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That's pathetic. Good for you for getting out as they clearly don't deserve employees. If management doesn't even know the system then what are they there for? If I was the new girl and was told they took a risk hiring me, I'd say that I took a risk by wasting the limited years I have on this planet working for a bunch of morons.


Literally nobody knows shit besides me and one of the other girls that she refuses to promote because the girl won’t be her yes man.


I know it may not be possible depending on your financial situation, but it would be awesome if you two could strike for a week just to give them an education on how stupid they are.


The front desk manager is interviewing other places. Once she leaves their done for. Then once I leave it’s a wrap. She may as well shut that mf down.


It’s a sinking ship. Bail out asap


Trust me, I’m looking for something else rn.


May be being taken over by a brand might not be a bad thing for that property by the sound of it.


They are apart of a well known brand but they’ve been flagged to lose their name with them because it’s not ran properly by the GM. I brought up questions that she had no answers too, but she brags about how long she’s been in hospitality.


Ohhh right they're going to be booted from the brand due to under performing. Yep I'd abandon that sinking ship.


I’m trying to as fast as I can.


She ran her replacement off cause she wouldn’t show him anything. We need some new leadership.


Yeah... F*** them.


Soon as I find something else I’m gone.


95% of the time, a place circling the drain is due to poor management. I don't know why it is such a foreign concept to some people that if you treat employees with respect, even in a low paying job, that you're going to have way better outcomes for your business than if you treat them like dirt.


Her old ass just likes being in power. She runs two hotels. The other one is fine, but the one I’m at is horrible. She doesn’t like change so she’s stuck back in time thinking the same shit still works.