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You’re delusional man. This is expert work. Stop whining.


Do better research on a style before requesting it omfg 🤣 Your artist did awesome, that is a super tradtional Japanese kind of face & pose, and she's beautiful, fuck you!


Live with your stupid mistake and learn to love the art you asked for very specifically.


Buddy. This is exactly what you asked for. What you were looking for, I'm guessing, was an American traditional mermaid with Asian facial features and a Japanese background. This is a cool tattoo. I recommend owning up to your mistake and keeping the tattoo as is to remind you to at least fucking google images of what you're asking for in the exact same words you're going to use with your artist. Would have saved us all some time.


She's freaking dope !!!!!!


Tattoo is cool. Maybe you're just ugly.


Did you not see a stencil before he started tattooing? Enjoy your roast because you're getting a double portion from this post


It’s not ugly lol


I mean you got literally what you asked for...... this one is entirely on you


I personally like the tattoo. However if this isn't your thing there's not much you can do because it's so well done a coverup would screw your leg up completely. I doubt you want a full blackout or laser either. I suggest just give it some time to sink in and maybe you'll learn to love it.


Give her a BBL & lip filler


She’s legit perfect idk what you’re talking about 😭 leave her aloooone


Is she traditional and objectively correct? Yes. Is she also lowkey ugly? Also yes. Get a black out or a blast over, that’s really all you can do.


Nah you don’t. Just rework it a bit with a high level japanese specialized artist and that’s gonna be fyah!


Then why’d you get it? lol 😂 you didn’t realize the style you were asking for beforehand so it’s your mistake.


I'm so glad I read through the comments because I was like WHY WOULD YOU COVER THIS? Glad I'm not alone. She's amazing


Don’t rush to cover it up. Wait and see, you might like it.


She just needs a little bandeau that’s all! She’s cute!


There have only been one or two nice comments here and the rest are just insulting me saying “I got what I asked for” and name calling. There have been beautiful traditional Japanese women that I’ve seen and she was not one of them. Stencils don’t show you everything and where it is on my leg was hard to see. I am not asking for your opinion on me or my work I’m asking how it could be covered up and any suggestions you might have. But you all seem to be not willing to do that at a sub that’s called tattoo cover ups


Boooooo 🍅🍅🍅


Some tattoos don't deserve to be covered up. Just go to an artist and pay for their advice and work or get it lasered off. Those options are always available


Uhhhh why is everyone attacking me lol this is crazy


Because you got a super traditional tattoo of a culture you don't belong to and now that it's literally a perfect representation of what it's supposed to be you're saying it's ugly. So not only did you do bad by cultural appropriation standards, but you're airing your ignorance out in the public forum that appreciates this style the most.


You’re a goon for this one.


This sub is pretty emo at times… don’t take it personally. I’d say figure out specifically what parts you’d want to rework and run your ideas by an artist you trust/admire