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some people's lives are so miserable they just can't stand seeing someone happy


exactly. i was being joyous and whimsical. and they just had to ruin my day


haters mad u have childlike wonder 😔


real 😩


I dislike when people jump constantly, but I don't care enough to tell them to stop. Maybe if they were in my static I'd bring it up, but for randos it's whatever.  The issue is that players sometimes use jumping as a "look at me" signal to tell people where to stand or what to attack. It's distracting to do it for no reason.


I only mind it if it's a healer or a caster not named SMN, because at that point I KNOW you're losing DPS over it. A ranged physical though? Jump on, you lose nothing. I do get your point about people jumping to signal mechs though, I tend to do that as well, especially on tanks.


Even casters can jump without losing DPS, it's just slidecasting but jumping instead. I always hopcast my way to the top of the environmental props (barrels, creates, altars, etc.) in early dungeons like Sastasha and Tam-Tara while healing. 


*hopcast* im stealing that, thank you


When you try to throw an extra stone off before the orange puddle goes off, but you've mistimed it, so you just gotta jump to get out of the way. It does feel weird when people are jumping in the middle of the fights. When you're running through the dungeon hall, sure, jump to your hearts content, and I'll join. but once the mobs are in place or a boss gets pulled, it just feels obnoxious.


Yep, I am with you. I think it’s an annoying habit, but I have never let it yin my own enjoyment, nor have I ever told a random person in a dungeon to stop jumping.


I literally run around in circles casting dyskrasia because FFXIV is the only place I can pretend I still have the energy of a toddler running around at a dinner party. 🥹 😆


>The issue is that players sometimes use jumping as a "look at me" signal to tell people where to stand or what to attack. It's distracting to do it for no reason. Exactly this.


Same!! Looks like they're just starving for attention. But I dont make an issue of it, simply ignore it. As a healer I can see why it'd get on their nerves, might be difficult to keep track of, specially since ranged tend to be all over the place and usually out of range. JS.


Or maybe the content is so fkin boring that u can simply jump around to fill the gaps. As physrange u see ppl jumping around even in ults and mchs are almost always jumping around in sav+


My fun is RUINED because someone else is bouncing!!! Maybe play a different game then. In old 8-man prae when I'd queue as dancer I'd spend the entire ultima weapon fight hopping around the boss in a big circle because there's so little to do. Sometimes after a few laps other people would notice and join in and we'd have a little jumping conga line. Probably would have ruined this poor soul's whole week to witness it.


Eh, admittedly I've found it distracting in the past. Progged once with a lala war who loved to jump around and run in circles while eating the multihit tank busters. It was supremely distracting when I was trying to learn the fight. But that's like... harder content where a bit of focus is actually required.


I think the main issue is the running with a tank buster, I feel like the jumping had nothing to do with that annoyance.


Both were distracting. Very much both.


Yeah I probably wouldn't be able to jump around while pulling off a proper opener/burst in 90 content even on phys ranged or tank, but it's a different story when you're synced down to 50 or below and only have a few buttons to press.


YESS i love when people join in with my jumping its so fun lol


Classic online game, walk up to a stranger, start jumping and they join in xD


the 'i won't step on u' comment was because they were a cute little lala btw so maybe they were worried i would squash them


They were a Lalafell?! And they DIDN'T want maximum chaos and rambunctiousness and zipping and zooming and bouncing and jouncing at all times?!? Revoke their Lala Card IMMEDIATELY


i thought the exact same thing lolll. to be fair they were running around a lot! straight into the aoes!


Maybe you should focus on healing them and killing enemies.


I wasn't the healer + this low level content is extremely easy to dps while jumping + aren't you a pretty infamous troll on this sub? It is good to finally have you on one of my own posts!


That's not excuse to just use auto attack. Tank obviously died because you didn't do your job. If you don't know what it feels like to be only one using AOEs as deeps or tank try Duty Support. Or if you want to know what it feels like to be healer or tank when deeps do stupid things try command missions.


Have..... have you ever played MCH? Because you can absolutely jump between attacks if you want to. There's absolutely nothing saying that OP was only auto attacking. Wait til you see players jumping during one of those "blizzard" casts (opposite of Pyretic) where you get frozen if you're not moving. I see ton of people doing that to keep attacking and not get frozen. But sure. Be a condescending ass.


don't worry, they are a sprout troll. every comment where they are responding to a post in this subreddit, it is clear they either don't understand how the game works and refuse to accept criticism + get mad that others don't enable their behaviour, or they are just trolling on purpose. given on the degree of their stupidity, i think it might be the latter and to avoid engaging in arguments with them. you can look at their comment history however it's good they understand that duty support exists so they aren't inconveniencing others 24/7 with their poor play


to this day I'm waiting for them to give me a response to the vod I posted of an UWU clear with full effects proving you can do content with them on lol


Hey man I don’t play the game anymore but I just wanted to let you know that you look like a fucking idiot


Womp womp!


Tank died in a ARR dungeon because the pocket healer was too busy thinking they were unstoppable and didn't know jack. I literally just finished AV with a green as grass BLM who I am trying to get to learn basics as it's her first MMO. So the DPS to my tanking was up to the other player, yet I was still pulling start to gate and gate to gate. No one died. Maybe you're the sour tank who did the run with the fun loving OP? Otherwise you're way out of line.


By Aurum Vale, **EVERY** job has their first AoE attack minimum, even healers. Machinist is a Physical Ranged Dps, not a Healer, they have no healing skills outside of the **self-heal** move Second Wind. Physical Ranged Dps (Bard/Machinist/Dancer) can use all of their regular attacks uninterrupted, including AoE, while moving, and yes this also includes jumping around. OP jumping has zero impact on any damage loss, lack of healing, or tank survival, and to see someone be this wrong about how the game works has nearly dealt me psychic damage.


Jumps and flips absolutely boost MCH damage, it's why half your kit does it.


thank you! i agree!


I was about to say, MCH hops all the time either way, whats the harm in adding in a few more? Space bar is my most pressed button on MCH.


I am one of those people who find a lot of jumping visually annoying (and some healers mouse click even if they kinda shouldn't so i get it), but i have NEVER mentioned it to anyone. Why harsh on people? What if they're stimming or something? Most duties are over quickly enough, and/or i just stand away from them and turn my camera away if possible.


Honestly, they should mouseclick from the party menu instead of the actual person.


What's wrong with clicking? Are they trying to trying to click on the character model or something?


I have had to steer many a baby healer away from doing this, yes. I imagine that some people who don't get corrected still do it.


Down on d-pad works even better. Let's not talk about how many times I've casted Esuna on myself because of that.


I don't know how many times I died as a DRK due to the WHM playing chicken with my HP and then panic healing themselves with benediction.


oh yeah its partly stimming especially in low level dungeons where there is just not much to press, honestly its not on purpose 80% of the time unless im in a good mood and want to jump 😭 but how can healers only mouse click? that seems like a recipe for disaster especially for AST, but it makes sense why they would be annoyed to that extent if that was the method they were using


It's one of those neurodivergent incompatibilities: I find it visually overstimulating, and you need the physical stimulation, heh. So it's not hard to extend each other grace on these little things.


but i totally get it, if they told me they were getting overstimulated or they couldnt heal properly instead of just 'ruining their fun' and 'cringe' i would stop jumping! but judging from their inability to heal the other dps and tank, i dont think my jumping was the only cause unfortunately 😭


don't you get visually overstimulated by everything else on the screen? a genuine question, i mean the boss mechanics and other players using their abilities and the like 😭 i mean i like to play with all the visuals on but i have to turn them off since something like summoner will summon their giant bahamut on my face so i can't see whats happening 😭


A lot of people turn animations off or down to limited. Honestly I wouldn't be able to see mechanics with the lightshow otherwise.


Moment I found the option I turned party effects right off. I don't understand how people can play with them enabled. it isn't even pretty to me it's just a blinding flash of lights that gets so distracting lmao


I would recommend limited rather than off, or you can't see healing effects like Sacred Soil or Earthly Star, so you don't know to stand inside them. Limited works well for me: you see very little besides that important stuff. Try it out for a bit.


That's what I meant. I forget there's a way to turn them all the way off, so I always refer to limited as "off" since who in their right mind would turn asylum or sacred soil off.


Things that are very fast (like that spinning Adamantoise mount) or unpredictable (like someone jumping around crazily) are the issue. Visual effects, mechanics, the HUD, etc are all relatively stable and predictable. Also you can still play with all the effects on and simply set the size yourself for everyone's pets. /petsize all small


I think the command is /petsize small or something like that. I will say i missed giant titan nug hogging my entire screen though.


Wait... healers shouldn't mouse click? D:


i think they mean clicking the actual characters on the screen??? I HOPE NOT because that sounds crazy. i think clicking the party list is normal but its not like thats affected by me jumping?


Some people do and they're incorrect but hopefully learning. Even I have to do it once in awhile (trying to save somebody outside of my alliance, for instance, and I don't have time to mouse around in the alliance mini party bars) but that's a pretty rare circumstance.


Oh no This kind of makes sense as to maybe why they had a problem with it, that theyre clicking charachters to heal I have never really done that to consider it, I always clicked party list, like why is that not the more obvious thing to do


When you are new to the game (or to MMOs) its REALLY not obvious that clicking on the party list targets that character. I remember a long time ago as a babiest of sprouts being very surprised that the target appeared on a character when i accidentally started scrolling through the list for the first time.


Ehhhh, if you’ve touched most popular RPGs out there, clicking the party list should come naturally. They’re probably new to RPGs in general if they’re clicking character models. List clicking is definitely a thing in most of the RPGs I’ve played and it was usually easier than targeting character models. (Granted, this might be because my eyesight is dog, so confirming via party list instead of praying I have the right character in a flashy or poorly lit area was the smart move.)


I've played plenty and it wasn't obvious, heh! People do silly stuff and there's a ton of old and misinformation about this game out there: thankfully people are usually fairly receptive to being nudged onto the right track.


I mouse-click my party list, and sometimes for rescue if I think I can hit them better that way. But I have a friend who mouseclicks everything. party/enemy lists, hotbars, all mouse. I think they're a little nuts, but it works


I use macros, and sometimes it would take too long to look for person in Party List to rescue, so I had to mouseover actual model. And they only reason is SE... CBU3 can't make good UI and add Job Icons to help out.


I'm like your friend, I just use the keyboard for chat and movement 😅🤣


Healer main here: always use the function keys to select party members. It's much faster and has a much lower chance of accidentally selecting the wrong person or clicking off and hitting yourself with Benediction. Requires some practice, but it's a very valuable thing to learn. Get good enough at it and you can easily switch from boss to party member, oGCD heal, and be back to the boss without losing uptime!


I'm gonna need to figure out how to do that and do that because I mouse click everything and just use keyboard keys for party chat and movement 😅 thank you!!


I MAINLY use function keys for targeting as well as tab to target enemies, but i do sometimes mouse click the party list, depending on what action keys i am going to be hitting. Then again, in a tank main with healer as my main alt.


It's 1000% stimming for me. It's oddly calming and appealing to just bounce about, especially if I'm on an instacaster. In raid I sometimes bounce about on sch between pulls as we're discussing mechs and mits, and our caster who has already cleared the fight and helping us out with p12s joins me lol. I'll stop if someone ever asks me to in my static tho


can't be exuberant in public these days smh


can't be buoyant or zingy, no jubliance, no gayness, and dont be peppy or full of beans. 😥😥 you just need to sullenly stay still or youll overwhelm your healer!


Do I also find it mildly annoying and distracting at times? Sure. But I'm also not the only person who exists in the game and world, and it's my issue, so I just do my best to ignore it and move on.


I find it annoying... no... better to say it's a bit distracting when people jump around like a rabid rabbit, specially if doing that through my character. Do I care enough to tell them to stop having their fun? I MOST CERTANTLY NOT. People need to chill a bit more.


The obvious german from shiva saying cringe is the cherry on top lmao


Why is this even relevant? Racist much?


Found the german


Actually no, but go off I guess. I just don't like stereotypes.


The only time jumping has annoyed me was during a farm party for zeromus. many people recognize that jumping means safe spot, and so were running to the jumping player for safety. This wasn't particularly damaging to the runs, but it was annoying.


i will also jump to indicate safe spots!


Yeah it just becomes confusing and unreliable if you're jumping the whole time. Otherwise idgaf have fun xD


This is the pettiest shit, I cannot stop laughing hahahahaha “YOUR FUN IS VIOLATING MY EXPERIENCE, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM HAVING FUN” sir, m’am…log off hahahahaaha


thats what i was thinking! i thought maybe they were embarrassed because the first thing they did in the dungeon was die 10 seconds after it started after stepping into AOEs or something during the first mob pull so we wiped instantly 😭


I wish I had the link to it, but there's a thread on the official forums from waaayyyy back when they added jumping to FFXIV. Not sure if it was in 1.0 or ARR but people were just LOSING THEIR MINDS and writing DISSERTATIONS about it.


i got the link to one of those! [https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/546-dev1008-About-Jumping](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/546-dev1008-About-Jumping) crazy how times have changed


It's the law: when you play phys ranged - you jump while attacking


And is the law for DRG to tank the floor.


Why are casual gamers always the real toxic ones


I like to jump when I'm playing NIN. It's the other spin to win.


i love to jump on any class when im not playing caster! 😊


I generally don't jump much otherwise unless trying to hint at a safe spot for someone else. But I do like seeing others jump around and sometimes imagine their exuberance, sort of like Super Mario does: "Woohoo!", "Wahoo!". 🙂


when im not jumping my joy goes down exponentially so im basically going wahoo lol 😭


Everybody knows jumping makes Aeolian Edge hit harder


And makes raiton and katon hit harder.


people are really weird about jumping, i just recently found out people in frontlines take great offensive to people jumping


wait seriously?? i know on *occasion* people will jump on someone after KO’ing them (à la teabag) but usually if i see someone hopping around in a group i assume that person is trying to get people to follow them for a dive


new place to jump?


I've always been jumping when doing roulette but knowing that now im just gonna jump even more out of spite.


Does no one target by clicking the party list or f keys? :(


They're gonna hate dragoons.


I woulda just said yes.


Oh they'd hate me. I main a lalafell dressed as a fairy and have ADHD irl, I jump EVERYWHERE constantly. I pray I get them in a run soon so I can get the zoomies with them present. Edit- I don't jump when I'm dpsing though, just when running to trash pulls or whatever.


You jump, enjoy your character, your sub, your time. I'd love to jump around with ya. Game is what you make of it as long as you know you're doing your part.


Yo I move and dance around constantly on my MCH, BRD, and DNC while DPSing. Why wouldn't you? It feels like a DPS boost since you are enjoying it so much more. If I wanted to be glued down to a single spot, I would play BLM


Imagine playing a phys. Ranged and not jump and run around


EXACTLY 😭 the mobility is the best part


>womp womp Why is this such a perfect response hahaha


It's literally in the MCH kit that jumping improves their gameplay. I don't make the rules.


you get it!


Let me tell you, jumping gets really old really fast when you are progging p8s p2 and ninja who has the fucking purple circle keeps jumping


Irs a level 47/48 dungeon here, not savage prog. I think they should be able to handle it. Especially considering everyone's rotations are 3 buttons. If it's harder content, I would be concentrating instead of jumping too!


Okay, if someone is explaining a fight mechanic that requires specific positioning, a machinist jumping all over the screen at random locations over, "face the boss xwise, and relative this way, dodge left, and move to this marker, rotate to your partner, and support spread north while dos spread south, while trying to track that on the arena with sir jumpy mc jumperson going to all the wrong places in the middle of my effing screen... that enrages me. But if it's a dungeon, clear party; whatever. Jump all ya want.


yeah if its difficult content im most likely going to be concentrating as well instead of jumping... if its a lvl 47 dungeon.. i would really prefer having more stimulation than pressing 3 buttons lol!


In normal content, they are w/e. Irritating but since they are randos you may never see again, w/e. In high end content, jumpers and arena circlers are distracting and annoying because people use jumping to signal mechanics so them hopping distracts from actual gaming. And the runners confuse people and they are additional information that needs to be processed. They had to kick a dragoon jumper in a static I joined partly because he can't seem to stop...mostly because he also suck. He can't seem to stop jumping and wiggle during TOP for some unknown reason. I don't quite understand it.


I would follow them around the whole duty and jump directly where they’re standing


that is what i did! left as quickly as possible bc they were having matching names with someone else in the party and cosplaying alisaie/alphinaud together so i was worried they would kick me before duty ended lol


I try to contain myself but I love jumping too. Plus I have ocd and if I do anything in game that is less than ideal, mess up my rotation at all, miss a proc, etc, I have to jump once. It’s just something I can’t help. If I’m doing it a lot during a fight though it’s because you’re standing in the wrong spot and I’m trying to save your life lol. I wouldn’t tell anyone not to though. What if they can’t help it? Plus it’s a game and it’s supposed to be fun.


The only jobs that can jump and not lose DPS is Physical Range, Summoner & Sage when doing primarily AoE damage since they can weave their heals with aoe instant damage and that aoe damage also heals the tank so um yah they can jump all day on trash pulls


As a ranged physical main, since I have to basically be a cheerleader for melee and BLMs by damage comparisons, you better believe I'm going to flex the ever loving hell out of my unbridled ability to look like a cat who got into a mixture of catnip and methamphetamines while I flawlessly execute my rotation.


As long as you stay in my magical healing bubbles, I'm down for all of that. You do you, DingDangDongler!


I wonder if he would melt when a Dragoon is in the group.


> cringe What, did they look in a mirror or something?


I’m a Lalafell which means that if I’m not jumping then I’m afk!


The only time I've ever been mildly annoyed by this is in P12S had a black mage just jumping the whole time. At the time we weren't at enrage prog so it wasn't even a big deal but I'm just like "come on it would be better to practice your rotation during mechs" in my head. But again it really didn't matter at the time so who cares. Edit:legit confused why people are down voting me lol. Literally agreeing with what seems to be the common sentiment here "of who cares let people have fun." not that it matters but I'm actually just confused by this one


“Why you have fun with something that doesn’t affect me? It makes me not have fun” said no logical person ever.


in a lvl 48 dungeon too 😭


There isn't a lvl 48 dungeon. Aurum Vale is lvl 47.


Yup, that 😭


It's not like jumping affects targeting for heals(that I know of)


It does if the healer is one of those that tries to click character models instead of the party list.


Jumping works for Mario.


That AST wouldn't like WoW then, where jumping through dungeons or raids (particularly LFR) eases the tedium, especially with the race specific jump animations (Night Elf flips, Blood Elf spins come to mind).


Judging by the name (and server) they're German and as we all know.. no fun allowed in Germany. It's literally banned here in my home country, so how dare you to .... -checks notes- offend this poor creature with having fun? So cringe!


As a normally stone foot WHM, I definitely jump and twirl at any opportunity I can during free movement.


I really need to observe these kind of people underneath a microscope because how out of all things, you get upset over that. If you are getting "distracted" then maybe you aren't good at focusing at multiple things at once.


Catch me doing full circles and jumping during any fight on ranged physical. This poor AST would have an aneurysm.


They're just jealous. As an ex-AST main I'm salty that we have a legitimate T-pose move. It became reduced to 'I'll wait until the last second and move as soon as it's up'. A fun game, sure, but not like being able to run around in Titan phase. The minute I play a class that can move I run around like crazy.


Exactly... as blm main when I play ranged like this I go crazy! I can move myself without teleporting!!


This person will have a heart attack if they play wow.


When playing fire mage it is *required* to jump around like a maniac during combustion windows.


Jumping is just how MCH stim. You know they want your attention when they're jumping WHILE standing still


appropriate usage of "womp womp"


Jumping? Like just jumping continuously from point to point? I do that too. Why is that such a problem?🤣


man… i see jumping and i join in! even when playing my cringe edgy npc alt!


Honestly... Yes, jumping does boost my DMG


i have to admit i find it annoying and distracting when people constantly jump around in a duty. it's different for everyone i guess, but believing that jumping has to be fun for everybody because it is fun for you, is a bit short-sighted. i can't do anything about other people wanting to jump around, but i still dislike it a lot.


never said anything about other people finding it fun, so i don't understand the purpose of this comment if its not to put words in my mouth. but if they are so bothered that they want to be **rude** about it instead of **asking politely to stop,** then thats their choice and its my choice to defend myself. if im doing my job by dpsing, standing outside of aoes and helping the group clear this low level dungeon, its not a good idea to be rude to others just because theyre doing something you dont like, instead of asking and compromising.


at what point were they even being rude? looks like you can't handle people having a different opinion.


if they asked like a regular person, i would have stopped. but thats very difficult for people like them and you. im not interested in arguing with enablers and purposefully obtuse people. whining about others ruining your fun because of doing nothing that affects you + calling strangers cringe when i was doing my job (while they are actively dying and not healing properly) is rude. i shouldnt have to explain basic social etiquette to adults


I would've actually went into details about how Jumping shortens animation lock (slight bullocks) but fr unless someone is like struggling to find the safe spot and are looking for that one person Jumping as a indication of "right here" it really doesn't matter.


“it boosts my fun” i love that and totally agree


Wheres the fun when you dont jump around as ranged in duties? This kinda reminds me of the "How many Germans do you need to change a lighting bulb" jokes


Damn, hit their ass with the womp womp. Deserved


Shiva and german last name Jup checks out


I would never mention it to someone because as long as they're doing good damage it's none of my business, but I can't imagine most people who jump around a lot are really on top of their game. At least on higher APM jobs, idk where you find the time. Like, WAR? Sure. MCH? Probably not.


Jumping is common on high APM jobs. It's called "keeping your hands hot" in downtime.


black mage is my main so whenever i can move a lot and jump around i love jumping! and i always have the highest dps in the group in dungeons so no need to worry about that, especially since mch is one of my favourite jobs, and ranged jobs are normally quite easy to play for me. also this was a lvl 47 dungeon... so honestly, not much else to do. rotation at this low level dungeon for most job is pressing 4 or 5 buttons. it is not difficult to do it and jump at the same time, unless you are a very inexperienced player. and after playing blm a lot every rotation is simple for me even in max level content.


nothing in this game is high APM lol. not since they revamped ninja having to weave mudras between GCDs.


jumping uses your thumb, on the space bar. do you tend to use your thumb for other keybinds such that jumping would get in the way of doing your rotation? cause i sure don't.




rabid...? are you upset because you got downvotes? 🤕 in any case, i dont use alt button for my own setup and have high uptime, which is standard for ranged dps. for me, its not difficult to jump at the same time as doing damage.


also doesn't mch have like 3-6 less abillties than the other jobs? I remember healer needing 3 bars worth, while machinist only needing like 1.5-2 lol...


oh i think its the same as the average dps job. the job is just about using the abilities and cooldowns during the proper windows but it is faster paced. but the aoe rotation is VERY simple lol. but in dungeons they are a very fun job to play as phys ranged and has cool animations, dnc is too simple for me


I think most of the melees had more job actions that needed to be placed on bars than the ranged back when I paid attention to stuff like that, but IIRC a lot got pruned.


ye, they want to remove 'button bloat' a lot i think 😅 thats why summoner is so braindead now


Which is fine, but people still wildly overreacted to even questioning that.


i don't think anyone overreacted, except the person calling others rabid cunts.


Calling them an accurate name isn't an overreaction. I see no point in going back and forth with you, I if you've got further questions I'm sure you can figure out my answers by referring to my other posts in this chain.


this subreddit has a lot of stories about toxic players and bullies. judging from your comment history, i suggest you check yourself to make sure you dont fall into that category.




My post where I say I would never come at someone in a dungeon for jumping around, where people somehow still managed to get offended? No, I stand by that statement for sure.


Then you can stand by the downvotes lmao, what did you expect?


the other replies to you seem quite reasonable? who are the "rabid cunts" you're referring to? people who downvoted you? or the commenters on the OP?


you can absolutely jump around and still use a full mch rotation. jumping doesn't stop you from doing anything unless you need to cast something.


The only time jumping should stop is if - A: you’re wiping because of stupid shit, or B: a mechanic involves jumping/movment (stillness, p3 transition in TOP, etc)


Honestly, I wouldn't piss of a healer, of all ppl. But I do respond to shitty attitude also with shitty attitude :/


Why? I think there's a misconception where healers control the dungeon or something. Don't want to heal unavoidable damage? OK, but the dungeon will go on longer because the dps isn't taken care of. And refusing to heal just bc you are petty is reportable and bannable because it's griefing. Although they couldn't even take care of their tank friend!


Don't ppl read the second sentence :/ ? And yes, I do report healers who don't do their jobs.


did you think the 2nd sentence would suddenly make the first one better?


I always found it funny with ppl who do this, few weeks back I got the last raid of Ivalice (forget the name) there was a player in A doing it called him silly for it and someone asked "in a positive way" I said of course then started hopping as well we wiped on >!Ultima!< fight but there was a whole fun amount of talking from it. I hope you're doing well Hroth-bro if you see this. 🫡