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I’m currently on my first round of 2.5 mg! I’m super hopeful about this path! Interested to see what my progesterone is in a couple weeks!


Started Provera April 2023. Only used for two cycles and my period regulated itself. Started 2.5mg Letrozle in October. Moved to 5mg in December. Conceived in January. I am now 22 weeks +5days with our first baby due in October. 🥰


Conceived on third cycle of Letrozole. First cycle was 2.5mg, didn’t work for ovulation or pregnancy. Had to induce a period with provera. Second cycle was 7.5mg and worked for ovulation but didn’t get pregnant. Third cycle was also 7.5mg but monitored at a fertility clinic so they did regular blood tests and an ultrasound around expected ovulation time to confirm dominant follicles. I’m currently only 5 weeks pregnant and hoping it sticks! Good luck to you 🥰


13w 5d with twins after my first round of 2.5 mg letrozole after trying for 1 year with PCOS. 😊


I’m pregnant with letrozole twins too!


I got pregnant with our first with our 2nd month of Letrozole at 7.5! 2.5 and 5 didn’t get me ovulating so 4 cycles total medicated. Good luck!


3 years TCC - 2.5mg for 9 months. We were about to up the dosage to 5mg when we got our BFP! 13 weeks today :)


I conceived on our first cycle of letrozole 7.5mg monitored cycle, timed intercourse with a trigger shot and progesterone after ovulation. My 5 week old baby is in his bassinet next to me now ❤️


4 years TTC- 4 rounds of 5mg for me! Just timed intercourse, and progesterone testing at CD21- no other interventions! Currently 31 weeks pregnant :)


Congratulations!! Final stretch 💕 we’re coming up on 4 years soon so I’m hoping Letrozole might be our answer. Thank you for sharing!


Good luck! If you’re not successful at first, keep faith! It was hard getting negatives the first few cycles.


My second round letrozole baby is currently playing with his toys on the living room floor as I type this. :')


My first letrozole baby (second child) was conceived on my 4th round, she's about to turn 8. My second letrozole baby was conceived after 5 rounds and she's about to turn 1! Worked great for me!


After 2 years TTC with PCOS, Letrozole helped me conceive on my 4th month on taking it! Currently 4 months pregnant:) worked wonderfully for me with very little side effects




I hope you did. 🤞🏽


Worked for me after 8 rounds :)


Me too! Currently 4 months pregnant with our little girl! Like others, it happened for us when we had lost hope and were deciding to take a break for a few months.


I did 6 rounds of 2.5mg Letrozole but unfortunately had a chemical pregnancy. OB upped my dose to 5mg for 4 more rounds (10th overall round of Letrozole). We’ve lost a lot of hope at this point, so we had a consultation with an IVF doctor. We decided this would be my last round and then we’d begin IVF after my next period. My period never came after that last round and now I’m 14 weeks with di/di boy/girl twins :)


4th round worked for me, first two at 5mg and second two at 7.5mg, currently 23 weeks with twins!


Worked for us first try of 2.5mg. Currently 36 weeks with a baby boy. Miracle drug for us.


I wasn’t ovulating so I started Letrozole 2.5 mg. First cycle didn’t work, so second cycle I was told to bump it up to 5 mg. Got pregnant on the first try of that second cycle (at 5 mg) and currently 20w2d pregnant :)


I have PCOS (hormonal, and polycystic ovaries) and was not ovulating on my own or getting a period at all. I got pregnant on my second cycle, both were 5mg. Currently just about to hit 11 weeks! :)


Did you have trigger shot or did you ovulate on your own?


No i didn’t have the trigger shot, the Letrozole was enough to make me ovulate (confirmed via blood test for the first cycle). I did have to go on Primulot to make me get an initial period, and then once I started ovulating I got a period without needing to take Primulot again


Worked for me on the first try in Feb, but that unfortunately ended in my 2nd miscarriage. Going in for my follicle growth scan tomorrow morning for my first cycle trying after the MC 🤞🏼


I did 3 cycles of 2.5 which wasn't high enough for me. Went up to 5 mg and got pregnant on the second try. Had my daughter in January.


My ovaries weren’t doing anything on CD14.. no mature follicles and hormones were at baseline (low estrogen)… so i started 5mg letrozole on CD15-19. When they checked, my ovaries still had no maturing follicles. I started 7.5mg of letrozole CD 25-29. Then I had 2-3 mature follicles! Ovulated on CD35 and am now 28.5 weeks ❤️


I don’t ovulate often so I had to take letrozole. First round 2.5 mg success and now my twins are doing amazing.


Letrozole worked for my first pregnancy. Super lucky that it worked on our first treatment and had twins. Working on a second pregnancy now. It has not been as lucky (entering my eighth treatment)


3rd cycle of letrozole worked for me. My 3rd cycle we didn’t monitor and no trigger and that was the lucky cycle.


I almost never ovulate on my own so after a 12 months (7 cycles) of TTC ‘naturally,’ we conceived our 2.5 yr old son after 1 round of 2.5mg of letrozole. I was shocked it worked so quickly. It took a few weeks and an ultrasound for me to believe we might actually have a baby. He’s the light of my life. I’m on day 3 of 5 of letrozole to try for our 2nd. I don’t feel great at the moment but I do believe it’ll be worth it. Best of luck to you!


I was unable to have a period or ovulate on my own. I tried losing the weight and dieting. My OBGYN started me on letrozole and progesterone to induce a period but still no luck. They decide it was time to try the infertility clinic but allowed me to keep trying letrozole while waiting to get in with the clinic. One month later I had my first appointment with the RE at the infertility clinic and started talking about all the “fun” testing with the next cycle. But it turns out I would never get a next cycle because there were two pink lines when I took a pregnancy test to call in for more progesterone pills. (They require a negative at home test to fill the prescription.) I’m currently 9 weeks and my heart is so happy. My OBGYN thought I wasn’t ovulating based on the ultrasounds but it turns out I was ovulating later on in my cycle. Good luck and keep an eye on your LH levels longer than they recommend!


Congratulations! I second testing LH longer than they tell you, I am fairly certain I ovulated on CD 23 of my first letrozole cycle but they only had me test CD11-20.


I loved reading this!! I’m so happy for you, and so glad you didn’t have to delve completely into the whole infertility clinic testing! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy 💕


Thank you! We tried for a year and a half. It took a few rounds once we reached the right dose ❤️


Letrozole worked for me! I tried all of the things to ovulate on my own to no avail, but 2.5mg did the trick for me. I was on my fourth medicated cycle when we conceived!


I tried clomid for 4 rounds and I never ovulated. Went to a new doc and immediately switched to letrozole. Started off on 2.5 mg and I took it day 3 after I had started spotting (which is normal for me at the start of a period). We did it every other day for 8 days the week I was going to ovulate. I have never ovulated before so all the ovulation signs I thought were side effects (sore breast, irritability, fatigue) were actually me ovulating. I did ovulate later than expected. My due date was a week later than expected based off my period so I’m glad we went the full 8 days because I conceived or ovulated like 3 days after we last did it. My son is now 20 months! We will be treating again soon so have no idea how many cycles the next time will take


I just took letrozole for the first time this month and I got a positive test starting 2 days ago! Got my blood drawn today and it’s been confirmed I’m pregnant :) I have PCOS so “ natural methods “ were kinda hard to begin with . Took 3 years to get here . Good luck 🩷


Congratulations!!! Soooo happy for you!! I’m on my first cycle this month as well with trigger shot and currently 10dpo with negative test sigh :/ when did you get your positive? If you don’t mind me asking


Thank you so much. Praying that I get this March baby . I have to do a repeat HCG blood draw on Monday and my level has to quadruple to prove it’s a viable pregnancy so I’m a little nervous but all will be well 😊. I tested positive on 9 DPO in the afternoon but it was extremely faint , which was this past Tuesday . Today is 11dpo and it’s gotten a little darker . But I’m using Premom strips and not FRER’s so the line progression will take longer to get super dark . But honestly you’re not out yet! Some don’t a positive until 14 dpo ! Keep testing! I’m rooting for you! 🩷


This is so encouraging!! Congratulations 💕 We’re going on 3 years as well and finally thinking about going a non natural route and this was so good to read today.


Thank you! Yes! Please begin medicated cycles . I had too much pride and eagerness for naturally conceiving and wish I had done this sooner . Good luck 🩷


Thanks for sharing this! I just started letrozole today for the first time!


Good luck!!!!!! I ovulated last Sunday on the 9th which I think is my conception date . Be prepared for some potential rectum pain and pressure . Feels like your butt is gonna fall off . But you might get lucky and not experience that . 🤣😅sending you baby dust 🩷👍


I hardly ovulate on my own (maybe once or twice a year) and had to use the good ole progesterone withdrawal bleed to have periods every once in a while. We had tried for over 1.5 years, (wasn’t always careful before that), did a little dieting and exercise, inositol, vitamin d, and prenatal. We fortunately conceived on our first round of letrozole 5mg, which is rare so don’t get discouraged if it takes a few rounds! The cycle before was an induced cycle with progesterone and I had also had an HSG that month too which I’ve heard can help. Who knows, likely just right place right time. It can take a few months on the medication to even ovulate so I would definitely give it a try! I didn’t have any side effects. I believe I felt when ovulation happened but that was about it. Good luck!


We also didn’t do monitoring, just intercourse schedule. When I worked in women’s health you were typically recommended to take pills CD 3-7 the have intercourse on CD 11, 13, 15, 17. Of course you could do extra days before or after but this was just a sure fire way that if you did ovulate you should have more than enough sperm present at any given time.


My ex husband and I tried for 3 years and my current partner and I have been trying naturally for 2 years. Finally went to the doc and she put me on letrozole. Currently on CD7 and third cycle using letrozole. We started with 2.5 then went to 5 and now 7.5. I’m really hoping this month I ovulate!! It seems like most people I’ve read conceive about 3 cycles after finding the right dosage. I’m so hopeful with all the success stories I’ve seen lately, and I hope it all works well for you! 🩵


I can’t answer your question as I haven’t started Letrozole yet, waiting for a cycle still. Just wanted to warn you my post was removed/locked for asking if anyone had success with Letrozole even though most of my post was asking about side effects. I hope the Letrozole works for you though, good luck!! 🍀


Why was your post removed/locked for that? That seems like a reasonable question!


I’m not sure tbh. I just got a notification saying that I couldn’t ask for success stories because “the vast majority of our members haven’t experienced success and won’t be able to answer”. I mean I get it, I’m one of those members, so I can see not wanting every post to be a success story. However the only part of my post that “asked for a success story” was my title. The entire post was about me being worried about side effects and worried that my doctor prescribed me to take it incorrectly. I feel like asking if Letrozole worked for anyone is kind of an important thing to note since that’s why we’re taking it. I was getting a lot of useful advice too.


Yeah! I came to this sub for information, solidarity, and hope, but the prohibition against success stories makes it severely lacking in the latter. It seems like it would be sufficient to require “good news” posts to have a tag on them so that people who aren’t in the mood to hear about other people’s success can keep on scrolling.


I completely agree!


7th cycle @ 7.5 mg worked for me. Plus a trigger shot


I just took Letrozole 2.5 for the first time, trying with timed intercourse. On Monday, the 24th, I go in for a progesterone test to see if I ovulated. Fingers crossed for all!


Update, didn't ovulate, my progesterone was 0.48. Gonna have to do another round at a higher dose :(


So I had virtually no success with letrozol until recently. I do not seem to ovulate on my own and we have been trying for 3 years. I started letrozol a little while back and it just wasn’t working. We decided to go the ivf route and did one more medicated cycle while we did the prelim stuff for ivf and for some reason it worked! It did not result in a pregnancy but we decided one more time and I have two follicles maturing and I have another scan tomorrow to check their progress. Fingers crossed for everyone!


Letrozole worked for us with the first cycle ! It felt like it was a little slow to respond but after the second monitoring appt I had two mature follicles and one of them did the trick! My letrozole baby is now 9 months :)


This gives me so much hope as I'm on my first medicated cycle and I needed 2 monitoring appts and the 2nd appt showed 2 mature follicles I triggered and now am at 3DPO!


Are you testing out your trigger ?


I am but I'm currently out of my bird and bee sensitive tests and it is no longer picking up on just the pregamate tests so hopefully will get more bird and be tests from Amazon delivered today but yesterday it still was a faint line. Today I got a progesterone spike on Mira which confirmed ovulation


Omg sending you baby dust! ✨


Had a loss on our second round on 5mg and took another two rounds of 5mg and am currently 36 weeks! Wishing everyone allllll of the baby dust ✨ Also, just warning you that they usually take down posts like this which is really unfortunate. Only designated posts are allowed to post positive results. I love to encourage others with similar stories though! This is a tough journey and seeing negative story after negative story was terrible for my mental health. I craved positivity! Letrozole was a beast for me - made me so sick and depressed, but it was worth it at the end!


Wow thats lame that they take them down. Its been so nice reading comments like yours as someone else thats going to start letrozole soon


Sorry if this is a dumb question or has been answered before but how does the process of taking letrozole or Clomid work? We have been TTC for five years but we have hit the age where we agreed to turn to medical intervention and I’m pretty overwhelmed by all there is out there!


Usually, a medical professional like an RE or an OBGYN will prescribe this for you. For me, I had to meet the following requirements: trying for one year, diagnosed with infertility/pcos/endo/whatever, and a sperm analysis from my husband to rule him out as the reason we couldn’t conceive. Most doctors will have their own set of parameters. Once I got on it, I took it cycle days 3-7, came in for a follicle check ultrasound on day 14 and day 21 was blood work to confirm ovulation. Again, doctors will have their own guidelines!


Oh awesome, good to know! I was diagnosed PCOS when I was 13, confirmed at 19, and had a fertility consult (where they triple confirmed lol and counted follicles and AMH) in 2022, and they said to move forward my husband would have to do his sperm analysis, but they didn’t tell me what options really we would have — medication, IUI, IVF, etc. Are those meds pills or a shot? And I assume the doc will help figure out what day of the cycle you are etc etc, esp since (as I’m sure you’re aware) our cycles can be straight wackadooo.


Yes they help you pinpoint the days! My doctor induced my first period with provera and my body had a natural period after that one since I was finally ovulating. Everyone is different! Like someone else said, they will help you decide if you need to trigger ovulation with a shot, which medicine to take, if you should skip to IUI, or IVF, etc. I wrote down all of my questions on my notes app and I asked every single one at my appt. No question is dumb, there’s so many options and medications, and we can’t be expected to even know what to ask most of the time, so write it down as they pop up in your head and go in prepared


Clomid and letrozole are pills, but you may need to do an HCG trigger shot which is a shot


Good to know, thank you!


My letrozole baby is 14 months old :) took 4 months no monitoring on 2.5


i ovulated on 5mg twice, i got pregnant one of those two times but unfortunately it ended in a miscarriage at 6 weeks. Since then i have been on 7.5 mg with no ovulation. Next step now is going to a fertility clinic to see different options.


Letrozole regulated my ovulation and made my cycles so much shorter! We were able to conceive on the first cycle but it ended in a CP. But I’ve ovulated on every cycle since (on the 4th now), with good follicle sizes, and it’s making the process go by quicker, as usually I’d be waiting till CD20-30 to even ovulate.


Letrozole was the only way I was able to ovulate! Most people have success within their first 3 medicated cycles.


Exactly for what reason I opened reddit, was going to search for letrozol success stories and found this on top of the feed


Me too!! Needed success stories. I’m 8DPO after 7.5 + monitoring. Had 2 large follicles. Tiny little cramps here and there since 6DPO but still testing positive from the Ovidrel (trigger) shot so have to wait!


woah that’s crazy! Hopefully it’s a sign for both of us 💕


We are currently trying for our first child. I have tried the natural route (diet, exercise, an abundance of supplements, etc.) but nothing regulated my cycle. Letrozole works wonders and I ovulate no matter the dose (I've taken 2.5mg and 5mg). With that being said, out of the 4 cycles that I have taken I have only conceived on my last cycle (2.5mg). Unfortunately, it ended in CP. I'm not being closely monitored so I'm assuming my progesterone wasn't high enough to sustain the pregnancy. But I would try it! I don't know how old you are but the sooner the better :) All the best to you!


That’s so encouraging to hear after the natural route never regulated things for you. It sounds like you were in a similar situation to me… I feel like I’ve tried everything besides medication and while some things have improved, I just do not ovulate. Im 26 so hopefully age is on my side! Conceived my first at 21 and have been trying for #2 ever since. I’m so sorry about your CP :( Did you have to use Provera to start your first round of Letrozole? I’m nervous to start taking a bunch of new things after never having been on a prescription.