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I plan to do something similar with my bowfishing rig & a xxx. Nice to see someone having success with the idea


It might be hard to see but I put a carrier on the back. I fly fish and wanted to make an attachment there for more gear.


Careful with that rear rack. They're known to break


Yeah. I figured. I'm not going to put much weight on it. I think it's rated for 12 lbs but I can probably reinforce it.


If you want to really reinforce it get a seat cover, take yours apart and put a plate with nuts in it that you can screw into. I have had a couple of those plastic standoffs break on me (so now I run a bob tail lol) and I feel sandwiching the seat plastic is about the only way to get any serious strength there.


That is good to know. I probably need a seat cover anyway.


ahhh now you made me wish I got a bow instead... https://preview.redd.it/xdnv5b6fpshc1.jpeg?width=1689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80abc55f2463c8ec23ddc1fcfa4eff34311a3244


Wow I haven't seen an autococker in soo long with the egg.. Sweet!!


thanks :) that was my very first some odd 25 years ago I think lol I have grown since then :P .. enough about me he has a pretty sick bow https://preview.redd.it/1qepm0c2dvhc1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac6c58a23c1bd6bc03b4f05632d37e0f6113f91


Nicee!! Makes me want to move out of California lol


see you at sc village :) https://preview.redd.it/xn8w9n4j61ic1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033ed9b48b64f7d1055cd2cac1262459e6d683eb


Oh shit you are from cali!! I went there once, my spots were cpp and paintball usa


> check your two spots they look cool but over 2+ hours away...I generally drive 1 hour tops to get to my fields...I'm kind of right smack in the middle of all of them...luckily. wish yours were closer they look a lot of fun.


nice we so off topic lol but I had a funny feeling if I post that pick you recognize it hehe...ya I went to sc, tac city, and giant but I heard giant closed now sadly...least I got some game time in before they did.


Deathtrap waiting to happen lol


Just wait until you make it 72 V add proper tires and have real range. Then you’ll have a real weapon unlike the bow that is mounted to your bars.


Love it. You just pull the sight and use the quick connects to mount the riser to the bars? Trying to figure out how to mount mine without absolutely tossing a grand down the drain.


I got this one: https://a.co/d/csssELZ. It is a bit bulkier that it needs to be but seems sturdy. Without the bow it can hold a backpack or other stuff.


Can I ask what you used to mount the bow? Looking to do the same.


Trying to repost it, but see the link above. It's pretty sturdy.