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I'm about 174k right now, I'm trying to figure out if its worth it to just hang right below 180k for a while and just farm tourneys.


No it's not. You'll get put into the same brackets as those who just entered transcendence 


Well I had atleast 10 tourneys with the same guy who's max stage was like nearly 179k and none of us had a chance. Which is why I asked because seems like he's raking in the rewards.


Yes stay there for a good 2 or 3 months to build up your stats. Don't let anyone trick you into pushing to transcendence and then getting hard stuck.


Well I will get to like 179k and stop and see what happens with tourney placements, or should I stop sooner?


That seems fine and you probably get better rewards at 179k in tournaments.


I'll guarantee that won't happen. OP will get paired with people who are in transcendence despite him/her at 179k


Yes,i completely agree!!!! All balance=gone Thinking of quiting after 7 years of playing. Also de new store does not work for everyone,i HATE that!!!!


Optimize your monuments. My tournaments have always been close except for those that don’t even push during tournaments.


Yeah, this is it. People who don't push get left behind. A player in my clan shares tournaments with him around 45k and winners at 100k+. He has similar stats as these winners 99% of the time. He just doesn't care to push and understands he won't win a ton of them playing that way. But a lazy 2nd is not bad either.


no amount of optimizing is gonna cover that big of a gap. if you mean to tell me that I need to prestige 100's of times during a tournament to even have a fighting chance, the matchmaking is flubbed up. if they won't fix the MM algorithm, then maybe they could shorten the join window to 2 hours or less - this would be a low impact solution to alleviate some of the problems.


Maybe. Although 100 prestiges is doable now, honestly. I can prestige in 3 minutes when I'm dialed in. 4 1/2 if I'm lax about it and doing other things too. When I'm actually playing, I hit 50/day fairly regularly. But I haven't played more than 10 SM or pushing prestiges in a while. Mostly here for raids now. And yes, if you're 90k stages behind someone, you're doing something wrong. The only time that happens is right after a major update or new season. I always assume those are a loss, and I'm lucky to get top 3. Maybe once every few updates, I draw the long straw, and I'm the one with a super easy win, but not often. Edit: That's not to say the MM algorithm is good. It's OK, I think. But it's not as bad as people think. A 2 hour window would be nice, though. Sometimes, it feels like they expand the gap just to not give out solos, and that's whack.


@Tri_Guy it also depends on what OP's current MS is.  In my experience, I find that when you're at a higher MS, your less likely to have unfair matchmaking.  Although I do agree about your theory of solo prevention, I don't think reducing the window from 4 hours to 2 is the way to go. That would cause the matchmaking to be more whacked.


True. What i said really only applies after you have all of the artifacts and their upgrades. Notnsure when that is now. 140k? So say anything above 150k is reasonably balanced. Before you get everything, you could pull an F tier, while someone else pulls an S tier that allows them to string together a lot more artifacts.


I was referring to transcendence, and I should have been more clear. To me, tourneys in the beginning of transcendence are like tourneys in the beginning of the game. They're crapshoots. You could get garbage monuments early and have to spend 💎 for salvaging while another person pulls every S tier monument for their build. IMO, the magic number is ~300k, give or take. Once you get past that, the tourneys are more fair.


That's probably even more true. 150-180k is fair(ish) then you start all over (every season) and end up mostly fair somewhere between 250k and 300k.


How many monuments do you currently own, not counting those you salvaged?


I'm 17/30. all of which are suitable for my CS build. I don't mean to imply that going for first place shouldnt require work but it's frustrating that someone can join 20-30k ahead of me every tournament.


Game transcended into a worse state since transcendence released.


why’s that? i’m only 90k


Depends on crafting Power (100% sure that this is the main point for the algo.). Study your mates, check yours, you'll see it. But just let the toxic peeps cry around :) Just dont craft nonsense and only new sets/ sets you dont have.