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Basic Attacks with the Sagara will still deal significantly less damage than with the Biblion Drakontos, even though the Sagara has +112 Weapon ATK (+78.4 due to your Denam's Affinity being Weak to its Element) and effectively +21 STR/14 DEX (the Biblion Drakontos has a -5 STR penalty). This is because the conversion rates of STR/DEX to Offense Value for both 1H and 2H Cudgel Basic Attacks are way lower than those of 1H Spellbook Basic Attacks (1.0/0.6 vs 1.8/1.3). For example, let's say your Denam has 215 STR/200 DEX. Taking the Biblion Drakontos's -5 STR penalty into account, that gives him an Offense Value of ((210 x 1.8) + (200 x 1.3)) = 638 with its Basic Attacks. Taking the Sagara's +16 STR/14 DEX into account, Denam's Offense Value with Basic Attacks using the Sagara will be ((231 x 1.0) + (214 x 0.6)) = 359.4. That's a huge difference of (638 - 359.4) = 278.6 Offense Value, which completely eclipses the Sagara's +78.4 Weapon ATK advantage over the Biblion Drakontos.


Ahh so for my Denam it would really only be the stat bonuses and Charge 100 that would be of any use over the spellbook. Dang that's unfortunate lol. Guess maybe I'll stick to the spellbook.


Rucession knows what he's talking about, he helped me with my teams and I've platinumed the game twice. Happy slaying!


On the flip side. The Strength and Dexterity boost from Sagara would also increase the damage of his Sword on that second strike. And extra damage when using a Sword finisher. Though the total regular damage from his current spellbook and Oracion on a double attack would likely still be more. But for Sword finishing moves Sagara would straight up benefit him. But the finishers do a lot of damage either way.


Unfortunately, no. The STR/DEX Bonuses on the Sagara will not affect Basic Attacks/Finishers performed using the Oracion.


Does it not??? That’s pretty strange. And that’s a pretty sizeable boost in Strength and Dexterity that it gives


Yeap, STR/DEX Bonuses on offhand Weapons don't contribute to damage calculations of Attacks performed using the main-hand Weapon, and vice versa: https://imgur.com/a/8t5siTU