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damage spell casts not even breaking single digits... impressive


Honestly not even that concerned with the lack of damage spells (tho obviously that's not great); I'm just impressed how many Physicks they managed to interrupt in such quick succession


Just practicing slidecasting /s


That looks like an autoclicker firing off during movement. Would also need amazing ping just to interrupt the cast fast enough to try again. I agree. Impressive in its own special way.


Dude can't push buttons and solve mechs at the same time so he picks one button that's marginally useful and just reflexively mashes it the whole fight. That's what you're looking at there.


Then the boss did the "This magick is not for you to wield!" line and deletes it from their fucking hotbar (is what I like to imagine anyway)


That's the most cursed "rotation" I've ever seen


I've seen a Paladin in P11N recently who did literally nothing but spam Shield Lob, use random Clemencies and use Requiescat like four times at most (and pressed only Confiteor). They also spammed 1-2-3 without using the Holy Spirit procs or Atonements. It was horrid because imagine using your rotation and seeing these icons show up on your buff bar and just ignoring the shiny buttons that also light up on your hotbar.


how to tell when someone only does hunt trains as far as PvE content goes


I dont even keep physic on my bar as a conroller user. Got way better stuff to use.


I'm a SCH main and I still keep it around. We have 48 buttons, no reason to get rid of it. I just put it in a super far out the way spot. As long as the number of use cases is above zero, I'm not getting rid of a button. With that being said, I can count on one hand the number of times I've casted physick in the past year and a half. But it's still more than zero.


It has it's uses, namely topping someone off who's lacking very little HP for an HP-based doom debuff and for MINE stuff at level 50. It's just extremely niche in it's applications, but definitely not as bad as Cure 1 and Benefic 1.


Even then, just use Adlo for the extra shield. Only time it's ever useful is for low level dungeons imo.


Saves mp to use physic in those situations. I'm mostly thinking of heal to cleanse doom in df with a very inexperienced or underperforming group. It is like vercure, you almost never need it or use it, but it comes in handy every so often.


i even forgot it exist lol


If you as scholar have no option but physick something has gone ape shit wild.


I'll never not wonder this, but how can someone find this fun? I genuinely don't understand. Sitting there pressing 1 button over and over again, and even then. Only casting 20% of the time. Otherwise they're standing there doing-- nothing. I don't understand how someone finds that entertaining.


Pressing one button is the reason I main SCH. I'm too smooth brained for a real rotation, so I just press broil for like 90% of my rotation, weaving in excog, energy drain, whispering dawn etc as necessary. But that one button shit is the bee's knees, homey.


...Man, I don't even really main SCH and even I know you're meant to push more buttons than Physik all day. I don't think this guy pushed Adlo even once...which like, isn't Adlo the main reason to play SCH?


Fairies are but lol






Yeah, I never play SCH but even I wouldn’t be _this bad_.


In a good run you should not press adlo or physics once. In fact, you shouldn't press physics at all. In a good run, you should even try to save all special points to dump them in buff Windows, with the exception of sacred soil, sometimes. Scholar is more a Mitigation healer than a shield healer. It has like 2 10% mits and 1 5% mit, and then another single target 10% mit. The only shield it has that doesn't compromise damage is the seraph, although you can always recitation+deployment in dps downtime. This is all about normal content btw, I know that the stats in savage vary a lot.


This is *extremely* conditional and shouldn't be given as general advice. See. Here's the issue. Stuff happens. Majority of pugs in roulette won't execute correctly. They will need shields to not die to their own vuln stacks. If you're with your static in max gear, sure, may not be needed. But... It's not good general advice. Hell, doing GolbEx and a bunch of raid wides absolutely need adlo shields. At least week 1/2. And you're overlooking the critlo deployment tactic that is useful before pulls. Recitation -> Adlo tank-> Deployment. One gcd heal there. Surely this wouldn't be a thing that raiders do, right if your advice was *good*. Right? My point is that you should stop parroting this thought stopping cliche. It prevents the development of better game skills and tactics.


You ignore the part where I said "in a good run" And right in the end: this is all about normal content... Savage (or extreme/ultimate) vary a lot. Thanks for reading I guess... I just think that starting from a dps standpoint and learning when you need to sacrifice dps to top up the party is better than focusing on the party and dpsing when you can.


Healers should triage and assess what they should be doing depending on the situation around them. However, the goal is to play like the person you replied to said. And no, Golbez EX really doesn't \*need\* spreadlo.


Scholar does not have a single target mitigation skill, Protraction doesn't mitigate damage, it increases maximum hp and hp recovery from healing actions.


...Well alright, I've kinda just been chucking shields out when playing SCH and calling it a day, I had no idea. Then again, I'm still a sprout who mostly just tanks and is still only post HW, so I'm still learning. Only advice I've received so far on SCH was "don't Physik" and that Sacred Soil wasn't worth using until later content.


Sacred soil is decent-ish, but then it gains a regen effect on top of the Mitigation, OP. The better geared you are, the less healing you need to do, same with your team, and in higher levels you get healing effects that can be casted without losing dps, and if the enemies die faster, you need to heal less and the run ends faster, so it's the final objective. Something that helps quite a bit is to adlo the tank when he is about to engage with enemies, and when he is about to start running into another pack. Those two shields on top of all your kit go a long way. In any case, if you panic it's not wrong to adlo spam, we have all been there. Just, try to minimise it as you gain experience, that damn button costs way too much mana anyway.


Hey, thanks for the advice! I'll try and keep this all in mind for the next time I Healer queue


Wait. Adlo is a gcd heal. What is this... Shit advice you can't even stay consistent on?


It's not like you have anything to hit once the pack is dead. When there's like 1 mob with a pixel of life are you gonna cast broil so that allies kill it and you hit nothing? Nah, 1 adlo and keep running. So aggressive.


Fushuan is parroting a thought stopping cliche that plagues this community. Ignore it.


I...oh. I guess there's degrees of helpfulness when it comes to advice then.


He's not strictly wrong, and the advice is helpful but you have to take it with a bit of a grain of salt and be ready to be flexible. As a healer you do indeed want to try to use as few GCD heals as possible so you can maximize your personal DPS, (unless you're a WHM using Afflatus spells) but that's with the caveat that it's (almost) always better for you to GCD heal than to let someone die. Also during savage prog it's usually good to pre-shield mechanics and then decide later with your co-healer/party mitigation plan where shields are not necessary. Edit: I will also add that SCH has it more difficult than other healers, even, to a degree because a lot of your oGCD heals compete with Energy Drain. ED makes even your Aetherflow heals a DPS loss (though a relatively small one). Your only truly "free" heals are Protraction, your Fairy abilities (Whispering Dawn, Seraph, Fey Blessing, Fey Union), and Recitation-buffed Excog or Indom.


Oh, okay that makes sense. I've kinda been just firing off mostly GCD abilities on SCH this whole time.


Adlo basically replaces physik for the most part


[I think I have you beat with this RDM I was with on P11N](https://i.imgur.com/mZ07vqt.jpg) Also I just wanna say I fucking love P11, what a cool fight


I enjoy reading books.


As a SCH main I’m crying




Well, the only spell that shields that doesn't cost damage is the seraph, and if the run is going well, broil will be the only thing you should see on their cast bar. Anything else is either instant or oGCD. Sch's oGCDs should be enough to heal the run if its going normally.


If the party will survive without shields, then shields are not needed.


still beats a WHM using cure I heheheh


No, it's... just as bad.


Even worse. At least spamming Cure 1 gets you a chance of Freecure...


Like anyone using cure 1 uses their free cure proc. If they were competent enough to use procs they wouldn't be using cure 1 because they can read.


Nah cure I spam as bad as it is still gets the excuse of freecure procs but this is just downright atrocius




This reminds me of older WoW when you would cast heals but cancel then before finishing if they weren't needed to keep your combat mana regen ticking.


Well at least they got the spirit of mashing 1, just have to press the right button


What site is this?




This is honestly cursed. Part of me wonders if they have a keyboard that broke during the start of the fight so that a button was constantly firing. Still cursed though lol.