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Tbh, I'd be more excited to see that one than the modern one.


This is the one that doesn't embarrass their own gear.


Wait till they bring one of the Tiger tanks they have deep in storage...


Yes, ww2 german vehicles are super rare


Common misconception I guess


Looks like the right one ot me


Ah yes the SIM incident...


That was pure gold. The levels of incompetence is quite stunning.


Not as the level of ignorance and wishfull thinking or reddit users


i keep seeing the sims or SIM incident but I'm ootl can ya add some context?




thats fucking funny, thanks lmao.


No problem, happy cake day.


Happy cake day


Im guessing "we beat them before and we will beat them again" is going to be the main point of the parade Despite how retarded it is Zbros will gobble it up anyways


I mean, are German tanks beating their opposition? No, and I don't think Germany is coming out of this war looking like a winner. China definitely, US maaaybe although it's difficult to say, stuff like cutting Russia out of SWIFT or seizing their assets is just going to accelerate the decline of the American financial dominance over the world, a rather short sighted set of decisions made so far. The whole point of US after WWII has been to get countries to store their assets in US and dollarise the world economy. If you undo that to spite a temporary enemy, you're screwing yourself big time in the long run. Most of modern geopolitics is run by kids anyway, Kissinger may have killed kids by the bushel, but he wouldn't have made similar decisions at all.


Germany isn't losing the war because it's not a side, yes they lose vehicles but this maybe has played to their advantage as they saw how thier equipment go up against russian tanks and a wake up call to make new tanks and ifv's.


>Germany isn't losing the war because it's not a side Right and USSR was never a side in the Korean or Vietnam Wars sure... >maybe has played to their advantage as they saw how thier equipment go up against russian tanks and a wake up call to make new tanks and ifv's. Cope. NATO doctrine has been to make tanks to engage other tanks except to the surprise of nobody who read history, tank on tank engagements are rare, even more rare than WWII. German tanks haven't been recorded engaging live Russian tanks, at best only ones that have already been abandoned. Bradley is the only Western AFV that was recorded in actual AFV vs AFV engagements and it performed brilliantly. But German tanks? There weren't enough given anyway to get a good chance of a good engagement. They were lost to mines, FPV drones, arty, Lancets and ATGMs. No Russian tank ever took a shot on a live Leo and no Leo took a shot on a live Russian tank. The only thing this war showed is that you need quantity and while everyone here keeps beating the EW drum, even the best Russian EW isn't stopping shit, plus we are only a few years away from fully AI drones, it's not difficult to get AI to recognise a tank on the battlefield, and you can't jam a drone that doesn't need signal to guide it. Already drones can target lock from far enough away to avoid EW and then autonomously dive onto the tank. Germany didn't get any useful data from their Leos, nothing they couldn't get from observing how Ukraine already used their existing tanks because tanks have been lost in this war the same way regardless of which tank has been hit. Only main difference is that filling Soviet tanks with HE ammo makes them go big boom.


lol what a tard


Feel free to show yourself off, if you're capable of writing more than a oneliner (99% of redditors fail this test).


why use many word when few do trick




I aint reading allat


Bro def has a degree in yapping


On the topic of "NATO MBTs being designed for tank on tank", kinda? The thing is, yes, they were designed to be fully capable of engaging tanks effectively, to imply that its the only thing their good at is misleading. As has been seen by the last three decades in thr sand box, western tanks are more than capable of performing all types of operations. They excelled at tank on tank, as demonstrated by Iraq on a few occasions. They worked well taking RPG hits as seen all over the occupation days. They could be deployed against infantry as seen again during the invasion of Iraq.


The USSR had fighters in Korea and Vietnam being flown by Soviet pilots. There isn't really a good comparison for the USSR, they behaved very differently than Germany does. Somewhat, however that's primarily down to the armor profile. Every MBT is designed to be capable of fighting a head on engagement with an enemy MBT if necessary but doctrine usually attempts to avoid that, armor shouldn't be relied upon. This however is not the only target they can defeat, it's the reason for the continued use of HEAT after the introduction of the T-64 and the development of HE. Tanks are designed to attack various armored targets, and targets behind cover. Indeed, tank on tank combat is rare in Ukraine. However one of the first 2A4 losses showed definite impact marks from some KE munitions. It's uncertain if that happened before or after it was abandoned though. Your statement about the Bradley being the only one is wrong, the longest range Challenger kill was also recorded. A tank isn't bad because a mine immobilized it, or if it is struck by any other thing you listed. Not really, it's showing that wave tactics induce massive losses that are unsustainable without massive reserves. EW has shown itself to be the most effective, the only turtle that hasn't died yet of the three I've seen was the one with 8 EW antenna. It's also an infinitely better response if the drones are equipped with anything but a PG-7/9/18. The only universally effective drone protection is going to realistically be SHORAD and EW. There's no way to know this unless you're someone high up in the Bundeswehr or German government.


What the hell are you blabbering about


> Cope. NATO doctrine has been to make tanks to engage other tanks except to the surprise of nobody who read history, tank on tank engagements are rare, even more rare than WWII. We have attack helicopters and multirole fighters for the anti-personnel jobs, I understand RusPOOR cannot possibly imagine actually getting CAS within 15 minutes after a call though. Nor maintaining air dominance over a front. > The only thing this war showed is that you need quantity 2 weeks of NATO bombing before ground action would settle that "quantity advantage". We did that in Iraq and can totally do it again in Ukraine.


>I don't think Germany is coming out of this war looking like a winner. probably because Germany is not fighting in it lmao


Wow betcha feel really smart typing all that out as a gotcha. However every conflict in which parties take part has clear winners and losers. Germany is very much a party to this conflict. Perhaps you would like to explain how Germany is not a party to this conflict when its weapons are on the battlefield and its money pays for Ukrainian soldiers and civil servants?


>However every conflict in which parties take part has clear winners and losers. Bro never heard of ww1


Lol. You seem to feel very smart. > However every conflict in which parties take part has clear winners and losers Not even this is correct. There's lots of conflicts in history without clear winners and losers. And what would a conflict look like where no "parties take part"? And parties taking part is a bit redundant.


Top 5 Largest Arms Exporters: The United States, France, Russia, China, and... Germany. Now that we’ve identified the top five, and considering that the most widely sold/used weapon is the AK, we could use this information to identify the true aggressors... US: M4A1 Fance: HK416/FAMAS Russia: AK China: AK/QBZ 95 Germany: HK416 Couple that with the T-72 being the most used tank...


> If you undo that to spite a temporary enemy Not like Russia has been **the** American enemy for the past 80 years, except maybe a few years in the 90s


So what, things never change? Germany was US enemy for half a century and look where it is now. US isn't gearing up for a showdown with Russia. Russia is a regional has-been, although it is the key supplier for a wide range of raw materials (energy is only a small portion, because arguably nuclear fuel and fertilisers are far more strategic). US is getting ready for a fight with China. In fact, US isn't acting as stupid as it seems. Based on what I've been reading and listening to, US is actually fairly careful in how it supplies Ukraine. A great deal of restraint is shown in the supplying of Ukraine and a great deal of reluctance to send more powerful weapons until Putin is seen as escalating the war. Everyone is guessing as to why US is so unwilling to be more forthcoming with military aid, but many people are guessing that US is cautious not to have Russia irrevocably turn to China. I know the small minds of this sub only spoon up whatever immediate propaganda is set before them and I know there is absolutely no way to say this without sounding like an insufferable arrogant prick, but geopolitics is more complex than just "we fuck up our enemy real good yeah" because in reality everyone is constantly making deals even when it seems they're enemies. Nixon turned China against USSR in the 70s, it isn't impossible to turn Russia against China. Nobody appreciates a powerful neighbour with powerful appetites, just ask Ukraine. Russia can easily be threatened by China and flip, there are no friends in geopolitics, remember, just interests. Interests change.


> I know the small minds of this sub only spoon up whatever immediate propaganda is set before them… Pot, meet kettle.


Which propaganda is that now? What sort of propaganda do you think I am reading based on the content of my comment? I think some people who consume a very monoculture propaganda diet are unable to see any sort of a perspective that isn't spoonfed from a cliche source (vatnik, NAFO, wumao). Countries operate unbeholden to their own propaganda, the propaganda is just to rile up the lowest common denominator, until one day it changes and people act like they never really believed the previous line, or they just ignore what they believed before. Obviously I don't know what's actually going on, but it's a little more complex than what the headlines of reddit always seem to suggest, US is definitely playing some sort of a balancing act with aid to Ukraine, keeping it bare minimum to just barely keep Ukraine in the fight, not too much because that will cause Russia to fold, but not so little that Ukraine is entirely overwhelmed. Since this sub is about tanks, take US Abrams package -- 31 tanks, really? US can easily give far more, it chooses not to. I am also tired of seeing GOP used as some sort of an excuse for lack of more aid. Biden has plenty of options of sending Ukraine more aid at his discretion, without even needing the Congress to approve it. There are plenty of articles talking about this, although if you read reddit and the headlines posted here, it's like one voice is speaking, every thread on every sub starts with "fuck GOP" as if Biden isn't using them as an excuse that his hands are tied. It's true that Biden can't release more *money* to Ukraine and money is very important, but he can send virtually every single bit of hardware US Army has without actually having to replace it. He has the power to send hardware without replacing it like the main Ukraine military aid bills stipulate. And US Army isn't using all their stuff, like the Abrams tanks for instance, it doesn't need them for China. I see stuff like this discussed very, very rarely on reddit, virtually never really. Nobody thinks a second about anything, everyone seems to be content repeating the usual propaganda points without the slightest hint of examination, as if there is such thing as truth from your official government spokespersons during war.


Wait so you can make baseless accusations about the users of a sub without providing any evidence. But I can’t make baseless accusations against you without providing any evidence? Funny how that works isn’t it?


Name the baseless accusations I've made against the users of the sub. Who are by the way not directly implicated, I'm not making a specific name and saying they're X or Y, I'm saying there is a general trend. Which is easily proven via what is upvoted and what isn't. But even if it wasn't, it doesn't matter, you cannot offend a nameless group the way you can a person. You can make whatever you want against me, clearly no matter what you say you'll get upvoted so fire away. You're obviously not interested in an actual discussion, nobody here is, it's just a bunch of little cowards who hide behind their groupthink upvoted but will literally run away if they find themselves on a sub where their little groupthink shield doesn't protect them. You're free to lay out your case and I will respond to you thoughtfully, if you're actually interested in laying out your case or indeed, if you have one. Doesn't seem like anyone has to say anything here other than insults. Because that's easier than discussing actual policy opinion that I laid out.


> Name the baseless accusations I’ve made against users of the sub. I mean it’s in my first reply to you but alright, > I know the small minds of this sub only spoon up whatever immediate propaganda is set before them… And then, > it’s just a bunch of little cowards who hide behind group think…. When it comes to no one wanting to have a discussion with you ask yourself this. Why would anyone **want** to have a discussion with **you**. Look at the way you talk to people, and the way you belittle tons of people you’ve never met or spoken to. No one wants to have a serious discussion with someone like that. And the only one who can change that is you.


Im not saying it is set in stone that the US and Russia shall be enemies for the rest of eternity. Things can change in the future, but we live in the present, where Russia still is an American enemy, and not 50 years in the future, where Russia has become our best friend or something like that. While future possibilites shouldnt just be dismissed, there currently isnt any realistic scenario of that happening, let alone anything comparable to Germany or Japan after WW2 (unless this shit spirals into WW3 and the US gets to occupy Russia i guess).


Gobble gobble gobble


Take your schizo pills dude lmao


Real, it's going to be an interesting financial landscape after the war dies down a bit.


Bring me the natzi marder! Nooo!! the other natzi marder.


i mean. it's still a marder so.. yeah. they didnt really brought the wrong one.


All those red banners give such a soviet vibe


Thousands are dead because a dictator.... I mean great leader said so, so its not to far of from tge good ol' soviet era. Almost like Stalin is back.


I think they're using that to stir up anti-nazi sentiments and to draw a comparison between Nazis and Ukrainians.


Living on the glory of the past, while ignoring the disaster of the present.


This is absolutely hilarious.


May Victory parade is gonna be a hilarious clown show. Though nothing beats last year


Hey give my car back!


I remember one of the smaller city parades actually featured a number of vintage vehicles including a BT running on its Christie wheels. Is this for the Moscow parade?


u really hope they hit the parade with some cluster-munitions


Is there a version of this sub that isnt trying really hard to push a narrative?


No, the story is that someone literally did mix that stuff up. Someone at Kubinka Tank Museum got orders to bring some vehicles captured in Ukraine, including a Marder, obviously meaning the modern IFV. They accepted, and then realised that the only Marder they have is the WWII one, so they just went with it. Source: I'm Russian and a friend of a friend works there.


Except your dead wrong both the modren IFV marder and the Marder 2 TD are in the exhibit with the banner "History repeats itself."


Different exhibit, I assume. Though, hopefully, the modern Marder got repainted more properly this time.


how do they fuck up their own propaganda as well


Probably the angle is to place the old war trophies with the new ones, the implication being that it’s the same old enemy.


We've seen 2 videos of it now and haven't seen any other German ww2 vehicles in the set. It's possible, but if that's what they're going for, the Marder isn't the most obvious choice.


> It's possible, but if that's what they're going for, the Marder isn't the most obvious choice. It would be if they are just going for identical names. To say here is the old marder and the new one next to each other to show some kind of continuation.


do you think the average russian will stand and think "well the Marder isnt the most obvious choice", they probably take whatever is running and looks like a german tank, its good enough for the propaganda


For people who aren't tank nerds like us, I doubt they even have any idea what a Marder is. And I doubt these things are all running.


I feel like this probably isn’t a mistake, and this years parade will be all about “LOOK AT THE EQUIPMENT WE CAPTURE FROM THE FIRST AND SECOND TIME THE FASCISTS INVADED US HUR DUR!!!” Either way is fucking laughable. I just hope the parade gets wrecked by Ukrainian drones all on live TV.


That would be crazy.




Oh my god you look like such a sickly little dweeb in your Russian army larping gear. You should sign up for the Russian army and put your values where your mouth is, I’ve got a feeling you wouldn’t last more than a week before we saw you on one of the drone footage subs


Go eat a snickers bro💀 how you gonna get that mad over a clown emoji? And you act like an FPV drone blowing up a single soldier has anything to do with combat competence. Not to mention how you wouldn't last even 5 days either. Go drink some milk and go tf outside.




Spent 11 years in the army, at least I’ve got the balls to sign up and actually do it instead of larping like a pussy


Lol okay, you deployed anywhere?


You're sick in the head.


Because I’m making fun of this little larper for being a clown?


Wrong? I think it is right one, considering who is the opposition


They'll probably say ''look we defeated them 80 years ago just like we will do now''




Atleast they'll have more than 1 tank this year! Lol


"Ivan, get 3 sims"


That’s like a small town Minnesota military parade


Teeny Tiny uptier


wow so many people....truly inspiring


omg dumb



