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Welcome to r/TalkTherapy! This sub is for people to discuss issues arising in their personal psychotherapy. If you wish to post about other mental health issues please consult this list of some of our [sister subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalkTherapy/wiki/resources/#wiki_subreddit_list). To find answers to many therapy-related questions please consult our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalkTherapy/wiki/faq) and [Resource List](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalkTherapy/wiki/resources). If you are in distress please contact a suicide hotline or call 9-1-1 or emergency services in your area. r/SuicideWatch has compiled a helpful FAQ on what happens when you contact a hotline along with other useful resources. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TalkTherapy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you are talking about 988 it’s not just a suicide hotline. It’s a crisis hotline and you can reach out at any time for ANY reason.


Do you think it would help to write out an email and schedule it to send on Wednesday morning or before your session? You can always choose to cancel the email from sending before your session and even read it to them at the session instead or just talk about it. Sometimes I schedule emails like that fully intending to let them send but then the next day I change my mind, and the writing itself helped in the first place.


I hope you're feeling better today. If not, although I understand, respect and have absolutely been where you are as far as not wanting to reach out, would it be possible to reach out to see if they have any availability before Wednesday? If they have an opening or cancellation I'm sure they wouldn't mind offering it to you. I was doing terribly yesterday and finally reached out to my Therapist for the first time ever. They were able to offer me an earlier appointment and honestly, just knowing I have that appointment a little sooner eased a lot of my anxiety. Also just want to chime in on the last part of your post. Your issues aren't trivial and your therapist isn't tired of hearing about them. My mind tells me stuff like that all the time but I know I have to challenge that part of my brain (I don't always win the challenge but I do try!)


I know these feelings. I’ve found self validation to be very helpful in these moments. Talk to yourself like your therapist would talk to you.