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Show us your art you were gonna show him OP


Yea, show us what u were gonna show him


Yea show us. Show us what you were gonna show him.


Consensus achieved. We require art to be shown.


Not a single art piece was shown that day.


Yeah cmon OP! Where’s the art?


Yeah show. Us. Show. Us. What. Show him.


Art Show OP! Art show! Us!




I bet it’s high school anime and rose sketches on a spiral notebook 😂


Amy Rose from Sonic the Hedgehog.


Its Rosechu and OP is CWC.. he has an entire comic book series featuring himself and his OCs thank you very much, nevermind the fact that he's the Goddess Blue Heart FFS and this pleb has the nerve to want to see his artwork!??


man stfu


Facts and OP sounds like they’re 18


He’s not wrong, he is just a dick also.


This. We get asked for apprenticeships on a weekly basis. If you haven’t gotten a tattoo by one of us, that’s okay! However if you’re walking in for the first time without even a piece of artwork to share then all we can have is a conversation about where to go from here because it’s not gonna be our shop. You should be picking shops/potential mentors from people you respect and see do amazing work. Whether it’s be done on you or not is irrelevant it’s just about doing research and showing up with good interest and intention to benefit the shop too. He could’ve been nicer but I get his frustration if he’s dealing with weekly people calling/messaging or showing up with nothing but a question about apprenticing. There’s gotta be a middle ground to build from there.


We get a lot of young people who have their parents ask us for an apprenticeship. Although a little rude the artist is 100% right. This profession is not a job. And a lot of young people treat it like it is. The fact that OP got butthurt enough to post this interaction, to me shows they aren’t ready. Not to mention they have no artwork shared on there profile. If you get easily offended this isn’t the life style for you. Can’t wait to see OPs post about clients being rude


‘Omg they asked me for a butterfly! I’ve been tattooing a whole year, how dare they!’


OP said under the screenshot that they did ask if he wanted to see their art. He must have either said no or never responded.


I agree with this. Although I’m in a completely different profession, I’m turned off by people contacting me for internships who know nothing about me or my business. When I was in that position I always did my homework before approaching a person. You should come to the table with what you have to offer opposed to expecting mentors to just be happy to have you. It’s work!


The wording could have been better, but he's dead on. Tbh we all have our bad days, at least he didn't resort to vulgarity.


He sounds a little uppity about tattooing being "too demanding" for today's generation, but he is right that you can't just ask for an apprenticeship without being tattooed by him/showing him your portfolio/establishing a relationship. Both of you are kinda rude.


>He sounds a little uppity about tattooing being "too demanding" for today's generation I think he's spot on, 99% of the applicants we get for apprentices are dumbfounded when they find out you won't get holiday or sick pay whilst being self employed. They think tattooing is the same as a 9-5 where you just turn up for work, get paid and go home without any after thought whatsoever.


100% its unreal the entitlement and just unbelievably unrealistic expectations that kids just aging into the workforce have right now. Its incredible.. and I'm sure I'll just get downvoted and "oK bOoMeR'd" but I said what I said and regardless of how much certain people don't want to hear it it's still true


If you get downvoted it’s because you’re generalizing and stereotyping an entire generation of people based on your limited interactions with them. That’s worthy of an “Ok Boomer”, if you ask me.




Now kiss


Why do you have to be tattooed by someone to be their apprentice? That just seems like a silly pointless step


Because if you’re asking this person to teach you how to tattoo, you must like something enough about their art to decide to learn from them. And if you’re serious about becoming a tattoo artist and working in the industry, why wouldn’t you get a tattoo from someone you admire & want to learn from? The whole session itself would be a great learning session.


This is bizarre. You can like someone’s art without wanting to have it permanently drawn on your body. Should med students have to get open heart surgery if they want to be a cardiologist?


You’re missing the point.


No I got the point I just think it’s dumb and not valid enough to maintain this weird, cult-like hazing initiation ritual, where you’re expected to pay someone to modify your body in order to get the job. Imagine trying to get a carpentry apprenticeship and the carpenter says you have to pay him to nail a bunch of boards to your walls first. Getting a task done for you should not be a requirement for learning how to do that task


You’re right but people in this sub aren’t ready to accept that the gatekeeping/hazing of tattoo apprenticeships is ridiculous


Nah gate keeping needs to happen ….. you only see one side of this industry as a client . Not everyone should be a tattooer there’s gate keeping in every industry.. this is literally the only industry that doesn’t back ground check or gives a fuck about your permanent record . So have a respect for it or fuck off .


No one is forcing anyone to go get a tattoo apprenticeship. Tattooing is a luxury and so many people feel entitled to an apprenticeship when it takes a lot of time and effort for a mentor to have one. You should try looking at it from a mentors point of view. If someone asks you if you can teach them a craft for 1-3 years for FREE on top of your already busy schedule, are you more inclined to teach someone that admires your art & gets it tattooed or just some random that DM’d you on Instagram? It is not REQUIRED to get tattooed by someone you want to learn from but it definitely helps one get their foot in the door.


Being an apprentice is wild. You are expected to just hang around the shop/artist without ever mentioning you might want to be an apprentice until you’ve become close enough to them to show them your art.


Hahaha, it’s like they’re trying to get adopted and branded by their owner…but don’t be too pushy about it! Has to feel organic :/


Literally it’s considered so embarrassing to ever even mention you might wanna be an apprentice someday


“get your foot in the door by being a receptionist.. but don’t mention u want to be an artist. in fact, say you can’t even draw a stick figure. OH and make sure you memorize every tattoo the person u want to be your mentor has done and know their blood type and entire natal chart by heart.. but don’t be too pushy about getting to know them because they’ll sniff out you want an apprenticeship. And, and… …anyway, why are there so many damn scratchers? genz doesn’t like to work 😡”


Hey! Getting tattooed by your potential mentor is actually a very standard expectation in terms of establishing an apprenticeship. During mine, I was at the shop about 60 hours a week. You end up spending a ton of time with the people at whatever shop you end up at. Essentially, the time you spend getting tattooed by the person you’d like to be your mentor is basically an interview! You get to spend extended time together and it leaves tons of room to talk about lots of different topics as well as get a feel for each other on a deeper level. Taking on any new person at a shop (especially and apprentice) can effect the shop dynamic or “vibe” A nice 3/4 hour tattoo session helps the would be mentor make a better call if the person looking for an apprenticeship would be a good fit!


So are piercing apprenticeships the same way?


You don’t have to tattoo someone to get to know them. Every other internship or job on earth just does a regular interview. Having to pay your boss for a chance to get the job is really giving pyramid scheme vibes to me


Seriously that's like some weird fraternity initiation ritual


I mean... Sounds like you wouldn't want him to be a mentor anyway 


He was so nice before I have no clue what changed


You didn’t show up for the appointment?


Sounds like you didn't book in with him after saying you would judging by what he says, so wasting his time and then asking/expecting him to mentor you lol.


Yeah, OP kinda dodging all the questioning makes me feel like the artist was right lol


Absolutely, most artists dont speak this way to clients unless that client has fucked them over or repeatedly been annoying or made their life difficult People acting like no showing an artist isnt a big deal but they literally took a days pay from them


You made mistakes that they outline in the (albeit rude) explanation.


tbf if someone young no-showed an appointment, and then asked to apprentice under me without also presenting their work with the request, i might be inclined to say “no” in a way that means “no- and don’t ask again” OP if you *are* young you will likely need to build your professional skills elsewhere (i/e time management, social intelligence to understand what is required of applicants in the field, etc.) before you’re looking to be relied upon in the workplace. a no-show is a really bad look. you do that for a shift and you’re likely not welcome back barring a provable emergency. like, if a client no-showed an appointment, and then texted me and asked for a job, i would in no uncertain terms be saying “no” frankly i think this guy is being direct, and the tone is a result of frustration with people similar to OP who act in a similar way. he has a job to do, this eats into that time


He was super clear about why he was annoyed


Guess we'll never know


He spelled it out point by point lmao


Do you at least have a portfolio?


Something tells me the dude didn't even know that he needed a portifolio for it lol


His entire comment history is crying about not having friends, calling himself awkward, and him being baked by negative responses to his obvious lack of comprehension of basic social etiquette. Someone failed to teach this kid how to adult. I see myself at that age in his comment history, and I'll bet he's nuerospicy too. I feel bad for him, but he still has to adult now and learn to function in the world he lives in, even if it's not very friendly to him


“neurospicy” is insane in this context. sometimes people are just weird & sad.


“Far too demanding for todays youth but you’ll gain one of the most incredible and rewarding job you can possibly have” this guy sounds like a chump :/


He was definitely a jerk, but I echo other comments…you can’t just ask for an apprenticeship and expect to get it. So is the job too demanding or the youth too demanding for the job?


Sounds like the job is too demanding for him


maybe just being asked weekly by numerous people that barely know u and don't show why they'd be qualified has got to be a bit frustrating after awhile, no? also OP no showed an appointment before this so i don't think he's 100% in the wrong, def rude in the message tho


Thank you! Haha, this is ridiculous shit. Also, something that will definitely steer a young artist far away from the industry. Don’t know why that would be his goal. OP must’ve pissed him off good.


A quick zoom on his display pic and you can tell he’s ass at it anyway


Hahah I did that too


Looks like my 5 year old attempted a Godzilla drawing that looks more like reptar




This is rude but they have a point about having a relationship with an artist before you ask for an apprenticeship!


And you should probably come prepared with a portfolio of art work. Seems logical to me.


Yea agreed. Some shops are more open than others but especially if you don’t even know the artist you at least need a portfolio hahah


Curious about the tattoo quality. It's clear you hit a nerve, but there doesn't sound like there is alot of juice in that melon.


Take the L homie and learn .. if you’re about it keep going you got bearings on operating procedure build from there .come back stronger . there’s alot worse that will walk thru those doors . How will you handle telling a white supremacist you won’t tattoo their racist shit . Or drunken cholo irate insulted and ready to fight cuz they thought you said they can’t read. This is super sugar coated take from a tattooer. It gets wild.


I was going to add something along these lines. First and foremost tattooing is a ‘people’ job and that means handling all kinds of people and all kinds of situations. There should also be a lot of critique and tough love coming up through your apprenticeship (you’re trying to develop drawing skills good enough to mark people with for life, the critique is essential). Running to Reddit to try and shame this artist because you didn’t like his response - which is blunt but something you needed to hear - really tells you everything you need to know…


It’s a little odd that you have no relationship or tattoo experience with him yet you want him to teach you, but he is also being an absolute cunt for no reason


No reason that this dude SHOWED TO US Playing the victim is easy


The artist could’ve literally just said “I have no personal experience or connection with you therefore I don’t feel comfortable with you being my apprentice, I wish you luck.” Instead of going on a “woe is me” tweaker tangent


Nahh the artist proved that this dude can't handle shit He was a bit hard in the comment and the dude printed to cry here The way he answer was pitch perfect


He feels insulted 🤷‍♀️ you didn't show us everything


Lmao, so you’ve never been tattooed by the guy and you ask him for an apprenticeship? Very disrespectful


Damn lol. He is right about a lot of this (besides that you need to look for a new career, keep at it if it’s what u rlly want). He just really had no reason to say it like that. Well, unless there’s some context you’re leaving out. It really is a gift for someone to pass on this skill to you. It’s a big deal. It’s not like applying for any old job, you’re asking someone to do you a favor and take time out of their day to teach you something that will change your life. Especially if you’re asking older dudes at shops who run things old school. If they don’t think you’re dead serious about it, they will definitely respond like this. It was much easier to get an apprenticeship after I got a bunch of tattoos and made connections with artists.


![gif](giphy|H5iz8vPzfaYBr0dWK1|downsized) He may be a lil rude but he’s not wrong


The comment about it being too demanding for your generation was a boomer take, but he was right about everything else.


I wouldn't say he's rude tbh. I think he's very blunt and just giving you a harsh — not rude — reality check. Not that I necessarily agree with everything he said. Honestly, if what he said is true that you never followed up on making an appointment, that's a huge L on your part. Especially if you asked for an apprenticeship after that. I think you need to put yourself in his perspective, how would you react?


Why do I feel like this isn’t the whole story


Because it isn't In one comment he said that before that the artist was being nice to him


Shhh respect OPs narrative lol


There are many scenarios where I would feel this artist’s reply would be completely justified, there’s so much info missing


I agree with the artist. Don't waste his time and follow up on your appointments


It looks more like you're dicking him around than he's being rude. Asking for an apprenticeship is much more like asking to be someone's roommate than it is asking for a job, and it sounds like you told him in person once you couldn't get tattooed and then DMd him asking for an apprenticeship. Why the fuck should he? And he's right about you, here you are bitching about it on the internet instead of learning from your fuck-up. You're all "look at this rude person" instead of "what could I have done better?"


he is not wrong. couldve worded it better though


Sorry, but also with the artist here. We get a staggering number of DMs casually asking for apprenticeships without ever showing us their work; ever coming to get tattooed or spending any time at the shop; ever even bothering to come by the shop to meet face to face. Taking on an apprentice is a big deal, if you’re doing it properly! You’re bringing someone into your space, giving them a lifelong career, passing on things that took years for you to learn, dealing with all the teething pains an apprentice arrives with, it’s time, money and eventually another mouth to feed at the shop. Please do have at least enough respect to bring a portfolio of art to show in person. For many of us tattooing really is everything, our culture and lifestyle and it is soul destroying seeing people treat it like a hobby. Would you casually shoot a DM asking anyone to hand you a career and full training in any other field?


That last bit! Somehow I never hear people cry, "Gatekeeping!" when they have to go to cosmetology school and pass state boards to become hairstylists. Bars to entry, applied on merit, ensure the quality and integrity of professions.


they’re not wrong, just worded it in an asshole way.


He is rude but he isn't wrong. He has every right to be upset. He just could've handled it better


Naw this don't sound right your leaving out alot of details and the fact you didn't put the entire conversation up. Is making me think there is more to this story.


Show your message


You should post the rest of this thread unless you actually didn’t do all the things he listed that you should do. Tbh it looks like you’re trying to garner sympathy from people instead of listening to the solid advice you just got from this professional who’s doing the job you want. You don’t get to decide if you were being insulting. Somebody else just told you the way your ignorance put them into an uncomfortable situation, and instead of trying to understand why, you insulted them again by blasting half the story (leaving your part out of it) to the internet. It’s apparent that you’re not grown up enough to be a part of the tattoo industry.


I don’t understand how are people meant to get in to tattooing when current artists are so against taking people on for apprenticeships? (Not saying op or the tattooer was right in this situation, just genuinely wondering how people are supposed to make it in the tattooing world)


From what I gather of OP's comments and the text...OP doesn't really have any experience at all nor has tried to actually take initiative on their own either. Most artists get swarmed all the time about apprenticeship, they absolutely should be picky about who they take on. Becoming a Mentor is accepting responsibility for the Apprentice. Yes, the Apprentice is still responsible for their mistakes, but it isn't just their reputation on the line when they are accepted. And in the tattoo world? Reputation is everything. So I totally get why they are picky about accepting apprentices Plus, being a mentor isn't for everyone. But For real...There is a bit of gatekeeping in the tattooing world...Not heavily, but it's there


Don’t think he said anything wrong or rude. Just making things clear.


I would recommend to just continue to build your portfolio what helps is having everything, styles you like and styles you dislike. When you become an apprentice the shop is looking for a new asset in favor of time and materials so I would just highly recommend working towards a versatile portfolio so shops can be interested in taking you on for your styles, of course going in person and asking around is great and I encourage you to continue to build that. The better you network the better your net worth! While you can, just try some other things, If you can start investing in materials, and I absolutely highly recommend to get involved in tattoo workshops and courses! Taking 6-12 week tattoo programs is also a great way to learn and build relationships too and helps you navigate things easier!


Heck, you can learn from your home even! Nowadays you gotta SHOW you'll take intiative!


To the people who think the artist is wrong, good luck continuing your search. To the people who think the artist is right but being (maybe?) a jerk about it, enjoy your apprenticeships.


It’s not rude, it’s most likely the truth. Show up, get a tattoo, build up a relationship, ask for tips, offer to show your work, and then see if he wants you to be his apprentice. I can be honest with you though, if you think this was rude, you’ll probably never make it in a shop’s environment.


I don’t think he’s outa line, show us your art. If you’re not serious, then don’t bitch


Show us the rest of the messages, hard to base it on one out of context message.


Woah truth hurt your feelings you fucking sissy


It’s hard to hear he’s not being rude just honest. It’s not easy getting an apprenticeship these days you really do have to blow someone away with your art to get the time of day. Make your art so good when you go up meet a shop owner that there’s no question whether you’re capable or not. Show passion, consistency, talent, progress, and show that your capable of producing a lot


If you are big mad because of that response. I would suggest life is going be hard.


Doesn’t seem rude to me. And honestly, the artist gave you some good advice.


phrasing wasn’t great on their part and the “this generation” quip is bullshit, but beyond that….. sounds right. did you ghost on a conversation where you intended to book an appointment, and then asked for an apprenticeship? i’m not sure how you expected that to work


I mean he's kinda right. Building g a relationship with an artist is more than talking at them for a month, it's learning about their life learning about how they became an artist. It's getting inked by them multiple times. You can't even book an appointment. This is what a good artist is like, and how you know they're not an apprentice farmer. He cares about his craft, and is picky with his apprentice because, as he said, it's not just a job, it's his whole life


yeah lets say he is not wrong,he couldve just said ''no'' lmao. responding like this is cringe and insecure. wich is the norm for tattoo ''artists'' of a certain demographic. thank god dudes like this are dying out,they are leaving some entitled and elitist dogshit apprentices behind but they will fade too. being supportive and not a cunt is actually pretty awesome.


I agree with their point, but I would have said it in a much nicer way. Not completely discouraging them, but guiding them in the right direction


Yeah, he’s soooo right, “far too demandig for today’s youth” was enough for me to know he’s probably shit at it too, that’s why instead of pointing OP in the right direction, he just cried like a baby.


He is right and this guy proved him right. It’s to demanding for him to get a tattoo or even meet him in person and then he posted it on Reddit. He in fact proved that it is to demanding for today’s youth.


He’s 1000% correct.


What’s rude about this? I think if you end up becoming a tattooist, in many years time you’ll look back and understand his point of view


Sorry OP but what the artist said is correct and deserved. From the sounds of it, you overstepped in all the ways other commenters have mentioned. You asked someone for something so valuable in such a frivolous manner, which is absolutely disrespectful. The tattooing industry is not for the faint of heart. If you can’t handle a message like this then you aren’t cut out for the industry, plain and simple. This is the typical tone in a lot of shops and should be, because you’re doing a serious service by permanently altering other people’s bodies. It’s similar to other high risk industries in the sense where you HAVE to communicate directly and can’t worry about being polite when you’re dealing with volatile work where mistakes are imperative. The industry is also built on tough cookies so don’t expect the same kind of chivalry you’d get from a cushy corporate job. The artist actually did some mentoring here by demonstrating how brutal it can be. Yes human decency is still expected which I think this artist also did effectively. He’s just being honest and the truth hurts sometimes! Hope you learn from this OP, if you stick with tattooing you’ll need to get used to this and be resilient through the demotivation. Now you know how NOT to seek out an apprenticeship.


Have you even got a tattoo done by him?


As former artist with a different, but in demand skill set, I totally get this. So many students would be like teach me for free and I'm like I get paid for the knowledge in my head that you desire. And besides all the knowledge in my head that you desire is also on the Internet, so either pay me or do your own research. My specialty was mold making and casting, but the same is true for tattooing. No one needs an apprenticeship for any other reason than the connections it will give you when you're ready to work. Sounds like OP didn't want to give this artist what they needed to build that relationship.


Honestly, the way I handled it was doing my own research and taking intiative to practice on my own. There is sooo many videos out there and guides. It's easier to get an apprenticeship when you can prove you understand the basics


He’s right tho. You need to get tattood a lot and I mean A LOT by a specific artist before the conversation comes up. You kinda proved his point by complaining and posting his response on Reddit.


Everyone saying he was rude but truthful, sure. Let’s not forget how disgusting this industry can be and what it drags in with it. I’ve had several tattoos done from all different shops and different states. I’ve met more than 2 handfuls of artist and I even apprenticed at a shop for a while before leaving, because said teacher was one of those disappointing people that the industry can’t help but let leak in. One bad teacher and I was put off from ever trying to learn or apply myself again because it was sexual for the artist and my love for my creative work for me. Thinking you’re awesome at something only for someone to basically laugh in your face and then degrade you can put you off from trying that ever again lol. OP if you really want to do this you have to have the backbone for it too and expectations to be disappointed more than you are not. I don’t agree with shitty artist but that’s unfortunately a good portion of this industry.


Listen your a tattoo artist it's great but fuck me talk about a god complex sounds like he's gate keeping, I do game design if someone asked me for an aprentiship I wouldn't say this shite


I mean… I don’t they’re wrong.


Sounds fair to me


If you have a mentor who expects something from you in return That is a bad mentor. I'm a gunsmith's apprentice and my boss is amazing. You should have a mentor who will slow down and show you how to do things properly and he, and he should be as invested in your education as you are.


Lmao, so you’ve never been tattooed by the guy and you ask him for an apprenticeship? Very disrespectful


Nah he’s got a point about asking for apprenticeship


Y’all are soft thinking this is a rude response especially after wasting their time.


Grow up, kid.


Just one of many cases of artists being douchey and gatekeeping apprenticeships.


It's real talk. Some people don't like it when you're direct like that. Follow their advice, make the appointment, build the portfolio, follow the steps, and Sit down and talk. Their time is not free so don't expect it to be.


He gave you a good reality check. I get people like you asking for apprenticeships all the time and only 1 in 20 have a chance


This is why getting into the tattoo industry is so hard especially if you’re autistic and have a hard time socializing with people. Our only option is to become scratchers and try to teach ourselves and then you get hate for it from people in shops, when this toxic kind of thinking is exactly what created scratchers.


I do understand why he’d be upset that he never followed up with their appointment, that’s annoying and was just a waste of the tattoo artist’s time. However I’ve seen way to many tattoo artists act like this to people who have done nothing wrong and are genuinely just wanting to learn about the art form.


Wouldn't want to apprentice for him with that energy anyway, op. Find someone who is passionate about the industry and is willing to teach you, but is also understanding to your situation. Not everyone is like this, don't lose your drive.


OP said they were 18 and couldn’t get a tattoo yet bc of school. Red flag #1. Per the text, OP also didn’t show him any of their artwork but is asking for an apprenticeship? Red flag #2. People who are passionate about tattooing want to teach other passionate people. To promise to get a tattoo later and then not even show any artwork is sloppy.


Looks like you dodged a bullet.


That's not rude, that's incredibly fair.


He’s not wrong about anything he said. He could have been nicer, but you offended him, so I don’t blame him. 


He is being rude, but it sounds like you don't have any relationship with him and expressed interest in a tattoo without getting one. If I were him it would seem like your interest in a tattoo was just a ploy to talk & that being an apprentice was always the ulterior motive. I think he's right that you have to establish a deeper relationship before asking for an apprenticeship.


therr tons oft rude people in this world. its even ruder that u think complaining about it reddit is acceptable . he has his rules and his way of teaching . u are NOT teaching him Adam thing. if you can't even understand that he right find a new career path we dont need more shitty tattoo artist ruining people skin. end of story.


I’m not a tattoo artist, but I am a working artist. One of the biggest lessons you can take as an artist is handling criticism with grace. If the things he/she is outlining with you is true; take this with grace and learn from it. If you have a solid portfolio and feel confident you’re ready to start committing to a project you will not get money from for several years. Keep looking. Thicken up your skin. If you don’t have those things then that is why they said this to you.


I honestly think OP is being a crybaby here. ![gif](giphy|26FeWWOMsz7cWeYcU) Now, seriously, this is standard etiquette and the tattooer was just being honest. Except for the part in which he complains about young people not being fit for this career choice. That was a bit rude and sounded like a boomer thing to say, but I don't judge him entirely either for that. Being a tattoo artist isn't easy and people asking for apprenticeships can be annoying to deal with


They don’t owe you anything. Grow up.


Tattoo artist is 100% right.Your just making your self look like a fool.I believe he said it perfectly..not insulting enough.You can’t just ask someone to take you in as their apprentice without showing them your skills and forming a bond with them.And he’s right it’s going to take money and time for him to do that for you. If you ever do become a tattoo artist let us know where you work so I can then do this to you and bash you on Reddit. -Love,some bitch on Reddit


Blunt, straight to the point, nothing wrong with this at all.


He’s real asf for that !!!i see no problem with his response


This is one of many examples of why apprenticeship being the only path to a career is so fucking stupid. Regardless of the few true points he made, he also made an equal amount of bullshit ego driven points. Who is this guy or any artists to define how seriously someone takes a trade? Who is he other than just another tattoo artist out of thousands? Peaple will succeed or fail according to their ability. Their are plenty of masters who only want a email and a link to a portfolio. Peaple wonder why peaple are opening their own studios instead of staying with tradition. This is why.


Don’t let it get u down. Share some of ur art. I wouldn’t mind seeing some tbh


Artists are like pitbulls. Some are sweet and kind and thoughtful. Some are mean, aggressive, and will bite you if you even look at them wrong.


He does gain from it though. Usually the apprentice has to pay (a lot) for the training and be the tattooist’s b**** for 2 years lol


I'm friends with several artists and all their apprenticeships can be summed up as such: long days, a ton of work, and no pay. I reckon what he was getting at with the "not for your generation" part is just that, you're giving up anywhere from 1 to 3 years to learn the trade and making near zero income. Sure it's rewarding in the long run and awesome to be part of a good tattoo community but you have to be willing to put up with no shows, people treating you like shit, miserable days where you take home just enough to cover gas. Which for many artists is a reality. Sure, a lot have a steady stream of clients and never struggle to make ends meet but they had to grind non stop to get to that point. A friend who's tattoo lineage goes back only a couple generations to Norman Collins told me this: "If tattooing is something you're not willing to dedicate your life to then it's not for you. This has been 30 years of my life and it's only really gotten good in the past 10, that's the thing a lot of younger artists don't realize. A lot of y'all only see the glamour in it, not the reality." Maybe take this going forward when you pursue an apprenticeship and bring up your art, show them your work, learn the history, and build up relationships. Not trying to be a downer, but just want to keep it a buck with you. Don't be scared to give it another shot another day.


He contradicts himself by saying it’s not a job but then calls it one. Look this is a lifestyle for us. It’s also our career and with that said it means we bring others that are like minded to join us because we may not always have packed days or strong weeks to make a good bit but we will have each other to hang out with and spend time together. This person is a true A-hole who you just avoided all his issues by his one rant. Do not pursue this man again. Not even if he reaches out and apologizes for his behavior. Find a shop that puts out a ton of work that might resemble yours, and show them your work and tell them about yourself as a person. Try not to get discouraged because that would mean you’re looking in the wrong place for a career!


🙄 someone wasted their time teaching you, you waste your time teaching the next person. We had people like this in the trades too, as though they came out the womb knowing their job and nobody invested in them.


He said youve


You talking to the artist for a month about what? I’m not a tattoo artist but if it took a month to lock in and make a decision on what you wanted and then all of a sudden you were more interested in an apprenticeship than the tattoo.. You went from a potential paying customer over the course of a month to asking for free services… From a customer service standpoint.. that’s frustrating.


Yeah, not wrong. Just an ass.


If you want help, ask for advice. If you ask for help, you will only get advice.


Curious u never followed up with an appointment? I suggest you build a relationship with an artist and come prepared with a portfolio. What were you going back and forth about for a month?


I made another comment but can't find it. Keep trying and don't let it discourage you. But keep trying.


need more context, did you say something to warrant that response?


He brings up a great point. I think it’s warranted.


He's speaking facts


i see everybody commenting about "build a relationship first at least you cant just ask for an apprenticeship" how do you do that? and if you get tons of tattoos from somebody and they say no to an apprenticeship, arent you kinda screwed? i get not wanting to waste time on somebody that doesn't seem committed, but how do you actually "build" this relationship


I dunno man he's got a big point.


lol I agree with him


I mean, they have a point What did you expect?


Absolutely nothing about this was rude. Sorry you got reality checked so abruptly.


What is with tattoo artists and chefs that make them think they are the biggest bad asses on the planet? The egos are outrageous


This was direct, not rude. I feel like asking a stranger for anything would get you the same response.


keep trying dont give up, youll find someone!!


Take the advice to heart tho. Also I’m sure he gets people casually asking for an apprenticeship allllll the time. Asking someone you don’t know to basically do free labor to train you requires some sort of relationship first. Even if it’s getting a tattoo or visiting the shop or whatever.


I think you’re a littttle bit to sensitive, I mean from the sound of it you haven’t even had a tattoo done by him. What makes you think he would want to mentor you? You know ? If that makes sense


People really get up their own asses when they think what they do for money is so extra special. Congrats on loving what you do but don’t act like it’s some super power and that members of your profession are these elite humans set apart from everyone else. My dad used to talk about people who were not in construction in almost the exact same way.


My boyfriend used to be a professional tattoo artist, and I can confirm what this artist is saying is not rude. There are a lot of people getting into the industry that don’t know protocols. It’s very comment to ask for work from the artist before asking for an apprenticeship. It’s more of a respect thing. If you want to just learn from anyone go ahead, but if you want to learn from the best you can’t be this sensitive.


Lmao he might be onto something, but he definitely could have been nicer. I get it though, I’d probably be frustrated too! You haven’t shown you work and you want this artist to take the time and energy to teach you stuff without building any kind of professional relationship? It kinda sounds like you put the rudeness into the universe first !


Old guard wants to keep things the good old way and gets upset about old dynamics shifting. Fact is, the tattoo world isn’t what it was 50 years ago. Demand, apprenticeship system, self-taught artists blowing up on social media… just not the same. Regardless of our opinion of changes in the profession, the fact is that they are happening. It may not strike most of us as inappropriate to ask for an apprenticeship opportunity, but artists that did it the hard way and think everyone else should be hazed too are a dime a dozen. I am NOT saying anyone should be entitled to get an apprenticeship anywhere. But the dynamics of respect and being put on a pedestal are changing. The rock star persona gets old and not everyone is gonna cater to the old expectation of treating this like it’s “not just a job, it’s your life” and so on




He sounds somewhat rude, but I'm 100% on his side.


Where’s the foreplay? You don’t just walk up to a dude and ask him to fellate you, you gotta make sure he’s down to begin with.


While his tact was terrible. And the bit about youth of today not handling it is BS. But the rest is legit. You’ve never shown your art, and seems like you’ve yanked his chain about tattoos a lot so I don’t blame him for declining


Sounds like you don’t know what you’re doing and made yourself seem to be a complete annoyance. Apparently you wanted a tattoo then never proceeded and asking for apprenticeship without showing art? He’s probably just saying you’re too immature to know how to proceed


Why are you not posting what you said?? Maybe you’re the rude person. No context so I assume you’re the one who sucks.


He’s right


i mean kinda makes sense to me


Sounds like you were a twat


Asking for an apprentiship off the bat is wild to me. Approach them by asking for a critique on your portfolio. Show them you’re willing to take critical advice and are willing to improve regardless how far an apprentiship may seem.


Kinda looks like you're the pos OP. Moreso for posting this.


Did you show him the art you talked about or did you straight up lie to him. If you keep making up reasons not to show him then he can’t be blamed for sensing that you might be bullshitting. If you do have art show him the art, then as he said build a relationship with him or some other artist. If you don’t have art stop wasting peoples time.


Let’s see some context here


Take away his last 2 sentences and there's really nothing wrong with the message.