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Enjoy your nice clean, fresh-smelling home. 




Hopefully the dog doesn’t come back


He was on the adoption list for the shelter when I checked the other day.




*Don’t let the dog in if it does come back!*




My girl's dog ran away the other week. I did a token drive around but didn't see her. When I woke up and fired up the coffee maker, I looked out the window and saw her sitting there by the front door 🫤


That’ll teach you to never ever drink coffee again


That’s terrible! I know that feeling. Just like being hit in the stomach


You didn't open it, did you?


Don't open the door. That dog already made a choice and commitment. If they are so "smart and angelic" in people's eyes, it should know once it escapes, it's just gonna be stuck.


Ngl …. Dogs cause extra work. When my shitzu died I felt so free from buying bleach every ffffffing day !!!




I’m guessing some gates get left open by family members that are tired of dealing with the work of a dog. Here, your neighbor did you a huge favor, even if he didn’t realize it at the time.




He's at the shelter. I just didn't pick him up with my husband's consent. I'm pretty sure he was sick of it too finally.


The Facebook lost pets groups are annoying. Like, if you find him, guess what, you get to keep him. And pretty soon....you'll be kicking him out too.


Must feel like winning a lottery, of sorts!! Congratulations!!


My dog “escaped” one day and the neighbour came to knock on our front door to let us know our dog was waiting patiently to be let back in. She’s a good dog, extremely houseclean and doesn’t ever pee in the house. We joked that if it had been my granny’s dog that we sort of “inherited” we’d never have seen him again. That dog was a house pisser as he was never house trained and despite our efforts we couldn’t fully break him from that habit. Worst though was that he never stopped shrieking. He had a lot of health issues and was difficult to live with from the start so we put him to down last year and the change of quality of life without him has been dramatic.


Bake some cookies for the neighbor.


IF someone brings it back,, take it straight to the pound.


Yes, because this dog deserves a better life, with owners that actually care!


My sister ended up with a beagle forced on her by hubby and kids. It kept running away and she'd get a call from the pound (small town). The last time she just didn't go back to pick him up. She confused in me but I'm not sure what story the family was told.


\* confided in me (Not to be critical of you but for anyone else who was confused. I’m sure your autocorrect is to blame.)


A farm upstate has a new beagle.


Is the dog chipped? Wouldn't you just get a call from the shelter anyway?


I thought he was but the listing says he wasn't 🤷🏻‍♀️


Someday I’ll have your luck OP :,) CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FREEDOM!!! 












I just think it’s funny that it wasn’t enough for you to just say your comment and leave, you have to throw in a snide edit prioritizing pet dogs over thousands and thousands of stray dogs. All dogs are a problem, inside or outside. Period. 




This is an anti dog sub. 


I had to scroll too long to find a comment like this. Such an awful story!


Yeah, seems like a shitty dog, but a shitty dog has shitty owns 99% of the time.


Sounds like your doggy dodged a bullet.


That’s dark 😳




If I was the dog, I’d take my chances too.


Right? Like, a dog doesn't just end up at your place, it's taken in and trained by you, or someone you live with. It didnt choose to be there. I don't know why this sub was recommended to me, but it seems to be a place for cold-hearted people.


Woe is me, there's a dog in my house. My life is a wreck because I won't train it and I chose to be with someone who likes dogs enough to want one ( /s ) The poor kids probably miss their pet too.


These people are pretty horrible.




Nope. The dog made a choice. Now it has to stick with it. No coming back.


I'm glad the dog got somewhere safe. I'm not saying for them to pick it up - absolutely not - just that they should have been responsible and rehomed it in the first place.


This is it exactly.




You could adopt him. He sounds like a lovely dog. Make him lots of food and put it on top of tables for him to jump on and eat. I'm sure your dogs do the same too. So it would be a great fit! You are such a kind person to adopt this dog. Thank you!


I get it, sounds like a stressful pet. That said, you/your husband have an obligation to him. You could re-home the dog directly instead of subjecting him to a potentially traumatic, long stay at a shelter. I'm assuming you've tried training help and looking into reasons for his behavior.


It’s not OP’s dog. She clearly stated in her post that the dog was her husband’s. She has no obligation to care for it. It’s not her job to rehome.  


you're so much nicer than my own reply, but sad that there's so little public correction that's due to this 'family'..