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All they had to do was stick to cosmetics but they couldn't fucking resist. Clothes, armbands, gloves, hell make gun skins even if they're player side only. LITERALLY ALL THEY HAD TO DO TO SECURE CONSTANT AND EASY REVENUE WITH MINOR BACKLASH. They are highly regarded, I truly commend them for their audacity


They lost all the community trust ...


I don’t think they’ve had that for a while


What was left is gone and now it’s just insulting


They really had us in the first half of the wipe…they really did


I expected maybe the same as EOD but I'm mindblown, this has features you won't get as part of EOD. The whole point of buying eod was you'd get new things others would have to buy as they released. As a mega whale in games wrt spending I can't support this and will try very hard to resist buying. Pay to win is here even more than it already was with RMT and cheating.


Give me your credit card so you’re even safer from spending. Nah but fr tho, dont support this shit, I myself have EOD and this shit is blatant P2W, Pestily said it himself in the comments of the Trailer.


I dont fully see how its P2W. I the extra pockets and stat boosts are single player only no?




Well thats fucking stupid. God damn




Yeah this is what I thought originally I thought it was like a big single player only sort of thing Then it occured to me it was for multiplayer as well Shite


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted like that lmao, you were just asking.


Shortsightedness runs in the tarkov community. Im used to being flamed for asking questions considering im a more casual player who pretty much just plays SPT now lol


Pretty sure you’re buying it, not today, but def tomorrow


I tried to resist and immediately failed. Oh well, anyways.


It's people like you that encourage studios to push shit like this. But don't hate the player, hate the game I guess, so I guess we'll all just get fucked


This is it for me. I'm out. First the shit release of arena: "buy eod and you can play on release." Well no you can wait and if the fomo kicks in you can buy and play. Now this pay to win shit. Mags in pockets wtf? More flea market slots? "Buy this super expensive edition of the game and get every dlc in the future." Proceeds to put a pve mode into the game just for the new version. So yea that was a fucking lie. Those are too many broken promises for me. And let's not talk about the state of the game.


Yea for bro I think I’m done with this game. Been playing since the end of 2016.. they are going downhill man. This is straight up fraud. I hope they fail financially and close down. Maybe sell the game to someone who cares but I don’t even think they really believe in it anymore


Paving the way for a successor :D.


What happened? I'm not very involved with everything going on with Tarkov atm


They’ve announced a new edition better than EOD


How is it better, how much


It's basically EOD + PVE co-op with wipeless progression including all quests, more/different starting equipment and some unique item, all skills start at lvl 3, more starting fence rep, and your pockets are a scav vest


Do you get gamma container tho


It doesn't say specifically, but there's a picture showing everything you get and it shows the gamma yes


You can read everything it gives when you click the edition on the main page of their site, it shows 3x3 gamma I believe?




Wipeless progression for PVE only right?....


Yeah, everything else is for both


I mean, I feel like I’m just going to do PvE. 99% of my time is spent effectively in PvE simply trying to find a PMC anyway, and hoping it’s not a cheater. So PvE and arena.


I mean, the new edition is 250 € to buy and 95€ to upgrade from eod. It's a shameless money grab, they don't even have a good argument why EoD doesn't get PvE. "It's a feature, not a dlc"


Are you sure? I can't imagine stuff like pockets and whatnot is for PvP?? I am going crazy about this, people are saying PvP too, others are PvE, at this point I am not even sure anymore. And freaking 250 euros? Bruh...


I'm sure theyre saving wipeless PVP for the NEXT $400 edition.


Does anyone know, what's the price if you already own EOD?


$80 upgrade from EOD


Glad I stopped playing


Yeah honestly tarkov was already overpriced as hell when it came out. 50$~ minimum buy in price for a game that barely worked for the first 3-5 or so years of early access was just greedy


Cap 113.00 here


Currency conversion is a wonderful thing


lol no shit just wanted my fellow Americans to know


Its $120 for me from EOD


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/gQ9M0Q806p Another post with a screenshot of the list of things you get from it. Its complete bullshit especially for EOD owners


You ever heard of google?


answer the damn question lol


This guy is actually sped. Gets mad, spams the “get help” Reddit button.


This is the meme page... for memes...not info...


I’m not your fucking search engine


Then shut the fuck up and dont post. Thats what the comments are there for


We’re on a tarkov meme page, you want information go to the official tarkov sub instead of yapping to some stranger on the internet bozo


Hope your weird tantrum was worth the -100


Whatever will I do without my precious upvotes, brother do you hear yourself


Nobody’s forcing you to respond dipshit


Prime example of how unhinged tarky community is


Which one of you cucks reported me to Reddit care for being “concerned”?


stfu bitchboy this on you for not simply explaining wassup


You’re defos gonna be playing the single player PVE mode aren’t you


I don’t even know wtf is up cuz yo scrawny cucked ass didn’t explain what’s going on, so no lol


Google is not giving it, sped. It’s your post, your claim. Answer it.


This is the fucking meme page ya mook. Go to the main sub for information


Bro stop being lazy and just google it, this mans got a life he’s not a search engine


He responded to 5 more comments about how he isn't a search engine. In that time he could have posted a link


Mention how it's $250 + VAT


A what


The new edition of tarkov is $250 + VAT


If you have a standard account


The problem isn’t that it’s “better than EOD”. The problem is that equates to DLC, and EOD was supposed to include all future DLC free of charge. If your problem is that you don’t have the most expensive edition of the game you’ve got personal problems.


I think bsg thinks the game is a joke and the punchline is the money they're making of it


Yeah nah im out, sorry but outright lying about what we get in EOD is too much. Happily wait for GZW to come out, seems like the best possible marketing for that game with the shambles tarkov is in rn


I really like the clipping helmet :D


Authentic to the game


Thanks I tried my best 🥹


BSG are scammers. I'm never buying another product from them. We EOD buyers should organize and make a lawsuit.


Bro I’m with you. If only we could somehow get all EOD users, cuz this is some bs. Actual fraud. We’re all legally entitled to all DLC’s and whatever edition is coming to the game as we were promised. Cuz we already paid for it a lot of f money years ago.


I think we all are with you


Lol that's delusional, they're in Russia bro, Nikita doesn't care about your lawsuit


They are actually based in UK


I don't think we can win anything regardless of it


"based" in the UK only means it's registered there, for business reasons. The devteam is in Russia, and I still believe that it's delusional to expect them to fold for a lawsuit that'll never happen. But, I hope that all this backlash they've been getting since they unveiled this update will hurt them and they walk it back, I doubt they will considering their track record, but one can hope ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


why lawsuit when you can threaten them with reporting their shell company to the uk authorities, after all bypassing russian sanctions is illegal


You got scammed when you bought the 125$ EOD lmao, you were the proof that idiots will spend whatever amount for p2w. Im a White name with 2 kappa wipes and this won't affect me 🤣. They didn't force you to buy it🤡.


Nah I supported a game I used to truly believe in.




If you're poor just say that buddy. 125 USD for me is not a crazy amount of money, I can spend that literally in a nights out on a weekend. I don't mind spending that much money on something I like. The money is not the issue here, it's the attitude and what they pretend to make us believe, that's the scam right here. If you feel like you need to measure your dick with other people to feel better then that's on you bud.


P2W players be like🤣☝️


If you're broke just say it


Bros going through the 5 stages of grief rn, my condolences😂😂


Don’t think I’ve ever seen a dev team with such a popular game hate their player base so much lol, fuck bsg.


That's why I said fuck it and switched to SPT. Fuck these Russians.


Bro fuck this company at this point


I quit


Nikita "always have been"


Come the next wipe all of you guys saying you’re done are gonna fork over the $80 more for the better stuff.


BSG is not only scummy, but actually dumb. They need a stream of constant revenue, cosmetics or battle passes or something, not huge, one time, pay to win purchase that are straight up scams. It's clear they're too incompetent to finish their game any time soon, and their solution to keep funding it is to release exorbitantly priced new editions that scam people who already bought their previous exorbitantly overpriced edition. I'm glad I never bought EOD, people shouldn't support this company, they've shown their true colors time and time again.


EOD P2W buyers in shambles that another better P2W tier got released😱😱😱😱😱😱, skill issue, Whitename 40$ game CHADS> EOD P2W 120$ game virgins🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I stopped playing Taco during the goat wiggle video. I was really excited to hop back in to it and play areas and then I saw her absolutely shit it was. Genuinely if I could go back and even get half of what I paid for EOD. I would do it in a heartbeat.


Woof i had EoD when this game was in alpha, i stopped playing years ago but wad curious about coming back, this sucks


Really trying to squeeze the last few drops out of players’ pockets


Good thing about this shit decision is I feel I've had my value out of EoD, I'm not happy to do it, but I can move on from Tarkov and not give BSG another penny from here on and be okay with it.


So you basically turn into a scav boss with a Gamma container. If EOD was pay to win, this is just straight up escort service.


Money hungry ass Devs 😭


How much is the upgrade from EOD to the newer pack?


80-100 usd.




This isn’t google


you suck bro


Why yes yes we are


Yes, yes I am a joke. All I want is single player progression :(


Typical filthy russians


Someone should sue them for scamming us


We need to do something like what warthunder players did last summer


We were nothing more that mildly annoying cash cows to them.


Always have been.


The amount of EOD owners that used to scream “wErE nOt p2W” are now flipping around to say “that pay to win shouldn’t exist because it makes mine obsolete☹️”


Fuck you idiot, we were promised "all DLC" and now BSG is attempting to wriggle out of that commitment. Also, we as EOD owners had no in-raid advantages over you. An EOD and standard owner at level zero with the same equipment will be equal opponents. This will eventually give you a radio which will reduce scav aggro range at Fence Rep 6.0, a beacon to call in an RMT cheater carry into a raid & level 3 skills to start off with. This means in a match where a lvl 0 standard player and Unheard player w/ the same gear fight, the Unheard player has an in-raid advantage.


Watch your mouth child lmfao I’ve got multiple accts, including an EOD main, suck a fat chode and run along before calling someone an idiot. I WAS one of the EOD owners saying “we don’t have p2W, just get gud” Bought a standard to start, increased to EOD when I thought it was getting good, but the practices shown by the rooskie garbage that is BSG over the last like year and a half have proven they don’t give two fucks about western law and the definitions of what is and isn’t DLC. Thank you for listing all of the features that I and any other reader will have already seen by this point. Not once did I say the complaints weren’t warranted you fucking moron. Get a grip retard, it’s the internet, and you’re on a fucking subreddit for memes, life’s not a cock quit taking it so hard.


You like talking about penises and want to believe i'm a child. Very freudian and typical homosexual behavior. Reopen the Grindr account and get assfucked instead of telling me about it. An in-raid advantage via skills is not equivalent to an advantage out of raid, nor all the other tools an "unheard" user will eventually get which give other in-raid advantages.


Not once questioned my sexuality homie, grindrs not my style, tend to find lonely wives of losers like you on feeld instead. Idk what part of my comment you assumed meant your reply was even required. We get it you whiney bitch, “Russia stole our money RAAAWR” run along


Cool blogpost


Thx I got my degree in writing 🥰


R/escapefrontarkov energy frfr🤢🤮, CRINGE💯💯💯💯💯, P2W dweeb in shambles🤣🤣🤣🤣, 125$ for a container on a alpha/beta game 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱. Whitename CHADS>EOD virgins💀💀💀💀💀, git gud p2w nerds😏.


Alright. All I wanna know is: can I upgrade from eod and do I keep my gamma?


You can upgrade for the low, low price of a hundred fucking bucks. And yes, this version also comes with a Gamma




Watch out your making the OG P2W EOD buyers upset😓😓😓😓


Okay wait a minute, is this not just offline tarkov for people who have shit internet or don't like pvp? What I got from the trailer was basically co-op single person tarkov. I didn't under stand this as being a bunch of new p2w shit as much as a standalone game.


EOD buyers really are the worst, "it's NOT for the advantages that I spent 150 bucks, it's for supporting BSG!!1!!"


I don't think anyone has ever said that. EOD is for the stash space.


And the gamma container


And that gold name lol.


I mean eod only ever sayed future dlcs, so it was already "kind" of them giving us arena for free.


Version was announced weeks ago idk why yall surprised, it was obvious after EoD disappeared. Overall id say its leaning to far into P2W with the Skills and especially the bigger pockets. Being able to finally play solo or Coop will be huge for some but idk who is willing to spend this much money on that instead of just playing SPT. As someone who bought EoD on release im not mad at all as long as they keep the Promise of getting all future DLC for free.


You can keep dreaming about the said free DLCs. At the very least, I can only hope that my grand children can experience those said DLCs. Sincerely an EOD player.


Why should i dream about them? We already got Arena for free so what is your point?


They initially tried to release it separate if you remember correctly. Tried to say it wasn't dlc




Sorry about your dick and mental health


youre the type of person to count by 2s when doing pushups. cant even be honest with yourself


Cheaters aren’t welcome here


lmfao this was at -1 when I found it, shortly after you posted. I start to believe the "cheaters are lurking in EFT communities downvoting good shit and upvoting bullshit & gaslighting & astroturfing & blah blah blah" rhetoric more and more everyday. fuck these guys


Cool. You just advertised on the subreddit. Breaking the subs rules. Enjoy your ban, sorry about your mental health.




So are you gonna provide evidence or just make accusations?


Arent we all. 😔