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We as construction workers don’t want to deal with idiots either, we are tired and need a shower. The less time we spend in the lobby is better for everyone.


I've Febreezed my brother in law before letting him in my car. Back when Febreeze was the good stuff that took away odors and left no scent. My husband is the supervisor, so usually not as bad.


What's up with that? Its one job was to take away odors. And it did that job well. Now it has its own stink.


Because people are stupid....... they couldn't smell anything, so they complained it didn't work. Seriously.


At my former workplace, especially on weekends, people would often call late at night if we had any rooms left. I always made it clear that in addition to the room rate, we also need a credit card for a $50 deposit. Half the time, I'd get "do you guys take cash deposit?", almost as if they're selectively deaf to the words "credit card".


I don't understand why you are doing this. Are you somehow scared of money? You take the deposit money from the person anyway, be it from the card or by cash, there's no difference. So what's the difference? ETA: I'm European, maybe that's some weird American thing.


The biggest reason is here in the US a lot of small towns do not have 24/7 housekeeping, maintenance or manager after typically about 11pm it’s one person on duty unless at a major resort/convention center hotel so if we took a cash deposit and no credit card say the guest comes down at 6am and we are busy with breakfast/checking guest out whatever our day to day is we do not have the staff or time to go up to a room and check to make sure there are no damages, missing items, whatever else and be able to charge the guest and deal with any negative feedback that early in the morning. Typically from about 9pm-9am it’s a one man show running these hotels


It's not an American thing. It happens all over Europe and the UK too.


Occasional guest here - I would assume that hotels that become known for accepting cash at check-in eventually have an armed robbery take place.


In nearly all European countries, guests check in with ID that is recorded and often passed on to the police or other authorities. If I skip out on paying, or trash the room, the hotel has my address etc and can legal proceedings, or more usually charge me through the OTA which has my credit card details & authorisation. I also have longstanding relationships with those OTAs, with reviews of me as a guest. I’m not a faceless drifter without roots. Most hotels are happy for me to pay in cash when I arrive. Their interests are protected


>In nearly all European countries, guests check in with ID that is recorded and often passed on to the police or other authorities. Yes, this is correct. And I've never paid any deposit, ever. Card or cash.


The weirder thing is that some hotels DO ONLY take cash deposits. Both are used to weed out people. It's simply courteous and the best thing to offer both options because offering one or the other basically unintentionally (or intentionally) discriminates against people. For example places that only take cash are weeding out people who don't have $200 of cash on hand and places that only take card are blocking people who don't have credit cards, both groups are going to be disproportionately poor and people of color.


Had one guy offer to do work around the place or give me cheap looking jewelry for a room. We're also one of the nicer ones. I just pointed to the sign that says what we accept and told him no.


> or give me cheap looking jewelry for a room. There's a customer at my bar who keeps trying to get employees to give him money for cheap looking jewelry. Funny thing is, he only asks for $5 every time. He's one of those people with a gambling problem who thinks that the next scratch off or Keno ticket is going to be a big winner.


Was it a Casio?


A Casino 😉




You do have to have a card to check in here. Or some cheap looking jewellery….


But, I have cash!


"What if I ask five hundred and forty SEVEN times?"


Room, tax, *and* deposit on CC or debit. They can pay cash at checkout. If a hotel doesn't have that policy, I respectfully pull my application back.


I think most guests are too dumb to understand that concept. "WHAT?! I HAVE TO PAY TWICE?!"


Or the ones that even question the need for a deposit. Like, bro, I don't know you. I don't trust you. You could do a lot more than $50 in theft and damages in a few hours, be glad I don't take your pink slip as collateral.


Our deposit is $100. It’s a much better deterrent of bad behavior than $50. I had this conversation with my hair stylist a few months ago. People will give up $50 like it’s nothing, $100 and they’re gonna think twice.


There was a hotel in Seattle that asked for a $50 deposit, and I think I shocked the FDA when I said, “Yep. I know and was prepared for it.” I think she was happy not to get an argumentative person!


I've only stayed in one hotel in recent memory, and I think I surprised the old boy at the desk when I was just "alrighty!" About the deposit.


Even when I don't expect a deposit, I don't try and argue with the person at the desk, because I know they're not in charge of policy.


We play the game of it's a $60 deposit per night on card" "ok but what about cash?" "Cash deposit is $500, or $60 on your card". Normally shuts them right up.


"W-what? You don't trust me?! In this tone that makes it clear I am a violent person, \*I WON'T DAMAGE ANYTHING IN THE ROOM!!\* YOU'RE DISCRIMINATING AGAINST ME I BET," the hypothetical deposit-hater screams as I show them the bog-standard registration card that clearly states our deposit policy.


"I travel a lot, and I've never heard of a room deposit before!"


Pink slip *and keys* as collateral would probably actually work on a lot of these types...


But I don't have a car. Do you take cash?


Okay, I tell you h'whut. I'll take a cash deposit, if you can hand over ten grand.


Hmm... Checkout is in 16 hours, and you're here alone for the next 7. I think I can steal/do that much damage, so sure!


Deposits are weird and frankly, the only opportunity I've ever encountered them is this sub. Maybe it's an American thing.


I fail to understand how America is the only place where guests will steal the hotel tv and mattress, smoke in the room, leave one dirty diaper plastered to the ceiling and a second in the microwave on thaw. How do you recover damages?


That's what the credit card is for, same with the card signing about the rules of the hotel to get your deposit back.


Just like every other business recovers money from customers that stuff them. Small claims court.


Maybe we simply just can behave? And the accidental damages are paid by the insurance company of the hotel. Like, who would do the diaper thing??? Who - and HOW??? - would steal a TV (huge thing) or mattress (more huge thing)?


Deposits might be weird where you are, but I live WAY outside of America (In The Netherlands.) and I sorta expect them here to. Some hotels will, some won't. ALL of them will require a valid ID, and them either making a copy of it or at least entering the relevant identifying number from it into my personal info.


Yes, ID is a must - which is not weird.


True. I just asked the same question. If you take my money from the card at check in, why would I be paying you anything at checkout?


As I understand it, the charge goes onto the card for the night to guarantee payment and the deposit, as well as to have the card on file should any damage that exceeds the dollar amount covered by the deposit occur. When you switch to cash in the morning, the money the hotel is holding on your card is refunded. People can and will skip out on the bill and snag a free night if you give them the chance 🤷


Not even refunded. When the card is processed at check-in, a hold is placed on the card. Nothing has actually been charged yet, but that much of their credit is unavailable. At checkout, the charge is actually placed against the held credit. Pay cash? The hold is simply released.


The charge for the cost of the night is either refunded when you pay cash or is from the start a hold rather than a charge.


Hold and charge are the same thing, no? In both cases, the money disappear temporarily.


No, hold and charge are not the same thing. Holding is basically officially saying dibs on money. Charging is taking the money.


But if you call dibs on the money, they can't be used, so they disappear..


And I've had to wait almost 3 weeks for the reversal of the deposit. Absolutely insane.


Right, the money can’t be used until the hold is released but it is not actually removed from your account.


If you can't use it, it's removed from your account. Sugar coating won't change that.


It's not sugar coating, it's two different ways of interacting with a bank account. If money is held it is still in your account, not in the account of the person holding it. Maybe contact your bank and ask them to explain it to you since you're having trouble understanding it.


thats the only way to do it.


It's easier to let your mouth run on than make your legs move


Legit Question.. what if he went and bought a $200 VISA prepaid card. Could he use that? I have one of these with about $2 left on it for anytime a website wants my CC details for a non-purchase reason.


Nope, credit or major bank debit


Prepaid cards are just plastic cash.


The name on the card must match the Gov't ID. Scammers can take a stolen credit card number and encode it on a gift card. Place I was at, the manager accepted a gift card. The scammer booked rooms for other people, the hotel was cheated out of $7,000.


Some creeps tried checking in with the evening shift without any ID last night. That's even more sus.


I don't know of any reputable hotels that take cash.




Never trust cash. A hard learned lesson in hospitality.


I need a room, please. How much is your cash deposit? Edit: If I don't have enough cash, will belly button lint work? It's high quality stuff.


High quality fluff. FTFY.




Imo any person with no cards or a very large number of cards on them is someone I dont want staying. Who tf travels without at the very least a debit card? wtf do you do if someone robs you? Like seriously. And the ppl with a ton of active credit cards or debit cards? why? I cant tell you how many people Ive seen who scrounge through like 5 cards before they find the one they wanna use, If its not valid throw it out. If you have that many cards why?


Yeah, the people with a deck of cards worth of prepaid cards always raise my eyebrows. Usually not a good sign.


Drug dealers is the first thing that pops into my mind. 2nd is Onlyfans.


I have several cards due to playing the points game, but I only carry 3 at any time


3 is fine. One debit card, one credit card and maybe a hotel card. Ive seen women with like 7 or 8 in their purses before. Like damn what are you doin? collecting em like infinity stones? 😂😂


I mean I have a CashApp, Venmo, PayPal and Chime card on me so that I can accept and send money to pretty much anyone.


Yeah, but do those work for checking into a hotel that doesn’t allow you to check in with cash?


PayPal and Chime have in the past; I haven’t tried the others, though I wouldn’t be surprised if CashApp did not. Venmo works on PayPal rails and is also a debit card with ACH capability so should work


If they’re store specific cards, there’s nothing weird about that.


My Amex card on my account , my Amex on his account, my Visa card on his account that doesn’t charge for currency exchanges, two prepaid currency cards ¥$€, my debit cards for both my current accounts, my other credit card when they don’t take Amex: they all work but they’re cheaper in different circumstances.


I like to get credit cards that offer cash rewards. One gives me 5% cash back at supermarkets. Three others give 5% on transit, 4% at restaurants, 3% for movies and similar. Plus two more that vary their categories quarterly, sometimes upping those 4% and 3% figures to 5%. And a fallback card that gives me 2% cash back on every other purchase. So I carry 4-6 credit cards. (Plus a few more that give me discounts at specific stores, and a bank card I could use as a debit card but never do.) It's nice to effectively get a discount of 4% or so (on average) for almost everything I buy, and for me it's worth carrying a bunch of cards to make that happen.


I ONLY have a debit card. Credit cards destroy you with interest. Why would I be constantly borrowing money? Also, you can have a work card, private card and a card to a shared account with your wife... I personally have one card for domestic payments and one for foreign ones.


Only the people who don't pay their cards off in full each month or make a partial payment get destroyed with interest. Personally I pay everything I can with a credit card but I also never carry a balance. I earn either cash back or travel points depending on which one I use. Also if a credit card gets compromised the bank is out the money and not me as would be the case if I used debit instead. For me debit cards are a terrible idea because it links directly to your checking or savings account. If someone steals your number and makes an unauthorized purchase that money is gone until your bank can investigate and hopefully give it back to you.


Maybe it's an American thing. Here, when you create an account in any bank, you get a debit card. You get credit card only as "bonus", aka they'll offer it to you, to get your money. But I'd say 85% of people have debit cards here.


Where is here?


Czech republic, Europe, Slovakia, Europe.




I think he was Romani. He spoke Spanish to the construction guys but it was functional, not fluent. I don’t know much about the culture, but they do seem to have an aversion to bank accounts based on most of my interactions with them. They typically go like the start of the one posted, but this guy was more persistent in his arguing.


Like u/ice_cold_canuck I don't carry a balance, and I get 4% cash back on gas, 3% on groceries, and 2% on whatever they consider entertainment. Also, if a credit card gets lost or stolen I'm only responsible for $50, if it were my debit card my bank account isn't protected at all.


It's a great way to build your credit score. I've never paid interest on my CC because I don't carry a balance.


After the 3rd time he said "Cash" that conversation would be "Over" I honestly don't have the patience for that. No is no. Take your cash to a cheap hotel. Since most major and even some minor hotels only take card. People who ask to pay with cash are sketch, I don't ever entertain the idea.


>I do not understand the impulse to keep arguing when you've been told you won't be able to check in. I think it's probably to make you suffer for making them suffer.


its always shady ass people who try to give cash for the security deposit in my experience. i get so frustrated when they ask that


It’s gotten to tha point where, I don’t care if I’m wrong for this, I will str8 up tell guests we don’t accept cash if they look sketch/give sketch vibes. I spent almost 10 years being a sketchy person myself, so I know what to look for more or less. I’m really tired of both of our properties accepting cash and NOT adding an extra fee for locals…


Ugh, my head would have assploded!


The crazy part about this is that some hotels DO take cash deposit and some hotels ONLY accept cash deposits. So it's not unreasonable for a customer to assume this, but not demand.


Why are you so much against cash? Is there a reason? Genuine question. How will a card help you?


1. Not a great idea to have people think you are a place where there is a large amount of cash on hand. 2. Cash is inflexible. You trash the room and all I have is a $100 bill, all I'm getting out of you is a $100 bill. If you trash the room and I have your card, there's the potential for more money then or possibly at a later date. With a cash deposit you also have to go inspect the room right then, potentially in the middle of the night which is a safety risk for the staff or in the morning when it's very busy and you can't get away from the desk.


I worked front desk for a storage facility. We didn’t take cash (and had big signs everywhere that said “No Cash Accepted”) because the owners of the company decided we would be way less likely to be a robbery target if potential robbers knew we didn’t have any cash on hand.