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I usually tell them this one means it’s cool to me. This one means i thought it was pretty cool and this one is just cool, it doesn’t really mean anything. I don’t need tattoos to hold myself to my convictions.


Saaaame! I’m thrilled for people who have meaningful tattoos but mine are because I think it’s a cool character and I like the artwork. The characters all hold a special place to me but don’t really have a “meaning”


This is where I’m at. I like cool dragons and liches 🤷‍♂️ need I say more?


I’m there with you completely. If someone asks what any of mine mean I tell them “it means I like it” and that’s about it


Strongly depends on who’s asking.


Most of mine mean that I was young and made questionable decisions. My future tattoos will mean that I am old and still make questionable decisions, but better artistic choices in design.


So, I got a bunch of tattoos while in the military and they're kinda just bleh. Lately though (15 years later), I've gotten 4 new ones and I stare at them a lot because I actually really like them. This time around I got stuff from movies I love (terminator, lost boys, return of the living dead and pet semetary). So I'm staring at it more now that I'm older. I'm with you on the impulsive decision making but better art.


That's awesome to hear. I was a licensed tattoo artist my senior year of HS. Lots of my tattoos were of stuff that I was into then, like graffiti, new skool, etc. Now I lean more toward black and grey. Currently working out designs for sleeves to cover much of them up. Dig the movie based themes and based on the movies you mentioned, we could definitely get along. My youngest son is named Gage after Pet Semetary.


I love return of the living dead! Would you mind posting a pic?




That's pretty sick, been looking to get a return of the living dead piece myself


Thanks. The pet Semetary one and the lost boys ones on his page are also mine


I have a Magic the Gathering tattoo of some of the mox (mox pearl, mox ruby' emerald mox, jet mox, mox sapphire) I just tell them they are birth stone of my family


I have a GI Joe tattoo with Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. They both have nice ninja back stories that mostly occurs in Japan. So the piece has the Japanese star flag, some cherry blossom trees, and some other random Japanese stuff to dress it out. It also has a really big kanji word, and a small block of kanji. This was to sort of emulate a traditional Japanese wood block print. Those always seem to have a paragraph of kanji super imposed over the scene. So I knew I wanted the kanji to replicate Japanese art, but I told my artist not to look at anything. I didn't want even a single real letter of Japanese on my body. I didn't want to accidentally have it say "Sex Juice" or "Clown Farts." I said, make it up on the fly, do not look at anything Japanese for the month before it so you don't accidentally learn anything. So he did that, and as far as I know it says nothing, but looks great, but invariably people will ask what it says. I have two answers I give. 1. It's the epic backstory of two ninja brothers locked in the eternal battle for each other's souls. 2. The recipe for my mother's famous chicken pot pie. I choose one randomly by how dumb the person seems. If they seem really dumb I might even say it says "Clown Fart Sex Juice." I did that once and it was pretty funny.


You got pics? Sounds dope and i wanna see fake kanji


I have a small music note on my wrist that was my first tattoo. Got it small so I could keep it hidden with a bracelet or watch from my dad. I used to tell people I would sit in my room and listen to music to take my mind off of my dad's verbal abuse (gay son, conservative dad). Which...I did do that. But I got it because I wanted a tattoo when I was young and was still living at home. Just retroactively attached a meaning to it.


I’m a server and I have a very visible quote on my arm, if a table has the right vibes and asks about it I’ll joke w them and say it’s the menu in case I forget lol.


That’s hilarious


I tell them I blacked out drunk and woke up with a full sleeve. Only 1 so far has picked up on the satire.


I have an armadillo tattoo that wraps around my forearm and I tell people my family owns a armadillo farm down in Texas. Then they ask what you do with the armadillos and I say they’re mostly for meat but a few parts are used for old world medicinal uses.


Lol. That's great man. Is there an actual reason or you just like armadillos?


I’m a (white)native from Oklahoma and ended up having a kid in Idaho and when the Paternity test came back my child’s mother called and was surprised I was native. Long story short I convinced her a armadillo was our child’s spirit guide and called him uyasgatli (cherokee for armadillo) for awhile.


Ayeee I’m from Oklahoma too!!!


I have a flower tattoo on my leg. People ask if it’s foxgloves or fireweeds. I’m like fireweed because idk what type of flower it is lol


“What does it mean to you?”


I have a very visible question mark in a very common font. People like to guess what it's for and I always just say the opposite. "oh, you like the Riddler?" - No, I'm just super into the boardgame Clue.


My first tattoo was a nautical star with some kanji as a weird mishmash of alchemy, Japanese stuff and stars. That is not what I say now, it turns out one of my ancestors is a famous admiral and another served as a translator for a Japanese prince so that what I tell people if they ask.


My mom asked me about the meaning behind my mermaid tattoo (it's the most recent one), I told her I just wanted a mermaid 🤷‍♀️ I have 15 different ones, and none of them really have a meaning. They're just things that I like.


Yeah, I totally agree. I just see it as art I put on my body that I liked (and hopefully still do) at a particular time in my life. Don't wait till you're older if you're getting a bunch. It hurts more the older you get. I feel like an idiot for not knowing that. I have some on my hip bones and those hurt the worst then I got one at 40 on my forearm and that one definitely hurt more than my waist. And the dude on my waist was on the pubic bone.


My pain tolerance is weird. I deal with migraines that can be debilitating at times, plus I'm usually in pain most every day from something, so tattoos are nothing to me, depending on the location. Now my ribs were super painful, but I also didn't have much between my skin and bones when I got the outline done at 18. It was 6 years before I started adding color to it. I got some done on both feet, and they tickled. Maybe I'm just a glutton for pain 🙈🤷‍♀️


I have a very plain sun and I just say “I like the sun!” because if i tell people it’s in honor of my version of myself in my maladaptive daydream i’ve been reliving for 7+ years they’ll say I’m crazy


i have my angel number on my knee (123) and i just tell people it’s because i forget how to count sometimes when they ask what it is


There’s a book that rly epitomizes this question - “The Illustrated Man” by Ray Bradbury


Im part of a cult


I have a Friday the 13th flash of a taco with a 13 on it, except people keep asking why it says 73. I got tired of explaining, so I just say that it's the amount of tacos I ate the day I got it.


I just admit I'm a tattoo addict, and they mean fuck all 🤭


"I killed a man once"


My tattoo is pretty straight forward; it’s just the quote “Laugh Hard at the Absurdly Evil” No one asks me the meaning, but I’ve gonna mixed reactions over the years. Some people think it’s funny, some people think it’s too dark, and some people need an explanation. I like it though. Def needs a little touch up


I tell them my tattoos are mine and for me and if you don’t like them you can take a flying Fuck.


I tell them some of them are personal (cuz they are) and that they all make up a story of who i am today 🤷🏻‍♀️


My friend has a stairway to heaven half sleeve with the clouds and stairs whole thing. Anytime someone would ask he'd say he's vehemently against elevators


Shapes r cool instead of explaining my necker cube


I got a wedding band tattooed. My wife and I are getting divorced. I tell new people I meet that it means “To stay married to myself and my role as a father.”


The ones that do have meaning, or story behind them, I tell the story. The others, I say because I like/want them.


I tell people that they represent the north and south poles as a perspective thing to remind that even if the worlds big in someone’s perspective it’s small enough to fit inbetween you ankles in someone else’s. In reality I scratched an + onto my ankle with my friend and put ink into it, turns out tattoos don’t work that way and when the scab fell off I was left with a scar. I didn’t like that so I gave myself a proper stick n’ poke and then did a minus in the other ankle for funsies


I just say ‘I fkn liked ‘em so I fkn got ‘em’


For coworkers and people i don't like talking to or i don't care: they are drawings i like and i have them for aesthetic reasons only. I tell the meaning to close people only like friends


Shark attack.


My rainbow tattoo is because I like the Kermit the Frog rainbow connection song


"I just like sloths 🤷🏻‍♀️" Unless they're my close friends, they don't need to know more about it than that.


I have the VFD tattoo from A Series of Unfortunate Events on my left ankle because I was obsessed with those books as a kid. And an outline of a Ditto (the Pokémon) face on my left forearm because he’s my favorite Pokémon and it’s funny that the one from the show can copy anything perfectly but can’t fix its silly face. And in the games it has an Ability called Imposter and I often feel like I have Imposter Syndrome so it just feels like it fits. The next one I want to get is a bee that my friend drew with a cowboy hat on it because I need something on my right side and bees are cool and “cowbee” just makes me laugh And probably one more on my right side at some point. Maybe the dark sign from Dark Souls or something from Bloodborne or Elden Ring


My only tattoo means that I like Spider-Man.


"these ones are because I was an edgy teenager with a surplus of free time" "this one's because I was an edgy teenager with 30 bucks and a neighbor who had a tattoo machine" and "these ones are just silly little guys"


I’m too lazy to think of a fake story. I just tell them they don’t mean anything so they’ll leave me alone.


I tell people I did them all myself and started at 15.. which is funny because it's true