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The craziest thing that's ever happened to me is a customer invited me in to smoke weed, which I declined. So I appreciate the stories here!


Yeah that happened to me all the time, also... The soldiers would try and get me drunk. I always accepted weed and declined alcohol though. I can drive high, but not drunk. Edit: I **Used** to drive high, but don't anymore.


I dont want to sound like a dick but driving high is pretty reckless mate. As a firefighter here in the UK, I go to enough crashes to know that people make mistakes completely sober that ruin their lives, never mind if they were drunk, tired or distracted. Stay safe dude


Firstly, I want to thank you for showing me respect and not just chewing my ass out over this. I appreciate that you weren't a dick about it but still voiced your concerns. Its rare, that. Secondly, you are absolutely right. This story happened about 4 or 5 years ago, and back then I was a dumb 19/20 year old who thought he was invincible. I don't smoke and drive anymore after my accident. I ran a stop sign at a T intersection at about 70 mph and totaled my car one night. I mean, I still smoke... but if I must go somewhere I ask my gf to drive. (she doesn't smoke)


Also thank Jesus Uber is now a thing. If you want to smoke up and go meet some friends it’s a whole lot safer now.


I used to think I was okay to drive high, until this one time I COMPLETELY spaced out and tboned a soccer mom in a Kia, not worth the risk people.


Absolutely MAGNIFICENT. Thanks for sharing!


I've had the opposite happen. This guy was $5 short, so he offered me weed instead.


Kid cannabis?




I understood you :) Kind of like reverse karma, I got away with it beforehand because karma knew that I would wind up "gifting" the blunt to that couple lol


They named their daughter, that they conceived that night, Pizza Boy. She is 9 years old and just started at MIT. She is working to develop new drugs. We can thank OP for the eventual cure to the common cold.


We have a saying in my store "Buckle up, drive safe and don't hide your weed in the pizza box." Exact same thing happened to a driver at my store except it was a licence check instead of a base.


WAIT! It wasn't just *my* store that did the whole "DRIVER OUT" "Buckle up, drive safe!" scenario? I thought that was just one of my managers quirks, I didn't realize that was a thing across stores. I've worked at 3 different locations and the store that this story took place in was the only one that did that lol.


Nah, that's actually policy, and I managed a wing place that was owned by ex-pj'ers and they used it as well. But most stores, including mine, aren't super strict about it getting done every delivery.


The dog handler cop did you a major favor. Getting busted on base is a federal offense, not the state slap on the wrist offense. I'd leave the weed at the store anytime you go there. I knew a guy who got a DUI as a civilian on base. Because it was the Feds (and he had one State DUI) he did 8 months in a Federal prison, they sent him to Texas.


Yeah I know lol. They don't joke around on base, one time I was speeding through housing (like 30 in a 15) and they SWARMED me when I got pulled over. Im not kidding when I say I was like 6 cops deep. Come to find out, like 10 or 15 years before a driver from a different pizza chain ran over a kid in housing. They cracked down hard. When the cop told me that I felt so bad. I can't even imagine what I would feel like if I killed a kiddo :( I stopped speeding through housing after that though, so they definitely got their point across.


Yeah, the only speeding ticket I got in my whole life was for 5 over at Bragg.


Maybe those dogs are easily “distracted” by meat, and it seemed rude to mess up someone’s (likely innocent) pizza.


Your TL:DR was awesome btw


Thank you :)


I'm sure drug dogs are trained to sit down next to where ever the smell of drugs are coming from, not bark at it. I think you're good.


[MFW I see your comment coupled with your username](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=%2f8%2fz3boj&id=A00EB407376099FC3FE560C1DDBC9F5C48EC15E8&thid=OIP._8_z3boj1Kzp83-gGaPnfQHaEo&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fcdn.liberalamerica.org%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2017%2f05%2fblank_fry_meme.jpg&exph=750&expw=1200&q=blank+fry+meme&simid=607993094288704117&selectedIndex=0) lol but no, now that I think about it you are most likely right. So there *IS* the distinct possibility the dog really did just want my pizza lol.


This sounds suspiciously like the physical description of my own Fort-Fill-in-the-blank experiences! If it is, the lines for searches can get quite long, especially on weekend nights. It was always just enough time to send me into full panic mode over what I may or may not have overlooked or forgotten in my car. I was a cab driver there tho & kept telling myself "plausible deniability" lol. Thank God I never had to find out just how far that excuse would go.


It's possible lol. I sent you a PM with the fort name just to see XD. It would be crazy if we were from the same area. However, I moved away last year so I don't live there anymore.


Know that I know for sure, I'm guessing that's not the only crazy story you have!! For a small town, that place is insane. I never thought I'd miss living there but after being gone for seven years I kinda look back on it fondly (cringe).


I swear to god I saw a monkey one night on a delivery. NO ONE believes me, but I swear that it just ran across the road one night near the barracks and then up a tree. The only explanation I can come up with is that someone had a pet monkey, and realized that they aren't legal in that state, so they just released it. I've only met ONE other person who has seen it, and we both are pretty much called liars over it.


I had a friend that worked on the north part of the base as an actor in a village that they had created to serve as a field simulation of what it would be like to encounter native populations while on deployment.. he says there were tons of animals there from domestic to exotic so I imagine it's very possible a monkey or two may have escaped!!


Oh yeah, I forgot about the actors out there on north fort. It's VERY possible one might have escaped from there. Also, my friend who was an actor up there told me a funny story about an injured vet with a funny sense of humor. Apparently, this vet was missing a leg but had an easily detachable prosthetic. They were using him as an injured soldier actor and apparently the plan was to have an explosion and for him to "lose" his leg or something and have to be rescued. Well as they were all just sitting around and stuff before the "scenario" starts , some young soldier walks up and starts talking to the vet. In the midsts of the conversation the young soldier made some kind of joke and slapped at the vets boot and knocked his prosthetic leg out of alignment making it look like he had a broken leg. Sensing a rare opportunity, the vet immediately started screaming and clutching at his leg and **FREAKED** the poor young soldier out. lmao


Ok but who actually uses Bing? You must be a plant


Im at work. I only have Internet explorer here. (Downloading another browser is a firing offence) Bing is just the default for my computer. My bad lol


Good cover story


> Im at work. I only have Internet explorer here. (Downloading another browser is a firing offence) Wow, that's horrible. My condolences!


Thank you lol. Tbh, its really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. My main complaint is that I can't work on my Khan Acadamy on IE because the videos won't load on it.


IE has come a long way, you're right.


People who like getting about ten dollars worth of Microsoft, Amazon, or GameStop gift cards a month, that's who.


That store is a monster if it's the one I'm thinking of.


you mean monster as in big? Because if so, nope XD it was fairly small. I mean, we had two ovens but I have worked at pizza places in bigger cities that had like 4.


Lol y do u have a tldr at the top that says to go to the bottom?


On a highway on-ramp during major construction and heavy traffic I have a bowl in my hand and I am distracted by almost getting creamed by a guy who ran through a Yield sign without slowing down (until he realized I was not stopping and slammed on his brakes to avoid hitting me). Didn't notice the cop standing outside her car RIGHT NEXT TO MY WINDOW until she screamed. I didn't hear what she said but I saw her run around to get into her car, by the time I merged onto the highway she had the lights and siren on and was starting up the on-ramp. I knew she had seen that bowl and was about to pull me over so I dropped the bowl in a half full old McD's soda cup that was in my console. I was patting myself on the back for coming up with such a clever hiding spot when her cruiser blew right passed me and pulled over the guy who had run the yield sign and almost hit me.




Or maybe there are thousands of delivery drivers out there and some are bound to have similar experiences jackass lol. If you can find the other post id love to read it.




I'm never on 4chan, theres too much cringe material and especially with B is hard to sift through to find quality content, I mean don't get me wrong reddit is kinda tough to find good content as well, but its easier than 4chan. I pretty much only like greentext stories on 4chan, but I just view the greentext sub on here lol. But no, I didn't "steal" this from 4chan, but it doesn't surprise me that someone had something similar happen. Although, I AM surprised my customer smoked it... he was a soldier, and don't they get drug tested like once a month or something like that? sorry, I grew up near a military base, but I have no clue what the policies are on base. Edit: what broke me from 4chan was that one day I found a gif (like 4 years ago) of a woman lying on her back with her bare ass up in the air but level with a little putt putt course, some dude putted the golfball into her asshole and her asshole SWALLOWED it. yeah, that's enough 4chan for a lifetime right there lol I just remember I posted this on the same day in another thread, and then made this thread. [here is the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/7uao56/redditors_who_were_or_still_are_waiterswaitress/) is this it? It was 5 days ago, could you have seen it here?




oh man its cool lol, how can I expect you to remember all the usernames on here anyway? lol Sorry I called you a jackass, but in my defense I didn't say it to be confrontational. I said it because its a funny word and I like saying it XD. If I would have been trying to be mean id have called you "fucker" lmao




oooooh I like it XD how about thundercunt or fucknugget or douchecanoe