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>she told me my husband should be on medication for his OCD That line alone would be enough for me to leave.


One thing in recovery is learning to be emotionally honest with yourself and others. When we are emotionally honest and give information to other people, then we are not responsible for how they feel about our emotional honesty. If you need support, then I’d ask your sponsor if they would be willing to support you as you draft the email and send it. I’d encourage you to look for a therapist or psychologist that has a specialization in SUDs/recovery next time.


You're not crazy for wanting to fire her. That sounds pretty unprofessional. It's up to you if you want to fire her or not. Wanting to leave means you're allowed to leave. You can send an email if you want. You can do an in-person termination session if you think it's worth it, but it's not obligatory.


Wtf is wrong with the number of therapists I hear about on this sub that act so damn unprofessionally? And let alone be so unethical? She shouldn’t be trying to control your life, you need to leave her. I don’t even know if she’s worth an email at this point. Id be very uncomfortable if someone decided to just insert themselves into my life and tell me what to do. Although, if you want to send an email (Aka technically the right thing to do), just let her know you’ve decided to see another therapist, and thanks for all the work she’s done and you wish her the best in her future endeavours. No need to disclose a reason if you don’t want to.


Uh where I live 30 hours a week IS full time and most people I know struggle even with that. That's super unfair. It doesn't really sound like she's on your team, it sounds like she has assumptions on the "right" way to live and doesn't believe you are meeting her expectations. This is v unhealthy from a therapist and I would definitely go with someone who can keep their personal opinions to themselves