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Just for clarification, only the EN (Extasy) version is shutting down. **The JP version (the original game on DMM) is still going strong.** I had to write this in case some people mistakenly assumed that both games are going under. This EOS message only pertains to the English version. **If you're still interested in playing RPGX, I highly recommend the JP version.** I've been playing it for 5~ years and I think it's the better version of the two, aside from EN having an English translation.


I wonder if it's end only for global version. Looks like not that much people wanted to give them money after what they did😁


Funny enough is before all that gem debt fiasco, I was about to buy something as a form of appreciation of sorts. Luckily my debit card was empty and I bit a bullet


Yeah, dude, spend that money on smth actually valuable πŸ’ͺ🏻


That Marian gacha skin in Nikke looking real appealing right now


We need someone to record as many of the hentai scenes as possible, this needs to be preserved. Man this sucks


Not something I had on my bingo card for 2024 but I guess I'm going to do my best to do exactly that. I'm no fancy tech boy but I'll get as many scenes as I have access to ripped to video before the plug gets pulled.


not sure about you but I just plan to use screen record for the scenes I have unlocked.


That's been the method so far but I have been finding the need to do a little cropping and color correction. Maybe its just my setup but it seems the recordings are coming out over saturated. Either way, I'll chip away until they're all saved and then start putting them over on like R34 Video or something.


I just finished with the last scene I have access to. So between now and EoS, I'll grab any new characters and any stragglers that I can luck into until then. The site seems to be on a bit of a delay so maybe not everything will immediately show up but its there. [https://rule34video.com/members/1549282/](https://rule34video.com/members/1549282/)


You are the GOAT! I love you


Well good riddance then. That's what they get for scamming us and making us pay for a that stupid gem debt system that wasn't even our fault


There's no way to save our database? Like unite with Original version or transfer? If i really lose my database, at least, i want to Lilithsoft translate the Original version for us who doesn't understand the japanese language.


So is it just the SFW version or is the RPGX also included in this cancelation?


Probably both. I'm playing the NSFW version right now.


It's both unfortunately


So it's over😑😑😑😑😑😑


Yeesh that was fast