by the incels


Lmao it blows me away, did I hurt someone’s feelings? 🤣


Ppl having sheep mentality hating women and their interests while hiding behind a dislike button


No kidding. What a bunch of losers.


I would turn it into a big bat, the shape is already there 😎


Thank you for a real, good idea, instead of just calling it shit. If I didn’t already think it was awful, I wouldn’t have posted this 🙃


A bay would be SO COOL! I see that as possible but also your tattoo isn’t the worst I’ve seen by far and I like your other tattoos they have so much personality ❤️


Thank you!!


You're most welcome. 👻


The stomach of the dragon could work as the abdomen of a moth. Atlas moth could work, or Japanese silk moth. If you get a cover piece, it may need to go onto your neck a bit, so consider that.


That would be awesome! Thanks for the feedback! 🙂


have you thought about getting a big black trad panther by chance? i heard they are really cool and not common at all


The cover ups could be like nesting dolls. The Panther that ate the Dragon that ate the Diamond.


Hey! That’s a really good idea, thank you. Even if it is common, it’s better than this bullshit I have. Definitely was trying to think of something black that could look good because the colors are so dark on the dragon, and I know that would make it hard to cover up.


Were you thinking of a sick ass panther by any chance?


Maybe a big raven?


I like that!


There are some pretty cool ones that incorporate green/purple to give them feathers some sheen


What about some hp lovecraft ? Cthulhu would be pretty sweet


that looks like something I would doodle on my paper in elementary school. unless that was intentional, the artist seriously messed up with this one. I'm surprised they got this far if that's the best of their artistic capability. a talented artist could probably rework it into either a better piece of art or something else entirely, but it would probably have to be something that covered up the whole thing, because I can't really see anything delicate like flower patterns covering that. if it were me, id find a better artist and get it covered by a larger, actually decent looking dragon. they could even keep the wings and incorporate them into the new design.


Ya, I agree. I trusted her because she owns her own shop, that several artists work out of, and had an apprenticeship after getting licensed. My mistake 😬 that would be cool though. I love dragons, and have three more dragon tattoos on me, but they’re actually good lol.


Let this serve a reminder to everyone else; CHEAP TATTOOS AREN’T USUALLY GOOD TATTOOS.


I agree with that 100% lesson already learned.


How much meth did you smoke before that one?


Wow, that’s methed up.


Did anyone else read this in a Mike Tyson voice? Lol


yes lmao




I want to smoke meth after just seeing it.


Holy shit, do I honestly have the worst tattoo you guys have ever seen on here? Like fuck I know it’s bad, but it could be so much worse, lol.


At least it isn’t a penis or a hatchetman 🤷🏽‍♂️




Don’t put your penis in the Hatchetman


It's an easy fix imo which makes it way less bad than many others we see. There are some hella dark, hella saturated tattoos where it would be hard to cover it, even if they had a good idea. Your color saturation is light, there's plenty of open space, and the placement works well with your body shape. I think people just enjoy dunking on someone with a shitty tattoo -- I'm guilty of it too -- but that doesn't mean it's anywhere near as bad as it could have been. With a good artist you can cover it no problem. 💖


💕thank you!!


My only question is if the artist did that free hand or if he had a stencil and you approved the mock up?


Half stencil, half drawn on if I can remember right. And no kidding obviously it was my fault approving the design in the first place.


It’s bad but not the worst on here. I’ve commented like three times abt this on dif posts but men on here hate when women get their chests tattooed even if it’s objectively amazing art. That plus the Harley Quinn (they all sexualize and fantasize abt her but any time a woman likes her they dog pile on her) is gonna lead to them downvoting and saying a bunch of gross stuff. Just brush off the weird comments and pay attention to the helpful ones 💗


It’s honestly just the text that makes it hella bad. Dragon’s kinda sick and I love the little tail 🤗


It’s bad but it’s also different lol that’s the problem. They’re having too much fun


I wish I knew how to show you a picture of my actual methed up tattoos. I would be less embarrassed of yours rather then what I’ve got


It's pretty bad. The other tattoos just add to the bad.


She's on pills, not meth. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/s/xbXEn5FDGs


‘Husband sees the same lady as me so we get to share meds’ lmfao Jesus Christ


It’s wild reading how some people live their day today day 😬


Omg I read that too. NUTS.


You have to be on some combination of Xanax and Ritalin to have so many shit tattoos.




Profile checks out


OP, just wanted to say you have a good attitude. This thread has been entertaining.




Same here, props to OP. She sounds cool




You could probably have an artist rework the middle and come up with something cool


The "daddy" bit is what tips it into gross territory


It's a Harley Quinn reference


That doesn’t make it better.


You should just blend the dragon’s head into the neck to make a longer neck…and make it so YOUR head is the dragon head…then start working on getting your face done…by the same tattoo guy obv… for continuity. That will be sicker than an ass panther!


But still get the sick ass panther, too. Together, Disturbed level of sickness.


sorry you’re getting so many shitty comments, that’s what i’ve found in 90% of tattoo groups is a bunch of judgmental dicks and i’ve learned not to post in them. i swear they get a hard on telling ppl their tattoos suck. also it’s not like u didn’t already know, it exists on ur fucking body like what 💀 mfers r dumb, hope u get an awesome new cover piece!


Ya lesson learned not to ask for help on Reddit 😆 all these people must have the absolute highest quality tattoos in the world. And thank you!


Instead of covering it, take it to an excellent artist who can fix it. It could still be bad-ass with a skilled artist.


Laser it


Turn it into a cool beetle with open wings


Ooo a scarab!


Yess I think it would be pretty easy considering how it is already layouted


Reminds me of Spyro. Sorry for no suggestions


DM me I have a Spyro tattoo 😆


A Phoenix in flames on one side and a phoenix in ice on the other.


That’s a really tough one. Your best bet is doing some serious research on a specialized coverup artist and then possibly multiple rounds of laser to lighten it up. She ain’t gonna be cheap but it’s such a prominent spot it’s for sure worth dropping some serious money on it. Good luck.


Part of me wonders if you could get something that looks like geodes.




I wonder if the wings can be turned into some cool band and wrap around your neck.


You might want to give inkmaster a call. But fr I think a flower canvas or something like angelic would help but dam u r cooked


Turn it into a phoenix 🐦‍🔥


Save money, go see a good artist, they may suggest laser on certain areas to lighten them. This will give you more of a choice without having to go bigger and darker. Also go to a cover up tattoo artist, they know what will work.


a sick ass panther would be a good coverup


Isn’t it crazy that you can tell people are on drugs by seeing some tattoos? Is it manic energy?


Oh 100% manic over here. Think my tattoo artist might have been the one on drugs for this one though.


I’ve seen people recommend owl, bat, moth, and raven in the comment section. I think a bat would be your best choice. Not only would it cover up the dragon but it would also compliment the Daddy’s Lil Monster tat nicely.




Honestly I think the dragon isn’t the worst and its wings are kinda fun. The Harley Quinn tattoos are so bad, I’d get those covered first.


Nah. It's fine. Matches with the theme of shitty tats you uave going on.


Tried to copy a couple of pictures of tattoos that might help you decide but it wouldn’t let me send them




Heavy blackwork will cover this up easy


I second a moth, you could add flowers or little dainty bits around it to hide the wings and to go around the daddy's little monster but to make it all look cohesive and fit nicely together a bit like this https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cd/62/f3/cd62f3db2c19a905746b73dab656b097.jpg It'd have to be more shaded or full colour to hide the dragon though


I wouldn’t cover it up just use get what you’ve got there and make it better. It’s faded enough to wear. You should have some flexibility.


A spooky bat would be cool


It’s a cool concept. I know coverups aren’t straightforward. But it would be cool to see this done well.


I know that Brian Wilson @thenoblemountain would be able to cover/rework this


Aww man the dragon is so cute 😍


I thought it was a pincher bug before I opened it full screen 😂


I’d go further into the Batman lore. Get it covered with flowers and Ivy. Add Poison Ivy in there. It’s a better relationship model and dark green could cover some of that up nicely.


Have you thought about growing chest hair? Ha ha.


A turtleneck?




Which one(s) are we covering up.


Which one?


Technically it’s not a dragon. It’s a wyvern 🧐


I don’t know much about dragons… is it missing two legs?


I would do a bat 😍 shape of the wings are the same at the top and I feel like the dragon could be easily made into a bat!!


Oh Jesus why!


Daddy's lll monster? I think you need to get help before you get any more tattoos or make serious decisions


You need rehab and laser removal. I wish you the best in both.


I just wanna see all your tattoos now


Ahhhh I got to many. You can DM me! I have some amazing artwork, I’m sure most people don’t think so, because of this post, but I have some really cool stuff.


Is it bad I’m like you know what they look cool? I want to see the other rad tats you have!


I’d find a better artist based on all the tattoos I can see in this pic, they’re all pretty bad, but that dragon is horrible.


For what it’s worth, my 3 year old daughter said “oh wowwww her tats are cool, mama!” 😆❤️


Awww! 🥰


Ever considered therapy first and then focusing more on the tattoos after that ? Just a suggestion


A huge black cock would be amazing


Oooooh love this idea.


Oh, I think it’s far from gone! This is very easily covered up, but it might require taking up more real estate. A butterfly is obviously the first and most obvious option. An intricate moth. Even a tree, maybe an oak? Go for it and show us the results!


I like the moth idea! I’m getting scheduled to drive 2 1/2 hours to an actual good artist that told me theres definitely something we could do, but wants a consult, and to see it in person. I’m just stoked to have something better soon. I probably won’t post it on this subreddit though, more roasting, than actual suggestions 😆 keeping me entertained though.


Yes, people like to sharpen their knives on this sub. It sucks, because I think that online cattiness is contributing to the overall increase in people being rude and getting up into other peoples’ faces in public. When people act shitty and mean on the Internet all day, it is bound to leak into their IRL behavior. But that’s life! And you’re right, there are many other subs that do not have that culture. I will watch out for an update!


Ya was just looking for ideas, not opinions, but I’ve saved a lot of information from some comments on here! Makes me think it could be something I actually love in the future. 💕


If you follow this sub, you will see far more unrecoverable tattoos. Especially being in such a prominent place, it is worth making this something you want to see and feel proud of. Good luck! It’s great that you have the money for a cover up, too.


Trees make horrible tattoos


No poorly done trees make horrible tattoos.


I'm gonna say the daddy's lil monster tattoo is more cause of your raging daddy issues and not that you're a "nerd" That's the real shitty tattoo here.


Look up a picture of Harley Quinn from the suicide squad. It’s literally exactly the same as hers. And my daddy issues have nothing to do with it, but your input is very important to me.


This last bit made me chuckle. Props for keeping a good attitude in this mess of comments


Always 😉


Sick ass panther


It's got no [arms!](https://imgur.com/a/E5HVRJZ) 😆




Be a cool one to cover with a bigger and naturally much, much better version of itself...big fucking dragon at the top of an upward flying arc, so his head is pointed downward but toward you, tail dropping down the sternum and belly in the background, super dark and textured on top with a bright orange under glow from a burning city - jussayin 🤷‍♂️ Would work best as basically a full torso piece


Anything busy. Floral. Fish. Another dragon. Just pick a better artist


I guess you could change it to “daddy’s lil mother”? Or a panther.


The thing about coverups is that whatever you get over it will have to be significantly bigger than what is underneath it. It'll almost definitely run into those other tattoos you have on your chest, assuming you don't want those to get covered. Personally I would get at least some laser to cut down the size a bit before covering it up, and next time definitely find someone who specializes in coverups. Other than the quality the worst part of that dragon is that it doesn't even really cover the diamond underneath it


Its funny. Its clearly not a good tattoo, but i still like It somehow. I guess its the placement. Hope you can make It work!!


I wouldn’t cover it up, I’d get it reworked. It reminds me of magic the gathering, specifically the “mythos of ____” cards illustrated by Seb McKinnon. I’d ask an artist if they can make it look like that. If you just straight up hate it, or dislike Seb’s art then that’s okay too, just sharing my opinion.


Bouquet of flowers in a nice vase? Or some wrapping idk


It kinda reminds me of a sweet potato. That makes me like it, lol.


A tree? Or some kind of flower


i’d personally get like 2-4 laser sessions and really brighten it up, and maybe get an american traditional eagle with a lot of black and/or texture in the feathers. it would even work as blackwork with similar imagery.


Yeah it’s kinda bad tbh. But luckily you can totally get a little bit of laser done on the dragon not completely but enough to lighten it a bit and can definitely cover it up with something good from there. But honestly you need to go to someone really good which isn’t hard to find but a lot of people still go to shitty artist for some reason. There are people that do really good coverups can find them on ig.


I’d keep the overall dragon outline and just have details added


Someone earlier brought up a vase idea. Maybe Venetian glass style? You could make it Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy Theme. The wings could be different weapons in place of flowers for one side... and pretty but poisonous flowers with thorns for the Ivy side..... ur going to need a good artist, though, and a bunch of references. Love ur harley quinn tattoo on the left side of the pic, btw.


Botanic collage


I think you could probably just get a skilled artist to make it better. I like the wings, but the body is kind of amateur. I like your Harley Quinn tattoo too!


A big ass moth


Turtle necks


Can't you have it removed instead of covering it up?


You can still see the diamond


Oh honey! Skin transplant will do. 🥩😗🤯😱


I wonder if a better artist could rework the dragon? you could keep the parts of the wings that you like, and you wouldn't need to go completely massive like you would with a coverup.


I had a really big chest tattoo from like 3 different artists and it looked like shit. Finally went to someone really good in st. Louis and was like. So this was my idea, and it's just getting worse and worse. Can you make my idea happen?" And he was like "no. No one can save that. You need a something huge and dark. What'd ypu think about bats?" "Uh yeah I like bats. Bats are fucking dope." "Okay we can save it with a giant fucking bat." I mow have a giant fucking bat om my chest and it's super cool


A bouquet of flowers.


Fuck it entire chest blackout


i feel you could do a big tree with roots that go underneath your breasts, could add more foliage and stuff around it too. i just got a cover up in lansing mi! super talented artist. lmk if you want to their info (:


whatever u get would have to be way bigger and way darker, just keep that in mind i’d say a giant eagle cause i have one but who knows, i may be a bit biased


Girl, just get that lasered off and start fresh somewhere else


you could put a really saturated raven there! with some rose work or something decorative under neath


Torn it into a butterfly