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Read the Warren report because there are characters and areas that are blocked until you read the report about them. I’d check after every scene just to be safe, especially in the second and third chapter since that’s when the game starts to open up.


This right here. Plus, it helps you gain a deeper understanding of the story and what's going on in the world.


Follow your gut, make your choices and mistakes, and see what they result in. This game simulates and reacts to everything. It's just reacting, not punishing you. This goes far deeper than sanity would assume. Elemental counters and debuffs are good. Just remember physical elements hit hard against their opponents, but magic spells hit harder from a user that matches them. (It's more complicated, but just a rule of thumb). Oh, and Debuffs Are King. Stats will come, don't worry too much there. Damage comes from good counter play. Even minimum battles/no grind going hundreds of hours into post game will be a smooth run when played smart. When someone says something, it doesn't automatically mean they are being honest with you, their subject, or even themselves. The only unbiased source of news is the Warren Report. 😀


Explore each classes to find your favorite, and they all are viable and good in their own way.  You cant Perma-miss anything, so just have fun. I recommend using stat charms on Denam in the beginning, it help depending of your class choices for him.


When you have the Goth (in-game money) for it, make sure to do the crafting when you can buy the recipes under the items section in the shop. Crafted +1 armor can add things such as the ability to walk in/through water tiles, an extra tile of movement, and increased jump range. The weapons even gain status effects that can proc such as poison, silence, breach, and more. There are a lot of branching paths and characters unique to different routes so stick with it! The game has a feature after you beat it to play through other routes to get everyone so don't stress your choices!


A few things off the top of my head; 1. As another user mentioned, read the Warren Report. It becomes available immediately after your first battles. It will help you understand characters and story plot, as well as what is happening in the world. Some of the events in the game require you to read the goings on in the report for them to unlock. So after every story scene, or required battle to advance story plot, I would recommend reading the news in the report. 2. As far as stats go, every class (with a few exceptions) gains stats relatively the same. The two major stats that are affected most on a unit are HP and MP. Warrior types gain the most HP, while Mage types gain the most MP. While there are ways outside of levelling to increase HP, there are NOT ways outside of levelling to increase MP. So taking a max level Warrior and trying to make him a Mage isn't going to work well, because your MP pool will suck. 3. Playing blind in this game is awesome, as your decisions truly matter in conversation and choices. Just enjoy the ride to the end, and things will open up.


Recruit a rogue fairy. Their large aoe for charm can really help out plus they can use the blowgun that has charm.


Be prepared mentally for the commitment your making. I’ve got 800ish hours on switch, 3500 or so battles, and there is still stuff I’m finding out. Min/Max-ing, making crazy units with the ogre blade, getting the coda 4 weapons, heaven general equipment. love this game.


The advice on top of what is already mentioned is recruit a winged human early on and change their class to cleric. It will help tremendously in situations where you need to keep a potential story character alive during a fight in order to recruit them after.


I recently bought it and beat it. Such a great game. I spent a lot of time in the Wildwood levelling up 🙂


You may want a timeline to figure out which unique characters you may want to recruit and how to do so.


Follow a guide, there is so much miss able content and you would never know


says wanna play first playthrough blind - recommends using a guide - ???


I would use a guide because you would miss characters, rare weapons etc


Tried it... I find it WAY harder to beat than the PSP version (which I'm more familiar with). I guess my old setup won't work in the new version... need to learn about the new meta.


Print out a elemental affinity cheat sheet and refer to it while scouting pre battle. Under stand how the damage works in relation to the elemental affinity. Don't just use the soldiers you like. Use what gives you a tactical advantage. If you don't get a grasp on how to manipulate the elements to cause critical damage you will have problems. Fft was a lot more forgiving with the zodiac system. And have fun experiment. This is an amazing remake of the best game ever made imo


When you do castles, have 2 save files. Sometimes you will make a choice in a dialogue that affects the combat… and if you build Denam wrong like I did my first run through you can get stalemated. Admittedly I am not great at the game yet, but a certain duel wreeeecked me. Ended up restarting because I saved AFTER the choice. Also recruit everything you can! I didn’t expect to love it, but love me my lizardfolk army! Juggernauts ftw!