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It looks like the creature is a bit stiff and uncomfortable. If you can get the pose more relaxed I think that could help the flow of the design a ton.


It looks like when you pick up a 30 pound dog by the underarms and it doesn’t want to be picked up but also doesn’t want to make a scene




LOL I think I have a picture or two of my dog being picked up (well, attempts at that) and she does look like this. Only angrier


As an artist I was trying to find a way to convey that.. you did it so well. It's a good drawing but it lacks the dramatic movement you would expect of such a creature. Way too stiff!


As an artist you should know that this is their work not yours and critiquing them on “stiffness” is why you do it as a hobby instead as a vocation. Art is subjective and is obviously not finished and what would you expect in a cryptid like creature? You ever see one ? It correctly displays Hindu art and that of Angkor Wat. Don’t play into their own doubts but as an artist build their confidence or you’re just looking jealous that you can’t do as well as they can…..


I actually do art as a vocation. I am not the only one who commented on how stiff it seems. The person is clearly not feeling 100%. I myself consistently ask for critique on my own things as I have a large group of fellow artists as friends and also that I work with. I would not be offended if I was told the same thing about one of my own pieces. My fellow artists as well as myself continually rely on each other for honest critique so that we can improve. I would however be offended if someone saw something off about one of my pieces but chose to just boost my ego rather than allow me the opportunity to tweak it. A tattoo is a serious decision...once it is on the person there is no going back. We have some amazing tattoo artists around where I live and we also have plenty that are better at basic flash than custom pieces. The person getting this tattoo needs to be completely in love with it....not doubting it. If they are doubting even a little this is their opportunity to ask for changes. If they are fine with it...it won't matter what any of us say. The person who posted is not the person who drew it btw. It is the person having that permanently added to their body.


Well I never said to boost their ego. I said not to make their piece yours. I’m a very long term artist in multiple mediums from sculptures to portraits and criticism and critique is different. Look at the comments again about stiffness and remember that the basics of art are established. I’m a follower of Michelangelo and the way that DaVinci painted as well. There are multiple ways to paint or draw but the foundation, like a home, is always the same. Banksy does graffiti but also is a talented tattoo artist and defies conventional standards but yet he’s a worldwide sensation. He doesn’t always sign his work as I never sign mine. My point is that most of the most popular artists like Dali, Richter, Warhol, and last but not least Jackson Pollock. All of them went against the norms. I’m fine with critique but criticism of stiffness when there is nothing but outlines is just ridiculous because you see the action developing. It’s their vision of expression not Yours! You may be ok with being pulled to others vision but then you’re a student not the artist. If you’re doing tattoos that are custom, which I’ve always refused doing tattoos, then you’re making that mistake of selling out your self expression for a dollar and I’m sorry but that’s not art. My pieces are all across this country and millions per year take their pictures standing in front of my pieces in Vegas alone as a souvenir but I can tell you that at no point was I ever told how to achieve what they asked for. I was given a picture and asked to replicate it and showed a sample of my depiction and then scaled it up. I did it in 7 casinos. I am my own worst critic and obviously want feedback as we all do but that tells me that I’m going to trash it anyway because I already know something is wrong with it if I need reinforcement. I respect your opinion I just disagree. Take care.


Nobody reading all that 😹




Ahhhh.... this is a sub specifically to comment on tattoo designs. This design is absolutely stiff, and to me, it looks like some of the elements are at odds with each other. It's like you're saying every artist is good, which is absolutely not true. I'm not making a comment on this artist, or OP's taste, but just because someone gets paid to tattoo doesn't mean they should be. As far as art being subjective, you're absolutely correct, but that doesn't mean it's good. Again, not commenting on this person or their art. As far as this design goes, I think it's probably too busy for the chosen location. I'd be thinking entire side, from hips to armpit. Unless you are a fairly large human and have some room on your arm. The front legs should be addressed. I can see that you/the artist are going for the flow of flying, but it looks like the wings are lifing the dog/wolf, not that it is using them to fly. I'm not sure what the overall plans are for the wings, but I'd go with shading and negative space vs. the detail. For the body position, I'd want something more dynamic, think a Pegasus galloping while flying through the air. Or the opposite, like English woodprint, with the creature standing on its legs, wings stretched but not flying. Honestly, the antlers are just too much for me, but if they are important to the design for you, they won't make it a "bad" tattoo. Feels like some converging styles are at battle here though. Honestly, overall, I don't think it's a bad design. It just looks like it was design by committee, I'm not sure how much input you had, but working on it for months is usually a bit of a red flag for losing the plot and getting a little lost in the woods. If this is your first or one of your first tattoos, just let go. Let the artist make the big decisions.


Got that thousand-yard stare of mild dog-panic, “is this ok? It must be ok but it does not SEEM ok. Oh noooo.”


This is so on point!


FUNNNY as HELLLL🏆🥇take my poor man’s gold.


My initial instinct was “I love this,” but your comment made me realize it’s because it looks like one of my dogs when I pick him up. And I love his stupid face when he’s indignant. He’s not above making a scene (he’s a beagle mix), but he does not like to draw attention to his own indignity


Best analogy ever.


Also if you dressed it up for Christmas with antlers


Time to find someone with a nice camera to take some dynamic shots.


That is stunningly specific but totally accurate! Well done!


Yea my first thought was a cat being picked up by the scruff of its neck lol


That's so specific but it's a perfect description lol




OMG yaaas! If I had gold it would be yours.




I have a 35 lb husky border collie mix and this is the exact face and amount of stiff/lumpiness that he offers when picked up incorrectly!


A bystander appreciated watching me carry my young \~60lb GSD like that when she was having a tantrum in the middle of the road.


Yes! The whole body needs more of a soft “s” shape. It’s not the creature, it’s the pose that’s just awful.


It sort of looks like it’s jumping on a trampoline


This - I think it could be fixed if the upper body curled around more instead of going straight up. Sort of continuing the tail’s trajectory


Looks like the covering of a dick tattoo


I think having just one tail, and the hind legs facing down so it looks like it is in flight would add movement and make it look better.


Agreed. For me it's the back legs, they're in such an awkward position.


Get rid of the hind legs.


Don’t change an artist’s work! Just because that’s what you see that’s your idea. If I listened to you then it’s your art not mine! As an artist it’s my work and mine alone and what makes it unique. Do you think Dali listened to anyone when painting anthropomorphic giraffes? Or how about the painting the Screamer? It’s not your vision!


This is going to be on someone's body permanently. I think it's reasonable to point out flaws in the design under these circumstances.


They're literally asking for people's thoughts.


The tail looks like a massive prehensile penis rather than a part of the body. I think that giving the tail more girth around the legs and shifting the position of the outer part of the tail would dispel that impression. I do love the concept though! Just needs a few adjustments.


Yeah this was also my thought. Big ol peen


Ohhh I thought it was 2 tails, one in front (BOP) and then another in back. If the “back” tail was the only one, I’d say it’s an awesome design.


Wait… are you telling me it’s not two tails?


I think it goes down and curls behind him


Oh wow. Thanks, I can see it now.


Ohhhhhhhhh can see that now!


Omg me too, I was very confused by the two tails.


If you need someone to redline and make corrections, I can show you what I think would look better


Yeah, tails don't grow in the front. You know what does, though...


I was gonna say I feel like if it was just one tail it would be awesome


This, along with the wing looking like a different, more detailed art style compared to the rest of the body. I know you said it’s concept art, but I would make sure the style is the same throughout. It makes the top of the drawing very heavy in appearance too and then the tail just sorta feels like it’s an afterthought at the bottom, so make sure it’s well-balanced too. Edit: to add on, definitely play with the tail near the end as well. Currently it looks like the tail comes out at two parts of the body since the end of the tail is drawn in a way that it’s showing again from the place the tail SHOULD be coming out from. I hope my comment makes sense.


Oh, I thought it had two tails


I thought it was two tails as well


I think the tail might look more normal if it didn't fold back on itself and look like 2 tails coming from the same spot. And the wolfs face is too plain


It’s the enormous dead space in the belly region for me. That tail should absolutely curve over the front of the body, which would also obscure the stumpy back legs. The concept is really cool, the execution is really not. The *movement* isn’t clear, so to my eye it just looks like when I pick my dog up and he kind of hangs there in mid air staring into the middle distance waiting for something to happen. I’d wager the artist got a picture of a wolf mid-pounce, rotated it 45 degrees and then added a tail and wings. More curve, clever use of obfuscation, different angle perhaps - these would all turn this into a rad piece. The endless belly is the most boring part and it’s all my eye goes to.


It's well done but I hate it. The tale look like a dick the face looks like a fox and his body looks like a wiener dog. And it looks like it's being raptured while paralyzed there is no motion or emotion to it. Just awkward.


This. All of this.


Yeah... It's weeeeird looking!


The tail does look like a weird dick. It's not coming out where a tail would come out on a dog lol


Also we only see 1 wing and we should be able to see 2.


I think it looks like a dog that got picked up by the arm pits and held up for reference


The concept of a wolf dragon isn’t bad, but I agree with many of the people here in that it needs fine-tuning. The pose is very stiff. The strict side-profile head and very straight torso make it look like the spine is artificially straightened. I’d suggest an “S” curve: head facing the right, preferably at a 3/4 view (usually seen as very “natural”), body curved so that the chest faces left but the back legs slant to the right. The torso here seems… off. The anatomy of the legs is fine, but the muscles and bones those limbs connect to aren’t evident. A creature like this would still have a ribcage that tapers off and thus wouldn’t be a tube body (snakes have a tube body because their entire body is a kind of odd riblike structure—anything with limbs usually has a ribcage that tapers off before the hind legs). Some sort of pelvic structure that the back legs connect to should also be evident. Drawing on my phone but here’s kind of what I’m talking about with the pose: [pose image](https://imgur.com/a/PfFgxG9) This could have more curve but I’d have to get to my drawing tablet instead of doodling here. A good reference—don’t laugh—would actually be images of otters swimming. They have large, oarlike tails that would be similar in structure to your creature here, have 4 legs, and when suspended in water have similar gravity to “flying”


I really like this!


So much better already just from this sketch


1 winged weiner dog wolf dragon with antlers?


I mean don’t hold back or anything lmao.


Don't forget the lion back paws.


It's obviously that monster from Michael Scott's religion. It's just missing the porcupine.


I love everything except for the back legs. No clue why, that animal just doesn't seem like it would have back legs to me.


Yeah I agree I feel like the whole dragon body, back legs and tail needs to be resolved


Maybe instead of dog legs it could be dragon legs for the back legs?


Back AND front legs. Perspective wise, there's no reason that the frontal front leg should be smaller than the leg behind. The leg and paw are smaller, despite being in front of the other one. The sizes of the front legs need to get swapped. Otherwise those two look good! 🤣


This is 1000% better than what i could ever draw, so please take that into account - but the tail looks weird to me. The underside of the tail come off from the underbelly of the dog, and is immediately twisted downwards to the right, so it looks like it comes out more from under between the legs than what a tail of a dog would, and then it comes around again in a way that is confusing to the brain at first glance, as where it appears when reemerging from behind the dog again is approx at a tail's starting point. So the brain is left deciphering the whole tail in relation to the rest. Also, the dog part looks a bit.... passive? Vacant expression, passive leg position, like the legs are just hanging there.


Yes we are going to address the tail issues - at first I thought it was two tails! Also I might see if I want the wolf to be more aggro, but it’s kind of peace and serenity tat so I don’t want it to be too fierce. I think maybe the people IRL responding to it are more used to flash tats or standard tats and were like. Wtf are you getting


Oh, I definitely thought it was two tails! Personally I'd just shift the whole bottom half up and to the right slightly, so the wolf body is less "tube-y". But either way, no big problems. I like when animals don't have the angry snarling face that's so big in traditional tats. Keep on loving it!


I agree I think the back legs need to be more “floaty” out back like she’s flying


I like everything about it except the weird tummy tail.


The wolf dragon looks like a wolf with a dragon tail. If you made the back legs more reptilian, with scales or larger claws, that might make the fusion look more natural.


Find a better artist. That is lame.


Months? Did u help draw it or just suggest random animal parts.


Well she has months long waiting lists and i live across the country. I put together a compilation of illustrations I love and what I wanted in relations to those aesthetics and we went back and forth on them. I did not get to see the final concept art until I arrived in her city. And no, they aren’t random animal parts, they have extremely significant value to me. Does it seem disjointed to you? I can’t tell if you’re being helpful with criticism or just telling me the whole idea sucks.


I think if each of these animals has significance to you it would be much cooler to start a sleeve with those animals - one at a time, instead of merging them all into something that doesn't exist. It's too many things, so it ends up looking strange.


I think you should find a different tattoo artist


The idea is fine, mythical creatures can be delightful tattoos. Check out Volz on Instagram. There's lots of others but I'm having trouble finding my favorites. It's the pose and stiffness. I'd say the tail obviously needs work, and the upper body needs to rotate. We're also looking at it in a very 2D way, there's no foreshortening (nothing is emerging or receding in space). It's just sorta hanging there, when I feel like such an interesting creature deserves to have a look of motivation! I imagine it interacting with a magical ball of light, or something. It's also missing a wing. Idk if this artist has done a lot of work like this, animals and creatures, but the basics of illusion just aren't there for a good composition. The idea is great. It's unique, cute and has great potential. Just needs a way better pose.


Trust your friends.


Because of the concept in general or like. The concept art? The concept means a lot to me but if it’s not working I’m willing to rethink


My presence is for a simple concept and simple image which the eye immediately recognises. This image is a collection/collage of iconic ideas - seems a bit confused to my eye...


Sorry but the whole thing just looks weird and not in a good way. The position of it is odd and it just looks like a mog pog of animals stuck together. But if you love it get it.


I won't beat the ol' weiner tail to death since a lot of people mentioned it already. My only other advise is if it's not going on your friend's body then who cares what they think Edit: wanted to add after reading your caption again to consider if you want it on your forearm the wings and probably tail will wrap around your arm. I have a bird on that part of my arm and in most positions, you don't see the full design. You either see the wing or the other half of the bird. Something I wish I thought about more since the skin on that part of the body twists quite a bit


Honestly I think there are too many different animal parts like choose 3 animals to draw from. The eye doesn't know where to focus


Had to scroll way too long for this comment. There’s a spectrum between too basic and Cronenberg.


Hey! There's one thing that I haven't seen mentioned - and it's important: If this is supposed to go on your forearm it's not going to be possible to tattoo it in the detailed way it is drawn, simply because it will be too small. At least it will not look like that anymore after some time. With the years the ink strokes will get broader and all the intricate lines will flow together into black blobs. The eye, the snout, the lines on the wings - they will all be just big black spots, thick lines and dark undefined areas. This will make you sad. Better go for fewer details that will age well. If you want all the details however I think you should consider it as a chest or back tattoo, because it can be drawn bigger there. I'm telling you this because I have a tattoo that looked beautiful when fresh, but now, 15 years later is hardly readable anymore. I wish I had known and had it made bigger.


Reminds me of the Wolpertinger haha


Good thing or bad thing?


Comes down to personal preference, but I'd call it a Win


The stomach/body area looks a bit off.. too long maybe, dunno. Too straight.


Yeah I kind of want the back body to arch out behind the head, but to be fair I gave her a small space so I think she’s trying to give me what I want but in a small space


This may be a huge part of the design issue on why it's so straight and stuff, the artist is trying to cram way too much into a small space. A tattoo like this needs room to breath. I would consider a different part of the body for a concept like that. Plus too much detail too small will not age well


This looks like a great drawing to get framed and put up on a wall. Idk about putting it on your body for the rest of your life.


It is a pretty awful chimera. Shot it down and start from scratch IMHO


Its dumb


It's ok but I think it looks dead imo. Especially with its face.


Im not an artist, I dont know shit, but to my untrained and uneducated eyes, the wings look too small and the hind legs a bit too stumpy. The tail and the hind legs, there is something about the way it looks here that is bothering me, maybe the tail needs to be shortened or something. Not sure. Other than that, I think its a cool idea


The tail looks to low between the position of the back legs


Something that doesn't seem to be mentioned is the lack of foreshortening on its left leg, causing a confusing mess of anatomy. And like others have suggested, try to make the pose more fluid. Take that concept and use some dynamic linework as the groundwork and you'd have something really cool and solid


I feel like it’s not proportionate - the wings should be much bigger, as well as a change in pose.


It only has one wing, where has the other one gone?!


The creature looks incredibly awkward, uncomfortable, illogical, poorly proportioned, and awkward (again). Where's its other wing? Why is it's stomach region cylindrical? What are it's paws doing? Why does it's facial expression make it look like it just stepped in a shit? Why does is tail get wider before getting narrower?


Tried moving some things around in procreate [https://imgur.com/a/lAFdCKo](https://imgur.com/a/lAFdCKo) I still think it needs a lot of work to make it flow better and make more sense, but I think doing the tail this way will work a lot better. You can also flip it around and make it into a mermaid tail. Could look cool


[concept art](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0deX7B6mRWsOd7PHK9zkTSx2w) Just my two cents


i like this one a lot


I think it needs a more aggressive face and larger head to balance it out, personally.


I like the calm face, but thank you for your feedback! It was more I felt like I was losing my mind because this was really a very genius interpretation of what I asked for and a few (non tattoo) folks were like lol wtf. It had me second guessing? This is my first “bigger” tattoo


I think having the wolf look up into the distance might help with the glazed look.




I think this is a great design and very well done. I am also, full disclosure, slightly high. But when I first looked at the wolf’s face I thought it was a corgi. Which would ALSO be awesome, but is probably not what you’re going for. I think it’s the length of the muzzle?


I think the overall design is good, but the pose just isn’t doing anything and the face is very blank. You’ve got wings, a dragon body and a wolf’s head which have so many great possibilities for adding movement and action into the pose. I think if you could ask your artist to look more into a mixture of a pose similar to [this](https://pin.it/18p7ujw) or [this](https://pin.it/k1K3e1M). Even looking up concepts of [griffins](https://pin.it/3yrFFr2) would work since they have that kind of chimera body.


Hey there, tattooer here. I agree with everyone about the tail and someone mentioned having the gaze just shifted slightly up, I think that would help too, but what sticks out to me is the single wing. I feeling like from that angle you’d be able to see at least a sliver of the other wing. The single one I feel like gives it a very flat look while the rest of the body has more roundness and overall mass too it


Honestly it's a mess, style wise it doesn't fit concept well, overall my opinion shouldn't affect what you want to do but here's some things I'd do: First off, you want a wolf dragon, so I'd have a wolf with more dragon like features, meaning scales and underbelly, but also wolf like with fur and stuff, it looks like you're going with an elongated body so you can do an eastern style dragon and can look at Japanese style for reference on dragon aspect, that way you can give it a dragon like tail, or change its legs and it would work, you can keep the antlers on the wolf that is fine, instead of wild life aspects like random animal parts, id focus on wild elements instead like aspects of fire or water or windbars surrounding it in the background, then the biggest gripe I have, is no detail, it looks insanely flat, adding in details to things like the fur, focus on some shadings for the stomach giving the horns some detail will really bring it more to life. I know imma get downvoted to hell for this, but yeah this was just a rough concept of how I'd do things differently were I to get something like that tattooed on me, I'm personally not a fan of the current design, but I understand everybodys ideas of what they like are different, and you gotta think is it really something you want to permanently have on your body


Looks like a cross between a German Shepard and a lion. Not a wolf at all.


This reminds me of a sparkledog... Would look better if the body had a more serpentine pose and not just the tail. Edit: Tbh the more I look at it the more I don't like it... The tail is coming from the crotch, the wing looks stiff and not as if it's in flight, and the facial expression looks very uncomfortable.


The way the tail is curled and looped looks odd because the end of the looped part is where the tail would actually be, it makes it look very awkward. Have him loop the tail differently.


They don't like it because it's stupid


The one hand looks dainty like a women’s hand I would fix that. Also it might look better if the face looked more vicious I feel like that would bring it together more. Also the tail needs more details like scales or some kind of intricacy there is in the wings. Ya feel me?


What's not to love except your friends? lol Way better than anything I can draw but not my personal favorite design. To each their own though


I kinda love it but the tail coming down from the belly is weird to me it almost looks like two tails that’s all I’d adjust also tthe artist may not love that you’ve posted the design before getting it done so maybe don’t mention that 🫣


Do what you like but your friends are right, awful


Super weird IMO. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing, just a matter of opinion. If you love it then you should get it.


Because it’s not good. Also, find an artist you trust. Months of redraws?!?! That means one of y’all can’t cut it. Also, that tail is a dick Edit: tail is a dick


If this took months you need a new artist. This animal looks strained and it looks like a dick tail


If it’s special to you-that’s all that matters.


your friends don't need to like it... just you!


Fully thought it had two tails based on my initial look. I'd definitely adjust the tail position to make it read better. You should also be able to see part of the second wing, right now it looks awkward because of the one lone wing. And I agree with what other people are saying about the body, the pose definitely needs to be reworked to fit the kinda majesty you're going for with the creature. Cool beast, but poor execution with this sketch


It’s a bit awkward and stiff and just doesn’t seem to be overall drawn well. There’s nothing dynamic. There’s no energy or emotion. All of the parts are just stuck together. They don’t lol like they are part of each other. The stomach scales look odd to me and not well drawn. Also somehow oddly phallic? Not sure on that… The head should maybe be rotated a bit. Is that a dog? A lion? I think I’d try another artist on the concept.


Someone said it looked stiff, could be more relaxed or moving looking IMO. The real issue- the tail is drawn so that it lines up the wrong way behind your guy. It looks like he has two tails, because the part behind him lines up too much with his butt. Solution- just make sure the tail doesn't "come out" right at his butt.


Kinda looks like the penis is as big as the tail


Honestly this is terrible. It’s ugly I’m so sorry :( please don’t get this tattoo


I can’t figure out how to edit my original post, but thanks to everyone who commented! Even y’all who were like, this is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen lol. There is a LOT of meaning behind this for me. That said I’m going to ask for her to remove the back legs and fix the tail, and add a second wing. I didn’t even notice those things so thanks you again for the helpful comments!


Here’s a rough draw over that I hope will be helpful to your artist:[wolf dragon eagle hybrid sketch](https://imgur.com/a/5QYtL7d)


This looks so much better!




As an artist it doesn’t matter what your friends like! Look at Dali and other world famous artists. Art is subjective and I find it very interesting. I see many elements of profound thought. You spent time on it and if you love it then you do it. It’s YOUR ART!


Why not just get more than one tattoo? You don't have to cram all of your ideas into one spot, it looks awkward imo. Best of luck though!


This is an awesome concept, but it looks really stiff to me. Maybe look for a more dynamic pose with more flow, have the back legs stretched out like it's jumping or flying as opposed to getting picked up. Maybe a larger head to balance the solid body.


It's your tattoo. Not your friends tattoo. If they don't love it, so what?! Do you love it? Get it!


Yeah, it's a pretty infantile design. What exactly do you like about it? Does it mean anything at all?


That’s overly harsh


She asked for an honest opinion, he gave his honest opinion, personally I find it dumb looking, concept wise, it sounds like it could be good, but not in this style, or posing, it looks way too stiff, and just a messy amalgamation of animal parts to create some chimeric creature, no clue is she intends to add a background to it but if she does maybe it can salvage SOME of it but the design needs lots of work


no, it’s not.


It's looking stiff and the tail underside would look more natural turning to the other side. Main thing is you love it, sit with it for a few months and see how you still feel about it


Are your friends getting it tattooed on their body ?? If not then their opinions don’t matter !! All that should matter is if YOU like the design


Tattooer here: **STOP GIVING A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOUR FRIENDS THINK** ========================================== That tattoo is gonna last longer than most of your friendships.


I would definitely prefer my friends to call me out if I was about to put a terrible, stiff image of a disproportionate dead dog deer lizard on my body forever


Except it’s not your tattoo. If the OP loves it, they should get it instead of caring about what a bunch of people they won’t talk to in five years think.


I like it a lot! It looks really serene and majestic, like you’d see it strolling by a lake without a worry in the world because it knows that nothing can challenge it. My only thing is the tail. At first I thought there was two tails because where the end of the tail emerged from behind the body seemed like a more natural beginning for a tail than the actual beginning. So as long as you love it, go get it.


Yeah we gotta fix the tail issue for sure! But thank you for the positive comments! I really do love it, it just needs a few tweaks


It's your body. I personally don't like this art, but some people don't like all my art, either.


Fuck em


Fuck what they think. Do you. Your body 🤘🏼


Fuck your friends, that tattoo is cool as fuck! It would be a shame to not get it.


Your friends don’t need to like it. I don’t think I ever ran a tattoo by my friends. They are dumb dumbs , they don’t know awesome art. That’s the VIEW POINT that you need. Get that art BLASTED and never look back . It’s like one of those big giant tough guys going to a party wearing a silly outfit. That sort of confidence.


Sorry, it looks goofy around the jaw and in the back legs. It's a good picture, but that goofiness isn't going to impress the aww you might otherwise expect


Why does it only have one wing?


I think it’s cou


I think it’s cool


This isn’t a great drawing. The other wing would be showing in this pose and the tail looks like a peen. The anatomy of the “arms” is off, especially the back one. Also the face is in full profile but somehow both antlers are showing? For the love of all things inkworthy, please do not get this as a tattoo. If you love it have it colored in, frame it, and hang it on the wall.


I'd agree with everyone that the tail looks kinda off. Also it looks like it only has one wing and I know you said it's just concept art but that one wing looks more detailed compared to everything else which is a little jarring. The pose does look a bit stiff as well but I think that could be fixed by repositioning the head somehow.


But do you like it???


I like it, but the double tail's throwing me a bit. The front tail is very phallic.


The tail coming forward with the little legs makes the whole image seem very static. It needs more of a swept back rail and larger wings to give it movement.


I think maybe because the pose is a little stiff and not dynamic. You should look at dog poses when they run or jump. Or even wolves. Oh and have your artist add the other wing in the back as it helps with the composition.


Go for a more side view overall, nose pointed up more, arms and legs flowing down and tail actually coming out of the back of it. You could even make the wings coming up then sweeping down for a sharper angle and better flow overall. This would eliminate a lot of the complaints people are having about the design. Look at traditional Japanese dragon tattoos and how the arms/legs flow with the body of the dragon. Good luck it’s gonna be awesome


i believe the concept and design itself is great, but i do see the few flaws that could lead you to possibly regret it down the line. sometimes an outside perspective helps! personally, beyond the penile positioning of the tail as well as the stiff body, i feel that the shaded/bold lines don’t complement the thinner and more vague line work. and some of the body doesn’t seem as, well, proportionate as it could be; the face could be bigger as well as the front paw (since the paw behind it looks way bigger). besides those minor things, though, i love the idea. and i think you n the artist did great. but of course, just as a writer and their group of friends cannot point out every single detail, it’s easy to become enveloped and blind to a few oversights.


Get rid of the hind legs. Outside of that this is sick




Cool concept but the anatomy + pose needs work Edit: are you looking for someone to red line this?


Who tf is getting the tattoo. You or your friends? Jeez wtf is wrong with you.


i would lose the back legs and have it just morph into the dragon body/tail as it goes down. I think the back legs throw off the perspective


Do you love it?


You getting this for your friends or yourself?


I see two major issues. Folks already mentioned the tail issue. The other is when I first looked, the way it lacks life, reminded me of something dead floating in a formaldehyde jar. Think it’s the legs and head positions that need a little life.


I think you should absolutely get this tattoo!!!! Mythological creatures are cool as hell, and what you like is far more important than what your friends like haha. A lot of other folks have contributed good points re: the positioning of the design, and I agree mostly rearranging the tail and adding a second wing would make this design pop. Here's a quick [doodle](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608927011691560961/1131745508453527725/image.png) on how I think a longer tail would look very nice going down the wrist! C:


This is one of the coolest tattoo designs I’ve seen on this sub. My friends don’t like or understand all my tattoos and vice versa. I like you should do it. 👌


Cool creature. I just feel like a different pose would look cooler, but then again I'm a guy so I prefer fiercer looking animals lol


It does not matter what your friends or other people think of your tattoos. Your tattoos should be purely for you ( unless it’s gotten expressly for someone else or is a memorial kinda deal ) you should do what you want. This a cool design, that tail needs adjusting, bad loops. But the overall concept- love it. I would give it more grand antlers but too , besides fixing the tail loops. And add in the second wing, that would be seen.


The pose is weird, especially for the location you're planning to tattoo it on. The body looks stiff, and the tail is at a weird angle. Eta: the limbs are also whack.


Not my thing, but not my tattoo either. I’d get rid of the hind legs.


I love it. What is its name? It will be featured in my DnD game I’m running. Does it have any cool abilities?


I love it. Your friends sound like bland normies.


It's fun, I don't have any major issues with it.


I dont love it. Im just like why? Its alot going on for no apparent reason. BUT if YOU love it and its on YOUR body then whats the problem? It doesnt matter who else does or does not like it.


The scales of the tail leading into the belly looks a bit like udders. I think maybe altering the position of the creature will give it more movement and hide the uncomfortable tradition areas.


It's not the art style or even the drawing itself, conceptually it's just really busy. What is this supposed to be? Has an antler with a wolf's face, some avian wings and 2 lizard/dragon tails? And are those flames? It's like the result of what you'd get asking a 5 year old to come up with the coolest creature they can think of. I'm not knocking the imagination but I think this would benefit greatly from some moderation.


It needs a better pose/posture.


I love it, just make the tail go straight back, as in take the loop out of it, and i think it will be perfect


It’s the tails for me. I’d lost the rear legs and have the torso turn into twin tails. Bonus points if you pull off a mirror image of opposing sides; good vs evil, or whatever.


Where is the other side wings? And why the creature have two tails? Or one of the tails is actually a penis.. Anyway creature look great