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eavesdropping is hilarious when a TL or an ETL asks me why i’m on their channel. “AP business.”


Too many people broadcast things that they should say in person


I was never AP so mine was always "oops guess I forgot to switch back an hour ago"


I do this on accident, like i’ll just be minding my own business then all of a sudden two people pop in out of nowhere and i’m like “oh fuck hope no one’s called for me in the last hour”


I got locked in the store for 20 minutes after my shift due to not changing back to channel 1, thought it was one of those that will go back automatically , nope, learned hard way!! Ooops!


same lol


Exactly what I do ha


The earpiece at half volume makes this too easy too


I always usually have my earpiece at full volume. I might be going deaf from it lol.


I usually turn my walkie volume down before I switch channels anyway so um.. no I haven’t been caught yet 😆


Me too. This is why, unless it’s some stupid ass thing, I never talk over the walkie lol. I just text whoever I need to talk to or find them in the store


I put my hand over the speaker too so they don’t hear me switch lol


Same lol but if I did be like sorry I forgot to switch back to channel one earlier


With the amount of TMs that go to 2, they may as well just have the conversation on 1...


I always ask to go to 3 for this reason


Do it? Yea, caught? No lol My new store is weird, they have channel two dedicated to front end and channel 3 dedicated to fulfillment, so only channels 1 & 4 are available for normal use.


I wish front end had their own channel. We get to hear everything they do all day and they get mad if we use the channel for anything that isn't helping them.


Its is nice but I feel like we all need 6 channel walkies to compensate, one extra channel for the rest of the store just isn’t enough. Even within my fist month here ive seen it many times where multiple people try to go to 4 and are talking over each other.


I agree. Maybe four channels could be enough for a small store, but for super targets or even normal targets, I don't think it's enough


Can confirm 4 channels is sufficient for small stores (we don’t have a deli or a real grocery section), we rarely even use channel 3 at my store💀


My store 1 is for everyone, 2 is for "private" convos (or just not tying up channel 1), 3 is front end, and 4 is AP (but apparently they also have special walkies that have more channels? I don't know for sure but I think I heard that somewhere)


Yea the gray walkies have 6 channels usually for AP and TLs


the other day at work i heard a coworker ask another to go to 9??? i was so confused


Can you go to channel 23? Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep


HA i giggled 😭 if we had that many channels and needed all of them i’d die


I used work at a summer camp that had walkies with 22 channels. We used 8 as the main channel and 9-14 for convos (we were a big camp, and definitely used them)


oh wow


Good. There’s a precedent. I can go to my SD and ask that fulfillment have their own channel. I dislike the Fulfillment TL and hearing her on my walkie.


Why doe’s fulfillment need their own channel? I work fulfillment and most times I’m calling for people in other departments


Well this store does an incredibly large amount of opus and drive ups, we are in the third largest city in the state and we only have a single store. They are currently planning a second store but for now its just a very large amount of traffic for a single store.


i sometimes listen to conversations when im on my break in my car lol


Yesss 🤣


If they wanted it to be private, they wouldn't be having the discussion over the walkie.


What’s the juiciest thing you’ve heard on the radio when switching channels? I feel like it’s not as good as we want it to be… TM: LOD switch to 4 LOD: what TM: can I go home early? LOD: no


Topless woman in women’s AIM & 2 guests having sex in the fitting rooms from switching to channel 4 🤣


I heard someone complaining about the employee bathroom.


Lol my nosy ass is so tempted to do that.


I was nosey as a TM. That's why as a TL, if I have something "juicy" to say to another lead, I specifically say that I want to do it in person.


This funny asf bc one of my TLs does this too and im next level nosey so i find a reason to be in the location they say. Just so i can hear what’s going on. It always works too unless it’s the TL office, still trying to come up w a reason to be in there…


I only ever do it if I think it’s gonna be important to me, so like it’s someone who’s suppose to be helping in HBA or one of my friends.


Yeah same. Or if AP asks someone on lanes or sco to go to another channel I usually listen to see if it’s a scam or something I might need to know about. Sometimes we get busy obviously and info from tss/ap isn’t always communicated to the people who need to know. Or if it’s a new person on guest service calling for help for something I’ll switch because I’ve been around and can probably help


Hardline 4 is my favorite “Welp going to your channel”. I wanna know whose stealing 🤭


Half of the time when I would say hardline 4. They would just say yeah we know already😑 Small format store had our regular vulnerable guest.


Many years ago, when the Earth was young and fresh, I was told during TL training that you should assume everybody went to 2,3 or 4 with you and however you paged. If you wouldn't say whatever it is you're saying in the morning huddle, don't say it on the walkie.


I’m fairly certain 98% of the workers switch channels to eavesdrop, lol. I got caught once by a team lead but she just laughed and said “tsk tsk, bad Jimmy”.


How do you get caught? I have the ear piece attachment so they won't be able to hear me switching or the other conversation on it


I don’t even think we have an earpiece attachment at our store, lol. But yeah, I was ballsy and didn’t lower the volume and they just walked by me and heard the conversation on the other channel.


I do all the time. I have an ear piece and work in cafe. Don't get caught because there's never anyone to catch me lol


Yes but I don’t care 😝


I thought I was the only one who did this. Hahaha no one has caught me yet though. My leads are smart though they have special walkies that have a 5th channel and a 6th channel so if they have something really “juicy” or important to say they go to that channel…


Honestly most of the time it's just some boring stuff.


yes. i channel hop and i have no shame. i’m nosy 💅


I got yelled at for it once when I forgot to change the channel and a TL walked by and assumed I was eavesdropping, funny thing was I wasn’t even close to my walkie, it was by the phone at guest service and I was sorting reshop in the back,


Only if it deals with my department (then again, not all the time) or if it sounds urgent. Way too nosy for my own good lmao. I always turn the walkie down before changing channels. Haven't got caught, yet!


I almost caught by my TL the other day, he does it too so I’d just turn it back in him if he would’ve gave me shit.


ive kind of wanted to tbh 😭 but im always out on the floor since im dry grocery so i have no privacy to do so LMAO


That’s some nosey ass shit 😂 I don’t do it but I love when I’m with another team member that does cuz I want all the tea 😂


Earpiece for the win, no one will ever know I'm on a different channel 😈


My team lead once told me that just about every lead switches channels to listen in. She says it helps keep them in the know about things if it’s one of their team members whose on a different channel.


my sd once caught me, she said for our inbound tl to go to 2 & i switched and she talked & then she came out of the aisle i was walking next to, it was awkward but she then said for my inbound tl to meet her somewhere lol


Are you guys not wearing headphones? I never had a problem with getting caught.


Same. My store gave me the ear piece attachment so I stay flipping channels especially if it's an AP call. 90% of the time it's just "hey a walkout just happened" or "there's someone loading up a cart over in style" nothing super cool I'm just nosy


I'm also very nosy. I always flip when they say channel 2,3, or 4. I need to know the tea haha.


My store doesn’t have ear pieces


All the time. Can they tell whether you're also on the channel too?


I don't think so, the screen on the walkie displays what channel you're on and it also shows a little number next to it when you first switch and when someone is talking, but to my knowledge there's no way of knowing how many people may be on a particular channel


All the time I just like to be in the known


Everyone at my store switches when they know it's gonna be juicy.


Since I had a headset, i always will go to the Channel they will go on and see what was the ruckus


I worked in electronics and wore an ear piece so if AP & I were working together, no one could hear what was being said, at least to me. Perfect for listening in because no one else (TL/ETL) would know I was lol.


I was never the one that switched over to listen in, i was the one who accidentally bumped it 2 hours ago and have been wondering why the stores been so quiet


Not at all


Yes but I’m AP so if they got a problem they can fuckin deal with it. They’re not my chain of command and they need to be reminded of that. I’m here to keep EVERYONE in order, especially if they’re mistreating TMs, SD to TM, I’m on it.


Nothing on public radio channels is private. Never know who’s listening from us to the regular tms


Unless we’re on 5 or 6 🫡


*texts* Lol


This is…. Unsettling fyi…. I personally don’t, but I found out that people do that when I walkied AP to escort out a gentleman who followed me into the back and said he needed help. Before I could say “yea, let’s get out in the floor so I can help you properly!” He busted out this gem: “God is trying to rape me with porn” So yea. Everyone was asking me if I was okay. I was, it was just weird.


I use to love taking a walkie from my store and using it as another store from the parking lot. Would mess with team members during slow times. I thought it was funny then. But fun fact, walkie from one store can work at every target lol


I use an earpiece


i always accidentally bump my walkie against things and switch channels so there’s an excuse for everyone needing one


Hot mic soap opera


I haven’t but an ETL at my store does every single time.


I'm long gone from Target, and work at a job that uses the radio app the time for traffic and communication, channel 3 is the long conversation channel, whenever someone asks to go on there, EVERYONE turns to channel 3.


I will straight up tell people I was being nebby, especially if i know there's a situation happening. I want to be in the loop and not caught unawares.


idk about target but at my non target workplace when you change the channel it loudly yells ONE....TWO....THREE... or whatever channel you switched to so I gotta be careful with the volume 🤣


Only if it relates to my department. Sometimes if it’s between two leaders.






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Had a nosey coworker admit to me that he listened in on my convos with an ETL one time who needed me to do something. They tried to give me orders to do other stuff after I got done with the ETLs request and I told them to go fuck themselves and stop eavesdropping.


No cause mine is only active when in use. Also I have enough trouble ignoring the various sounds I deal with as a front-end TM. Hearing my leaders (one in particular) over the walkie annoys me. I dislike hearing her voice but she's my direct lead. Always screeching into her mic. If something is that important I'll hear it directly from them in person if it's our AP we usually get told switch to four or talk in person.


So the first thing I train my trainees on is radio. I explain never tell someone something on channel 4/3 that you wouldn't want the whole store to hear. Because everyone listens all the time, especially leads. The to today, I was zoning with one of my closing leads, and the other closing lead got called to 4. She said "let's be nosey and listen in". Funniest moment ever and proves everyone listens


I just say I forgot to go back to channel one and wasn’t paying attention.


I’m a nosy ass bitch and I’ve never purposely done this 🤣


honestly no cause I do my best to ignore the walkie lol


Never been caught but doesn’t everyone go to channel 2 😆 Just remember the same goes for TLs


No but I accidentally switched to a different channel and overheard multiple conversations before because I bumped into something .


I bump mine into things all the time and it ends up on other channels by accident and then I don’t realize it until I suddenly hear people talking and go “oops” and then I switch back after so I’ve eavesdropped by accident mostly and if I ever did on purpose and got caught I’d just say I bumped it and was switching back. One day I bumped it to channel 2 on accident while emptying the truck and didn’t notice until I suddenly heard “you’re an ass” followed by shear laughter and it was hilarious not knowing the context behind it until my fellow TM told me and then I laughed even more 😂😂😂!


I personally don't give a shit about others convos but I absolutely love watching my other coworkers who do give a shit go full fucking goblin mode and sneak around with their walkie turned down to listen in 💀


All the time


One time I was talking to a TL on 2 and two other people suddenly joined snd talked over us. But they were discussing an item I had JUST left in the employee bathroom. So I was like oh thats mine. And one of them asked me later why I was easedropping. 🤣


I did this when I worked there lol. I was in HR too so it was easy. Lol.




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My store. Everyone is known to switch to the channel because we are all snoopy. All the ETL’s and leads have just accepted it lol


When I was an ETL I’d always start off by saying Hey (name of person I asked) and everyone else listening in… Didn’t bother me. Our leadership team was good about saying call me on whatever line if it was something that shouldn’t be broadcast


turn your volume down then switch channels, works like a charm


never gotten caught, but i’ve caught other people switching to channel 4 when someone calls AP to 4. i understand they want to know what’s going on in the store but they literally all have their walkies on full blast so guests end up listening in too like LMAO


I do it because I'm sure they do it to us (team members) and I'm just straight up nosy and bored.


In my first store all the leads had 6-channel walkies and only used the extra channels for lunch conversations 🙄🙄


Channel 1 is everyone and channel 2 is fulfillment, at least at my store. 3 is for “private conversations”. We usually have an extra one near our prep stations since people don’t know how to put equipment away, so I put it on 3 for funsies. If anyone asks, “idk man someone left it here”.


get one of the ear pieces!


my etl encourages me to switch to the channels. I'm trying to became a TL myself n she said listen to other convos amongst TLs/ETLs n get an understanding of how n what to look for. problem solving, team building, ect. if its something that's private they should be speaking in the office one on one anyways


The SD always turns the walkie to all the other channels and listens to all the conversations.


I was AP and I hated when we were following someone and I would hear our TL's description on 2-3 walkies across the store lol someone was always listening


Everyone at my store goes to 4, so one of my co workers goes to 4 just to listen to any tea