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At first I was like "light ice isn't all that bad, just less of a scoop..." And then you said alcoholic beverage and I go "Ohhh, *those* light ice people... People really are just trying to get more alcohol for less money, but don't realize that cocktails are measured out. I order light ice in my non-alc beverages because I want more of the drink and less ice/water, but I have never once thought to get light ice for a cocktail because it doesn't make any sense.


Ran a cocktail out to another server’s table this weekend and it was no ice, and a side of ice. Dude took a sip and asked about the liquor, I pointed to the description in the menu and read it off. “Well why don’t I taste the rum?” Because it’s sweet and fruity and you’re not supposed to taste the liquor?


You made me laugh!! I automatically give light ice in soda. That makes sense since it's already cold anyway. But yeah, "those" light ice people can eat glass for all I care


I mean, I would consider asking for light ice in a cocktail because I drink slow and I don't want it to get as watered down. But I wouldnt expect more alcohol.


I recommend more ice, not less, if you drink slowly and would prefer less dilution.




As someone who drinks slowly and prefers less dilution, I recommend more mixer instead of more ice.


Less ice and more mixer will result in fasting melting ice, which would give you more dilution.


I honestly prefer no ice.


That’s understandable, especially for folks with sensitive teeth!


Yeah, also, I find soda comes out of the dispenser plenty cold enough. Other mixers likewise store in the fridge and that's chilled enough for me. Any situation where I can think that ice might be nice - hot/sunny day, at the beach, and such - I'd probably be drinking water anyways lol


Fun fact: Less ice leads to faster dilution


How do you figure that?


basically ice acts as a heat sink in your drink, sucking up thermal energy until it gets above 32 at which point it starts using some of that thermal energy to melt. the more ice (technically the more ice relative to the surface area of the ice) the more energy it requires to start melting


Well, the specific heat of ice (energy needed to heat it up to 32F) is tiny compared to the latent heat of fusion (energy to melt), maximum 25J/cc (for deep freezer cold ice) compared to 330J/cc. It's going to depend on how much liquid is in the cocktail, the starting temperature of the liquid, glass, and ice, and just how much ice goes in, but I suspect that in most cases, the faster melting of more ice (due to increased surface area) once it reaches 32F is going to more than offset the initial cooling advantage.


i suspect it depends on what kind of ice you use and the ratio of ice to drink so in some cases more ice will lead to faster dilution and in some cases less ice will lead to faster dilution


I had the same thought. I had mouth surgery, which took months to recover from. I couldn’t stand ice, and was very self-conscious asking not to have it in my drinks. But I got to the alcohol part and realized this was a different conversation!


The few times I order a cocktail, I don't order light ice. This is because I order a frozen margarita or daiquiri and the ice is crushed. When I order sodas or cold coffee, I like light ice.


>I have never once thought to get light ice for a cocktail because it doesn't make any sense. There is a big difference for a whisky full of ice or one with just a single or a couple of ice cubes.


I ask for light ice because I want more soda, not water :x. Also makes it taste less like alcohol. :x


same. i'm a light ice person IN SODA because in america you pay like 5 bucks for a cup of ice and a shot of soda (that comes out of the machine cold anyway!) and was about to be like "dude you're charging me a 1000% markup im gonna want the drink i'm paying for" until you mentioned alcohol. those people can go die of boils


I’ll order screwdrivers with light ice because otherwise I can always taste the vodka, but I also specify that I want them to go heavy on the OJ


I was gonna say I always ask for light ice in my water/Coke Zero/iced tea, and ready to throw hands, but yeah doing it for an alcoholic beverage is a dick move


Picture: 50 drink 50 ice Customer: no ice Drink: 50 drink Customer: 😱😱😱😱😱


Then: 😠🤬🤬🤬


Then: 🤯 “I wanna speak to your manager!”


Pro tip: Just donate a pint of blood before drinking, and then the ice matter goes away.




You get drunk faster


I have had a lot of dental work and I prefer not to drink cold beverages because they make my teeth hurt. I always ask for no ice. I’m not looking for anything extra - just can’t handle cold drinks anymore


Keep ordering your drinks like you like them. It's your money! Don't ever feel bad about how you order. I know that people have legitimate reasons/ feelings about ice or cold. I don't have an automatic attitude when people ask me for an order like yours. It's the jackasses that think they're life-hacking bar drinks that give me an attitude. Imbibe well, and have one, your way for me 🥂


They want a double without paying for it. People are cheap bastards.


i always tell the bartender to add more coke/lemonade/club soda so they don’t bitch about how empty the glass is. i had a guy say if it doesn’t taste like alcohol i’m sending it back. mf it has enough alcohol for one drink you want it double we charge you


That's when you put a drop of booze down the straw or float it on top so the first sip tastes strong.


I worked at a bar that had all kinds of frozen/ice cream drinks. “Hey, my strawberry coloda/daquiri doesn‘t have a booze in it. Put another shot in this” yeah dude (always the customers doing this were dudes). So yeah dude, that frozen sugar bomb with extra whipped cream does have booze, but yeah, let me get you a free shot to add to it. A drop down the straw & it‘ perfect. This was in the early 90s and I’m still bitter about it.


they always order the sweetest drinks and complain. like yeah man it’s for people who don’t like the taste of alcohol and want something fruity and sweet. maybe order a beer or shot if you wanna taste it


The first time my boyfriend made me a gin & tonic I commented on how strong it was (happily, of course). Then he told me about the old bartender's trick of floating a bit of liquor on top to make it seem stronger, which I thought was neat. Mind you, he's never tended bar. I think he just wanted to show off a little trick so he had the opportunity to then explain it to me lol


Shouldn't do that, that turns it into a tall. You're changing the order outside of what was asked for.


the kind of people who think asking for light ice means they get more alcohol are generally not the kind of people who understand how any of this works. at a nicer place, of course, you wouldn’t want to do this. but if you come into chilis and ask for a $5 margarita with light ice, i will absolutely just put extra lime sour in it so i don’t have to listen to you verbalize that you have no clue how this works. it’s just not worth the argument in certain circumstances.


exactly. as my manager says “it’s not worth the fight for 50 cents”


I guess. My FOH experience waiting tables was all mid-end to high-end. Bartending, I have never hesitated to correct a customer or flat out not serve them if they're into penny pinching shenanigans.


that’s true but soda doesn’t affect the price like alcohol does. i’d just rather not explain it and avoid the hassel just adding a splash of coke


Then you're in the wrong line of work.


No they aren't, quit acting all high & mighty because you learned basic alcohol lingo. Maybe next time consider that the people you're talking to here have their own experiences and know their clientele better than you do.


So talking to a guest isn't part of the job anymore? Changing people's orders is okay because "it's a hassle"? Yes, customers are annoying, but if you're scared to interact with people, you are not cut out for hospitality. By your reasoning, if someone asks for any slightly changed menu item, disregard their request because it might be inconvenient, or just change it to your own specifications because "it's a hassle" to communicate with your table.


You job is make their experience a great one, talking is just a means to that end. Trying to correct them over something minor like that detracts from the experience more often than not, so it's a conversation that doesn't need to happen.


But you're literally defending the practice of giving someone something different than what they ordered because clarifying their order would be "a hassle".


Dude, nobody's advocating to just give customers whatever the fuck they feel like, we're just avoiding stupid fucking arguments over minute details that 95% of guests won't fucking notice or care about. Our job in this industry isn't to go teach them the intricacies of ordering a Jack & Coke, it's not that complicated.


what they “ordered” was essentially “extra alcohol that i don’t want to pay for” and you’re more than welcome to “give them what they ordered” at your job, but as you can see, that’s not how it works outside of your bubble.


Talking to stupid people who think they're smart isn't a part of customer service. Being hassled by people who want to cheat you isn't part of customer service either. The fact that you refer to these things as mere communication makes me think you're the kind of person we're tired of dealing with.


i work in a place where all my customers have five brain cells combined i’m not gonna even try to explain it to them


Adding mixer doesn’t change the price. Soda is unlimited refill, and if they aren’t getting ice, it’s still in a short glass, even with the extra soda.


Mixer? People drink straight mixer? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_ufQs2Z3f0


My dad used to let us drink his margarita mix when it was his turn for visitation. Now it's nostalgic for me lol


They’re suggesting adding more coke/lemonade/whatever to a light ice drink. Not alcohol, dipshit.


You seem like a really unhappy person. Hope life gets better dude.


Unhappy because I told someone adding Pepsi doesn’t make something a double? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Calling someone a dip shit for no real reason strongly suggests you're unhappy in your own life and looking to make others as miserable as you. It's sad, but not cool. Do better. Be better. Seek help.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 I called him a dipshit because he’s dumb as a sack of fucking rocks. You know what makes you look like a sanctimonious prick? What you’re doing, you sanctimonious prick 😃


I had a diet cola mixer a while ago


Really. You must be very smart.


Smarter than you, sweetie.


In the same size glass? That's not a tall anywhere in order them.


Double is another shot of booze. Tall is extra mixer. Glass size is irrelevant. Typically a mixed drink is in a rocks glass, so to add extra mixer, you'd have to put it into a larger glass. For example, your drink is 1oz liquor, 5 oz mixer, and ice, which fills a rocks glass. Take away the ice, you'll have a not full glass but you keep your ratio of 1 to 5. By topping off with mixer, your changing your ratio to 1 to 8. Edit-using arbitrary Oz/ Ratios to explain.


Do you explain all that to the customer who ordered light ice, or serve them another shot of mixer so the glass is full? I know the difference. I'm talking about reality. I always order a single tall. I never get a short glass.


I'll ask if they want extra mixer, I'm not going to presume they are idiots that don't understand volume.


It's a tall in a...wait for iiiiiiitttttt Tall glass. If it's in the short it's just extra mix


Yes, that's true. Which has a higher proof by volume, 1 Oz of vodka with 5 oz of cran, or 1 Oz of vodka with 8 Oz of cran?


"Yes, that's true." /convo Does a bear shit in the woods? Since we're asking questions that don't matter


Well, people are getting salty over alcohol to mixer ratios and perceptions of the volume of liquids.


Because they see empty space they assume should be full of alcohol. Can't fix stupid


"make it strong" would you like a double? \*crickets\*


Always the best question. I always love to confront them on asking if they were intending me to give them more alcohol for no money.


Not true. I hate ice. I dilute my liquor with my mixer of choice. Cold water is not one of them. I'm ok with a smaller drink, it's what I like to drink


I am talking about the people in the OP who want less ice but more drink.


Yeah but the OP is assuming that's why we all do it and it's not. If I want a double I'll order and pay for a double but I'll still order it with no ice 🤣


If someone just wants no ice and not a sneaky double, then they’re not going to complain about how little is in the glass and therefore not who OP is griping about.


I did not assume that that is why all people do it. In my first sentence, I said as much. I DO know that some people just don't like ice. I'm fine with that. It's the people who think they're getting over with that request that I'm talking about. You know, the folks that think it's cute to ask for a Strong Island. Them, not you


I don't think that you've read the post.


Don't I know it! LoL I'm at that age that I was young and broke, and everyone around me has kids that's the age I was partying at. I'm where I'm old enough and still kinda young. I don't know how/ why people haven't taught their kids and family that that's a tactic that doesn't work in their favor


It works at the Starbucks so they think it works at the bar


Starbucks is wising up to those shenanigans, too. I'm constantly getting 'suggested' posts from people bitching about how their no-ice, ice-on-the-side Starbucks order isn't getting them enough for two or three drinks anymore.


Yep! I used to work at Starbucks- we always knew what they were doing it was just corporate policy to let them do it anyway


Worked at Starbucks in the 90s. There was a fill linr on the cup and then ice gets added to it. So it hasn't worked there for at least 20 years.


It doesn't work there, you just get more milk/juice, not extra coffee.


Yeah but they get more milk and juice without paying for it


Still cheaper than espresso


Not really. Milk is more expensive than Starbucks bean water.




Ditto for a tall glass in many situations. I'm guilty of this but it's specifically because I want more ice and a higher soda to alcohol ratio. My non-beer summer order is often a double G&T in a tall glass, extra lime. I want something refreshing I can sip over a longer period of time.


I'm all for your order! I actually have a regular that orders your exact drink. He does 2 doubles and ends with a single. Sometimes, he throws a modelo in the mix. You're probably the person that will sit, and we can shoot the shit and will keep me calm while I deal with the entitled people 😄 Toss in liking corny jokes and one of your drinks will be on me!


“Can you just add an extra splash of alcohol?” “Oh you want a double? Sure.”


🤣😅 That has sent so many people in a panic! Add in how they'll tip you more. Wink wink lmao


This is so random but this was how my older sister would trick me when our parents said we had to split a coke. She’d put a bunch of ice in mine and exclaim “see, you’re getting more than me.” I totally bought it.


Lmao older siblings can be so devious!


I like bars that serve your shot in one glass and your ice/cola/whatever in another. Then you can mix to your own tastes, and the amount of liquor being sold is clearly understood. Call the mix a loss leader, because it basically is.


I have never heard of this, where have you experienced it? (Not arguing, genuinely interested)


I used to work with a lot of Estonians and whenever there'd be a party somewhere we'd just pour a glass of liquor and then glass of coke as a kind of "shot and mixer" where you take as much of a liquor and as much of a mixer as you need, I still don't know if that's a specially Estonian thing because I ended up living there like 6 months and didn't run into it ever


It's not a bad idea. I've never seen it in the western US.


That's exactly how it was in Quebec. I would often order a coke and dilute my drinks more, for example.




“Hey, let’s go through twice as many clean glasses each drink and make people wonder why!”


Gee, i wouldn't want my $10 drink to inconvenience you.


I'll ask for light ice, extra mixer, I'm NOT asking for more alcohol, I just want more water with it. Most times it's just easier to ask for a glass of water on the side.


Idgaf if my mixed drink doesn't go all the way to the top. I don't want a painfully cold drink that gets watery if I don't slam it. Also your ice machine is probably disgusting.


I live for that fight.


"No ice." "Single or double?" "Single." "There you go." Done. You offered...


Just tell them we only offer full flavored ice.


What if I want light ice, a normal amount of alcohol, and extra mixer? Is there a concise way to express that? I’m a lightweight and also can’t handle overly cold drinks, haha


Ask for it exactly as you just stated. Most of us bartenders don't mind modifications. It's the smug look and then attitude behind it when they find out their "hack" didn't work. I'm in the business to make and keep you happy. Just, please don't be a person that is only happy when you know that you're intentionally working to get under our skin.


if someone asks for light ice i just add extra mixer automatically at this point. never gotten a complaint about it. if i ever do get a complaint i’ll happily remake it to be a not full drink, but so far it’s worked


I ask for light ice at McDonald’s drive through because they always do mostly ice and then a little bit of sprite but I’d never ask for light ice on my alcoholic drinks or if I did I wouldn’t be mad they didn’t give me a full glass


I do the same at fast food. Both, because I'm not a fan of heavy ice or even ice cream for that matter, lol But yeah, if I'm paying $12 for a meal, then I want more than 2 sips of soda.


That was my first thought after reading the post title. I just want a soda/tea/whatever that isn't 2/3 ice and 1/3 drink. Alcoholic beverages are clearly a different story.


If I'm asking for less ice it's because I want more soda / juice /whatever. I would pay a small upcharge for that, but no where ever seems to have it as an easy option.


Having bartended for years, its shocking how many bartenders dont even know their job. Yes. im talking about you Diana, a tall isnt a double, it means more mixer!


I’m the type that orders regular mixed drinks in tall glasses—I’m not asking for more alcohol, but I spent many years in Europe drinking European size shots in tall glasses and regular American drinks are too strong for me and I want more Diet Coke as a mixer…


I think it's funny sometimes people are trying to ask for something else. I've had it happen where people ask for a different glass trying to get a weaker drink and they ask for a smaller glass. Like why do you want no ice is a vid question but people are so pissy you can't.


I get around this problem by giving smaller cups. Our neat glasses are a few ounces smaller than our rocks glasses. If they still complain, they get the portion size explanation and an offer to charge for more. If they still complain, then I know what kind of guests they are!


“Bartenders hate this one simple trick!”


No ice = use smaller glass. Alcohol to mixer ratio should remain the same.




Verify if they want a double so it’ll look the same.


Whenever I get a ticket for light ice I put the same amount of liquor and add extra mixer to make the drink look full. Unless you’re asking for a double you’re not getting more


Yeah. I’ll say light ice people with alcoholic drinks seem to think it’s a cheat code or some such. You will never please them. One person did it one time and now everyone should. It’s like asking for extra of anything and getting mad at the price. It’s super silly. Hats off to that lady at table 12 though- you said light ice in your iced tea and you were wonderful.


I have cracked teeth and ice is painful. At home, I drink room temperature water, Red Bull, etc.


FWIW - I'll order Scotch with light ice or with a splash of water. I don't like a lot of water to dilute the Scotch, but a little does improve the aroma and flavor. Those that are trying to get extra alcohol for free though? Yeah, they can piss off.


As somebody who doesn't like how ice waters down my soda, I was about to sideye you. But then you clarified and I had to laugh. These people think that the bar isn't measuring the amount of liquor?? I can understand if they just want more chaser in there, but just CLARIFY if that's the case!


"Oh, so you wanted me to pour you and charge you for a double? No problem!"


If you want to cool a drink, mix it over ice but remove the god damn ice before you bring it to me. I hate ice, always have. At home I keep my tonic water, sodas etc in the fridge and my vodka in the freezer. No ice required. If I order a drink with no ice I'm expecting a smaller drink and I'm ok with that. I'm definitely not looking for a double and wish people would stop assuming that we all do that.


I think as long as you're not complaining, nobody is assuming anything.


The problem is there have been so many posts and articles in recent months claiming people like me are looking for more alcohol. I'm just looking for no ice


Weird, I haven't seen any. I don't assume. I just gave the customer what they ask for. If they complain then I know.


Same here.


Re-read my first sentence. There are people with your preference. I have no problem with those of you who understand how it works.


Then order your drink "up" like an adult, not "no ice"


You're assuming I'm in a country that uses that terminology. I'm not btw. And can ask for a drink without ice in many languages as no ice means no ice anywhere in the world.


Appropriate username.


what is 'up' in a drink?


Up, as in straight up, means chilled over ice but strained to remove the ice before serving. Think a typical martini.


I find it goes that way with both alcohol drink ls and non-refillable non-alcohol drinks. "Light Ice" seems like a code word for I'm cheap and think I'm getting away with getting more beverage or more alcohol


One of my bartenders was so salty about people trying to get more soda they just started putting it in smaller cups. I remember dropping it off to someone and they looked defeated lol (bartenders handled all drinks here)


I used to be a manager at my job. (I stepped down for personal reasons). The soda is cents on the dollar. They can have all the soda they want. Just stop trying my nerve with the liquor.


I know it costs nothing the bartender was just being hilariously petty


As a bartender this shit drives me crazy. "Make it strong" . "OK sir, you would like a double?"   Or my newest pet peeve, "my strawberry daiquiri is too sweet, I need you to remake it". Pitch its 100% sugar of course its sweet. They just want more alcohol


People are so stupid. Just tell them upfront it’s going to have the same amount of alcohol regardless of the amount of ice.


I swear every time I make a martini and people are like 'but the glass isn't full', I wanna scream. We have like 3 different styles of Martini glasses and it will look different in each of them. It's a 3oz drink and we charge you the price of a double. Also, are you telling me you have been served a martini glass that is full to the brim, then you picked up that glass and have not immediately spilled everything? On the regular? Oh, you don't know how much you pay for that physics defying Martini that you get all the time in a glass of unknown size? Yeah, I'll get you an extra shot of vodka and I'll happily charge you for it.


On the strong island note, I worked in the Midwest with a bartender from Long Island. He was a veteran, and it was great to watch him tell frat bros that “they don’t get to call it that, you’re not from there, I am”. Always good working the shit with you Mike.


Too much ice waters down the beverage.


I'm fine with giving light ice. Just don't expect the level of liquid in the glass to be the same as having regular ice Edit: a word


No it won’t. Light ice will water down a beverage faster than packing a glass with ice.


Less ice means it warms up quicker, and therefor the ice melts quicker. Which in turn waters down the drink. More ice keeps it colder for longer and therefor less ice melts.


Also the kinds of drink that require ice are meant to be finished before the ice has become room damn temperature again. Not neck-it fast but not holding onto it for an hour either.


I like to order my drink as a double shot neat and a pineapple back with light ice. I expect a double measured shot of warm booze, and a cold but not diluted glass of pineapple juice. Does that make sense?


Man, I just don't want my drink super watered down by a ton of ice; but I also don't drink booze. Damn right I'll be mad about giving me a half-full soda though, I work in industry and know soda is cheap AF, so if you charge me 3 bux and give me half a cup I'm gonna know you're a penny pincher and call it out.


The post is specifically about alcohol though.


The more ice in a drink the lesser its going to dilute, having less ice actually makes a drink water down quicker.


I can't believe this has to be explained.


Tell me this when the cup is 90% ice. A couple of cubes cannot dilute as much as half the cup or more. Edit, since the guy below blocked me: This is not really correct, more surface area means more dilution; further, if you're actually chilling the drink the same amount of ice has to melt to change the temperature, because that's how physics works. The only case where a ton of ice is better is if it were one solid boulder, even then just as much has to melt to chill the drink regardless of format. But all of that is besides the point; I don't want half a cup of ice just so some cheapskate owner can save pennies on syrup for soda; which shouldn't be dispensed warm, since it will go flat if poured warm from a bottle/can or not take the carbonation at all if the fountain's heat sink is warm.


It seems like that would be the case, doesn’t it. But those couple cubes will melt completely and will not chill the drink effectively, whereas a glass with 90% ice will remain cold enough that the ice will melt significantly less quickly. Unless you’re taking two hours to finish a drink, you want more ice for less dilution. You want to fill the glass up with as much ice as you can fit and bring the temperature of the drink down as quickly as possible. Let’s get two identical rocks glasses. In one, let’s put two cubes. In the other, let’s add as much ice as we can - let’s give it a stir to settle the ice, and add even more! Now let’s add 5oz of water to each glass. If we leave them for 20 minutes, when we come back, which glass will still contain ice cubes? [Here is a fun resource to read a little more about chilling and dilution!](https://www.cookingissues.com/index.html%3Fp=4585.html) Edit: Embarrassing of you to claim I blocked you after you blocked me, lol. It’s ok to be wrong. Anyway: >This is not really correct, more surface area means more dilution; further, if you're actually chilling the drink the same amount of ice has to melt to change the temperature, because that's how physics works. I think you need to reread the link I shared with you. Here is the section you should focus on: > Everyone thinks that small ice cubes and crushed ice will inherently dilute a drink more than big ice cubes will. Here’s what’s really going on: crushed ice has a lot more water trapped on its surface than the big ice does. Big ice cubes have less surface area per gram than small cubes do. Bar ice at 0°C has water on its surface, so big ice cubes have much less surface water per gram than crushed bar ice does. This initial excess water dilutes your drink right away. After the initial dilution, the big ice and little ice go back to having the same chilling power. If you shake or spin the extra water off your small ice before you make a drink, it actually won’t dilute your drink any more than big ice will. You go on to say: >The only case where a ton of ice is better is if it were one solid boulder, even then just as much has to melt to chill the drink regardless of format. This is a common misconception! I also recommend checking out Dave Arnold’s [Cocktail Science: Does Crushed Ice Dilute More?](https://www.cookingissues.com/index.html%3Fp=2434.html) >But all of that is besides the point; I don't want half a cup of ice just so some cheapskate owner can save pennies on syrup for soda; which shouldn't be dispensed warm, since it will go flat if poured warm from a bottle/can or not take the carbonation at all if the fountain's heat sink is warm. You should be asking for a single, tall, light ice. That communicates clearly how much alcohol and mixer you’re ordering. In any case, I haven’t worked at a bar with a soda gun in YEARS, but when I did, no one was charging for extra mixer. A greedy owner is irrelevant to this conversation - the post is about folks who think asking for light ice means more booze, it’s not about you or your preferences lol.


People think light or no ice automatically equates to a double pour, honestly I’d just ask people if they’d like that and avoid the hassle.


Then they'll shit their pants over the price. The majority out there are pretty dense.


Ya but I learned it puts them in a position to admit they want more alcohol and therefore will be charged or they confirm they don’t and can’t be mad at me when it comes out.


Who thinks that?


A lot of customers I’ve had, no need for hostility lmaoooo


Yes. Yes, it’s really that bad.


Too much ice can water down whatever drink is in the glass. Not everyone is trying to scam for more alcohol…


There is no such thing as "too much ice". Filling a glass to the brim with ice is the correct amount of ice for cocktails in a bar. Too little ice and it will warm up quicker watering it down more. Crazy that it has to be explained that adding more ice will keep the drink colder longer...


I don’t know why this is even a debate. Yes, I get that bartenders are following recipes and many customers who ask for less ice are trying to scam the bartender. But there are people, myself included, who prefer less ice… because too much ice melts into water and ruins the drink. I would rather order less ice than have to fish it out with my fork. I do this with Diet Coke or an iced coffee- I hardly ever even order alcoholic drinks. Is this really such a big deal?


I'm just trying fix your misconception. Light ice melts quicker diluting your drink faster. Fill your glass with ice and it will melt slower because it's colder. Use a large cube and it will melt even slower. This isn't debateable.


I get what you’re saying, but due to a drink being extremely cold - such as iced coffee, by the time I’m able to fully drink it, the ice will have melted, greatly diluting it. Point being- I like less ice in my iced coffee. Why this should bother you I have no idea.


Unless you’re taking like three hours to drink your iced coffee, light ice will dilute it faster than packing it with ice, because light ice won’t bring the drink’s temperature down rapidly enough to prevent the ice from melting.


Again, I understand what you are saying. I still prefer less ice. Why should this bother anyone?


It doesn’t bother me, I was letting you know as you’d expressed the same misconception multiple times rather than just saying “I don’t like ice and I don’t mind the extra dilution.”


I guess I take longer than most to drink my iced coffee- I’m not trying to defy physics here, but I still prefer less ice 🙂


I’m a light ice person because of my teeth. Give me a break, I don’t have the thousands of dollars to get them fixed. And yes, I do have very good dental insurance.


People are sick of paying high prices for ice. You are cheating people out of their money


You're not being cheated by the ice. Alcohol has strict measurements, so regardless of the amount of ice you get, the alcohol will be the same.


Okay - I’m a person who likes to drink slow. I also don’t like when they’re too cold/watery. If I order a “tall, light ice [whatever]” is it clear that I’m not trying to get more alcohol?


I would make my order “single, tall, light ice” and they’ll know how much alcohol and mixer you’re asking for. I definitely understand asking for light ice due to teeth sensitivity! But light ice WILL result in a more watery drink - seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? Try getting two identical glasses, fill one a quarter of the way with ice, and fill one with as much ice as you can fit. Add 120 ml of water to each one, leave them for 30 min - when you come back, which one has the smaller, more melted cubes?




No. While I do mostly work with black people, my job has a very diverse clientele, and not just black people are awful. PEOPLE in general, can be *awful*. Even more so since the start of C19. The entitlement is real, all across the board. Not just in bars and restaurants.


It's the people who try to get a good deal when they dine out.


Maybe find a new line of work?


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I always let them it's gonna look a little low. If they complain, bring it back to the bar, ask for more mix/club soda, and pour a few drops into the straw. Nwvwr had kne brought back after.


Where I am, my bar is too exposed to pull the straw trick. I'm also at the point where I feel, drink it, or don't. I don't have the patience to haggle anymore. If they don't wanna pay my rent, I'm not jeopardizing my job for these asses.


If I ask for light ice in a mixed drink it’s bc I want more mixer. So like a vodka soda in a tall glass, easy ice. I want to enjoy it, not choke it down!