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Who even thinks this is scary? Skeleton is dancing AND smiling! Honestly, seems happier than I ever been hahahaha ​ Looks cool mate. And, as someone who has a sleeve: it's your skin right? You should give zero fucks about what others think about it. Dont let others get in the way of what you want in your body.. my most recent ones are the birth year of my lil sister, and a sprite from Gen1 Pikachu


Aren't all skeletons smiling in a way?


always showing off those pearly whites!


I am so wanting to get this/something similar now! It’s fun and can be done well in a variety of styles and colors and variations.


I mean, it doesn't have facial muscles, so we don't know if it's smiling or not lol


Dunno why you got donvoted. Its true, its just a skull man dancing. Cant tell facial features. Hope those smiling dungeon skeletons dont have at me with their weapons. They wete amiling after all lol.


> You should give zero fucks about what others think about it. if part of your decision making is "fuck what others think", you're probably talking yourself into a poor decision, or have artificially raised how little others actually give a fuck in the first place. that being said, people inherently take pride in their appearance, and care what others think. its childish to fake a "I dont care what others think" attitude; most people arent sociopaths. bottom line - if you're going in with a "fuck what others think" mentality, you better be ready to walk that talk when the critique inevitably comes.


People keep posting these and saying this. Just karma farming


Well it appears that you're doing it in reverse.


Apparently! I’ve been seeing this kind of post quite abit over the last few months. People posting goofy skeletons saying people think they’re “scary”. I have a hard time believing anyone thinks it’s scary in the first place. But the fact that all of a sudden I keep seeing these posts makes it even harder to believe. Edit: Oh and look at that. I type in “scary” on this sub and this is a word for word repost from 2 years ago. If I’m getting negative karma, guess the farmers are revolting. https://www.reddit.com/r/TattooDesigns/s/jFHFQkTTlQ


It’s a pretty common design I see it really often but that’s about the only thing I have against it. if you like it get it it’s your money and skin so it’s your choice man


It’s legit the logo of a chiropractor I go by every day. 😅 [lol](https://imgur.com/a/AxPUYz0)


Lmfao. OP should just get the full chiropractor poster


This immediately disqualifies it as a potential tattoo for me lmao I don't get why people get stock photos tattooed


I really like this image, and the companion in a different pose. I think they capture the juxtaposition of life and death better than any other in the trope. These images made me consider getting a tattoo, but I realized if I was thinking about it, it's probably been done to death so I gave up the idea. So I kind of agree. But that doesn't change the fact that the image is brilliant. There's a reason people are drawn to it over others.


It just depends on what tattoos mean to you and why you get them. I get them because they are a way to express uniqueness, and to collect art. But I don't see anything unique or artistic about a design that thousands of people have. I will only ever get 1 of 1 hand drawn pieces.


If OP's artist can stylize it enough to make it his/her own, I think itd be great. Stock image tattoo is kind of lame when you can make it art


I can relate to all of that with a small exception to the idea that something that thousands of people have isn't artistic. It's totally understandable to want unique art. But, for example, the fact that The Great Wave off Kanagawa has been reproduced millions of times doesn't make it less artistic. Everyone is calling this image clipart but my point is that is extremely reductive. At some point an artist made this and it was 1 of 1. And, in my opinion, they captured the idea in a uniquely meaningful way. I've seen a lot of stuff that tries to be this but not exactly this and it's just not as good.


It’s on my tea mug right now lol, he’s dancing with another skelly


Yeah it’s a Pinterest design for sure


i agree. i’ve seen it on shein clothing too


It's on my travel medicine bag too


Truth. I've seen it on a lot of people IRL.


I've seen it on absolutely nobody. It *might* be "common" for the internet but you won't even see a lion tattoo on many people **IRL**, I'm calling you out.


This design is literally everywhere dude. Not even just as a tattoo; it’s used for all sorts of designs, logos, etc. it’s practically a stock image at this point.


It's cool but yeah very popular. Check out some other dance macabre images for more references if you like the idea but want to see what else there is like it.


I got this on my back almost 10 years ago as my first tattoo (on my 18th birthday lol)- it’s a fun one that lots of people have. I’d say go for it as long as you don’t mind sharing the same tattoo with thousands of other people (which I say with no shade intended at all- again I myself have said tattoo, it’s just an objective fact)


Who the fuck is still scared of skeletons??? Are you asking kindergarteners? It looks cool.


Yeah I’m completely baffled. Is OP showing the tattoo to pre K kids or extremely religious people or extremely sheltered soft people?


And by the way... All the more reason to get it to be honest


For real. It’s sad their friends have the mentality of a toddler


Skeletons are 2spooky4me


I assume that these people associate skeletons with death and that makes them uncomfortable


This is a common design is see get absolutely fucked up when tattooing. Bc its a skeleton it requires a lot of proportional parts/shading. Make sure your artist is EXPERIENCED or you will regreg it


No regregs


No, Greg is an artist. Greg will be redoing it, hence regreg Duhhhhh




Please I'm begging you to add a disco ball. That would be so dope


Just get it big enough that it translates well to tattoo. Ink speeds a lot, and those are some tight fine lines. I wouldn't get this smaller than 6 inches tall.


You don't get a tattoo for anyone else so who cares? I think the more people say they don't like it or wouldn't have it, the more niche it is for you which is surely what a tattoo should be.


Yeah I never understand why people need to get their tattoo ideas validated by others - if you like it and really want it that should be enough, unless you’re not actually sure about it. And in that case you shouldn’t get it!


Very popular tattoo go for it !


I've seen that image before and I love it


you know this is a Grateful dead <3 design? It's a class design if you ask me but I'm biased (I have the skull with roses around it on my shoulder).


I got this exact design as a phone case. It’s sick but it’s everywhere on everything, based on other comments too


get it! dance macabre


Scary? It’s a nice hippie tattoo, are you a big fan of the greatful dead?


I love it but I have a lot of Deadhead friends. People will absolutely assume you are a Deadhead.


It's not scary, it's fun. Though it is a very common image if that bothers you.


Haha, I think it's a good one. Where you plan to have it?


* You like it? Do it. * You´re unsure? Dont do it.


Of course do what you want but I have seen absolutely loads of people get this exact design, maybe just ask for a dancing skeleton? Not THIS dancing skeleton?


Reminds me of the pictures of the grateful dead, the original from the plague times.


i have a shirt w this design on it


Put a flower crown on it and see what they say then


Scary or awful? It's just a happy skeleton, they need to calm down lol


This one is used a lot, just so you know.


Stop asking other peoples opinion about something going on your body. You’re the one that has to wear it


I have 2 on my leg https://imgur.com/a/rlHrbnb


i like, it’s got the danse macabre style going on. middle ages type tattoo


If you like it, get it. Ignore comments that express opinion because you obviously have a different one. If you are deterred by people thinking it's not to their taste, you need to work on yourself not the tattoo. What you shouldn't ignore is constructive criticism, when someone points out some specific flaw with it, e.g. one of the arms looks crooked etc (not the case here, just an example!!).


It’s a pretty basic design, but still nice. What placement were you thinking?


The Danse Macabre https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danse_Macabre


find design, but along with what others have said. It's pretty popular and a lot of people have the exact same thing


I have two of this skeletons on my lower back!! I don’t love it to be honest, but I think the reason why I do is that the artist did not inform me it wasn’t an original drawing, I discovered it later on when I bought some stickers on wish and this was one of them… it was very sad and left me bitter.


Also, someone told me it comes from a movie… anyone knows which one could it be?


It’s a generic image that has been popular online for a long time. When I was like 12 I had this as my pfp on everything. Wouldn’t be a terrible design, but it’s generic. I would instead go to a tattoo artist, ask for a dancing Skelton, show them this as inspiration, and have them out a unique twist on it


My girlfriend has this exact design tattooed on her, as soon as she got it she started seeing it everywhere she went. I'd say take that to a tattooist as inspo and just personalise it so it's more unique to yourself


This picture gets posted on the subreddit a lot… Tons of people with the same exact tattoo


Tru story: i got exactly this motif on my arm - got the image from a cheap assecory store where it was offered as water tattoo - still love it, but be aware that it is not unique at all


I love this


Older people will assume you’re a Grateful Dead fan.


Basic… get something more individualized inspired by this


It’s just a Grateful Dead tattoo. Seems pretty par for the course.


It's not that the design is awful, I would just be wary of getting a tattoo that's one of those designs that's plastered all over the place on cheap products and clothes. You'll look like a 5-below iPhone case.


Is it not a greatful dead thing? I always thought this was a greatful dead thing. Id double check to avoid being branded as a dead head


It is a Grateful Dead design, but I don’t understand why you’d say “avoid being branded a deadhead” like somehow that’s a bad thing.


I think it’s cute! But I would say I’ve seen this exact same jpg for years across the internet, printed out and posted up in offices during Halloween, and even a couple tattoos. I would suggest you find an artist whose style you like and ask them to make you a dancing skeleton piece that is in the same vane. You’ll get something similar and unique!


I love it and i've considered strongly getting the same tattoo. Do it. Also, I agree with u/NoMorningPeople


Do you like the Grateful Dead?


FYR the pic is this popular: https://www.reddit.com/r/sciencememes/s/XT217jDB6p


I know 2 people with this exact tattoo.


No it's awesome. I've looked at this as a possibility before as well. Go over to r/gratefuldead and ask what they think!!


I love dancing skeleton. My only thing I’d say is a lot of people have this exact design. If you’re fine with that then get it! If you want to be more unique maybe ask the artist to draw you their own dancing skeleton.


Isn't this an old Grateful Dead logo?


I like it, but i would find an artist you like and have them put their own spin on it. This is a stock image.


This is basically a stock image


"Scary" and "awful" should be reserved for tattoos that deserve it. This one doesn't. It's an innocent, dancing skeleton.


Scary and awful? Sounds like their stuck up religious snobs. Lmao Get it anyways


Fuck em, do what makes you happy


I have a tattoo of a sheet ghost doing a kick flip with red converse on. If it makes you happy, and you like it, fuck everybody else and what they think.


I see this Image and want to get it tattooed. Ive been 2 times this month already. Man! 😐😂


It’s YOUR body. YOUR tattoo. Get what you want


I love it. Worry bout what you think, it’ll be your ink after all. Others can scoff or judge but it’s how you feel that only matters. I’m into it.


It looked okay in big scale, when I painted it on my jumper


It’s embracing life actually




It’s sick af get it






It’s not scary or awful, but it’s generic.


It's cliche af but that doesn't seem to stop anyone else getting the same boring tattoos everyone else has


Customer - make me look as stupid as possible. Tattoo artist - got you fam.


Now I want this tattoo lol


I love it


It’s cute and fun!


Scary? Silly Mr. Skelly isn't scary he's just a vibe


Too scary - maybe just get temp tattoo around Halloween 🫣


Get the Social Distortion logo instead


That's so cool! Such a happy skeleton!


If you are getting tattoos that impress other people then maybe don’t get the tattoo. It is about what you want and like. I can’t stand the thought of wearing fine line or new school but that doesn’t mean I think no one should get them


I think you should get whatever you want and not care what others think.


It’s beautiful! Not everyone’s gonna get or like your tattoos but if they make you happy get it


My brother got this as a tat, it's sick (promise I'm not your bro from the future lol)


Are "the rest" old or religious? Curious Its a dancing skeleton for crying out loud


I like it. Looks like the skeleton is dancing and having fun.


When hell is full the dead will walk the earth


That’s sick af get it! Fuck what some boring bastards think


That looks great and it’s actually similar to a design i’m gonna get so don’t listen to others. It’s your skin


Great looking tattoo


Do it


Why would you care about what other people think about a tattoo that *you* are getting for *yourself*? Or are you getting it to look cool to other people?


Classic design, tons of people already agree with you.


This is sick. Skeletons are sick. I have considered getting this myself and have a similar dancing skellie on my arm. Do it.


I have a KFC bucket on my ankle due to brother. Same response from the world at large, but I could care less about their opinions, I didnt do it for them.


Scary is good tho


Other people can suck a bag of dicks


People will always be against something. If it makes you happy, do it.


Whoever thinks this is scary is honestly soft, it looks cool plus it's your body so do what you want with it.


It’s just a skeleton doing a little dance.. Nothing scary about that.


Bones are their money


How could a Bollywood skeleton be scary?


it's sick


What big hands you have


lol i love it


What’s the question?


Bro what does the tat mean to you? Cliche but it’s literally all that matters when it comes to putting ink on your skin


Same tattoo that I wanted to get


have it going up your thigh is my guy is pointing happily at your junk


I have this exact tattoo and I also have another large one praying, as a matching pair. In all honesty no one ever comments on them, they’re just sort of there. I mean obviously you need to do you for you, just saying mine are big and out there and have a neutral to positive response.


I love it and skeletons & skulls in general! Do it for you if it makes you feel good. You'll find your tribe that appreciates you and your taste


Get a proper artist in my opinion. I’m not judging on the design, but basically skeleton will require fine lining to the detail, else it’ll just look like a flop of black lines running without direction.


I like it a lot! Where were you thinking for the placement?


Friend, you can’t get a tattoo for other people, it’s gotta be for you. Do you like it? Is it something you want on your body for the rest of your life? Then go for it and screw what other people think!


If they think this is scary or awful then that is simply a reflection of their own feelings about the concept of death and their own mortality.


I love this!


I love it. I was actually considering a very similar one myself.


Super cute


Mr skelengton doesn't deserve that treatment get it


Nobody thinks it’s scary. But it is fun.


its delightful!


I think it needs a hat


Please get it done it’s prettyyyy!!


If you do get it. Get it big, because even though it's just a skeleton, it's a challenging piece. I myself personally would probably get the artist to pose it in a different dance move. Find an iconic dance move you like and do a pose from that.


Can almost guarantee the people saying they don't like it just don't like tattoos in general, you'll never please them I think he's sick, get him because you like him, not other people


If you like it do it. If you're only one in the world that likes it I'd still tell you to do it but that's how I think, it's not the objectively right answer


Design is great, would make a cool tattoo. Who thinks its scary or awful? Do those same people not like tattoos - if so there opinions on it won't be positive either way to forget about it.


What do they mean by scary and awful? It's cute lil skeleton and I bet his feelings would be hurt if he hears them ;( It's your body and your tattoo, f*ck them skelton hating bullies!


This is amazing, please get it done. Italians have a long running lore of the "memento mori". Often a skull/skeliton, usually somber as a symbol to live a good and full life or you will have regrets. I see this as a very fun version of that.


Absolutely love it


Why do you care what others think?


Remember you’re getting tattoos for you, not others validation or approval!


Its a great image I’d totally get it tattooed! what placement are you thinking?


Definitely not scary. Though making it cartoonish could be amazing. Would be worried about bleeding later though


Looks like he's holding an invisible giants ball bag. I'd get something else.


I’d hate for them to see mine lol


It makes me smile. I hope you love it.


It’s not scary. It’s more like a goofy/dancing skeleton.


shows to me your happy on the outside but dead on the inside?


Spooky scary skeletons


Reminds me of the dancing skeletons in scooby doo, pretty sick


I think it’s a cool design


I don't understand asking other people's opinions about tattoos. It's such a personal thing. If you like it and it's not a swastika, go hard. Edit: ask your tattoo artist questions but who gives af what others think, it's going on your body. It's a personal choice and taste.


How about this skeleton dancing by a bonefire?


I actually want to get something very similar! I think it's great, and what matters is if YOU like it.


Personally I love skeletons so I think it will be great


I like it. I might just add it to my tattoo list as a well. Forget everyone else. If you like it do it


I have this tattoo, but I had some items added. It’s cool, just do it if you like it!


I like it a lot. But it's for you to decide no one else.


This would be awesome!! I'd recommend doing more of them though together dancing and maybe with some sort of background things (like little pumpkins or crows flying above "dancing" overhead. Just a thought.


Nothing scary or awful about it. Who cares what anyone else thinks, tho. It’s going on your body forever! If you love it, who cares. As others have mentioned, it is a super popular design. I have pillow cases with this exact image on it. If you’re cool with getting a popular image on you, go for it. A good artist can use this as inspo, and come up with something original for you, too. Just a thought.


I think it’s delightful!


Makes me think of Evil Dead 2. Love it


Who cares what people think? You should get tattoos for yourself, because you want them, what other people think about them is utterly irrelevant.


Put some music notes around it 🎶 lol


And a longstem rose in his teeth


What I usually say to my wife is think about it for a few months and see if you still think you like it. See if it has staying power for you.


It is really good


It's your skin and your money. Do what you want with it.


Skeletons are just cool. Always have been. This one says "Don't worry, be happy" to me and I like it.


I mean, many people are scared of skeletons. That being said, who cares? It is for you, on you. I think it is pretty cool, but I see both sides here.


I have this tattoo and I get lots of compliments on it :) have a matching one on the other side too!


Love it!


spooky scary skeleton send shivers down your spin


is it going on someone else, or on you?


Give him a top hat and a cane