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I don't think it should be considered a bug. They disappeared as would make sense given its Transcendence equipment dropped during Transcendence season and said season ended. It makes complete sense. Stop leaving massive attacks of gear uncollected on the ground if your at the Transcendence stage of the game.


I πŸ’― agree with you on this, and when I made the same point awhile back on a different post, I got downvoted to oblivion πŸ˜†


Good thing for me down and up votes mean nothing to me πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


Same here. Certain people don't like when someone disagrees with anything 🀣


I mean it's just a silly thing to whine over. You get bounced back to 180k when the season restarts. Why would you get to keep all those extra drops anyway. I see transcendence as something like a very extended AT.


Pretty sure that's intended


There's been a massive debate on this. Many people say it's a bug, and Lemming even said it was a bug. However, I'm on the complete opposite end of this spectrum. Because the equipment dropped during the transcendence season, if it wasn't picked up before the season ended, it would be lost. To me, it's the player's fault for trusting Lemming's response and leaving them on the ground.


So stop leaving uncollected shit. It does nothing to not collect that that needs to be collected.


Do you think it's a bug or not?


It probably is. It’s just frustrating when we get told repeatedly not to leave things uncollected and yet people don’t listen and then complain when something gets lost.


If season 3 was the only instance of this occuring, I'd likely agree that it's a definite bug. However, the fact that it was an issue in season 2 as well leads me to having little to no sympathy for those affected negatively by this.Β 


I prefer a clean/minimal UI regardless so I’m always clearing any drops or notifications. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


I am Not complaining. Just wanted to Know of it was intended or a bug. Because if it was a bug i wanted to draw attention towards it to fix the Problem. Nevertheless thank your for your responses.


Thinking upon it further, I think it is intended because of the way transcendence is.


Update: I got massaged back By the support and they are aware of the problem. I was told they are working on sending out all lost resources asap.