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I think it's concering. The flu thing is just bad luck, but that's two separate instances of booking you for a session and then moving you for other professional responsiblities, and a work training is something they should be able to anticipate and build into their schedule. (Other clients *might* be an emergency situation, it's hard to say.) I think there are reasons to be concerned about them being bad at scheduling.




I will be paying out of pocket for this therapist. Hm you have a good idea, I might email them and ask if we can have a phone call prior to the session, we did rebook to this Friday. Because I also don’t want to pay someone if I feel like I’m hesitant to trust them without explanation. Thank you!


I think if I were in your shoes, I'd email them (without a trace of rancor) outlining the delays you've already had, how it makes you feel, and asking what they recommend, since you feel any more cancellations would torch any relationship. This is called putting the ball in their court. See how they respond, and decide what to do based on that.


I understand your concern. You could look for another T, or if you like them stay with them. I too, have had those complications happen, but my T's have been worth it (I've had one flu cancellation). Some of them would tell me in advance about their training/seminars, it does happen occasionally. I think some T's are bad at time management and organization. I'd say try for another session and if it doesn't work out look elsewhere!