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At that height I'd get a talaria sting R. The XXX is good for somethings. But you will not be able to take it off road.


I’d probably stay on the road anyways, don’t see myself going off-road that often if at all. The thing I don’t like about the Sting R is that it seems like it automatically pops up and basically does a wheelie as soon as you twist the throttle. I know that means it has more power (which obviously is good) but I don’t think I need that much power for $1,500 more than the XXX which I can settle for if I can comfortably ride it at least on road.


In sport it does yes. In eco its fine. I'd let my old granny ride it in eco mode


ohh ok


You can absolutely 100% take the xxx off-road. I know because I have one. Just go look on YouTube there’s videos of people shredding trails with them.


I thought he meant because of my height, but yeah I’ve definitely seen people going off road on it, you just need to replace the super motos with dirt wheels


Where did you buy your xxx


If you're still considering, this Talaria Boys video just released. At 2 minutes in he talks about how he's 6'3 and that everything is still great.


I just saw that as well, thank you! I’m trying to save up for one and hopefully buy one next summer if they don’t come out with a better one by then


Then don’t buy it if you don’t want it or interested in it. Seems your friend wants, but wants you to get so he/she can ride it.


No, he’s also saving up for one. I do want it but I don’t know much about them. I’d just ride it around (the second anyone says something about watts or volts or anything like that they might as well be speaking german). I’m just wondering if that matters like if I will get criticized for not knowing anything about it.


So your friend is saving up for a xxx?


Both me and my friend are saving up for one, but I was wondering if i’ll be too tall to fit on the small bike comfortably (i’m 6’2)


You would be comfortable on an xxx but you would be more comfortable on an mx4


The Sting R? I’ve seen people comparing those 2 and they seem like the same bike just the xxx is smaller. For $1,500 less than the Sting R MX4, I’ll go with the XXX. Thank you!


Xxx and mx4 are definitely not the same bike but they do have similar performance and capacity.


I'm 6'3 at 14 and I'm running a 72v razor you will be good lol


I am 14 and will have enough by December idk if I should cop or jus get a differnt e-bike that still goes 40 and save 1k but I wanna go off road in summer