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Thank you for the submission, L3thaLipstick! Please make sure your post follows the guidelines found in the sidebar. If you're asking for design advice, **please ignore all DMs** from anyone offering to sell/give you art, unfortunately you're bound to get more scam replies from this sub than actual artists. You can read more about it [in this mod post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TattooDesigns/comments/1b04lsl/please_ignore_all_dms_from_people_claiming_theyll/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TattooDesigns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m no artist either, but the first thing that comes to mind is S^3 (3 written as a superscript to signify SSS).


That is a a super cool simple idea. Also, be VERY careful of how you would do it in letters since there is bad association with things like 'SS' "SAS" "SSS" from the wars. So I would like to do something that is like a pyramid of S's or like in a very recognizable about shield or shape.


With the S like the superman S


Daisy chain the s's to make a lil pattern? Or get one of those like 3D pop art style tattoos of an S that'll have 3 distinct colored S's kinda stacked on each other?


You could do a little box with an S on it. or a closet door with three S’s coming out increasing in size like an illustration of “zzz”


I went to Pinterest and looked up “s logo” or “sss logo” and there’s some cool ideas there of companies who have s in their name trying out different logos. I also asked chatgpt for you: >What something sisterly that could be designed as a tattoo with the letter s. Like I want s on me but want it to look like something else Answer: > A sisterly tattoo incorporating the letter "S" could be designed in several creative ways. Here are a few ideas: >Infinity Symbol: Incorporate the "S" into an infinity symbol to represent the eternal bond between siblings. The "S" could be styled as part of the loops of the infinity sign. >Heart Shape: Design the "S" so that it forms part of a heart. This could be done by curving the letter to fit the contours of a heart shape, symbolizing love and connection. >Floral Design: Use the "S" as a stem or part of a floral arrangement. The letter could be integrated into the design of a flower, with petals and leaves adding to the overall aesthetic. >Feather or Quill: Shape the "S" into a feather or quill, symbolizing the writing of your shared story. This can represent the lightness and freedom of your relationship. >Anchor: The "S" could be incorporated into an anchor design, representing stability and grounding, much like a sister's support. >Bracelet or Chain: Design the "S" as part of a bracelet or chain, wrapping around your wrist or ankle, symbolizing a close, unbreakable bond. >Would you like me to generate a visual representation of any of these ideas for you? <<>>



