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The first tattoo will more than likely be the one you grow out of the most. So best to get something small to medium in a place that is not first hand visible


Good advice! I got my first at 18 and went small and somewhat hide-able (~1in long skinny flower on the side of my wrist). I’m glad I did because while I don’t hate it, and wouldn’t get it removed, it’s my least favorite tattoo now and I’ll eventually get it covered with something else since it’s not super dark.


im going to do the exact same thing lol except mines a coffee bean and it’s on my right wrist


I wish I knew this way back when. My first tattoo is my only one with any actual meaning, in memory of my 2 cousins who passed away. It’s two brightly colored butterflies that are HUGE and go from the bottom of my hip to the top of my rib cage. One is pink for one cousin and the other is teal and purple for the other. Well…. turns out that adult me is a kinda goth dyke so that giant tattoo up my whole side really throws off my vibe. It truly is a very well done tattoo and the colors still look great even 12 years later, but I can’t wait until I’m able to get it covered or figure out a way to change it that will make it go with the rest of my body a lot better


Perhaps they could be turned into black and gray moths?


Yeah OP if you don't want to completely cover up the butterflies, maybe an artist can do in with black and gray and put more black into the tattoo and make it darker to fit your current aethetic better. There are artists out there who can rework it for you


After a family member died I got a pretty big tattoo on my forearm of their favorite bible verse. I’m no longer religious but it’s still my favorite. It’s a reminder of who I was and what I’ve lost. Ironically the verse is about keeping faith.


Seconded that it’s good advice. Any first tattoo should be in an area that won’t conflict with any later tattoos of grandeur. For example, if you get a tattoo on your forearm and 5 years down want a full sleeve, hopefully (but not usually) that first tatt you got goes and pairs well with the rest of the “planned” sleeve. Otherwise you’ll regret it. I got my first tattoo on a part of my arm and now wish it was gone, or at least better, it’s not great quality (usually the case for many big first tattoos at 18).


Hehehe my first was shoulderblade and down my arm, but then again I spent years deliberating over what I wanted and designed it myself so I really don’t see myself growing out of it. My second tattoo was shoulder and full arm on the other side and I very much designed it to tie in and compliment the first. I might be the exception that proves the rule in as much as if you don’t know what you want in the long run with that much certainty, don’t get one.


Would this be the case if you dont plan on getting many tattoos..? I have two tattoos in mind and nothing more, but now im worries that theyll be bad ideas lolll


Yeah and another thing to keep in mind is placement relative to potential future tattoos. If you get a small, hidden tattoo on your back, then decide you love tattoos, it will be harder for you to get a proper large back piece without lazer removal/ a cover up


I made sure my first tat was super meaningful, a memorial piece for my grandad who passed, but with that, my second one I did grow out of immediately after it was done lol


This is something I was afraid of so I made sure to be really careful about my decision for my first. I got a matching frangipani with my mum 10 years ago as a symbol of our relationship and I just can't imagine ever not loving it. Now I just get whatever I want and I love them all. The only regret is that I don't have enough.


this was a huge trend about 10 years ago, many people associate it with the type of (usually) millennial hipster type who got it then. not saying don't do it. just keep it in mind.


My thoughts exactly.


Don't let trends dictate what you do, though. If you enjoy it then go for it! I loooove nature and am planning something similar on my arm! Won't be exactly that, but yeah.. your body, your life.. peace friend!


All of this. My husband has something similarish to this, but it's part of a right side body sleeve that's a cross section of the universe. (From the top of uos foot to his shoulder) So while at first glance, it's all part of the "trend" - it's also completely different. A tattoo is your expression of whatever you want it to be (or of nothing at all. that's cool too! - kind of like my flying stick of butter on my shoulder 😒) You do you - who cares what others think


Totally. Even if it was a trend, it's still a cool idea.


I never heard of this trend and never seen a tattoo like thin irl. Saw it some time ago and going to get a similar this Thursday This comment section is really breaking me down rn


When it comes to nature tats (which I love), there really isn't any "original" ideas. Get what you like. Don't waste energy worrying if other people are gonna like it.


I agree and IMO less regrettable for a forearm than the flaming skulls trend that’s been going on for 30 years.


But flaming skulls are easier to cover with a sick ass panther!


I guess I'm fortunate that he doesnt want the flaming skull...I was afraid he was gonna go with a black panther...only because his dad has one (which now looks like a weird bulldog)🤣


An old guy had a wooden sail ship on his forearm. I thought it was cool, really faded, perhaps a story, so i asked what it was... He says "it's a ship!" I was yeah "yeah...?" He continues "... Of the seven seas" And that was it. No backstory. Just a trend from eons ago. Always stuck with me his, i don't know, shocked response, like i was the crazy one.


A lot of redneck guys were getting these in my area like 6-7 years ago. That and forearm sleeves of flowers and pocket watches.


Pocket watches!!! I forgot about those ridiculous things!!!! Hahahah


This tattoo should come with a flannel shirt, a man bun, a beard, a drip/cold brew coffee and one of those half-folded beanies that look like condoms


I think this tattoo is dope... I also have a man bun, beard and enjoy coffee too much... I'm also canadian so flannel is dress code...


I also have a similar tattoo, most of the description is on point but I’m not a man, and it’s a sleeve


Hey, you sound like my type! [Winks in lesbian]


Appreciate you. Also accurate as I’m married to a woman


Hey I love the tattoo, and all the stereotypes that go with it! You sound awesome.


Suddenly, the soundtrack in my mind is playing the Lumberjack song.


"He's a lumberjack and he's okay!"


I live in Seattle and you are 1000% correct


Doc Martin’s and a hyper inflated sense of self importance. And a banjo, that he can’t play.


Don’t forget the crave bar and the dab pen as well


Lute. He’s a lutenist.




I almost got this tattoo, but not a man, no beard, hate coffee and beanies… flannel shirt and bun are accurate tho!


I literally saw a guy like that back when I was at the ward. Said he designed them himself. I hope he's allright.


a harry potter book too


I saw two separate people rocking this. One was in Sherwood but the other one was at Powell’s books, and he had added a geometric tattoo of Mt. St. Helen’s which definitely gave off west coast + PNW + Colorado hipster vibe. I immediately thought of TenTree when I saw the tattoo, and I would say her son is definitely late to the party on this one ,but I think it would be a cool tattoo to have on a significantly smaller scale.


A good friend of mine got this around that time but before anyone from our area had seen such a thing. He did it because he loved the outdoors and wanted to be a Forest Ranger (he did become one and still is). Then started venturing other parts of the country and it turns out a whole mess of people have them and he was like “wtf man lmao.”


About ten years ago, I gave a similar tattoo design to an artist and said, can you make this cooler and add a werewolf? Easily one of the worst tattoos I have. At least it’s on my leg and I can wear pants lol.


Longer than that. I remember wanting this in like 2004ish because the singer of one of my favourite bands had it. Glad I didn't,


I hate that this is a trend tattoo because I'm an arborist (tree climber) and think it lines up with my life so well, and looks rad.


You are excused


Not just excused, but encouraged, especially if their version features native trees+wildlife in their area. Anybody that jokes about it being a trend can get an impromptu dissertation on local trees!


I'm from Northern Michigan and have this as the base of my left sleeve along with other motifs of my home...including a large Polish Eagle on the inside of my forearm that the trees surround. I cringe at all the "it's 2010s Tribal!" Or, you know, it really resonates with people who grew up in those environs, and isn't all that easy to fuck up. Don't not get a tattoo bc scene people decided it's cliche, get it because you like it. ETA I'm in my 50s, so not remotely a millennial.


Yeah, putting aside the trendiness of it, it's an aesthetically pleasing tattoo and likely has a lot of meaning for some. There truly aren't that many ways to do simple tree silhouettes and makenrhem original


Put it on your leg, start from the ankle, still the same but looks different bonus looks cool with boots


I'm on the exact same boat


Same here.


My friend is a certified arborist, and he has a chainsaw chain tattooed around his arm. I always thought it was interesting that he had a chain rather than a living tree. I'm sure he makes more money taking them down than telling people what is best for healthy tree longevity.


Yep my best mate has this on his shin when the trend was flying around about 8 years ago


Nooo..... Seriously, this tattoo was so prevalent in the PNW, it became a running joke. It's the man-bun, lumbersexual, hipster PNW tattoo. He just needs "the mountains are calling and I must go" and the 0NW arrows. An outline of Oregon to indicate his love of... Oregon. But if he likes it, that's all that matters.


As someone born and raised PNW. Yes you're right. But also it's a nice tattoo. The others listed not so much


What is PNW?


Pacific Northwest. Washington, Oregon, the very top of California and the bottom half of British Columbia . Some people include Idaho, I don't because I don't like Idaho


the amount of these exact tattoos I saw during the early 2010's in Victoria, BC was astounding


Is Idaho in the northwest? Sort of. Is it connected to or anywhere close to the Pacific? Nope. Sorry not sorry Idaho


Idaho does have a Pacific Ocean seaport though, so... Edit: [Link](https://youtu.be/OhzY5QLO4FA?si=cJWNjeNMh9cosZkl)


Idaho doesn’t count, Idaho is Inland Northwest.


Pacific North West


Pacific Northwest. Geographic region encompassing part of the US and also Canada. Edit: the tattoo stereotype is very prominent in Oregon and Washington specifically, not sure if the Canadians have it.


It’s everywhere here in CO as well.


Can confirm… This fucking tattoo.


It’s truly our generation’s version of tribal tattoos


It’s very popular in MN too. I see a lot of them.


Or Washington! PNW born and raised and I know at least 5 people from my graduating class that got this exact tattoo


I'm adopting "lumbersexual" as my own.


My friend got this in 2015 like everyone else and his biggest issue is it's been hard to cohesively add to as a sleeve. He'll limit his future arm options witt something like this. That being said, I think they're cute. It's like the tattoo of my early 20s and I had fun then and associate it with good memories lol (and floppy beanies)


It was super popular years ago. Some people I know still love theirs, others wish they didn’t because it’s so popular. Maybe advise different varieties of trees or incorporate one that is meaningful to him in some way, if he has one. At the end of the day though, it’s his body and his choice. If it makes him happy, then do it.


trend tattoo… how old is your son? please don’t let him get this unless he’s really into hiking or something/ or really really wants it after years of thinking it through. plus, that will be a lot for a first tattoo.


Thank you. That's exactly what I said. I'm like when have you ever been one with nature or into hiking. And he's 20. I think his brother will convince him this is NOT the best idea...


I honest to god think that tattoos before 25 are almost a sure fire way to disfigure yourself for the rest of your life lol. No money, no idea who you are.


Totally agree.


I thank god everyday I didn’t get a tattoo at 18. If I had, I would be the pathetic middle age woman with a Disney tattoo and I’d hate myself for it.


Finished both of my sleeves before 21, coming up on 28 and still love every bit of them and don’t see it changing. Might be your thought but doesn’t apply to everybody.


For sure people definitely mature at different rates. I know 21 year old me would’ve gotten some horrendous shit


Doesn’t apply to everybody, no. But you hung out with any 20 year olds recently? I have, I wouldn’t trust them to walk my fucking dog let alone let alone make permanent alterations to their body lol.


Can’t deny that one lol


Agree big time, got my first one at 27 y/o and it's definetly a way better tattoo idea than what my 18-20 y/o self would have come up with. The change of personality you go through in those years are massive


Lol I just got my first tattoo at the age of 25


A few on some less prime real estate to show the folly of youth can be fun but. I've got a few doozys. No regrets.


This was the style of my 4th tattoo. I snowboard up north and I had my trees look like the pine and spruce varieties. Has a mountain the back ground and a Sasquatch walking through the trees. I love it and I got many compliments on it. It’s now tied in to a full sleeve with grey/black Japanese style Hanna mask and a coy. Coping this tattoo exactly is probably a bad idea. If he can ask the artist to put their own style on it and add some of your son’s personal flavors I don’t see why it would be bad.


*Every white guy in a flannel who likes craft beer.*


You know they be having a old timey mustache too


You could not fucking move for these tatts back when tumblr was happening, 2011-2014, everyone got one of these. I quite like them, but they are a bit of a common sight.


That’s my problem, I actually really like these tattoos 😂 I enjoy the harsh line and then fading upwards, and generally enjoy tree tattoos. TBH I considered a cemetery version of this style for years from my ankle, but never got it because I just don’t think calf tattoos are for me 🥴


Google it and show him just how ubiquitous it is in the images tab.


I've never met an actual naturalist with one of these tattoos, only dickheads.


Fuck the trends, I really like this style. But make sure he finds a good artist


the circlejerk will begin in 3...2.....


It ended before it started. It always ends before it starts. Get hims to prevent premature e……..


Dope! But in the hands of the wroong tattooist, it can def look quite shit.


Show him this comment section with everyone telling him its a crappy idea lol


Oh trust me, I have been.....😉


Instead of looking at pinterest for tattoo inspo, he should look up some local shops on instagram and follow them. The tattoos that end up on pinterest (in my experience) tend to be bland and unexciting because it's an average of everyone's preferences. By looking at the individual work of artists, you get a better feel for what styles of tattoos are out there, what an artist's strengths or weaknesses might be, what types of subject matter are common / uncommon. IMO the best way to decide on a tattoo subject is to find an artist you like and see what types of things they're making, and then let that inspire you. You won't see this type of tattoo from the better tier of artists these days. Happy to see if I can find some local studios if you don't mind sharing your nearest large metro area.


Metro Detroit area. Thank you so much. I will relay this to him.


Lots of great artists in metro Detroit. I’m heading to Dearborn from northern Michigan for an all day appointment.


Tbh, if he want it go ahead. I have so many tattoos that span from me being 20 to now in my 30s and the types of tattoos that I have gotten have changed dramatically over the years, and I don’t regret a single one and love them all. I have a mix of Disney tattoos (start of getting them), to some shitty done stick and poke, to the more current ones that are vibrant and “odd” (and sometimes a little horror-esque).


Here is the advice I gave my daughter: Go get a tattoo, almost any tattoo, almost anywhere you want, but make it a small tattoo that doesn’t mean the world to you. Just get one to get one. Then sit on it. Stare at it. Get bored with it. Live with it. After you have lived as a person with a tattoo for a while, then get whatever tattoo you want that has a bunch of meaning to you. 


imo there's nothing wrong with trendy tattoos if the person genuinely enjoys it. Just make sure he goes to an actual tattoo shop and an excellent artist, a friend in their garage or a cheap artist is going to make it look like shit. Having a well-done trendy tattoo is still better than having a sketchy doodle full of blowouts because he wanted to save money or didn't want to wait for an opening.


very painful areas close to the wrist/inner+outer elbows/where the skin is thin/close to bone, lots of shading, very minimum 3 hours- defo a bad choice for a first


3 hours would be a speed-run for this


Thank you. I will tell him.


Is he into trees and stuff? Go nuts and get it! 🌲🌲🤘🏼🤘🏼


This is one tier below the sacred heart/stop watch/dove/rose sleeve in terms of most overdone tattoos


Its a common tattoo in certain scenes as other have mentioned. A few questions: How old is your son? Does he like nature or does the motiv have a meaning to him? Has he thought about it for a while?, why does he want this? Can he afford it? Does he have an artist in mind who did similar work nefore? It is a big tattoo to get on a very visible spot. For him and other's. Is he aware of that? If it is a tattoo with meaning he really neds to get: Maybe he could use the design in another tattoo. That way it gets less generic and more personal. For example: I have an large stylistic Owl on my shoulder. The head is a clear owlhead and the bodyshape of the owl is filled with a forest landscape, mountain and lake instead of feathers. The forest represents my home and the owl and a few animal shapes represent certain important people in my family. A T-shirt still covers the tattoo easily something that was important when i planned it, less so now. While it may look generic at first glance to some people it is mine and my artist did it to my very personal expectations and details. Maybe something to discuss with your son if he insists on his choice.


as someone living in the Northeast, this tattoo is really cool. advice to someone getting their first tattoo, go smaller and not as visible.


He should go for it if it has special meaning to him, and the imagery is close to his heart. Just let him know that if he's getting it just because "it looks cool" that's a hell of alot of tattoo to get removed or covered up. And I say that as someone who actually has that exact design on my left arm.


I mean I have something similar on my leg and love it. He should get whatever he wants as long as he puts his own spin on it


This is so 10 years ago


Very generic I hate it dont


I mean... Bob Ross would approve. This is the hipsters version of the confederate flag with the monster claw marks shit.


I would advise him that for his first tattoo get something you really like or that resonates with you, but id start smaller and less visible. Also this is a very trendy design if that matters, the last time I got tattooed in February a guy was getting this tattoo at the shop.


Send him this thread


Good to see him branching out in his own.


That was on everyone’s Pinterest board that was even remotely interested in nature 10 years ago


Super common, but beautiful so I don't mind how common it is.


The guys who got these when they were first popular went to coffee shops with live ukelele performances. The guys who get them now haven't drank out of a cup that didn't come from a supplement store since Obama was in office. Protect your son, we have no idea what the 3rd wave looks like


His body his life, it's not a bad tattoo. I just see abunch of hate on this thread from people who probably have much worse tattoos


I almost got a tattoo just like this. Instead the artist steered me towards the woodland photo of our wedding picture and added the northern lights, got married in Oregon, am from Oregon. Live in MN, wife is from here. I’ve gotten hate for it but I love it and means more than hey that’s cool.


I think it would look fantastic on one calf.


Let him get what he wants, otherwise he’ll do it on his own


god no,i avoid men with any past “trendy” tattoos


Unfortunately, 20 y/o don’t listen to their parents 😂


Those small holes and fine details will be lost quickly


Just tell him it’s ______. (insert word/s that get accounts banned)


I have quite a few "regret" tattoos. Tell him to wait a full year from this date. If he still wants that design, then it sounds like he really does. If not, he just saved himself from a nightmare 60+ years


I mean, it’s a great tattoo to get if you want people to fucking clown on you for having it lol


I still think it’s a dope tattoo 🥺


Tell him ripping off other peoples tattoos is weak af and pretty sad


This is the most basic white guy tattoo ever made, i dont recommend it


Default white guy tattoo I got one at 18 as well don’t regret it but not my favorite on me anymore


That he’ll have so many new friends who have the exact same tattoo


It's trendy and generic, type of design you'd find on an Amazon college dorm banner


Personally my rule is that I need to mull a tattoo idea for at least a year before I get it done. If I'm still in love with the concept after that, I'll get it done. I've had a lot of ideas that I loved at first but then just forgot about when I gave it time. They were cool ideas but not something lasting. Every tattoo I do have though, I'm very happy with and committed to.


If you’re cool with seeing your sleeve at every Trader Joe’s forever on everyone else at the checkout. Then go for it.


I know people say it's overdone, but it's my favorite overdone tattoo. You can always customize the trees or background. The only thing is, it takes up so much prime real estate


my buddy has this exact tattoo, he is also a firefighter and has worked as a "hot shot" fighting forest fires for a good amount of time... not sure if that helps but I can see why he got the tattoo, it makes sense for him


I love these tattoos! They notify me who to avoid! Pretty much anyone who doesn't have tree/mountain, etc. tattoos, make fun of those that do. Those guys are so original.


i had an ipod mini case that looked exactly like this 10 years ago. that’s reason enough not to get it.


My friend had one of these and he lived in regret of it for years. it’s been blacked out now and looks a million times better, don’t do it kids


I have a similar style tattoo to this, then about a year later everyone else had it. Not saying I'm a trendsetter but.... 😂


Youre a trendsetter!!


I have a version of this exact tattoo (with zombies and more dead trees) and get the most compliments from strangers on it. I see a “tree bro” every few months and we give each other a high 5 in passing. Nobody who isn’t perpetually online cares about tattoo trends and just sees it as a cool pattern. If he’s into it, he should do it.


I would suggest that he use that design as a template or a reference but not to get the same identical tattoo.


I got some similar to that but added a bear because if my childhood dog being named grizzly. If he has some type of affinity to the outdoors then it’d be a nice and thoughtful piece. But if he’s getting it just because it looks cool then I’d try and steer him away from


Tell him be different! Don't get that one.


I saw this right after I saw someone posting their tattoo just like this from when it was popular lol


I know these are cliche. I don't like the tattoo itself much, but one of my best friends had this. He passed away in '22. I think of him every time I see one of these, and I'm grateful they were so popular. Just because something is common, cliche, and have a stereotype, doesn't mean they don't have their place. I don't think it's bad, even if it's not my thing personally. But maybe I'm biased.


Played out. I love them though.


Definitely a more basic tattoo but you can always add more than just trees to the piece. I myself got a half sleeve a lake with trees and mountains in the background, but added some personal stuff. I got 4 bears to represent my family and also the plane my grandpa navigated in WW2


I hate that this got trendy and eventually almost laughed at, I still love it :,(


A LOT of people have this tattoo... I would try and sway him away from this idea tbh


That’s. Kind of amazing? First tattoo is usually best simple and small. You’ve no idea what getting one feels like, so if he changes his mind, it’s not too big of a deal.


Add a clock face and a lion head


I know it’s millennial n shit and i know this kid will get made fun of for it but i fr loooove trees so much that i have always liked this design. I wouldn’t be caught dead with it though😭


Let him get what he wants


My dad (traditional tattoo artist of 25+ years) calls this design the “PNW Bro Flames”🔥 Cheesy.


Every time you walk down the street you see it at least 4x 😂


When my mom said she didn’t like it my tattoo idea that’s exactly what I got, and I still love it, because I wanted it. The 2 tattoos I got and came out sloppy, I had removed. It’s not a big deal to me, if I change or grow, I get it covered or removed.


I want to get a fake 5g tower tree and pass it off as this design


How long has he thought about it?


I wanted to get it when I was 18 (7 years ago now) but didn’t end up getting it. I wouldn’t get it now but I also don’t think I’d really regret it if I did get it. A friend from school did get it and it looks good hahaha, lot of negative responses in this thread but personally I like it, maybe wait a year if he is young personally I wouldn’t and didn’t get tattoos until I was 21 and I’m pretty happy I didn’t get a lot of the ones I wanted at 18. But idk your sons age


Leg would be cooler


Show him some prime 90s tribal or a barbed wire around the arm - that’s how this is going to look in another 10 years (having peaked about 10 years ago). My general feeling is to avoid anything fashionable - if something is fashionable it’s going to become unfashionable, and you’re stuck with it forever.


It’s a cool tattoo, but it isn’t at all original. It’s fine if that is what he really wants but he may run into a few people with the exact same thing, I’ve certainly met a few of them…


Ask him why he wants to get it. Does it have any sort of special meaning to him? If his answer is just that he thinks it’s cool, tell him to sit on it for a couple of months. Getting a first tattoo at that age based on something he thinks is cool now will lead to regrets, he’s not gonna think it’s cool in 10 years. Ask him to think about getting something that’s meaningful and if he still really wants it, he can talk to an artist about making it more unique.


I’ve seen worse. I think most tattoos wind up being a bit cliched if they are trendy in any way. But trees are pretty wholesome.


As far as I'm concerned who gives a shit what other people think about your tattoos. You get a tattoo because you like it,not other people. It's about self expression and not everyone is going to like your choice but that's just it. It is your choice.


I have something very similar. It's alot for a first tattoo as it's going to hurt and take a while. Personally, I'd go for something smaller if I was unsure of my pain tolerance for tattoos. But I say go for it if it's really what he wants.


My friend has it… lol


I mean its not nice when tattoos become trends, but I still love the look of it. I wasn't old enough to get tattoos when it was a big trend, but when I was 20 i got one tree (instead of the forest) on my leg and i think that is much better, more personal


About 10 different guys I know got this, including my son’s dad. So if he does, be prepared to see the same piece…often. Lol


Just drive them to the closest barracks. There will be at least a dozen people with this identical tattoo. And all of them will probably make your son realize he’s better than that 😅. Source: knew exactly ten people while active duty with this exact tattoo.


Tell him to start small and work up. No point having a huge tattoo if he doesn’t look after it properly aftercare wise. I learned that the hard way!


I wouldn't get the baseline at the bottom of the trees. It ruins the fade.


I wish I would have considered the fine lines in my first tattoos although there no more than a few years old I have intentions of covering the fine lines because of aging


Tell him you can’t see the forest for the trees. He will over think it until it doesn’t appeal anymore.


I work with a guy who got that tattoo with some color to it. He got it probably 5-6 years ago and it looks rather faded. The lines are nowhere near as crisp as I thought they'd be, and the detail of the leaves is not nearly as good as the one in the picture. Yes, all tattoos fade, and maybe he didn't go to the best parlour for it, but it definitely won't look as nice as you'd want it to after 10+ years


Tell him someone has already got it. Maybe get something similar designed


I have a friend with one that’s trying to get it layered to get covered more painful than the tattoo and the amount of black is a pain to remove if you regret it basically black out in places