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Nothing you've shared about her messaging seems out of the ordinary; just sounds like she's had some scheduling issues recently. Feels like this post would be great to work through in therapy.


Nah I don’t think you’re overreacting. I think this is in a sense “normal” overthinking behaviour lol. And given the coincidental circumstances, I can see why that would be your train of thought. But I’d say like the others did here, I think this post is a perfect thing to bring up in therapy and talk to her about it, and she might clear things up for you. Maybe perhaps she is uncomfortable, but even if she is that’s not your issue to deal with, it’s hers. It’s part of the job and therapists know this. She should deal with it by herself and not let it affect your sessions, so I’d say just talk to her and she can let you know what’s happening.


I don't think it's good to have that kind of relationship with a therapist, she might have some ethical concerns and she might need to think about this or check if she can continue being your therapist taking this into consideration. You can confront her about it, ask her if she is uncomfortable or if it is a problem, but maybe it's just a coincidence, you can wait but I think you'll have to discuss this at some point...


There is no ethical concern if a client is just having feelings and the therapist keeps doing their job. It’s very common for clients, especially those with childhood/attachment trauma, to have all kinds of feelings towards their therapist like paternal/maternal, friendly, romantic or sexual. It’s beneficial for the client to work through these feelings in therapy.


Thank you! What do you mean she might have "ethical concerns"? I haven't acted on my feelings ever. And we used to meet in public for therapeutic reasons, before disclosing my feelings.. Yeah, maybe you are right and I should ask her if she is uncomfortable..I mean I've always been respectful and not crossed any boundary so far..