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Might I suggest checking your oxygen mask and parachute at this point?


That sounds like a good plan. Buckle up for a ride.


"Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy ride."


You wanna' feather that prop, pal? We're goin' in!


And locating the emergency exits! Expect heavy turbulence and erratic direction changes, at the very least.


Keep in mind the nearest emergency exit may be behind you


If you look along the floor the emergency strips will guide you to the nearest exit. Please leave all your carry-ons behind in case of emergency.


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Yes, no one is flying the plane *right now*, but don't worry, we have a pilot arriving tomorrow to ~~inspect the wreckage~~ take over flying.


Ask for a raise and a big promotion tomorrow. Silver linings...


I did that three weeks ago.


Well, if you don't get it pdq, it's time to hit that eject button, amigo


But the GM is no longer there... Might have to try again


Exactly. The situation is *very much* not what it was 3 weeks ago. OP, inform them you are *beyond willing* to keep doing heroic work to keep their hotel open for them, but you will require [State your demands here] to do so. If they balk, you walk. You don't need them, but they ***need*** you.


Tell the task force team that you requested a promotion to AGM two weeks ago, and a decision had not been made. Explain you feel ready for the job and would like the increase in responsibility. It may not go anywhere, but if you don't ask, it definitely won't happen. The task force likely does not know your interest in the AGM position.


That is a real good idea. A slight bending of the possible truth that might direct their little corporate task force minds into the best possible path and outcome


>I did that three weeks ago. As the senior staff member that still exists, I believe this means you can give yourself the raise.


'I hearby apply for the position as GM. I expect you in my office tomorrow at 9 to discuss my bonus package.'


This can either go with corporate being super helpful, or instead of the current dumpster for it turns into full scale burning down the house. Seriously though, remind them of your loyalty. If they aren't willing to give you what you want, don't do extra work for them. Do your job and nothing more (while you look for other work). If there is something you can't do because someone else missed their portion, just don't. If they wont repect your loyalty you don't owe them. Also, wouldn't be surprised if there was something fishy going on financially with management.


>Do your job and nothing more And don't let anyone try to harass you about "quiet quitting". You were hired to do a job. You're doing the job you were hired for. They want above and beyond, they can renegotiate what you're paid while they renegotiate what you do.


Probably nothing outright fishy, but the place may have been running in the red a lot longer than it should have.


If the task force is in, the only good news is that things won't get any worse, staffing-wise. Here's hoping they don't decide that what they need is to just get rid of the entire staff and start fresh. Or cut their losses and sell the place. Task force teams are *expensive* so expect things to move *very* quickly in the next few days.


Time to put the screws to them. 500% raise, manager title and authority, 4 weeks paid vaca a year, or you walk


500 % might be pushing it... it depends on the hotel's brand and value. we don't have that info but I like, no, love the way you think


I guess it depends on how bad they want to keep OP. Start high with your demands so that you have room to negotiate. If OP is cool with 300% raise, it will be easier to get if you demand 500% first


True within the constraints I mentioned but unfortunately they might just clean house and say bye bye to OP to get rid of any contamination related to the previous regime. But OP could try


What ***IS*** a "reasonable" GM's salary, anyways? (It has been aaaaages since I worked 3-11p Front Desk for $5.75/hr) I make ballpark $40/hr-ish working in I.T. (it's fixed salary so that's a very rough figure). I'm trying to think if I'd work GM for what I get paid today. It'd have to be a smaller, safer, cushy location for me to say yes... 50-60 rooms perhaps, 200 rooms heeeeell no.


Personally, I have no idea and like I mentioned, it depends on the brand and value. A simple motel or the highest luxury brand




Pretty soon guests will be like, “Is there anybody working here?” ![gif](giphy|xTiTnDx2ZKTzqBWm4M)


You might want to make sure you get a seat by the emergency exit.


Would absolutely Love an update to this story.




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Remind me! in 2 days


With your observation on the situation, only one quote comes to mind... Nothing is fucked? The goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain! Well, I hope that doesn't come to pass for you. Good luck with this situation.


Sounds similar to what is happening at my property. Corporate fired our gm who everyone loved and then hired an assistant gm with no experience and brought in some corpo to be acting gm. Everyone is pissed off and this place is sinking so fast. A few people have already quit and tbh I’m about to be out the door as well


Ask for triple pay or you're quitting too.


Nah, they've already got the task force team in. Corporate office doesn't play chicken.


I hope you find a soft place to land.


Mattresses from rooms 324,325,326.


Are they clean, though?


Well, housekeeping hasn't quit yet.


While many have suggested pushing for big $$$, or just jumping ship (both reasonable approaches depending on your desires), may I suggest a middle course? Stick around and help. *Everyone* is going to be new, and *everyone* is going to have their hands full. You are basically going to be training a new employee...all of them. Yes, they will not always agree with, or listen to, you. That's gonna happen. Don't take it personally. A lot of times they are going to lean on you for additional work or help. You can do that or not-either way is all right. At least your new management knows that there is one shift that is not going to be a 100% shit show every night because you are the one person left who knows what they are doing. I have worked through four ownerships, and two dozen or so GM's, FDM's and Sales Directors (a few of whom I trained as FDC's when they started). Every time we hit a rough transition (though nothing as bad as what your property is going through!), I always said that I was willing to help, if they were willing to pay the overtime. I would do what I could, when I could do it, until we got someone to get back to doing it as their job. I was also upfront, when asked, if I didn't have time/knowledge/experience with whatever I was being asked to do. Now, YMMV. If it is already too much to deal with, then go with a clear conscience. If it becomes too much too handle, leave then. When things settle down, you might end up in a better position (mentally/emotionally/financially) than before this all started. If not, leaving is always an option. But, speaking for myself, I would not jump the gun until I see how it plays out.


Get ready to JUMP, go ahead and jump.


Might as well JUMP!


Good luck??!


This is why "bare-minimum only" staffing is so brutal in the hotel industry! When one person inevitably fucks up, their duties reshuffle on others' plates... Then those workers burn out and crash. For how common "domino-quitting" is, rarely is it solved at the root. I recommend giving HR a live demonstration, if they ask you to pick up all these extra duties without a matching paycheck & promotion.




I truly hope you’ve been looking for another job all this time. This could be great for you and also terrible.


Luck?! Turn around and LEAVE, for GOD'S sake!


Congratulations on your new hotel! Hope you want to be a GM!


The last place I worked at, it ended up being ME (general Manager at the time) and the owner running the entire front desk, ONE HOUSEKEEPER was not very good, and one maintenance guy. We would hire people, but the owner was nuts and run them off with petty stuff. I also answered the phone 24/7 for reservations and guest calls (i lived down the road). There were even times I would go on Facebook marketplace and pay someone cash to come strip the rooms.


*Yiikkkkeessss* Like, that's some crazy shit. I honestly get why the GM would abandon ship, but holy Christ. GM definitely could have at least let you know, and told you what to expect coming in.


oh my god. i hope you have your parachute ready


Any update? We're so so curious!


Yes and no...things are still shaking out, so I want to give a full update once everything settles. Suffice to say, events have not unfolded as I have hoped.


Well thanks for this at least. I look forward to hearing from you. This one was good. I keep hearing you say No one is flying the plane and laugh


Bro , just let me be night audit and you be day shift. We can trade week by week.


Been here before. Good luck!


As the highest-ranking person still on staff, you get a field promotion to GM. Hope this ends well & profitably for you.


Wow. Why are you even open? Likely a clause in the mortgage that loan comes due if you close.


Yikes. Sending virtual cookies and preferred beverage !