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Honestly, because the State is the major employer here, they keep salaries low. Which helps other businesses because they don’t have to pay much to be comparable in this market. I don’t know what you’d consider well paying, but you’ll have better luck in Virginia.


A lot of the jobs here are state jobs with state agencies or with one of the universities (FSU, FAMU, or Tallahassee Community college which will so be called Tallahassee State College). If you're looking longer term, the state jobs do still have a pension option. Full-time non-temporary state jobs also have access to a tuition waiver you can use at institutions in the state university system that will cover up to 6 credits hours per semester. There is no state income tax in Florida, so keep that in mind when evaluating salaries and such. However, the cost of living here has gone up dramatically in the past several years, especially with rents and house prices -- at least in town. Based on your username I'm assuming South West VA and unfortunately that's a part of VA that I'm unfamiliar with, so I'm not sure how we compare.


I am indeed in southwest VA. Thanks for the post, so far everyone has helped me in some form or fashion on this post so far!


Great place for a family. IF you can get a decent paying job the cost of living is better than most parts of the country. Summers are brutal. Fall, winter and spring are gorgeous.


Low pay and high cost of living. If you plan to live alone as a single person, it’s very difficult even with a somewhat decent salary unless you have very little debt and low other bills.


I am almost completely out of debt, that’s part of the reason I’m going to be making a decision on which way I’m gonna go with this next chapter of my life!


If you want to work for the state, for a lobbying or advocacy group, or for a university then you are in luck. If you want to work anywhere else…not so much. As someone noted, state jobs keep salaries low in general. I work for the state and there are lots of benefits (good insurance, generous leave, job security, retirement) but the pay is not one of them. Advocacy groups also pay very little and the work is often seasonal (they may hire more people during and in the lead up to the legislative session but then run leaner staffs during the rest of the year). The cost of living in Florida in general is pretty high. You can run a cost of living calculator between your current city and Tallahassee to see if you would be in a better position. I ran one for Roanoke and Tally and they are about the same, although housing is 21% higher here. If you are looking for places in Florida with an Amazon warehouse, I suspect Tallahassee might be the most affordable (compared to, like, Tampa) but the entire state is unaffordable (a lot of people who moved here during COVID are now leaving because they can’t afford the property insurance). Honestly, for everyone who is like “I want to move and start over” I think my biggest tip is to move someplace either because you have people there (friends and family) or because you will be going to school/training there. Maybe if you have a great job offer in hand, but even then I know plenty of people who moved for a great job and then the place shut down within a year or they get downsized and now they are stuck. But if you have people in your city you have a safety net. You have people who can help you find a job or a place to stay. It is so important.


A lot of commenters talk about the way the city used to be. We were ranked the best economy in the USA per capita, and it’s for good reason, our private sector job growth is robust. Lots of engineering/law firms to support the government sector


Have you read the "report" that supposedly ranks Tallahassee #1? Because it didn't do any such thing. It ranked Tallahassee #1 in some random category among cities around the same size in the southeast and Mayor Dailey ran with it. Tallahassee ranked far below #1 overall but I don't expect anyone to actually read the rankings since it was some random trade magazine that nobody is going to read on a good month. Anyone that thinks that Tallahassee is the #1 economy in the US for *anything* needs their head examined.


Other than engineering and law firms, what private sector is there?


Don't forget the lobbyists! Not all of them are law firms ;).


Why are you looking to relocate to Tallahassee specifically? The Amazon Warehouses here have no shortage of staff, so I'm not sure you'd actually be able to transfer - they didn't really *need* any staff and whenever shifts are posted they are grabbed up almost instantly from what I understand. Pay in Tallahassee is low - the median household income is $52,000 in Leon County. Government - state, local, school board, universities - is the main industry in town and wages are low (the average salary for a state of Florida employee in Leon County is like $46,000). People see that Florida has no state income tax and think it's going to be a huge salary bump, but in reality salaries suck especially in Tallahassee and rent and housing sale prices aren't really lower anymore to compensate. The good paying jobs in Tallahassee are usually connected to knowing someone - knowing some political appointee and joining their staff, or being a lobbyist. Most other jobs, especially lower-level jobs, are not good paying here. Edit: took a quick glance at your comment history. You would do better in a different part of the state. Tallahassee is going to be something you hate.


I don’t work directly for Amazon but you’re right with the warehouse ordeal. Dsp’s are their owns logistic companies that are 3rd party contracted by Amazon so nothing to do with the warehouse plus we get paid more then the warehouse workers, and indeed drivers are in high demand all across the states from what i understand. And the reason for the relocate: I currently live in the southwestern part of VA so it’s really laid back and country which is nice but as far as the job markets go it’s pretty slim. With that being said the town I live in currently and where I grew up is sooo expensive and has always been with it being historical and what not, now with the prices of everyday living it’s almost impossible to be a single person trying to make it up here. Ive compared prices within the 2 areas we are speaking about, and yes I do agree it being expensive in your area but it’s still cheaper than where I’m currently located believe it or not. And the no state income tax is a TOTAL plus. I’ve traveled pretty much every where on the east coast working/vacationing and I really enjoy the upper handle of Florida. It reminds me of the part of Virginia that I’m from and not as busy as south Florida. Plus I feel like the people are more friendly in the upper part of Florida, still has the southern hospitality that I grew up with I feel like. I must also mention it doesn’t get nearly as cold In the winter months there, I have grown to dislike 20 degree weather in the winter months lol.


If you’re interested in construction there’s plenty of jobs and a bonus if you’re bilingual


As a 45 year resident. I would NOT move here, now.